《Innocent Bet》Chapter 11
Summer's p.o.v
It's finally Christmas break. Nothing else has happened between Luke and I since the last time we, well you know, left marks.
It's after Christmas, my mom came home for Christmas. I was happy when she came and surprised me.
It's New Years Eve today and I have a party to go to at Alyssa's house tonight. I don't really want to leave my bed. I don't have anyone to kiss today. Yay me!
I drag myself out of bed and over to my closet. I grab a pair of jeans and a long sleeve Ron Jon Aloha shirt.
I drag myself into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I strip off my clothes and sigh as I get into the shower feeling the warm water on my skin. It's like a blanket from the cold air.
I cleanse myself careful not to get my hair wet. Once I'm done, I get out and I dry myself off and put on the clothes I had just picked out.
I contemplate on wether or not I want to do my makeup but I end up grabbing for my primer anyways.
I turn on my jams as I paint my face. Watching the hours go by until Alyssa's party.
I let out a long groan once I'm done doing my makeup. I have three hours until Alyssa's party. I could take a nap, but I just put makeup on.
I could watch a movie. Yeah! That's a great idea!
I jump out of my vanity seat and literally run out of my bathroom with my phone in hand.
I trot down the hall and down the stairs into the kitchen saying a quick hi to my mom as I pass her office.
I dig out the popcorn from the pantry and put it in the microwave.
I walk back into my moms office. I don't go in here much. Her office is white, everywhere. It has its own bathroom, a futon, her desk and chair, and a few shelves filled with rows of labeled binders.
Sitting in the very corner of her office is my dog on his dog bed.
"Hey Momma." I say plopping down in a chair across from her at her desk.
"Hey honey." She looks up from her sketch to give me a warm smile.
"What are you designing now?" I ask leaning over her pens and pencils and rulers and what not.
"Well, I was thinking. I've only really been designing clothes. Why not make purses, backpacks, socks, shoes, and accessories!" She exclaims setting her pencil down. "I mean, I've been doing this for years! Making more items is just going to boost the line!"
I look up to my mom. She's a hard worker. She's always thinking about what she can do to give me the best life I can live. I am living the best life I can live. The only thing missing is my mom and dad. My heart sinks at the thought and my smile drops slightly.
"Yeah mom!" I choke out.
"You don't seem so on board." She tilts her head. Intertwining her fingers.
"No,no. I totally am! I just wish you had a headquarter here. So you can be at home too. But I do think that adding some other stuff and keeping up with trends will definitely boost the company!" I stutter through my words.
"Mmm. Honey, you know that my company is fairly new compared to others. Being in New York and being able to meet face to face with other big companies and collaborating is just going to get us better sales! Once I'm far enough to be able to make a headquarters here, I promise I will love at home. The company is just too far in to come back here." She explains.
"I understand." I sigh. This has been her dream since forever! "I do appreciate you coming home anytime you can. It's just every time I try to call you're busy."
"Oh my gosh! I'm too busy for my own daughter!" She slightly yells rubbing her face. "How about this. We'll have a mom and daughter day tomorrow! And right now, we'll do some catching up until you have to go." She smiles.
"Or, how about you come to the party with me and we can get you ready right now!" My once frown turned into a huge grin.
"That sounds even better! I can catch up with my friends too!"
She doesn't know about the assault. This is a good time to tell her...I guess.
"I also, have to tell you something while we're getting you ready. You go pick out your outfit while I grab some makeup first."
She smiles and nods as she packs up her supplies.
I get up out of the chair and head towards the stairs. My stomach is twisting and turning all over the place, I was with Luke that night.
I wonder if she's gonna react badly and disapprove of me hanging out with Luke, well used to I guess. Why am I even worried about Luke? I just can't seem to get him off my mind!
He's moved on anyways.
New girl in school.
I slowly make my way down the hall as shivers go up and down my spine.
Once my doors are in sight I speed up a little. My room is my safe place.
I make it into my room beating the demons following me. I slam my door shut and let out a huge breath I was holding. The voices in my head dying down.
I head into my bathroom to grab the makeup and utensils I need.
