《Innocent Bet》Chapter 12
Summer's p.o.v
"There's no way you guys are not dating!" My mom says looking between the both of us as she walk towards us.
"Mrs. Rich, it's just a bet! We do anything we can to make the other one fall in love!" Luke says.
"It's Jill. My daughter is sixteen! She's not going to fall in love. She's too young to know what that is!" My mom says.
"Mom, I'm gonna be seventeen this year!"
"That's still too young." She gives me a pointed look.
"Miss Jill, Love doesn't have an age." Luke says.
"Honey, it's just Jill! And, I guess you're right. It does take the right person to push you over." She crosses her arms. "Just wait till she's at least seventeen to have sex." Then she walks off leaving my jaw open.
"Okay then...when's your birthday?" Luke asks. I punch his arm.
"Hey! I say we at least wait until next winter if we do end up together."
"So you're willing to do it with me."
"That's not the point!"
"Okay, okay. Winter it is. And when can we have a baby?" He asks jokingly.
"Can we stop talking about us having sex when it's never going to happen!"
He picks out a peace of my hair and twirls it. What's up with this guy and my hair?
"I don't know, we've come pretty close."
I swat his hand away.
"I would have to disagree."
He places his hands on my hips. He then licks his lips.
"Mm, what do your lips taste like again?"
"Vanilla Bean." I answer wiping the cocky smile off his face.
"Can I try it?"
I roll my eyes.
"No, that's enough."
He removes his hands and throws them in the air.
"What? We only kissed once!" He exclaims.
"Guess you'll have to find another reason." I smile at him.
He smirks back at me and then grabs my hand. He guides me through the house and groups of people into a doorway.
"Why are we standing here?" I ask him.
"Look up." He smirks and crosses his arms.
I look up to see a mistletoe hanging. I then look back at his brown eyes.
"Okay..." I sigh.
I take his hands and I uncross his arms. With his hands in mine I pull him closer and lean in towards him. Right before our lips could touch, I brush my lips against his and go to kiss his cheek.
I pull back with a cheeky smile. Luke giving me a glare.
"You...are welcome." I say before walking off towards my friends.
"Oooo, player player." Mason says.
"I know, I know." I say as I flip my hair over my shoulders.
"You might want to watch him." Gage says nodding his head in my direction.
I look behind me to find Luke and Erica talking to each other.
"I'm not worried about it." I shrug.
"That's hard to believe." Gage says.
"Gage, it's a game! When I reject him, he's going to need someone."
"Whatever you say." Gage says leaning back onto the wall behind him.
I feel someone place their arm on my shoulder so I look to my left to see it's my mom.
"Hey Summer. I'm going back home and I'm taking Melissa with me to have a girls night. Get a ride with Luke, okay?" She tells me.
"Okay mom. Have fun!" I smile at my favorite lady.
"I will honey, I love you." She smiles back then gives me a kiss on the cheek.
"I love you too!" I wave goodbye as my Momma walks towards the door with Melissa to leave.
"You and your mom are too cute." Mason says.
"Thanks! She's my bestest friend."
"I can tell." He smiles down at his hands. "I love the fact that she tries to make time for you when she's all the way in New York most of the time." He then sighs as his shoulders visibly sag. "My mom, she works too much. She acts like I don't have enough yet I do. I have everything except my mom. She does it all for me."
"Mason...I don't talk to my mom everyday either. Hell, I would go weeks without talking to her." I place my hand on his shoulder. "Up until today, she was completely clueless about something big in my life."
"It's nice...to have someone to relate to. I've actually only really talked to Gage and Eric about this." He pauses. "Mostly Eric because he's like an older brother. Luke and Grant knows about it too but I just don't talk to them as much about it. Don't get me wrong, they're my bro's but... I don't know..."
"You just don't feel comfortable." I finish for him.
"Yes! Exactly!" His eyes go wide and light up. "Have I ever told you that you're my best friend?"
"Well I'm going to say it again. You're my best friend!" Mason says pulling me into a hug.
I hug him back. This little dude I've known since sixth grade. I can read him like an open book, he can read me like an open book. I've been hiding something from him though.
Right now seems like the right time to tell him, but there are people everywhere.
I pull away from the hug.
"Hey Mason, I need to tell you something."
"Okay, shoot."
