《Innocent Bet》Chapter 15
Summer's p.o.v
What? I stare at Luke with wide eyes.
"Say it." He says. "Say it back."
My tongue is tied. I trip up on my words before I finally get it out.
"I...I" I start.
"Just say something Summer." He whispers, looking at me with hurt in his eyes.
"I love you too." I tell him. I doubt my words. He gives me a small smile. "But how do I know you're only saying that so I can admit my feelings so you can take advantage of me."
Luke's smile drops. He removes his hands from me. He takes my hands off of him and pushes me lightly away from him.
"Summer..." his voice cracks. "Who the hell would put that shit in your mind? After all these months? You really think I would take advantage of you?" He says more hurt than anger in his voice.
Flashback to two days ago.
I take my books out of my locker after lunch. I was in a good mood all day thinking about what Bella had done the night before.
I still cannot believe she jumped from my balcony to my pool. That girl is completely opposite of adventurous and rebellious in all ways.
"Hi!" Erika greets me.
I internally roll my eyes as I turn to look at her.
"Hi!" I greet back with some fake pep.
"So...did you hear that Luke and I were together the other night?"
"Like...at the mall together."
"Really?" I wasn't believing her crap.
"I'm friends with Christina. She tells me everything I need to know about any guy I want."
"Yeah she's been in bed with every guy."
"Including Luke. Luke will never like you." She looks me up and down. "I don't know what he sees you but, he wants you for sex. He knows you're easy to get. Once he gets you in bed, you won't see Luke ever again. Except for maybe at school, you know what I mean." She says giving me the evil eye.
I mean, I have known this dude since eight grade and I haven't seen him settle with one girl since.
"Thanks for the warning." I tell Erika as I slam my locker shut, spin around, then walk away.
Tears prick my eyes but I rub them away. I run right into Cole.
"Hey. What's wrong?" Cole asks.
I look up at him.
"Can I trust you?" I ask him.
"You can tell me anything." He says.
"Meet me at my house after school. Text me when you're on your way. I'll have Bella come too."
I rush to my class.
End of flashback
"What are you thinking about?" Luke asks studying me.
"Erika told me things."
"You're gonna believe her?"
"I mean, you guys hang out enough times..."
"Yeah and so do you and Cole." He spits.
"Yeah well where are you when I'm contemplating wether or not I can trust you or love you? You're exchanging saliva with a different girl. And who is there to listen to my problems? It's been Cole!" I yell.
"You know for a fact I don't kiss any other girl but you." He's right.
"Well then where are you when I need you?" My voice breaks at the end. I let my tears flow. Luke stays silent. "That's what I thought."
"You don't get it." Luke says.
"What? What do I not get? I've known you since eight grade."
"You don't know who Tobias is!" He slams his hand down. I don't know. "You don't understand how hard it is, I don't want to be like him!" He cries. "He cheated on my mom and left her every night! He's said many empty I love you's and I'd never say that to you." He pauses and sobs. "Summer, who I was, was how I coped. Then I realized I was becoming more like him and you changed me! I've never looked at any other girl the way I look at you. I've never talked to any other girl the way I talk to you. Fuck man, I've never loved any other girl the way I love you." He says.
It stays silent. I stare at Luke trying to process al this information. The silence is interrupted by my phone ringing.
I pull my phone out and it's Cole. I pick up.
"Hello?" I say.
"Summer! I need to talk to you! Emergency!" He says.
"Okay! I'll be in the living room." I say.
"Who was that?" Luke asks.
"Cole." I say.
"Of course it was."
Luke grabs the bottle of alcohol he was drinking and starts making his way upstairs.
"Luke stop." I plead. "Luke please don't drink yourself to sleep!"
"What do you car Summer?" He says. "You're worried about me taking advantage of you? You said you loved me yet you're hanging out with another guy." He looks at me with hate in his eyes.
"Luke stop acting like this and just please don't drink yourself to sleep!"
"Just leave me alone!" He says pushing me off him.
I stumble backwards and watch him storm upstairs. Broken glass is still all over the floor.
I drop to my knees as I start to cry harder. I felt my heart and myself break into pieces. Love is hard. Love is a dangerous game.
