《Innocent Bet》Chapter 14


Luke's pov

It's Valentine's Day. All my friends and I are going out. Summer and I haven't hung out in weeks.

That's what I hate about "us" when we're around each other we act like a couple then two weeks will go by and it's like we're strangers.

But I get to see Summer again tonight so I'm not complaining.

All of us are going to Steak n' Shake to have dinner we don't have to dress nice since it's just a bunch of friends hanging out. I'm wearing a dark blue nike hoodie and black nike sweatpants with white nike socks and nike shoes. Nike all around.

I grab Summer's gift and my phone before I spray myself quickly with cologne.

I run downstairs to say goodbye to my mom.

"Hey Momma, I'm leaving now!" I yell while I run down the spiral steps.

I run into the living room where my mom is sitting watching an unsolved murder mystery. She looks up at me and smiles at me.

"Have fun sweetie, Summer's mom is coming over to stay with me tonight." She says.

"Make sure all doors and windows are locked, curtains pulled, do not answer the door before asking who it is and also call me if you need anything."

"Okay Luke, I'll be okay." She says.

I give her a kiss on the cheek before walking out to my car. I text Summer and tell her I'm on my way.

I speed off to Summer's house excited to see her since I haven't seen her in a minute.

I jam out to all my feel good songs until I reach Summer's house. I drive through the gates and pull into driveway. I can feel my heart beating fats from excitement.

As soon as I park my car, I jump out and run inside.

"Hey, Jill!" I greet Summer's mom as I walk past her office. She's packing up for a night at my mothers house.

"Hey Luke! Summer's in her room. I'm heading to your mothers right now. Call me or her if you need anything!" Jill yells as she walks out the door.

I run up to Summer's room two steps at a time. My steps start to slow and my smile and excitement start to fade as I hear her laugh and another laugh belonging to a male coming from her slightly opened door.

I start to tiptoe to her room and when I reach it, I slowly open the door. Summer is sitting at her desk while Cole is sitting at the end of her bed.

Summer looks up at me. Her smile widened as she runs across the room to come hug me. She's wearing leggings and one of my basketball hoodies. Her hair is all down, her make up is just mascara.

She wraps her arms around me and her vanilla scent fills my nose. I hug her back.

"I missed you." She says as she pulls away.

"Same here babe. I've got something for you in my car." I say looking down at her hazel eyes.

"Oh! I do too!" She says running to her night stand.

She grabs a black box and runs back to me, shoving it in my hands. I open it revealing a black beaded bracelet with a shark tooth charm.

"Dude! This is sick!" I exclaim examining the bracelet. I lean in and kiss her cheek. "Thanks babe."

"Alrighty! I know we're all starving so let's go!" Cole interrupts earning a glare from me.


Summer notices and places her hands on my torso pushing me out the door.

"Meet you there Cole!" Summer yells down the hall.

"Meet you there Swimmer!" He yells back.


"Swimmer?" I ask her when we get in my car.

"Yeah, cause people swim during Summer." She says.

"Okay. Sunshine is better." I say letting the jealousy slip a little. "Here is your gift." I hand her the small bag.

She pulls out the small box with a bow that my mom tied on it. She opens it revealing a yellow bracelet with a sun charm on it.

"Oh my gosh! It's so pretty!" She says admiring the bracelet. She immediately puts it on. "I love it! Thanks handsome." She smiles at me.

"You're welcome Sunshine." I give her a small smile then I sit comfortably and drive off.


We pull up to Steak n' Shake and Cole is sitting on his car texting on his phone. I park a few spaces down from him and Summer and I both get out.

Summer skips towards Coles car and opens his door.

"Let's Go dude!" She says as she pulls him out of his car.

I turn my head away and wait for them to catch up. I regret coming to this. Once I hear their steps close behind I begin to walk in.

I immediately spot my friends and walk over to them. I slide into the end of the booth as Summer slides in next to me. Eric is across from me and of course, Cole is across from Summer.

I see Cole smirk at Summer, and Summer does the same back. I look next to Cole and meet eyes with Erika. She looks back down at her phone, soon after my phone dings.

E- you free after this?

L- I guess.

E- Summer looks like she'll be busy.

L- yeah what do you wanna do?

E- I'll just follow your car.

L- okay.

I look up at Erika and she's smiling at me. I don't know what the hell we're doing but, two can play this jealousy game. I just admitted to being jealous. I try to shake the thoughts out of my head.

I'm afraid they're playing footsies under the table. I kick my legs up and act like I'm stretching them, good, they're not.

I then drown out all noise and go on my phone as we wait to order.


I lean on my car as I wait for Summer to hurry up. I try to look away from the new couple and look at Erika but I just can't.

I watch as they both hug a lingering hug and then pull away.

"See you tomorrow Cole!" Summer says walking away from him.

I hurry into the car. I sit there with my hands clenching onto the wheel as I wait for Summer to be safely in her seat.

Once she is safely in, I aggressively drive back to her place.

"That was so fun!" She says with a big smile on her face. I do admit it was. Eric actually pee'd himself a little. My favorite part.

"Mhm." Clearly annoyed.

"Are you mad?" She asks, her eyes biting into the side of my face as she studies my clearly clenched jaw.

I unclench my jaw and keep my eyes on the road. I take one hand off the wheel and turn on the radio. Summer sinks into her seat and crosses her arms. She looks out her window the whole ride.



I barely stopped the car when Summer started getting out. This is gonna be a long night.

