《Innocent Bet》Chapter 17
Summer's p.o.v
I am sitting on a bench scrolling through my phone when my vision goes dark. I pluck the piece of clothing off my face and set my phone down.
"Um hello, you're supposed to be helping me here!" Kweenie says.
Kweenie is wearing a white v-neck shirt with black and white plaid and some black boat shoes.
"Sorry, I got bored." I say getting up and going to a rack of clothing.
"I'm never having you help with one of my photo shoots again." Kweenie crosses his arms.
"I'll gladly watch but I don't want to pick out clothes." I whine.
"But you have the best fashion sense here out of everyone."
"You're better than me. Pick out your own clothes!" I whine handing Kweenie a navy sweater.
"Hey! You're supposed to be my best friend here!" I laugh at Kweenie's terrible excuse as I walk over to the jeans table. "I know that was terrible. I'm just saying..." Kweenie puts his hands on my shoulders. "You should feel Honors picking out clothes for the Queen."
I laugh and roll my eyes. I hand Kweenie the dark washed jeans and walk over to find shoes. I hand him a pair of white tennis shoes and white crew socks.
"Here you go." I say shoving the clothes in his hands.
"Thanks girly." Kweenie walks off and I find his next set of clothes.
Luke and I have been together for a month now. I've heard comments like, "he kept a girl for that long?" Or "they haven't had sex yet?" I shrug them off really.
My butterflies never died down when he would walk into the room. And the light in my eyes never dimmed when I looked at him. I still feel sparks every time we kiss. I still blush whenever he compliments me or teases me. We fell in love, all because of one little Innocent Bet.
I smile at the thought of my boyfriend. Two days ago I took him biking shopping and he wasn't exactly excited. Except for when I asked for his opinion each time I walked out of the dressing room. I blushed every time he would bite his lip or say comments like "damn" or "that's my girl" or "I love showing you off."
I decided to text him.
S- I miss you.
L- I was just thinking about you.
S- same😂
L- yo, I wanted to talk to you about something for a while now. I've told you this before but I feel like we should sit down and talk about it.
S- okay, come over soon so I don't have to be stuck picking out clothes for Kweenie's photoshoot.
L- okay babe.
I know he's talking about Tobias. I actually never knew Tobias existed, my mom never talked about him. I mean of course she didn't he cheated on her best friend.
I pick out a yellow button up top for Kweenie, a pair of high waisted light wash jeans, and some white shoes and white crew socks. I go set them on the bench.
"Luke's coming over." I tell Kweenie and the photographer.
"Okay. You are dismissed." Kweenie says.
I walk out of my moms workshop room and sit in a chair in the living room. I scroll through some Wattpad books and none seem interesting enough to read so I just scroll through my Instagram.
I stop scrolling once something catches my eye. Danielle Cohn is married? I click on her page and do some insta stalking to find that she's also pregnant? She's two years younger than me and I'm still a virgin! Kids these days.
I shut off my phone and huff. I stare at my dog till he starts wagging his tail. He then runs across the room to go grab a toy from his toy basket. He sets the toy on my lap and he sits.
I chuck the toy across the room and we go back and forth as we wait for Luke to walk through the door.
"Hey hottie." Luke says walking into the living room.
Duke and I have been playing fetch for ten minutes now and my arm hurts.
"Hi." I say not very enthusiastically.
"I'm excited to see you too." He says sarcastically.
"Danielle Cohn is pregnant." I turn my head to look at him with wide eyes.
Luke sits on the side of the couch closest to me.
"I saw, that's pretty gross." He says scrunching up his nose.
I bite my tongue to prevent myself from saying anything to offend him.
"What did you want to talk about?" I ask him throwing Duke's ball for the fifth hundred time. I think it's adorable the way Duke runs across the living room and how excited he gets when I throw the ball. I know what Luke wants to talk about.
"Tobias." Haha! I guessed it! "Last time i mentioned him we were in a fight."
"Mhm." I give Luke my undivided attention when Duke decides to chew on a bone. Ha, Luke, Duke.
"Tobias is my..." He pauses. "My father." I figured. "My mom and him were Highschool sweethearts. Typical cliche couple. The bad boy and the good girl. Tobias wasn't a player in high school but he was tough. My mom told me all the girls wanted him but he had his eye on her."
I rest my chin in my palm as I become intrigued in Luke's story. Luke looks right at me when he says Tobias only had his eye on one girl.