The doorbell rings and I hear Cole walk inside. I'm still in the kitchen on the floor leaning on the wall. I'm playing with the strings on Luke's hoodie.
"Summer?" Cole yells.
I clear my voice and try to make it sound like I haven't been crying.
"I'll be right out!" I yell perfectly.
I slip into the bathroom off the kitchen and try to clean myself up a little bit. I then walk back out to the kitchen and grab two tubs of ice cream and two spoons.
I walk out and look at Cole with puppy dog eyes.
"Oh honey." He says pulling me into a hug. "He'll come back I promise."
We then make our way to the living room and sit on the couch.
"What's your emergency?" I ask him.
"I've figured myself out." Cole says. "I've experimented with girls and boys. Mostly boys, duh" I chuckle at him. "You're the first person im telling this to so be excited." He claps his hands. "I'm....gay!" Cole says excited.
"I figured." I say ruining his moment. He glares at me.
"Hey, just because a tornado went through your parade doesn't mean you have to rain on mine. Thank you, next." Cole says swiping his finger in the air like he's swiping on tinder.
"Cole, I've been noticing since we started hanging out more. I like the new voice by the way."
"Girl, I've been holding this voice in for so long. You don't even know how good it feels to be coming out!" He says all sassy.
"I'm loving this." I tell him. "I've always wanted one."
"Wanted what?"
"A gay best friend." I smile.
"Well now you have one." Cole smiles. "Now that I'm out, can I spend the night?" He asks. "I'm too scared to fucking drive alone at night some ghost gonna jump on my car or something."
"Yes you can but you're sleeping down here because Luke would flip if he saw you walk out of my room."
"I understand." He says grabbing my hand. "Girl what the hell happened to your hand?" Cole looks at my hand in horror.
I look down to see it has dried blood all over it.
"Luke thew a glass cup, punched some things. I grabbed his hand after."
"Oh, the fight was that bad?" Cole looks at me sympathetically. I nod.
I start to tell him all about it as we both cry into tubs of ice cream.
It's currently two in the morning and we're watching neighbors.
"Dave Franco can fuck me up any day." Cole says with a mouth full of ice cream.
"Zac Efron can have my children." I say with a mouthful of ice cream.
A party scene comes on and Cole dyes down his ice cream and starts twerking on the couch. I couldn't help but laugh loudly.
"Yes Cole!"
"My names no longer Cole." He says strutting of the couch. He then does a dramatic turn. "My name is now Kween Cole." He says.
"Okay Kween." I giggle.
"Yes that's who I am." He snaps. "Of only I had a wig." He huffs then sits back down to watch the movie.
I wake up the next day at 6 am. We have school off today for Presidents' Day. I didn't get much sleep.
I walk out of my room and stop in front of Luke's room. I build up the courage to walk in.
I hated the sight before me. Luke was on the floor hugging the bottle of alcohol and Erika was on the bed. I gag at the sight. I quietly shut the door then run downstairs to Cole.
I slap his peaceful face.
"Girl! What the hell! We don't need to go to school now let me sleep." He says getting comfortable again.
"Kween! You're damn sister is sleeping in Luke's room!" I whisper yell.
"What the hell?" Cole yells sitting up straight. "I'm gonna go drag the bitch down here."
"Cole no!"
"Why? She stole your mans!" Cole says jumping up from the couch.
I then notice he's wearing a pair of my stretchy pants.
"When did you get my pants?" I scoff.
"When you were passed out duh. I really like these, there the only ones that would fit. Don't worry I'll give them back."
"I don't want them back."
"Good cause that was a lie." He says. "This is not what i woke up for, let me at her!" He then makes hissy noises and makes claws with his hands.
"No, that's your sister. I'm not letting you beat her up because of me."
"She ain't my sister. She an orphan. I've hated that bitch since she came into my life. Fucking anti-gay lookin ass." He says.
"Well then...proceed." I say pointing the way.
Cole stomps yo the stairs then stops.
"Which way am I going?" He asks.
"I'm right behind ya." I tell him.
We both then proceed to stomp and walk down the hall.
One we reach Luke's room Cole bangs the door then swings it open.
