《Innocent Bet》Chapter 16
Luke's p.o.v
"If you stay with me I'll do this verse." Summer sings. We are currently in the kitchen cooking breakfast with twerkaholic playing through the speakers. We've been a couple for two days. It feels so nice to finally be with her.
"I'll be your designated driver, girl." I sing back to her. Summer dances as she cooks the eggs and I put toast in the toaster.
"I wanna take you home. Straight to the bed, lets skip the pillow ta-alk." we sing in unison.
"Let's be honest here. This is gonna be our sex song." I say smirking at her. She glares at me then smacks my upper arm.
"Shut up!" She says blushing.
"Let's make our first time together fun." I say grabbing her waist and tickling her. She frowns. "What?"
"I'm a virgin." She whispers.
I look her up and down.
"How? You're hot."
"I reserve myself. I'm waiting for the right person." She says.
"And would that person be me?"
"Luke, I don't want anyone but you." This conversation got serious. "But I'm also waiting for the right moment."
"I understand. I don't want to force you into it. I'll wait for you." I don't want her to think I'm taking advantage of her. She's special. She turns from her cooking and smiles at me.
"Eggs are done." She says.
"Same with the Toast." I tell her.
"Do you want to go somewhere?" I interrupt our current conversation about how much we want summer vacation.
"The beach." Summer turns to look at me from her current position on my lap.
"It's too cold for that." She scrunches up her nose.
"Nobody says we were going in the water." I pull her back to my chest. "We can just go watch the sunset." I play with her fingers. She was just talking about how much she loves sunsets in the summer time.
"Sounds good!" She gets up and walks into the kitchen to let Duke out. It's currently 3:00 in the afternoon and since it's still technically winter, the sun sets around 6:00 and it's about an hour drive there.
I'm currently wearing grey sweatpants and a black nike hoodie. Summer is wearing black leggings, black tank top, and an oversized yellow jacket.
"Mom, Jill! Summer and I are going to the beach!" I yell walking into the kitchen where our moms were flipping through some of Jill's work.
"In the middle of winter?" My mom asks.
"We're Just watching the sunset. We won't be back late."
"Okay. Use protection!" Jill says.
"Oh no no, not yet." I tell them.
"Yet." My mom repeats.
I go to the back where Summer is saying bye to her dog before our moms could make me feel more uncomfortable.
"Cmon babe." I grab her hand as she waves bye to her dog.
Duke plays around in his fenced in yard as our moms watch him from the dining table.
"Can I control the Music?" She asks excitedly.
"Of course. You just have to put on our sex song." I whisper the last part to her. She shivers.
"Shut up!" She shoves me lightly. I smile at my girl.
We get our shoes on and walk out to her Range Rover.
She gets in the passenger seat and I adjust the drivers seat so I can sit comfortably.
"Your ass looks great by the way." I love having a girlfriend to tease.
"Luke stop it before I smack you with my lips!"
"Then I guess I won't stop." I pull out of her driveway.
"Just shut up and listen to the music!" She turns up the volume and I Don't Belong in this Club by Why Don't We is playing. Her favorite band.
Summer's p.o.v
I look at my boy sitting next to me in the car. My eyes trail down until they stop. Grey sweatpants. I gulp.
"You could have it Summer, but you wanted to wait." He says in a teasing tone. I blush at the fact that he just caught me.
I let out a long sigh as I look out the window. How does that fit? I'm really thinking about my boyfriends dick. I smack my self in the face to get the thoughts out.
"You're thinking about it aren't you?" He chuckles.
"Just don't wear grey sweatpants around me or I will faint." I say in a threatening tone.
"That just makes me want to wear them more." He smirks.
"That's like me wearing booty shorts around and telling you, you can't touch."
"Hey, you yourself want to wait."
"Yeah, Yeah. Just don't because then I won't be a holy child." I cross my arms.
"Okay, holy child." I find myself looking again. "Pictures last longer." He says.
"Leave me alone!" I scrunch up my face.
I then pick up my phone and scroll through my music for the next song.
I put on Burnin' Up by the Jonas Brothers and sing my heart out.