"They broke up after high school because you know, college." Well then, I hope we stay together. "But after college they were brought together again. My mom was working as a trainee at the hospital and Tobias has to get my grandma checked there and that's where it clicked again." Awe! "They started dating, then they married, then they had me, then they stayed together till I was in sixth grade. Tobias started cheating on my mom because she was always working and I quote 'never able to give him what he wants' so he slept around with girls." Luke tugs at his hair and sighs. "One night he and my mom got into a fight. My mom found out, so he said he was gonna leave her. Didn't even think about her feelings. He grabbed a suitcase and a few clothes. He tried to bring me but I latched onto my mom. I didn't want to leave her, all Tobias did was spend his money on me or threw his money at me. My mom actually took care of me and cared for me. It took a lot of kicking and screaming and biting before he finally left me with my mom." He grabs my hand and plays with my fingers. "After that Night i Never saw him again, I get money in the mail every now and then but I send it right back. I burned all his stuff. My mom became severely depressed but your mom always kept her stable. Kept her alive." He smiles. "How I coped was selfish." He begins. "I started playing around with girls summer before junior year. I got my reputation ruined quick after the first girl I humped and dumped." I scrunch up my nose. "I learned how to not get attached, but then I met you." He intertwines our fingers and looks deep into my eyes.
"Stop being so cheesy." I say trying to lighten up the mood as I wipe away my tears.
"I'm being serious. I'm just so in love with you." He never takes his eyes off me.
I pounce on him sending us both to the floor. I straddle him and I plant a sloppy kiss right on his lips.
He places his hands on my waist and I place my hands on his chest. He bites my bottom lip and I let his tongue slide in. Full make out session in the middle of my living room on the floor.
He starts to slowly grind our hips together as he lets out a groan. He slides one hand down to my butt and squeezes it making me moan.
"Can you guys not fuck in the middle of the living room please?"
I pull away and look up at Kweenie with a look of disapproval on his face and his arms crossed. Kweenie is now wearing a white and yellow striped shirt with jean shorts and boat shoes.
"We weren't!" I say leaning on Luke's knees.
"Yet." Luke adds.
"Well nobody wants to see it either way." Kweenie says strutting back down the hall into the workshop.
I feel Luke's friend poking me and I giggle.
"I know, I know. Just don't make it obvious." Luke says keeping his hands on my waist so I cover it.
"Nobody's here to see it."
"Duke, whoever the photographer is, and Kweenie can walk out at any moment and see it!"
"Oh yeah, cause I'd feel bad for them if they saw how big-" I feel a pinch on my butt. "Hey!"
"It's only for you to see."
"Yeah cause other girls haven't seen it already." I scoff.
"Well, from now on it is." He says. "Now stop talking about my dick."
"You're wearing black sweatpants. It won't be as noticeable." I feel another pinch on my butt.
"I said stop!" He whines.
"I'm not gonna sit here until it goes away!" I start to get up but Luke pulls me back down.
Luke sits up and wraps his arms around me.
"No!" He says in a baby voice.
"I don't think I'm helping by sitting on you."
"You're not but you have to give it some time to go away." He whimpers. "Do you not wanna give me your love and affection?" He pulls away from me and gives me puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. But my phone is over there!" I long towards the coffee table behind me.
"You don't need your phone." He scrunches up his face.
"I guess I don't." I pout.
"You're so hot." Luke growls his eyes turning dark.
"We are not doing it." I say crossing my arms.
"I know but just fucking kiss me." He says leaning in but I put my hand up to his face.
"Not here." I say.
Luke pushes me off of him sending me to the floor as he stands up.
"Sorry babe." He says pulling me up.
He grabs my upper thighs and picks me up. He runs upstairs and I giggle.
He rushes into my room and he throws us both onto my bed as he smashes his lips onto mine. This kiss is rough.
He pulls away and starts kissing my neck. I grind our hips together as I moan. He starts leaving marks on my neck.
I flip us over and trail kisses from his lips down to his neck. He places his hands under my shirt on my stomach, he traces circles on my stomach with his thumbs. I start to softly bite the skin on his neck.
"Summer..." He growls me name. He starts to grind harder.
I go back to kissing his lips. He then slips his tongue into my mouth as we go on exploring each other's mouth until we hear someone clear their throat.
We both pull away and whip our heads in the direction of the noise. There in the doorway stands Kweenie and Bella. Bella with her mouth hanging open and Kweenie with his lips pressed together.
"I guess we should've shut the door." I say trying to make this situation less awkward.
"Well at least y'all moved from the living room." Kweenie says.
"And your clothes are still on." Bella says.
"What do you guys want?" I ask them.
"We just wanted to know if you guys wanted to go to the mall with us." Bella says surprise clear in her voice.
"Sure!" I climb off of Luke immediately pulling him up and towards me hoping the other two didn't see.
