《Innocent Bet》Chapter 10
Summer's p.o.v
I'm piled into a car with Eric, Bella, Mason, and Luke. Of course, Luke.
Eric is driving, Bella is in the passenger seat, I'm sitting behind Bella, Mason is in the middle, Luke is behind Eric.
"I need to pee!" I whine.
"The mall is two minutes away!" Eric says.
"I'm hungry." Mason says.
"I agree." I say.
"You two babies be quiet we're almost there." Eric says.
Mason and I both make a face at him and turn towards each other.
"What a meanie." I whisper.
"I know, he acts like he's the boss of us." Mason says.
"Yes, very bossy."
"He's always telling me to shut up and stuff."
"Guys, we're in the same car. Don't think I can't hear you." Eric says.
"Who said we were talking about you?" Mason argues.
"Just be quiet, we're pulling into the parking lot." Eric says.
"Okay." I say.
Eric parks and Mason and I hurry out of the car. We start skipping towards the entrance of the mall excited, we like to get our hopes up about the small playground. One day there will be room for us!
We walk in to find the food court nearly empty which was pretty normal for this mall. We walk further in to find all the kiddies surrounding a stage. Don't know what's going on but as soon as Mason and I glance at each other we bolt for the play area.
I dove over the couches into the play area when I found no kids but instantly regret it when I fall flat on my butt. I make a face and I roll over on my stomach.
"Haha, I beat you." I hear Mason say. I look up and find him sliding down a short slide.
"You want me to check your butt out?" Luke asks. I roll my eyes as I rest my chin in my folded arms.
"It's not like you don't already do it." I say.
"So that's a yes?" He asks.
I roll back over onto my butt and reach my hands out to Luke. He smiles down at me then pulls me up.
I skip over to the small slide Mason just went down and slid down it. I've been dreaming of this since I was too old to play here!
"Alright kids. We've got things to do." Eric says ruining my fun.
"Like What?" I ask.
"Christmas presents. Duh." He says.
"But I don't want to!" Mason whines as he takes his seat in a boat.
"Well we have to you babies, c'mon!" Eric says walking away.
Mason and I look at each other and roll our eyes as we make our way out of the play area.
"So bossy." I whisper to Mason.
"I know, this has been our dream since we were six!" He says.
I cross my arms and stomp after Eric into Forever21. Mason mirrors my actions.
I walk over to the girls part of the store and start picking our present for my girl friends.
We just got done at Forever21 after what felt like forever. Hehe.
We smile and say our happy holidays or merry Christmas to the cashiers. We walk out and walk towards the direction of Tommy Hilfiger. I'm a fan of Hilfiger, my mom has worked with him in the past with a couple of designs so it's kind of cool.
As we pass some stores I can feel Luke stiffen beside me.
"Oh shit." He breathes out quietly. He quickly grabs me and spins me towards him. He pulls us off to the side out of people's way. "I'm not actually going to kiss you, but I'm gonna make it look like I am." I tilt my head, what? "It's complicated but just do it." He says.
I nod. He then looks over his left shoulder. He brings his face back to me and inches closer. We just look at each other holding back laughs. I look over at Christina who gave Luke's back s dirty look. She then retreats towards the way we came.
"She's gone." I say. Luke lets out a huge breath he's been holding. "Why are you even trying to avoid her?" I ask.
"I'm getting bored of her." He says.
We start walking again.
"You still make out with her?"
"What can I say? I'm a player." He winks at me.
"Yeah and it's gross." I say.
"Oh my fuck! Here we go again."
"What? What am I doing now?" I say frustrated.
"I just feel like every single time we have a conversation it's you calling me a man-whore." He says frustrated too.
"I'm not the one who started calling you a man-whore!"
He pulls me into a secluded place where we were blocked from everyone's view. I cross my arms once we stop walking.
"You were the one who said it to my face!"
"Sorry for speaking the truth?" He scoffs at me then studies me closely, trying to find if I was kidding or not. "We've already talked about this anyway."
"It's not even the fact that you're calling me a man-whore. When you look at me it's like I'm foul or something." He shakes his head then drops it.
"If I thought you were gross I wouldn't let you touch me."
"I'm not talking about wether or not I take showers. I'm talking about how you think I'm just a revolting person!" He says.
"Well yeah! The way you treat girls, it's very foul!" I say. "You probably can't even try to be in a relationship with someone."
"You watch me. I'll treat you like my girlfriend. If I treat you badly I'll end up on the court. If I fall in love I'll end up on the court. If you fall in love, you'll be on that court." He narrows his eyes at me.
