《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》11. An Unwelcome Face - (Part Two)


Beau's POV

My hands gripped the steering wheel hard, my mind racing and I kept glancing across at Indi, as I drove us home.

Her reaction had scared me, especially when faced with that man, she had hidden against me, burying into my back and holding on to me, trusting me to keep her safe, even after everything we had done to her, he was the real threat but why and the way she had now folded in on herself, silent tears still falling, her face white and her body shivering despite the hoodie I had put on her. It's what I always imagined PTSD to be like. something bad had happened to Indiana, and my gut was telling me I would soon be finding out what.

I had phoned Mum and briefly explained what happened, she had told me to bring her home and she would let Jazz and my brothers know. She was also calling John home. She had asked me the professors name but I couldn't remember it, I knew it was important but in the way Indi had reacted in class, had taken all my attention.

The driveway gates were open and Mum was waiting by the door, heading straight towards Indiana as I parked.

"Anni " she whispered sadly opening the door and leaning in to help her out. I reached their side just as Indi tried to stand, her legs refusing to support her and I stepped forward gently swinging her up into my arms and heading for the house. Mum silent at our side.

I headed for the den hoping it would feel less formal for Indi. Setting her down carefully on the couch, pulling the throw down to cover her. Her gaze now locked on me as I made her comfortable. Mum hovering behind us , I heard footsteps coming and know it's probably May with a tray of refreshments.

I sit down on the chair nearest Indi, waiting for someone to let me know what is going on. Mum sitting next to Indi, holding her hands in hers as Indiana remains silent.


A bang and a shout let us know that John was back and I hear him rush towards the den, Mum moving back to let John gather Indi into his arms.

I hear her sobs muffled into Johns shoulder as she breaks down and he rocks her back and forth, till she's finally cried out.

"Anni what happened?" John asked her softly and I watch her shiver.

"He's here" she croaks our "Mother... mother told him where I was, he knew I would be in the class today, he was waiting for me, he's following me"

What the hell was happening, was that old man stalking her, was that why she seemed so scared. I see the fury in mums eyes as John digs deeper. "What's his name?"

Indiana stays silent and Johns gaze swings to me "His name?" He asks me, but I shake my head.

"I can't remember, I was focussed on Indi, I can find out though, he is a guest GeoSciences lecturer" I tell him frustrated I can't remember.

"Dr Silas Whorlington" she whispered but we all heard. "I can't go back, I won't let him catch me again" the fear in her voice hit me before her words did.

"What do you mean catch you again?" I ask her and I see shame in her eyes as she looks at me before looking away.

"John. Mum?" I question, a horrific feeling I'm missing the truth, then it hits me.

Mum looks at me sadly, confirming what I was thinking and I shake my head denying what I was now thinking. "When?" I bark out, hating letting my anger show, as Indi buries her head into her dads chest and mum looks away. "When?" I ask again my blood heating. "Mum!" I prompt.

"Three years ago, she was 14" she whispers out and I feel my body lock up in shock, my gaze flipping back to John and Indiana. Every swear words I knew running on a loop through my mind.


Before I can say anymore Jazz's voice rings through the house and mum goes out to meet her, I know my brothers won't be far behind.

I look back at John to find him watching me "Thank you for protecting my daughter" he says softly, and I nod.

"When are you going to deal with him. I want to help!" I question and after a look down at Indi he nods at me.


I leave the room as Jazz and Mum come back in, Jazz sending me a worried smile before crossing to see Indi.

I head to the kitchen, May sending me a sad smile before putting a plate of biscuits down in front of me and patting my shoulder. And I was still there when my brothers returned, seeking me out to find out what was going on.

But what could I tell them, should I check with mum, with John, would Indi hate us more if we all knew what had happened to her.

"Boys, come and join me in the office please" John said from the door and as we got up and followed him, I knew he would share with them what we needed to know.

"Indi?" I asked as he shut the door behind us.

"She's with Ginny and Jazz, sit down boys, I need to tell you what's going on" John ran his hands through his hair and slumped down at his desk.

He spent the next hour telling us what Indi had been through, what her Mother had done to her and what they had found out while Indiana had been in hospital after the party.

Trent was pacing and Mav had his head in his hands by the time John had finished.

"And this arsehole is here now" Trent spat out and I nodded.

"He's the guest lecturer for our Geosciences class, he was waiting to speak to her, he knew she would be there" I growl out.

"It's going to be tricky to go after him without exposing Anni, it will be her word against his, and after this long I fear no one would believe her and I also don't think her Mother would support her" John told us.

"So what do we do?" Mav asked.

"She can drop that class, defer until he's not longer in the picture, I don't want her near him, but he will still be on campus and given he has tried to approach her so blatantly already, I'm worried he will try again. Also short of keeping her away completely, once the shock has worn off, she won't want to run, maybe hide but not run, so we need to make sure she's safe."

"I know you're sorry about what happened and if you feel even a little of the guilt I feel, at believing her mothers lies, then I know I can count on you to help me" John said.

"We will all help, but what can we do about him?" I asked.

"I'm going to see where we stand legally, I know a couple of police officers who can give me some advice, I'm also going to speak to the college. But If he comes near her again though I don't care what has to be done, you keep her safe"

We all nod, but it's not enough, my mind is thinking of ways we can get a firmer way of getting justice for her.

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