I check my phone to see that I have about two hours and a half. I also have a few text hear and there from people.
I put my phone away and head down the other end of the hall to my Mom's room.
I knock on her door and wait for a response.
"Come on in sweetie!" I hear her say.
I walk into her white and grey bedroom. Very plain. Very opposite of mine.
My mom is very modern and clean. I on the other hand. I love summer, and sun, and all things hot! My room looks like Hawaii, California, and Florida threw up in it. My clothes is the same.
My mom walks into her bathroom while I look around at the familiar yet unfamiliar room. I haven't been in here since my mom left, a little before my dad died.
The bed sits on a platform, having to take to steps to get up to it. There's an area by the window where there are couches and a small coffee table. If my mom wasn't in her office, she was there watching tv or looking out the window. A curved tv sits on the wall where my mom can see it from the couches and the bed.
I walk into the bathroom to see my mom sitting at the vanity doing her hair. I smile at her when she sees me through the mirror.
"I'm so excited! I can't wait to catch up with my friends!" She claps her hands.
My heart sinks into my stomach. I'm afraid of what's to come next as I pull out a stool to sit next to her.
"Hey mom." I say looking down. "Can I..." I take a pause to steady my breathing. "I actually have to tell you something." I fidget with my fingers.
She saw how uncomfortable I was so she take my hands in hers and rubs the top of my hand soothingly. She at me with worried eyes.
"What is it?" She says slightly above a whisper.
"Um Well..." I then go on to tell her about everything.
My mom is holding me in her arms. Tears streaming down both of our faces.
"Why didn't you call me?" She says.
"Because you'd want to sue!"
"And why aren't we suing?"
"I'll have to see him in court and also I don't want to go through all of this process when he didn't even get in my pants." We both key out a slight giggle.
"Oh honey. I'm so glad you're okay!" She rubs my head. We sit in silence for a few moments. "So you and Luke?" I pull away and shake my head.
"No,no. I think he just wanted to hook up. There's a new girl."
"Mhm..." she studies me. "Are you Okay with that?" She crosses her legs.
"Honestly mom, I don't know." I look at myself in the mirror. "I mean, it's not like I like him, I think."
"Sure." She smiles.
"Let me finish!" I giggle. "We have a bet. First person to fall in love before the end of basketball season has to twerk on the court."
"And what if nobody falls in love by the end of the season?"
"We never really talked about that." I shrugged. "We did everything the last couple weeks to get at each other. Then this new girl comes along and Luke disappears. It's like nothing even happened between us."
"Do you have another guy in your life? You know..."
"No...but the new girls brother is kind of hot. I guess. And no doubt I've talked about and to him multiple times. He's even gonna be there tonight."
"What's his name?"
"Cole." I smile. "He's cute. He's shy and awkward but in a cute way."
"So you don't like Luke?" She asks.
"I guess not." I feel my heart skip a beat. "...actually...I still don't know."
"Get to know both of them. Always listen to the heart. You'll know by the way you're heart is beating."
I nod as I start doing my moms makeup. "I haven't really seen this girl hang out alone with Luke though. She just tags along in our group because of her brother. I mean, I don't really mind her it's jus she's always giving Luke some googley eyes and drools over him. It just get super annoying! All of the girls are sick of hearing about it." I rant.
"And does she know about the bet?" My mom stops all the steam from coming out of my ears.
"You know what mom. Telling her about it would be a good idea." I let out a small laugh. "She's not a bad person to hang around, it's just the fact that she's Luke crazy!"
"That's gonna be you in a few weeks." She smirks.
"Mom! He's gonna be the one falling at my feet." I gesture towards my feet. "I mean have you seen me?" I asks
"Yes I have and that shirt and those jeans is not going to do it." She looks my up and down. "Text a few of your friends and ask them what they are wearing to the party."
"Okay, I have a group chat with them."
I pull my hands away from my moms face to grab my phone when she snatches it.
"Ah,ah,ah. Keep painting." She holds my phone up to my face to unlock it with Face ID then finds the group chat. She sends a text and waits for a response.
"So I'm gonna have to change?" I whine.
