《An Heir's Forbidden Love》Ch9.


a Saturday morning and as usual, I have tons of work to do. Ash is out with Cassie while Jace hasn't come out of his room since morning and it's quite unusual of him. It's not like it's any of my business but that doesn't make me less worried even though I'm mad at him for leading me on and making me believe that he likes me. I can't brush off the image of him and Cassie kissing from my mind.

I push down the worry and carry on with the house chores. I had my breakfast and read a bit before going out to get some things from the supermarket.

When I got back home, I see that Jace's car is still in the garage and I can't push back the strong feeling that something is wrong.

I rush to his room, knock and knock but I got no reply from him. I press my ear to the door but I hear no sound coming from the room. I am contemplating whether to open the door to check on him or just go back to my room when I hear a heavy groan from the room.

That decided for me because I push the door open immediately, a gasp escapes my lips at the sight in front of me and tears fill my eyes.

Jace is laying on the bed trembling, he is still in the grey Armani suit he was wearing yesterday. His blanket is on the floor and it looks like he has been trying to reach it but couldn't.

There is too much heat in the room so I open the window to let fresh air in. I walk over to him and place my palm on his forehead to check his temperature. OMG! He is burning.


I quickly remove his jacket and unbutton his shirt, he is sweating profusely. His eyes have been closed since I came in so I guess he is asleep.

I avert my gaze from his chest when I notice that I have been staring at his abs that are outlined by his white singlet for quite a while now.

I remove his trousers so that he is now in only his singlet and briefs then I pick up his blanket which I carefully drape around him.

I turn around to get a towel and a bowl of cold water from the kitchen when I feel his hot hand around my wrist.

"Don't leave. Please." He pleads with his eyes now half-open.

I push back the tears in my eyes as I take in his pathetic condition. "How are you feeling?"

"I think it's just a hangover."

"Hangover?" What's he talking about.

"I-I was so drunk y-yesterday that I didn't even know h-how I got home or how I got into them-my room." He stutters with a slight quiver in his voice.

Does that mean Cassie took advantage of his condition to kiss him? Wow. That's a horrible thing to do.

"I don't think it's only a hangover, you're burning up. I'm coming." I slowly loosen his grip around my wrist and rush out.

When I came back into his room, he is fast asleep, I place a wet towel on his head and rub another one on his face and arms. I stare at his pink lips while tracing the towel on them and when I remember that day when he kissed me in his car and a little smile makes way to my face. That was my first kiss and I will never forget it.


I watch in awe as my gaze travels from his muscular arms to his abs and his lips. I know I'm blushing red right now but it's better to check him out when he isn't aware.

Sasha, get a grip! He's sick. My subconscious yells at me.

I finish up what I am doing on time and go into the kitchen to prepare some pepper soup for him, I serve him the pepper soup with some vegetables, fruits, and a glass of water.

I help him sit up and try feeding him a spoonful of the soup but he turns his head to the other side.

"Jace you have to eat so that you can take some drugs." I persuaded him.

"I have no appetite."

"Please." I plead desperately.

"What will you give me if I finish everything." He asks with a smirk.

The idiot can still smirk!

"Anything." The word has already slipped out of my mouth before I realize what I just say.

"Anything? You'll do me anything?" He asks.

I give a curt nod.

"Okay then." He smiles widely and I almost fainted when I saw his dimples, I hope he doesn't know the effects he has on me.

I feed him the whole bowl of soup, the vegetables, and the fruits. He took everything without any complaint which makes me wonder if he has been pretending not to have an appetite before.

I made sure he drank a lot of water, I also gave him some drugs I found in the first aid box earlier and I replaced the towel on his head with another wet one.

"So, what do you want?" I ask him while praying that he doesn't ask for something ridiculous.

"Stay with me." He says while giving me another one of his intense looks.

I want to argue with him and tell him, no, I know that either Cassie or Ash will be back home anytime soon and if they meet me here, on his bed... I don't want to imagine what will happen.

Jace yanks me by my hand and I fall on him, he tries to stifle a groan but I hear. I roll away till I'm at the other side of the bed and not on him, he quickly wraps his arm around my waist thinking I'm trying to leave. If not for that I'm nervous at how close I'm to him right now, I would have laughed at his childishness.

"I was not trying to leave, I-I just wanted to put some space between us," I say nervously and he chuckles.

"I prefer it like this."

I adjust the towel on his forehead and lay more comfortably.


"Hmm" I hum softly.

"Thank you." He says and I do not miss the sincerity that shines in his eyes right before he closes them.

I will just wait for him to fall asleep and then I will leave quietly.

That was the last thing I thought of before I fell into a deep slumber.

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