"Get up bitches, Kween Cole ain't got no sleep cause of y'all." He says doing a slut drop. I giggle.
"What the hell Cole!" Erika screams jumping off Luke's bed.
Luke stays on the other side of the bed looking at me with guilt still holding his bottle. He looks pale.
"Shut up you fuckin orphan and get our my best friends house!" Cole says getting up in Erika's face.
"Get our of my face!" Erika pushes Cole.
Luke and I watch back and forth until Luke runs out of his room and runs for my bathroom. I run after him.
He tosses it into the toilet, dropping his bottle on the side. I rub his back soothingly. Once he was done I gave him tissue to wipe his mouth.
"I see Erika came over." I tell him.
"I see Cole came over." He says.
"What the hell were you doing with her?" I ask him.
"Where were you when I was drinking myself to sleep? Nowhere!" He yells.
"I do recall you telling me to leave you alone. Cole also needed me!"
"Cole." He spits. "Cole, Cole, Cole, Cole, Cole. It's all about Cole." He scoffs. "What about me? The guy you apparently love." Luke says.
I grab his wrist and pull him up. I flush the toilet and I point to the sink. He leans on it crossing his arms. I uncross his arms and grab the first aid kit. I then grab his hand and start cleaning it.
"No answer." He whispers. "You don't really love me." I felt my heart shatter.
"Cole's gay." I tell him.
"What?" He says. "Really?" He asks in disbelief. "Oh hallelujah!" He yells looking up.
He then grabs my waist with his good hand and pulls me close. He tries to kiss me but I stop him.
"No, no, vomit breath." I say backing up.
"After I brush my teeth?" He asks.
"Maybe, we also need to talk."
I lift my head up to look at him and his face drops.
"About last night." He finishes. I nod my head. "I guess the bet's over."
"I guess." The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy.
"I know you feel it too." Luke says. I look at him confused. "The butterflies."
He looks deep into my eyes. We stay the for a minutes.
"I wish I could kiss you right now." He whispers. Then licks his lips.
I bite my lip and go back to treating his hand. I hear Cole still trying to get Erika out of my house.
"What was Erika doing in your bed?" I ask Luke. I was afraid to look up incase he gets mad at me again.
"I figured if Cole was coming over, before I knew he was gay, that we would be even if Erika came over." He says. "We didn't do anything."
"I know, I trust you." I look up at him again.
He smiles at me then leans his forehead against mine.
"You're so fucking beautiful." He says quietly.
I can feel myself blush. I look down and wrap his hand for the finale.
"You're done." I hold his hand up.
"Thanks babe."
"Go brush your teeth then change your shirt. It's all bloody."
"Okay." He says turning around towards the sink.
I clean up then walk out of my bathroom. I make my bed really quickly and then I walk outside my room to hear it was silent.
"Cole?" I call out. Well there's no Erika or I would've been getting slapped. I go into the guest room Luke slept in the night before and I make the bed.
I walk back out into the hallway.
"Kween?" I call out for Cole again.
"I'm the living room!"
I trot downstairs to where Cole was swiping on tinder.
"You do know you have to be eighteen to be on there and you're seventeen."
"Sis, one year off. Nobody cares."
"Okay, but don't come running to me when there's a pedo after you." I tell him plopping my butt on the couch.
"So...did you guys make up?"
"Yeah, but we're talking about last night."
"I cleaned up the glass in the kitchen by the way." Cole says looking up from his phone.
"You didn't have to, but thanks."
"Sis, you need time to heal and picking up that glass is just gonna make you relapse."
"Kween. They're shards of glass, not drugs."
"Yeah, yeah. I just cleaned them up now be thankful."
"Okay." I laugh.
"Baaabe!" I hear Luke yell as he walks down the stairs.
Cole wiggles his eyebrows at me.
"Talk to you later Kweenie."
"Kay Kay."
I get up from the couch and meet Luke at the end of the steps.
"Let's Go talk somewhere private." He says.
I nod and take his hand. I lead him down to the basement and into the family room down there.
"Soooo..." He starts.
"I don't know where to start." I tell him.
"I was being aggressive and a little bitch."
"I asked if you trust me because the whole fight started because of me hanging with Cole." I start. "You clearly didn't."
