《The Nash Brothers (Completed)》10. From the Wings


Trent's POV

For the next two weeks we watched as Jazz collected Indiana and showed her round the campus, took her out with her friends, often keeping her out all day and past dinner. When she was home she was with Mum and May or up in her studio.

Mum and John were happy she was settling in with Jazz's group but they still worried about her, which made us wonder what else they hadn't shared with us about Indiana.

My brothers and I had watched from a distance, giving her the space, our parents had requested. Sharing mealtimes with her when she was home but she was only polite in return, answering but not engaging with us if we spoke to her and never starting a conversation, she also made sure she was never around us without someone else about. There had been a couple of nights when we had heard screaming coming from her room and known it was Indiana having a nightmare but Mum shooed us away the first time we asked.

John had pulled us aside and expressed his disappointment in our behaviour, explaining a little more about what we had misunderstood and we knew he was right, we had got it wrong but couldn't see any way to mend the gap between us all.

Jackson hadn't been surprised when we had gone to his, to start clearing up our mistake but he also admitted he had been wrong not to challenge us at the party, or to help her. I know he would try to talk to her once term started and I had felt a tightening in my gut when he had told Beau he was interested in her.

After spending nearly a week getting the video pulled and talking to everyone who had been at the party, a few of whom we had broken ties with, and realising the truth in mums words about those we hang out with not being real friends. Now we were sat together in my room, going over our schedules when a knock on the door, made us all look up.


"Yes" I called out and watched as Jazz put her head round the door, surprising us all. Our cousin did not particularly like us.

"Hey" she said stepping into the room and looking at us as we watched her warily. "You going over your schedules?"

I nodded, my eyes narrowing "Yeah, what do you want Jazz?"

She pulled a sheet of paper out of her pocket, starring down at it, as if deciding wether or not to give it to us, before holding it out towards Beau. "This is Anni's schedule, I and my friends are only in a few of her classes, I've marked which ones, but she's unprotected in some of them." she took a deep breath. "I want you to watch out for her in the others"

I looked at Beau, as he unfolded the sheet, Mav looking over his shoulder, "Why are you showing us this, why ask us?" I looked her in the eyes.

"Look. You did something cruel and stupid but I know you, I know you probably felt justified and it will be eating you up, knowing the truth now. She's not what you think, she's quiet, shy, kind and constantly puts everyone else before herself. Something made her that way, made her want to be invisible, but in the last two weeks, I've got to know her and she's incredible, if you give her a chance. But she's fragile as well and I don't want to see her get hurt" she tells us seriously.

"She doesn't want anything to do with us, she won't be happy you're asking this" Mav growled out and Jazz straightened.

"Do you blame her?" She snaps and we all shake our heads.

"We are in different year groups, what classes can we cover?" I question, realising the Beau and Jazz are in their final year, with Mav and I a year behind, I never asked what year Indiana was in.


"Take a look" Beau passes the sheet to me and I glance down at it, my mind taking a minute to work through the overly complicated Timetable.

"What the hell is this?" I ask her, "is it a joke?" but Jazz shakes her head.

"No, she's taking classes across the whole spectrum and at all levels, from what I understand, she's done most of the work already, and this is what she did before transferring" she groans, kicking my shoes aside and sitting at my desk. "She taking on three degrees, my timetable is nothing compared to hers and even I sometimes get pushed to deliver everything on time" she mumbles.

I read through the timetable again both amazed and concerned "Fuck, she in class from 8 to 6 every day, that's not sustainable" I growl wondering when she gets time for herself. "How is she getting in and out?"

"Aunt Ginny and Thomas are taking her until she gets her license"

Beau takes the sheet back and lays it next to ours, checking against the classes "We can't do them all, but we are in some of the buildings at the same time, we can keep an eye on her" he tells her quietly. "I'll send you a list of what we can cover and Jazz, Thank you"

"Just keep her safe" Jazz replies getting up and heading for the door "Be careful with her, you can't let her down again" she warns us before leaving.

"Do copies for all of us" I tell Beau as he marks who is where on her schedule.

"I will" he nods, as I wander to the window, watching Indiana and Jazz walk out to her car. Talking, with their heads down, until Jazz leaves, and Indiana turns back towards the house, her gaze rising and locking with mine, before she blushes and steps out of sight.

"There's a couple of late classes we can't cover, neither can Jazz" Beau says into the silence.

"We'll cover them, it's no hardship to stay on campus till later" I reply and Mav agrees. "We can take turns"

"Okay" Beau nods as well.

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