"You got me on my toes." Dramatic pause, "I'm slipping into the lavaaa!" I sing. I bop to this song in the shower.
"You're voice is so beautiful." I hear Luke say. I immediately stop singing and blush. "Why did you stop?"
Instead of answering I turn the volume up and sing quietly.
Luke parks the car on the sand. I take my shoes and socks off and get out of the car and feel the soft sand on my feet.
I look out over the water and I feel so free in this moment. I feel alive. Every now and then the wind blows causing my hair to mess up.
I shut my car door and soon after I hear Luke shut his. I hug myself as I close my eyes and listen to the ocean waves crashing onto the shore. I can't wait to surf again.
I feel like come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. I open my eyes and lean onto him.
"Thank you." I say.
"I just wanna make my girl happy."
Luke spins me around, he grabs my knees and throws me over his shoulder.
"Luke! Put me down!" I scream afraid he's gonna drop me in the water.
Luke runs towards the water and he slowly lowers me towards the water. My legs are hovering inches over the water so I wrap my legs around his waist.
"Smart one." He says smiling at me.
I smile back at him. He runs back to my car and sets me down so we can watch the sunset.
We both stand there in silence as I wait for an item to be checked off my bucket list.
It's been almost a week since Valentine's Day. Today's the day Luke, Cole, and I preform.
Cole and I pull up to the game and get out of the car. We walk inside and part ways. Cole goes to sit in the bleachers and I go meet the cheerleaders.
"Summer!!" Most of then scream. "So. Luke?" They all ask.
"I'll rip his balls off if he hurts you." One of them say.
"Thanks girls. But I don't think you're gonna have to do that." I smile. Being captain has its perks.
We all start getting ready for our last game. This is a bittersweet moment for all of us as it's our last time cheering with the seniors but our seniors get to follow their dreams.
Once we're all done we all walk out as a team and shake out our nerves before pregame.
Luke comes up to me and pecks me on the lips.
"Good luck." I tell him.
"You too babe." He smiles at me before running to his team.
"You ready for halftime?" Bella asks me.
"Been ready." I smile at her.
My stomach is going crazy right now. I don't know why, but today feels like the ending of a good chapter in my life. I just feel so alive right now.
All the cheerleaders get into position for pregame and I have the hugest real smile on my face.
The buzzer goes off signaling half time. My heart beats faster that before.
"It's time." Bella says putting her hands on my shoulders.
"I know." I breath. "I'm so nervous."
"You got this girl! Let your inner stripper come out." Bella says.
I look across the court at Cole and Luke. I nod my head at them. All three of us run out once our perfect song comes on. Twerkaholic.
Luke and I start twerking first and we hear the crowd cheer. We both step to the side for Cole's time to shine.
Cole struts out to the middle of the court and does a slut drop. The crowd cheers. Then Cole sounds around and starts twerking. Papers are hanging off his but saying "I'm gay. Call me Kweenie." The crowd goes wild and we all start clapping.
The song stops and the crowd is still cheering. Our whole friend group comes out and joins us. Luke picks me up and kisses me. He spins me around. This feels like the ending of a movie.
Kweenie and I walk out to my car. We both have big smiles on our faces as we hop in.
"I can't believe we just did that!" Kweenie claps his hands. "My insta post is popping girl!"
We had taken a picture of our friend group. Kweenie in the middle of course with his papers saying he's gay. I'm so happy for him.
"Maybe you'll actually find a boyfriend now that you've come out." I say pulling out of the parking lot.
"They just have to meet my standards." He flips his invisible hair.
"We really need to get you a wig." We both start laughing. Soon after I slam on my breaks sending a dancing Kween going forward and barely being caught by the seatbelt.
"What the hell was that for?" Kweenie yells.
I see Luke and Erika talking outside of his car. Luke is leaning on his car with his arms crossed as Erika touched his shoulders.
"Sis, I will beat her up for you." Kweenie says unbuckling his seatbelt. I grab his arm.
"No, no. I'll just talk to Luke when he gets home." I say speeding off before Kweenie could rip a chuck of hair from someone's scalp.
"That bitch got kicked out into the street by the way." Kweenie says.
"I kind of feel bad."