"I've said deal before, I'll say deal now." It's not happening. He sucks at commitment.
"Okay then, lets go." He grabs my arm and pulls me along.
I pull my arm away gently and he looks back at me confused. I give him a not so dirty, dirty look. I then strut in front of him, finally going to Tommy Hilfiger.
We all gather our things out of peoples trunks as some leave and others stay.
We walk into Luke's house and the remaining people sigh.
"Oh my gosh my feet!" I complain.
I immediately drop the bags I had and walk over to the couch. I quickly pull off my shoes and massage my right arch. I feel like I've walked across America!
"Dude It feels nice to be back." Grants says sighing as he sits. I nod.
"Welp, i just came by to grab some stuff. I'm off now!" Sarah says giving Grant a look.
"I'll walk her out." Grant says.
Mhm. I smirk.
"Now that they're gone. Let's talk." Luke says as Grant shuts the door.
"Oh my gosh about what!" I say throwing my hands up in the air.
"You can't be giving me this attitude! I don't like it." Luke says.
"And who says I cared what you thought of me?" I cross my arms and legs raising my eyebrow at him.
He takes a seat across from me in the coffee table.
"I know you don't. But if you want people to believe that we are dat-"
"Whoa whoa whoa! I never said anything about dating you! I'm only doing it for your mom."
He stares at me as he thinks.
"Alright, fair." He says getting up. "But I don't want to end this knowing you're mad at me."
He pulls me into a hug. He rests his chin on my head as I rest my forehead on his chest.
"You're so weird." I tell him.
"Says the girl who sleeps diagonally." He says.
"Hey! It's comfortable!"
"You're so hot." He sighs.
I pull away and look up at him. He looks down at me with his beautiful brown eyes.
"I need help in Physics." I say.
"It's because you always sleep in that class." He smirks.
"Leave me alone and let me be!" I stomp my foot.
Luke and I both snap our heads in the direction of the door once we hear it open. Grant walks in with slightly swollen lips and disheveled hair.
"Someone had fun." Luke says letting go of me.
"Is it noticeable?" Grant asks.
"Very." I say plopping back down on the couch.
"Oh yeah, cause it's not noticeable that Luke's banging you when I can hear your moans." Grant says.
My jaw drops. I look up at Luke.
"Wait a damn minute now. We haven't even kissed!" Luke says.
"That hard to believe. You guys are always touching each other." Grant says.
"Grant, open your eyes and look at her!" Luke motions at me. "Who would keep their hands off of that? I mean not even Garrett can!"
I wince at his name. My stomach immediately turns. I gag as my hand shoots up towards my mouth. I try not to shut my eyes, afraid the memory will play in my head. But I couldn't help it.
I shoot up from the couch and immediately run for the bathroom. Once I reach there I spill my guts. I feel my hair being pulled back as someone rubs my back.
"Oh honey, I'm sorry." Luke says softly.
Tears roll down my face as I keep spilling all the food I had ate today. I shiver in between at the thought of HIM.
"Luke, what the hell!" Grant says.
"She will be fine. Go get some Gatorade or water." Luke says a little panicky.
He rubs my back in soothing circles.
"I'm sorry. It slipped." He says.
I got down and he handed me a tissue to wipe my mouth.
"It's okay. I don't really want to think about it or talk about it." I say.
He pulls me into his lap and continues to rub my back soothingly, calming me down. I shiver at the thought of a guy touching me and I tense up.
"It's okay. You can trust me." He says.
Grant hands Luke a water and flushes the toilet. Luke's hand travels up to my head and he massages the back of my head, doing anything to loosen me up. I slowly relax into his touch.
Luke then hands me the water and I take tiny sips of it.
"I'll take you home babe." He says.
I nod. We sit there for a few more minutes before he pulls me back up.
"I'm gonna talk to Grant and you gather your stuff and wait in my room till I tell you, you can come down." He says. I nod again.
I grab my phone from the coffee table and my bags from the entrance floor as I run upstairs into Luke's room. I lay in his bed playing on my phone waiting for Luke to come get me.
"Summer! Come on!" Luke says walking in.
"How are you supposed to get home or how am I supposed to get to school if you drop me off?" I ask him. I've been thinking about this for the past thirty minutes.
"I guess I'll just have to sleep over." Luke says.
"No, no. I've had enough of you. I'll just drive home myself."
"It's dangerous by yourself." He says.
"Luke it's still bright outside and there's still people on the road."