"We have to go to Alyssa's room." I say. "Go find Eric too, This would be a good time to tell both of you."
Mason nods and walks into the crowd of people. I look over at Luke and Erika to find Luke glaring at me. I lock eyes with him as he quick shifts his gaze from me to her.
Is he okay? I shrug it off and turn towards the stairs. I feel awkward walking up the stairs as everyone is downstairs.
I open the door to Alyssa's room and let out a long sigh. I plop down onto Alyssa's chair at her desk, waiting for what's to come next.
Eric walks into the room like a bomb had just been dropped on me.
"What? What happened?" He says frantically.
"Eric, sit down!" Mason says pushing him onto the bed.
"Okay...here goes.." I then proceed to tell my two friends everything.
I watch as Eric clenches his jaw and fist, visually tensing up.
Mason stares off into space.
"Does Luke know?" Mason asks coming back to Earth.
"Yes, he was there." I tell him.
"And he didn't stop it did he?" Mason scoffs, shaking his head.
"He was at basketball practice at the time. I didn't plan on telling him but when I ran out of the bathroom he was there. I was supposed to drop him off at home that night but instead he drove me home and stayed with me to make sure I was okay."
"So that's why he was always putting his arms around you!" Mason says. "He was being protective... territorial."
"What?" I tilt my head to the side.
"Men are territorial. Eric is protective, there's a difference." Mason says.
"I let you touch or date or get to know whatever guy you want as long as I get to interrogate him. While being territorial, no men is aloud to touch you or talk to you or look at you a certain way. So by putting his arm around you it shows others who you belong to." Eric continues.
"Guys." I scoff. "It's a game."
"Sure it is." Eric says.
"Eric, they've talked about seeing other people during this game." Mason defends me.
"What Mason said!"
"So you're just playing him?" Eric asks.
"It's not like he's not doing the same. It's a two player game. I'm not going to hurt him." I shrug.
"Summer, im not impressed." Eric looks at me with slight disappointment.
"What do you mean?"
"This isn't you, he's the player. You're a Summer. You run away from boys."
"Eric, it's just a game! That's all it is. So what I'm playing him it's not like we're going to end up together in the end."
"As your older brother. I disapprove of your actions. This is going to give you a reputation, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to be there when you need me." Eric ruffles my hair then leaves the room.
"Eric is right in some ways." Mason says.
"Hey! You're supposed to be the brother that backs me up."
"I know. But because I am the other brother that you've never had, I agree on the reputation part and being there for you. But all that aside, you win this game!" Mason grabs my hand and pulls me into a side hug.
I walk around the house to try and find Luke so I can go home.
I find him in the kitchen leaning on the counter. Erika standing in front of him. They both are laughing at something when I walk closer.
I tap Luke's shoulder once I reach him. He turns to look at me and the smile on his face grew.
"Where have you been?" He exclaims.
"I was talking to Eric and Mason." His face drops a little.
"Oh. Are we going home?" he slurs
"Luke are you okay?" I ask grabbing his face.
"He's has some drinks." Erika answers for him.
"Oh boy." I sigh.
"I didn't have that much to drink, Sunny." He gives me a lopsided grin.
"Well, I'm driving!" I reach into his front pocket for his keys.
"Oh sunshine, you're getting touchy." He smirks.
"Luke, stop it! I was grabbing your keys!" I dangle them in front of his face.
"I want to go home! I miss my bed." He whines.
"Okay Luke let's go then." I grab his hand.
"By Erika! My beautiful Summer is taking me home!" He says excitedly.
I blush at his comment. I open the door and we walk outside towards his car.
"Ooo, cold!" He lets go of my hand to hug himself.
I open the passenger door for him and He immediately gets in. I walk over to the drivers side and get in.
I start the car and wait for it to warm up as I adjust the seat so I can see. I look over at Luke to see him fast asleep curled up into a fetus position.
"Luke you need to put your seatbelt on." I poke him.
"But I want to sleep!" He whines.
"But you also want to live so put your seatbelt on!"
"Fine!" He gives me a playful glare before obeying.
I roll my eyes at the two year old child sitting next to me. I didn't even reach the end of the driveway before I hear Luke's soft snores.
I pull into my driveway and park. I poke Luke to wake him up.
"Five more minutes!" He whines swatting my hand away.
"We're home."