"Don't feel bad. She's been giving my mom hell since forever." Kweenie sighs. "My mom's a drinker. That's why I've been staying at your house a lot."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Erika's out and we're recovering from being a broken home."
"Is this gonna be an Ice-cream night?"
"Yes." Kweenie says. "We cannot forget hot guys."
"Most important part of ice-cream night." We both giggle. "I'll also help you find someone on Tinder."
"Good, I need a Second opinion."
"Hopefully Luke gets home soon." I say seeing that his car isn't in the driveway.
"Maybe he went to his moms." Kweenie says.
"I'll text him."
S-Are you at your moms?
"Just shot him a text. I'll give him some time to get here before I text him again."
Kweenie and I both get out of the car. I grab my cheer bag out of the backseat and we make our way inside. We walk in to find my Mom and Melissa sitting in my moms office with Duke having a drink together as they just talk.
"They're so cute. It's like us with ice-cream night." Kweenie says.
I walk into the kitchen and set my cheer bag down. I walk to the freezer and take out Kweenie's and I's ice cream. My phone dings and I quickly set the ice cream down.
I take my phone out of my jacket pocket and see that it's Bella.
B- All of is are meeting at the movies tomorrow to spend some time with the Seniors.
S - kk, what Time?
B- movie starts at 8:00pm be there at 7:30!
S- okay See you there!
B- kk!
We were all super tired tonight to celebrate after. We cried, gave the seniors hugs goodbyes until next time. I'm pretty sure we all just really wanted to go home, considering we lost our last game and we're never gonna see each other again besides in school. No more practices until next season. I start to get emotional and tear up.
I hug the tubs of ice-cream and grab some spoons. I walk down into the basement where Kweenie and I will be spending our night tonight.
"Today was so sad." I Tell Kweenie as soon as I see him in sight. "I'm gonna be a senior next cheer season, this sucks."
"Honey, you're good enough to be a college cheerleader."
"Well, I'm gonna go change." I set the tubs of ice-cream down onto the table and I walk upstairs into the kitchen.
I grab my cheer bag and I then make my way up to my room. On my way up I give my mom and Melissa a quick "hi" before sprinting up the steps.
I walk into my room and set my cheer bag down on my bed. I strip off all my cheer attire but keep on my nike pros.
I walk I to my closet and grab a long sleeve yellow oversized Ron Jon shirt. I slip it on. I then yank my bow out of my hair and let my hair down from it's pony tail. I slip off my cheer socks and out on some white nike socks.
I trot downstairs and meet Kweenie.
"I really want to watch a sad movie." I say.
"I don't know. I'm just feeling... emotional." I belly flop onto the couch. "I'm feeling so many things." I mumble into the cushion.
"It's a lot of things happening in one night sweetie." Kweenie rubs my head. I look up at him. "You should probably check on Luke now. It's been twenty minutes."
I pull out my phone and go into messages. I see that Luke hasn't even read it. I huff.
"Should I call him?" Kweenie turns to look at me from the tv. He's still trying to choose a movie.
"Girl, he's your boyfriend. Duh!" Kweenie then turns back to the tv. I was about to hit call, "Oo! Oo! Lion! I heard this was a good and sad movie!" Kweenie says.
"Okay good. I need a good cry. Now will you excuse me, I need to call my boyfriend." I press call and sit up crossing my legs.
"Hey babe." Luke says picking up almost immediately.
"Hey, where are you?"
"I was just out with Grant and Erika and one of her friends."
"Okay? Doing what?"
"We got smoothies, I'm on my way home right now. I'll talk to you later, I gotta drive." Luke then hangs up.
"You're shitting me." I say pulling the phone away from my ear.
I turn to Kweenie who had a pillow in his lap and his face resting on his hand. Clearly eves dropping.
"You don't have to tell me anything, I heard." He says.
"I know." I sigh grabbing for the ice cream. Kweenie then starts the movie.
We are thirty minutes into the movie and I'm crying. Poor little boy. Luke hasn't gotten here yet.
We hear the front door shut. Kweenie pauses the movie and I run upstairs.
I see Luke walking into the kitchen with a smoothie in his hand.
"What smoothie place did you go to? One that was in a different town?" I ask sarcastically.