"But, but..." he tugs at his hair. "Fine. Text me when you get there."
I roll out of his bed and collect my shopping bags. I walk downstairs with Luke following behind. I slip into my shoes and turn towards Luke.
"Uh, bye." I say.
He nods looking into my eyes. I gulp as his eyes get dark. He takes a step closer, I'm frozen. He brings his hand up to cup my face. He inches his face closer.
"Summer!" Grant yells.
Luke and I jump apart. So,so close! It didn't mean anything anyways.
Grants walks into the entryway with a smile. He stretches his arms out as he slowly comes in for a hug. I tense up and reluctantly give him a hug back.
"See you soon!" He says.
"See you soon, Grant."
We pull away and I smile at him. I glance at Luke who was studying me with a blank expression. His eyes still dark. I give him a nod before I open his front door and leave.
Luke's p.o.v
I lick my lips as I watch Summer leave. So, so close dude!
"Did you guys have a fight or something?" Grant asks.
"No." I lift my head up to look at him. "You just ruined a moment."
"Oh did you guys almost fuck in the entryway?" He smirks.
"Dude, no! Im not gonna touch her in those ways." Even if I have, I want to.
"Yeah. I'd be surprised if you haven't grabbed her ass yet."
"I haven't. But I've checked it out." I smile.
"Of course you did." Grant walks into the living room and sits on the couch.
I follow his actions.
"Hey." I put my hands up in defense. "She's hot."
"Yeah, but she's not beautiful to you is she? She's just another hot body." Grant scoffs.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You sleep around too much. When the day you actually fall in love with this girl comes, she's not gonna trust you until you stop thinking every girl is hot."
"Dude, you know why I do it."
"Sleeping around with girls isn't an excuse for coping."
I scoff. "Tobias is probably sleeping around right now."
"So you're saying you can do it because your dad does it."
"Don't call him my dad!" I clench my jaw.
"I'm gonna call him your dad however long you want to act like him." Grants says.
"You know what. I guess you're right. Maybe I should get to know a girl. I don't want to be like him." I tense at the thought of Tobias.
Tobias left my mom to screw around with women because my mom 'wont give him what he deserves'.
"I know. You love your mom too much for that." Grant pats my back. "Hey, at least Summer's been in your bed without you having to have sex with her."
I glare at him.
"She's...." I don't want to say it. "She's different."
"I know."
"She doesn't throw herself at me, or shoved her boobs in my face." I chuckle a little. "It's like I'm the one throwing myself at her. You know, so she'll come crawling to me and meet me in the middle."
"I've noticed." Grant nods and crosses his arms.
"But I don't think she will. She's too smart."
"I would agree. You're just gonna have to prove it to her."
"How?" I groan in annoyance. She's winning. "She's known me long enough to know all my games."
"You're not gonna play her like a game. That's just cruel!" Grant slightly raises his voice.
"Okay. So what am I gonna do when she does end up falling in love with me?" I lean back into the couch. "I can't just leave her hanging. That's just cruel!"
"Luke. You're messing with Love here. Love, it's a strong word. It also happens to be a very dangerous game." Grant says. "You may think that just because you're mister player and you can't fall in love. You're wrong. I thought the same thing but it takes one girl to change you and you don't even notice it. You mess around with Love and then it comes back and bites you in the ass. Every time she touches me my skin feels like it's on fire." He sighs. "It takes one girl and one word."
I look at my best friend who's smiling down at his interlocked hands.
"Who's the girl?" I ask.
"Sarah." His smile grows wider. "I thought she was hot. I wanted to get her in bed, I realized that she wasn't an easy one. Later on I realized she's not like other girls. Now here I am. I'm in love."
I groan and bring my hands up to my face.
"I better hope she goes first." I say. "Cause I know she's something different by the way my mom looks at her."
"You give her hickey's." Grant adds.
"I know. It's part of the game." I try convincing more myself than Grant.
"You can say that all you want. You may not notice it but I can tell by the emotions in your eyes when you look at her."
"Oh my damn. I can't take it!" I cover my ears. "This conversation is too serious. I can't take it." I whisper.
"It's better to have it before she has you wrapped around her finger rather after. Cause once you are, your head is gonna spin until she says those three words and eight letters."
"I'm not going to fall in love with her!" I snap at my best friend. He doesn't flinch. "I'm Luke Matthews. Playing around with girls is my specialty." I smirk.
"But she isn't just any other girl." Grant challenges.
"We'll see about that." I say.
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