"I never said I didn't."
"You never said you did, and you never act like you do."
"Being jealous doesn't mean I don't trust you." He runs his fingers through his hair. "You don't give me a reason to not trust you."
I look down at myself.
"Why?" I look back up at Luke. "Why me?"
Luke takes huge steps towards me and stands right in front of me. He grabs my face in his hands and studies my face.
"I don't want any other girl but you. Your body is fucking hot, your face is fucking gorgeous, your laugh is fucking adorable, everything about you is fucking amazing." He pauses.
"Look at Erika! Listen to the way she laughs!" I yell. I pull his hands off of my face and back up. "She's skinnier, she's a blonde, she's way prettier. She's everything I'm not!" I let my demons get to me.
Luke grabs my hands before I could touch my face with them. I've had a few breakdowns in front of him and he knows now I always scratch at my face.
"Summer, stop." He says calmly as I try to shake him off of me. Luke Pins me up against the wall behind me. "You are everything she's not." I stop and look at him. "I don't want a girl like her, I want you."
"Why? Why?" I'm not good enough.
"God damn it Summer!" He yells dropping my hands. "I'm fucking in love with you! That's why! I don't want anyone else but you and you just can't fucking understand that!" He screams running his hands through his hair clearly frustrated.
"But why do you want me?" I ask him. "I'm not good enough for you. So how can you love me?"
"Summer. I don't love you just for your body or the way you look. It's the way you act, the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you would tilt your head to the side when you get confused. That's what I fell in love with. I fell in love with the little things. And my most favorite of all is your personality." He sobs. "The way you would put up with me even when I'm being a dick. I love it when you stand up for yourself it's hot. The way you would scrunch up your face if you didn't agree or want to do something."
"You notice?"
"Of course I do. You changed me."
"How am I different from any other girl?"
"You didn't throw yourself on me every time I would flirt. Showed you weren't a hoe. You're just not like them. You just weren't desperate." We stare at each for a while.
Luke walks up to me and pushes me back up against the wall. He lifts my chin up and leans towards my ear.
"I want you and you only." He growls.
He then pulls away. He grabs my hand and drag me upstairs.
"Nice pants Cole." Luke says.
"Y'all fight over the cutest things." Cole says clapping his hands.
Luke stands with half of his body behind me and the other half exposed. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me close.
"Summer's pregnant." Luke says.
"What?" Cole yells. "I better be seeing your child often. Uncle Kweenie has to be his favorite."
"Luke's kidding." I say making Coles shoulders sag.
"We'll go make me a niece or a nephew." He waves us off.
Luke and I look at each other. We haven't had sex. Yet.
"What are y'all standing there for? I'm sure y'all are experienced." Cole says. Luke and I look at each other again. "Y'all have never fucked before? Damn Luke! How did you keep your dick in your pants for that long?"
"You know it was hard but spending time away from her helped." Luke says playfully as he rubs my arms.
"So you both twerking on the court?" Cole asks
"Yes." Luke says.
"I wanna join! I can come out to the school that way!" Cole says.
"That's not a bad idea Kweenie." I say.
"I know, I always know." He flips his invisible hair then looks back at us. "Didn't I say that he was gonna come back last night?"
"Yes." I sigh.
"You we're talking about me last night?" Luke asks.
"Yes, we were. Now you two go away and leave me swiping on tinder before you make me too lonely."
We chuckle and I drag Luke up to my room.
"Are you feeling okay after drinking a whole bottle of Cider?" I ask Luke.
"Yeah, just a headache."
"Do you wanna lay down while I go take a shower?"
"Yeah. Be quick, I wanna cuddle."
"Okay I will."
I slip into the closet quietly, Luke had fallen asleep.
I put on a cheer shirt and some nike pros. I throw my hair up into a messy ponytail.
I throw my towel into a hamper and walk out into my room.
I push Luke over to his side of the bed which wakes him up and I climb into the bed next to him.
He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. He rests his face in the crook of my neck. His breath tickling my neck.
"I love the way you smell." He says.
"I love the way you look."
"You're hotter." He says grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.
"Your personality is my favorite." I tell him. "I love the feeling you give me just by the way you act."
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