"No, I had to take Grant home."
"Thanks for inviting me by the way."
"I didn't know we were going and I figured you'd be tired anyways."
"You didn't even get me one!" I cross my arms.
"Want some?" He ask holding out his smoothie.
I push his hand back, "No."
"Why are you mad? I didn't do anything wrong." He sets his stuff down on the counter.
"So when I hung out with Kweenie before he was out you were aloud to be mad, but when you hang out with Erika, a girl who I don't like by the way, I'm not allowed to be mad?"
"Oh my gosh, we are not getting into another fight."
"Fine." I turn on my heels and walk downstairs.
"Summer..." He says but I ignore him.
I sit down and hug my ice cream as Kweenie starts the movie again. "He's getting the silent treatment."
"Good. He deserve it for hanging out with druggies."
I laugh at Kweenie's comment.
I woke up in a crappy mood today but it's okay because I had a good cry last night. Luckily we put the ice cream away before either of us fell asleep.
I look at my feet to see Kweenie still sound asleep.
I slowly get up making sure to not wake Kweenie up. I walk upstairs to find my mom and Melissa cooking breakfast.
"Well good morning, Summer!" Melissa says. I love the way her eyes light up when she looks at me.
"Good Morning!" I smile at her.
"Will you go wake Luke up for me? Breakfast will be ready soon so make sure to wake Cole up too." She says patting my hand.
I nod and make my way upstairs. I check the guest room to find that Luke wasn't in there. I then check my room to find my bed a mess but Luke wasn't in my room.
I walk over to my shit bathroom door and I open it. I scream then slap my eyes shut.
"You've seen me naked before." Luke says. "And even if you haven't you were gonna someday."
I remove my hands from my face and try to keep my eyes up. I couldn't help but look. My eyes flicker down but back up really quickly. Holy crap is he a big one.
When my eyes meet Luke I find him smirking.
"Here we go again." Luke says.
I throw a towel at him and say one word, "Breakfast."
I walk out of the room and back down into the basement.
I take a pillow off the couch and slap Kweenie.
"Hello?" Kweenie says annoyed.
"I saw it!" I whisper yell.
"Saw what?" He asks.
"Luke's dick!" I then slap myself with the pillow.
"Is it big?"
"Yes." I gulp. "I don't know how I'm gonna do it." I flop onto the couch. Kweenie pats my back.
"Let's go eat breakfast and you can think about this when the time comes."
I drag myself up the steps for breakfast and plop down next to Luke.
"Good morning hottie." Luke says pulling me onto his lap while we wait for breakfast to be done.
He's doing this on purpose. I cross my arms and turn my head away from him.
"Are you seriously not talking to me?" He chuckles. I nod my head. "Okay then." He says in a playful tone.
I feel his hand slowly go up from my knee. I snap my head to look at Kweenie white wide eyes.
Kweenie shrugs at me. I cross my legs away from Luke. Luke chuckles. He moves his hand from my leg to my waist under my shirt and I suck in a breath. He slowly makes his way up.
I grab his hands and interlock our fingers.
"Fine Summer." Luke says. "I just need to adjust you really quick."
He takes our interlocked hands and places it on my waist. He moves me around in his lap. My breath catches in my throat, I feel it.
"All you have to do is tell me to stop." He whispers. I try to get up but he wraps his arms around me. "I don't think so."
"Luke." I say.
"Yes!" He says excitedly.
"Stop." I whine.
"Okay, I just wanted you to talk to me." He smiles at me.
I smile back and give him a kiss before he lets me go and I go sit in my seat next to him.
"I see you two are dating now." My mom says placing our plates in front of us. "What did I tell you guys at New Years?"
"Mom knows best." I say sarcastically.
"I do. I know that Kweenie is gonna be hanging around here more than any of your girl friends." My mom says. "Kweenie you are welcome anytime, I never knew my daughter needed a gay best friend till now."
"Thanks Mrs. Rich." Kweenie smiles at her.
"Call me Jill. Would you also like to model for my company?" My mom asks. Kweenie would be perfect!
"Oh my gosh! Yes!" Kweenie says slamming his hands down on the table.
Today started out good.
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