"Yes. You are going to look better than everyone there!" She says. "Erika? Who's Erika?"
"That's the new girl." I say.
"Oh, she's wearing a turtle neck and leggings. At least you can beat that." My mom says.
"Hey! I may not like her because of Luke but she's still my friend in some ways!" I say.
"Okay, okay. Leggings, jeans, leggings jeans. Nice shirts, long sleeves. Yeah yeah." She sighs. "Looks like Erica has one of the better outfits than some of your friends."
"Yeah cause she wants to impress Luke!" I scoff.
"Who are we going for here Luke or Cole." She says.
"Umm. Both?" I say.
"Okay, hurry up with my makeup! I think I can find you something in my workshop!"
"Mom! Be patient I only need to add some highlight." I say giggling.
We are currently in my moms "workshop" which is really a spare bedroom we had downstairs and my moms clothes were out all over the place so we shoved it all in here.
I mean, it worked out. We needed up turning the bathroom and closet into small dressing rooms. The last time I was in here was a little before my dad died, I was missing my mom so I came in to admire her work. I haven't came in since.
I look around at the beach pictures she has hung up in here while she looks through the clothes on racks and shelves. It's basically set up like a store here.
My moms brand has stuff for kids, teens, and adults. Since the brand is named after me, it's like a mix of summer and all that into her trendy designs. I wear a lot of her designs since it really goes with my style.
"Aha!" I hear my mom yell out as she holds up a black button up skirt and a white tight long sleeve shirt. The shirt has a v-neck but straps that cross cross overtop your Grand Canyon.
"That's...revealing in the chest area." I say. My boobs are the reason I love in sports bras.
"You have amazing boobs sweetie. Embrace them." My mouth falls open.
"Mom! You're making them self-conscious!" I cover my chest area and take the outfit from her hands.
"Whatever. I'll go find you shoes while you change."
"I need my black nike pros if I'm gonna wear a skirt!"
"Do you really think I'm gonna name my fashion line after you and not even make a single thing that relates to you?" She says placing her hands in my shoulders.
"Honey, you wear my sports bras and atheistic shorts all the time. What makes you think I don't have some spandex to go with that?" She says.
"Right, Uh. Mom, can we just get the booty shirts please?" I whine. She walks over to the side of the room with the pants and throws me a pair of black spanks. "Thanks Momma."
I walk into the dressing room and start to strip off my clothes. As I'm slipping my top on my phone alerts me that I have a text.
I pull my head completely through the top and pick up my phone.
*cant wait to see my best friend tonight😉* -Luke😈
My heart picks up its pace a little bit. I smile down at the text.
*You never made an effort to hang out with me over break and now all of a sudden I'm your best friend?😂* I hit send.
I pull off my jeans then slip on my spanks.
*You're right. That why I can't wait to see you!* - Luke😈
*whatever! I guess I missed you too.*
I then slip on my skirt and tuck in my top. The top and skirt fitting to every single curve of my body.
"I have your shoes!" My mom says knocking. I go and open the door, when I do my mom looks at me with bright eyes. "I don't know why I've never asked you to model for me."
"I've also wondered the same thing." I smile at her as I grab my brown Tommy Hilfiger boots and white crew socks with two black stripes.
"Okay! I'm gonna go grab my camera while you out those on. Also don't forget to touch up your makeup before we leave." She says.
I roll my eyes as I walk over to a cushioned bench. I plop down and put on my boots, I rarely ever wear these boots. I actually don't even flaunt my money like some people would. It's kind of hard to act like I'm nothing to the school when literally everyone in the school is wearing my moms clothes.
I then lean on the wall behind me as I play games on my phone. My mom comes back in with my makeup bag and a camera.
I grab the bag from her outreached hand and walk back into the dressing room leaving the door open behind me.
I grab for some concealer and I hear the camera click.
"You're not going to wait till I have some makeup on?" I ask my mom.
"Taking off-guard pictures are better than just staring at the camera and crossing your arms or something. It shows the different lightings and stuff while you're wearing the outfit." My mom spills all of this information at me.
"You should also be a photographer." I start to apply the concealer.