I let out a long sigh as I get out of the car and walk to the front door that was left open for me. I was greeted by Duke wagging his tail but soon after he was pulled away from me.

Summer takes Duke out back and she even shut the sliding door. I shake my head at her.

E- I'll park a Little ways down the road.

L- you don't have to just come into the living room. I'm gonna be in the kitchen.

I shut the door, take my shoes off and walk into the kitchen. I watch Summer as she sits outside with her dog next to her. I grab the first bottle of booze I can see and a cup. I pour it in and drink it.

I don't want sex, I can't have sex. I keep my eyes on Summer as I think about my decision of inviting Erika over.

L- you know what, never mind. I've got plans tonight.

E- oh, okay.

I pick up my drink and walk over to the door. I slide it open and lean on the frame. She looks up at me.

"Your drinking." She says with slight disgust.

"You know I drink." I tell her.

"It's not a special occasion or party." She argues.

"So what?"

"You're underage."

"When the hell do you think i cared about following the law?" I say with voice slightly raised. Summer drops her head.

She then gets up and brushes her hands and pants off.

"Cmon Duke." She says walking inside bumping my shoulder.

I groan quietly as I stand straight. I slam the screen door shut and lock it. I walk over to the island in the kitchen. Summer is sitting in a chair on her phone. I slam my cup down on the island and then my hands. Summer flinches.

"What the hell is wrong with you Luke?" Summer yells slamming her phone down and getting out of her chair. She walks towards me.

"What's wrong with me? What the hell is up with you and Cole? We don't talk for a few weeks and all of a sudden you find a new guy."

"So this is what all this is about? I can't have guy friends?"

"Summer, he clearly likes you more than a friend!"

"And I don't like him! Do you not trust me?" She pushes me.

I tune towards her, her eyes are wide and her jaw is clenched.

"It doesn't matter, we're not together." I say lowering my voice as I take a step towards her.

"You're fucking kidding me." She whispers as she takes a step back shaking her head at me. I'm a fucking idiot. "Great excuse as to why you don't trust me." She spits. "You can go fuck Erika now."

She goes to turn around but I grab her wrist.

"Summer wait." I say trying to pull her back but she refuses. "Summer I didn't mean it like that."

"Oohhh, you didn't mean it like that. Shut up dude, just shut up!" She glares at me. "Fuck you dude. Fuck you." She holds up her middle finger at me. I let my head drop and I drop her wrist. "Luke, I actually started to believe you were a different person. That you weren't just a player. I actually started to have feelings for you..." my heart skips a beat. "But I guess you just can't settle. And even if you did settle with me, it sure as hell didn't seem like it with you running around with other girls."

That felt like a slap to the face. Just like Tobias. My head spins at the thought of him. Summer states at me as im Deep in thought.

"Summer..." I try to choke out. "I've been feeling things too." I look up to meet her hazel eyes.

I watch her physically relax. She tilts her head to the side.

"What?" She says. "What?" Her voice below a whisper.

I couldn't take it anymore. I grab her waist and I pull her in. I smash my lips on to hers and I let out a small groan, it's been so long. She kisses me back, her hands are grabbing my hoodie trying to pull me closer. It was like our lips were made for each other. Summer pulls away.

"I...I have to go to bed." Summer shags running out of the kitchen.

I fucked up.


Summer's p.o.v

I run upstairs to my room as fast as I could. Before I slam my door I make sure Duke is in my room then I slam it. The whole house was silent.

I slide down my door and my tears started to flow. What just happened?

I picked my hand up to my lips and grazed my fingers over them. It's Valentine's Day and I'm not spending it with Luke. I fudged up.

I pull out my phone and text Cole.

S- hey


S- Luke and I got into a fight.

C- I'm sorry.

S- I don't know what to do. I messed up.

C- just talk to him tomorrow, give you both some time to cool down.

S- Thanks Cole!

C- anytime.

I put my head in my knees. The silence of the house was interrupted by the sound of a surface breaking glass. I pick my head up and contemplate going downstairs.

"Fuck!" I hear Luke yell.

I slowly get up and make my way towards my closet. I strip out of my current clothes and out on a pair of nike shorts and one of Luke's hoodie.

I open my door and make sure Duke stays in my room so he doesn't get to glass.

I slowly walk downstairs, it's all dark.

I slowly walk into the kitchen cautious of any glass on the floor.

"Does this mean the bet's over?" I ask.

Luke turns around and looks at me. It stayed silent for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry." He chokes out.

My heart sank. I was still mad at him.

"Answer the question." I say sternly.

"Not until we hear the words I love you." He whispers. He clenches his fist, he turns around and slams his fist onto the island.

"Are you drunk?"

"No. If I was drunk, I would be happy right now." He says.

I walk up behind him. I warp one arm around his torso and I place one on his back. I feel Luke relax at my touch.

"I'm sorry." I say. "I messed up."

Luke turns to face me. I run my arm from his shoulder all the way to his hand. I could tell his hand was bloody.

"Why do you keep being nice to me?" He asks. "I'm just like Tobias." He drops his head.

I pick his head back up in one hand and look into his eyes. He's hurt. I don't know who Tobias is.

"Because I care about you." The butterflies in my stomach start to do laps. "You're not a Bad person, Luke."

"But I almost cheated on you." That hurt.

"Would it be cheating if we're not together?" I ask him.

"To me, yes it would." He says. "And you wanna know why?" He takes a long pause. "It's because I Love You."

I stood there dumb founded.



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