He springs up in his seat but immediately falls back being caught my the seatbelt locking. He lets out a huff and groan when his back slams against the seat.
"The seatbelt is going to kill me more than save me." He says stretching.
He then gets out of the car remembering to take his seatbelt off and I follow his actions.
"Are you feeling okay?" I ask him as I run to his side to aid him if he needs any.
"Yeah, I have a little headache. I didn't drink that much so I'll be fine." He looks down at me. "I also always feel fine when I'm with my girl."
I smile up at him.
"Shut up." I say playfully.
"You love me."
"As a friend."
"I'm glad you now consider me a friend."
"Yeah it took me a while."
"I'd say we're more friends with benefits."
"Ew. I hate that label!" I quickly pull away from him.
"Because it sounds like all we do is have sex."
"You're right."
"I wouldn't say friends with benefits either. I mean we've only kissed once. Gave each other hickies like twice."
"You're right again." He pulls me back towards him.
"Then what do we call this thing?" He says putting quotes around 'thing'
I open the door to my house to find my mom painting my dog's nails as Melissa is sitting on the couch with a face mask on. Okay then...
"Hi mom." I smile. I try not to giggle at the sight in front of me.
"Hey sweetie! Melissa and I are just having a sleepover!"
"Okay, just don't stay up too late!" I tell her before dragging Luke to my room.
"Don't close your door!" Both moms yell.
I leave the door slightly cracked open.
Luke lowers himself onto my bed while I find a top to change into.
"So?" Luke says trying to get me to answer his question.
"I don't know! Luke, it's all a bet." I shrug. "We don't have to put a label on it because we're trying to charm each other."
"I guess you're right once again." He smiles.
I smile back at him before slipping out of my top into a cheer hoodie and taking off my skirt.
"So uh. Make out session?" Luke asks with his hands out.
"How about no. You're still intoxicated." He pouts at me. I smile at him as I walk towards him. His frown turned upside down. "You should change into something more comfortable."
"I will." His smile back into a pout as he stands up.
Luke walks into my closet to find clothes as I walk outside of my bedroom. I go downstairs and walk around the other set of stairs so I don't disturb my mom's sleepover.
I grab two waters one for me and one for Luke. I also grab a Gatorade and some medicine for Luke.
I then make my journey upstairs. I'm starting to get tired, I mean it is like two in the morning.
I walk into my bedroom to find Luke on the bed in a white shirt and grey sweat shorts on, playing on his phone. His upper half resting against my headboard and his lower half on the bed.
I set his stuff down on the nightstand next to him, then I set my stuff down.
I climb onto the bed straddling him as he puts his phone down. He places his hands on my waist and smirks at me.
"So, you changed your mind?"
"No." I sigh. "Now, don't take this the wrong way but...what were you and Erika talking about?"
"Her time here at school."
"You two seem to be talking a lot." I roll my eyes.
"Hey, sometimes I literally just play games on my phone and tune her out." He chuckles rubbing my thighs. "We were laughing about that one time when Eric dropped you. So don't give me that look."
"Wow, laughing at me." I cross my arms.
"I actually really only talk about you to her. And then these other people on the side."
"Really!" I say a little too excitedly.
"Yes." He smiles. "Is all your jealousy gone now?"
"Who said I was jealous?" I frown. Even though I was.
"You were implying it!" He chuckles. "Since we're on this topic, what were you and Mason talking about?"
"He's going through a rough time with his family right now and he just needed someone to talk to and relate to. You know he's just like a brother to me, nothing else."
"Okay, you guys were just getting too close for my comfort."
"Oh, shut up!"
"You don't understand how hard it is to not kiss you right now." Luke licks his lips.
"Well, a goodnight kiss would be okay." I smile.
We lean in towards each other and I let out an internal sigh when our lips meet. He kisses me less harder this time but holds me tight. his soft lips taste like alcohol. He places his hand on my butt and licks my bottom lip and that's when I pull away. I stop it before it gets too heated. Luke Let's out an annoyed groan.
"Hey!" He throws his hands up.
"I said a kiss, not a make out." I get off of him.
"Well that's called a French kiss for your information."
"Whatever, go to bed!"
"I can't sleep with the lights on!"
I immediately hit the lights on my nightstand and it is pitch black in my room.
"Goodnight!" I tell him getting a groan in response as he pulls me towards him.
End. Sorry for the short chapter!
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