"Who says I don't take pictures in my free time?"
"I mean like, share your work. Start a blog or something. Mention it in your interviews!" I hear the camera click as I finish blending my concealer.
"Look attractive when you put on your mascara please. Don't open your mouth too wide or tilt your head back too far." My mom says fluffing up my hair.
"Do you think we're gonna be late? What am I saying, I'm going early." I say opening up the mascara.
"You'll be fashionably late. So when people start showing up you'll hide out in Alyssa's room till thirty minutes after the party starts."
"Mom, I already have a nice reputation at this school."
"Great that's even better. People will be talking about you." She smiles as she takes pictures.
I finish fixing up my makeup so my mom drags me back out into her workshop. She makes me stand in front of an all white brick wall.
"Do some regular boring poses." She says.
"OnE HouRE LAteR."
I'm frantically texting Alyssa that I'm going to be over in a few minutes as I'm slipping one arm through my coat. My mom has already pulled her car out of the garage.
I turn on the security system and lock up the house as I slip my other arm through my coat. I turn around and walk down my path.
I would get to my moms darn Mercedes Benz E-class faster if this darn stupid big huge fountain wasn't in the way! It draws attention, basically the reason why everyone knows where Summer Rich lives. Plus the fact that my last name is written on a plaque right outside our gates.
I climb into the car and before I can even get the door shut my mom speeds down our driveway.
"Oh my gosh." Sarah says as all my girl friends stare at me. "Your boobs!"
I immediately cover my chest with my arms.
"You should wear low cut shirts more. I knew your boobs were big but not only that but they are nice too!" Ally says.
"All righty guys. Can we like, not talk about my boobs?" I ask.
"Oh okay. Who do you guys plan on kissing tonight?" Alyssa asks taking the attention away from my chest.
"I'm going for Grant." Sarah says.
"Who are you kissing, Summer?" Alyssa asks with a smirk.
"I don't know." I say honestly.
"C'mon! We all know it's Luke!" Bella says.
"Yeah and when was the last time we talked? Like a week or two ago." I say. "Plus, it's not like there's anything real going on between us." I shrug.
"I agree with Summer. I think I'm going to kiss Luke." Erika says.
It falls silent. Completely silent. Everyone looks between Erika and I. Who invited her?
As we all stare at each other it gets interrupted by Alyssa's door being abruptly opened. Cole stands in the doorway and looks around the room at us. He licks his lips when his eyes land on me.
"Hey girls!" He says. Only Erika giving him a sincere smile. "Um, party is starting."
We all nod as people start gathering their stuff and themselves.
I grab Bella's arm before she could leave.
"Stay with me? My mom wants me to be fashionably late to show off her clothes." I tell her.
"Okay! Also, literally everybody here is wearing your moms stuff so I don't think she has to worry." Bella giggles. "What's going on with you and Luke?"
"I don't know."
"Are you just going to let Erika kiss him?"
"I guess...he's not mine." I shrug.
"Mmm. But you guys have a bet." Bella says.
"We never established rules though. And if there are unwritten rules, I guess I can trust Luke to now let it happen or kiss back."
"I guess you're right. Have you guys really not talk in like a week?"
"Yeah. I mean, we've texted but we haven't made time to hang out with each other."
"It is the holidays. I mean we haven't even made time for each other." I nod in response. Bella sighs. "You think it's because of Erika don't you?"
I shrug.
"I don't know how to feel about it." I sigh. "I don't think I even like Luke." I guess.
"There's a difference between a crush and love." Bella says. "I don't think you're in love...yet."
"Yet?" I raise my voice slightly.
"Yes...yet." Bella smiles.
I fall back onto Alyssa's bed groaning. I immediately bolt back up when there's a knock at the door.
"You guys are late." Luke says opening the door. "Oh shit. It's hot in here." He looks me up and down.
I can't help but smile.
"I'm being fashionably late." I tell him.
"I don't think it matters how late you are, I'm sure you'll still turn heads." He says walking over to him.
"I'll be downstairs." Bella says. She hurries out of the room shutting the door behind her.
"Where have you been?" Luke says sitting next to me on the bed.
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