"Alright Meet you two downstairs when you guys are ready." Bella says walking away.
"What are we gonna do." He says.
"You need to get away from me and think of things that turn you off." I walk into the closet and drag him with me. "Do I want to change?" I ask him looking at myself in the mirror.
I'm wearing black adidas athletic shorts. I also have a yellow billabongs sweatshirt on. I have nike crew socks on and I plan on wearing my Air Force.
"Well you have to dress down with me!"
"I am dressed down!" He says motioning towards himself.
He's wearing an all black crew neck with all black nike sweatpants and black nike shoes.
"Way to look emo. Want some black eyeliner with that?"
"Haha very funny." He makes a face at me.
"Come on butt head before they think we're trying to make a baby."
I bounce down the steps meeting Kweenie and Bella in the entryway.
"Can we trust you two in a car together? Or should we put Luke with the gay guy." Kweenie asks.
"We'll be just fine in a car together." Luke gives Kweenie a sarcastic smile.
I roll my eyes and slip on my shoes. I walk over to the table sitting in the entryway and grab my keys. I make sure I have money and my phone on me before I drag Bella outside leaving Luke and Kweenie bickering.
"I see you two are getting along quite well." Bella smirks.
"No, not at all." I say sarcastically.
"Were you guys actually gonna do it?"
"No. Hell no. I'm not ready." I'm not telling her about how big he is. She's too innocent. "I feel we should wait at least a year before we do it."
Kweenie and Luke's bickering get louder. I turn to find Kweenie with his hands on his hips yelling at Luke.
"Oh goodness." Bella says.
I walk over and drag Luke to my car by his ear.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He says.
I open the passenger door for him and point for him to get in. I get in on the drivers side.
"I would like for you to get along with my friends." I say.
"I know babe, I'm sorry." He pouts popping his bottom lip out.
"You are so hot."
"I know." He winks. "You know what they say, opposites attract."
"Are you calling me ugly?" I start to pull out of my house.
"Yes I am." He gives me a cheeky smile. I take my hand and shove his head into the seat. "Hey!" He grabs my hand from his face and holds it.
"What are we even gonna do at the mall?"
"I don't know. Maybe I'll show off my girlfriend." He holds up our hands and takes a picture. "Looky, looky. I got the hottest girl in the cluuuuub."
"Luke are you okay?"
"Can I not be silly? I'm in a good mood." He smiles. "You're burning my hand you're so hot." He bites his lip.
"You're so cute when you're like this." I smile.
"Are you sunburnt?"
"What? I tan."
"Or are you always this hot." He winks again. "Way to ruin the joke Summer!"
"Sorry, I don't really care."
"Dude." He starts.
"I'm kind of feeling some fro yo."
"You're in luck." I pull into a parking spot.
"Weee!" I hear Luke say as he hops out of the car.
"Are you sure you aren't on drugs?"
"Where could I have possibly gotten drugs? I was with you the whole time." He grabs my hand and pulls me toward him booping my nose.
"I know but your mood changed."
"From horny to playful." He whispers as we walk through the mall doors.
I drag him towards the fro yo shop ignoring what he had just previously said.
We are back at home, Luke on the couch, me in the chair. Our backs turned towards each other while Bella and Kweenie try to work this out.
"Okay, Luke. Your side of the story." Kweenie points.
"I didn't see it as flirting! And if anything I was ignoring it and she should be happy!"
Kweenie points at me.
"She was giving him the eyes!" Bella dm Kweenie gasp, "I saw her touch his hand when she gave him the receipt! She even bit her lip!"
"Well I ignored it, you should be thankful." He huffs, "if im being honest I was completely oblivious and didn't know she was. Shows you I don't think about any other girls."
"She even wrote for him to call her on the receipt!"
I feel Luke's hands grab my shoulders.
"I'm not even gonna try to remember her name."
"It was Deborah." I snap my head towards him.
"I could care less."
"Just forgive him. You know you want to!" Bella throws her hands up. "Just don't do the Dirty in the middle of the room please."
I break into a smile. I couldn't do it any longer.
"Luke, I was just kidding." I turn towards him smiling.
He smiles back.
"Thank goodness. Now come cuddle with me." He says holding his arms out.
I walk over to the other side of the couch and may down.
"Goodnight guys." I yell to Kweenie and Bella as they make their way towards the front door.
"Goodnight!" They yell.
Luke scoots me over and wraps his arms around me.
"I love you." He says kissing my head.
"More than the cashier at the fro yo place?"
"Way more than that babe, you are a whole dime. I don't even remember a cashier at the fro yo place." He jokes booping my nose.
I drift off to sleep smiling.
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