《Innocent Bet》Chapter 9
Summer's p.o.v
I bolt up when both mine and Luke's alarm go off at exactly 5:00am. Oh yay, I have to go to school! I scroll through my text to find that the game has indeed been canceled since our opponents are an hour away and the roads are pretty bad over there.
I pull myself up out of bed to find that Luke is no longer on the floor. I drag myself to his bathroom and when I swing the door open I swore it said ow.
"Summer!" Luke whines.
"Sorry." I mumble.
Luke swings the door open all the way revealing his towel hanging on his hips and his wet torso. My eyes travel up to his face which shows amusement. His hair was dripping wet but still kept it's kind of fluffy shape.
"Do you want to come in, Summer?"
"Have a fun time covering that hickey babe."
He moves out of the way to let me in. I stumble into his huge bathroom since I'm still half asleep. I splash my face with cold water then tie my hair back prepping for the amount of concealer and other makeup about to go on my neck.
I found a hack on Pinterest to fully cover the hickey, lets hope this works!
"Whoa! It looks like it was never even there!" Luke exclaims.
"That's the point!"
He grabs my chin and tilts it in all sorts of directions observing my neck. I let him for the first two minutes then it got annoying.
"Oh my gosh, how do you girls do this? It's like magic!" He breaths onto my neck.
"Okay, Luke. Uh I think that's enough. We have to get to school."
"Right." He snaps out of his mind blown moment.
I grab whatever I need for school and walk downstairs.
I'm wearing the clothes I had picked out yesterday and Luke is wearing a basketball hoodie with black sweatpants. His hoodie is identical to mine except for the word "basketball".
"Hey Melissa." I greet her as I walk I to the kitchen. I set my stuff down on a stool and Luke does the same.
"Hey kids!" She says back. "I see you guys are twining today." She walks around frantically giving us a slight glance as she says that.
I look at Luke, he looks back at me. This is just an excuse to check each other out. I glance at him sideways, looking at him head to toe bringing my eyes back up to his face.
His eyes lingered on the south of the equator. I smack his arm snapping him out of it. He gives me an amused smile.
"I put it on first copier!" He said.
"I picked it out first copier!" I said.
"I bought it first?" He questions.
"I'm not sure Luke. But I'm not changing!"
"Well I guess we're gonna have to twin because I'm not changing either." He sticks his tongue out at me.
"What's so wrong with twinning with your boyfriend or girlfriend?" Melissa asks.
Well shoot. I give Luke a quick glance to see that his eyes are wide.
"Oh, nothing. We just like to tease each other like this." Luke pulls me in to his side.
"Yeah, all the time." I say.
"M'kay weirdos. I'll be off to work now. Text me if you need anything and that goes for both of you." Melissa says, Luke and I both nod.
We here the front door shut and we both let out a sigh of relief. I shove Luke away from me adjusting myself.
"Well I'm going to school." I said.
"You want any breakfast?" Luke asks holding up granola bars.
"Sure!" He throws me one and I smoothly catch it.
"I'm not gonna be seen with you dude. I don't care what you say." I tell Luke.
"They're not gonna think we're dating. I mean, look at us! We look like twins." He points between us.
"You're right, i mean like. What the heck." I say frick it as I walk in along side Luke.
I immediately regret it when people stare and some whisper as we walk into the school.
"Luuuuukkkkeee!" My ears ring at the ear piercing voice. I cringe as she clicks her heels and sways her hips walking towards Luke with her big smile.
I roll my eyes as she nears and turn to walk to my locker but Luke pulls my back. He slips an arm around my waist as Christina and Ria both plant themselves in front of him.
"You down for a threesome?" Ria asks in a very uncomfortable voice.
I shudder and Luke feels it as he rubs my back immediately after. That was really freaking annoying, right in front of me? Seriously? What am I saying? It's not like I'm his girlfriend.
"Uh sorry guys but, no." Luke says. "My mom can only take so many girls." Um, excuse me? "And plus, Summer and my mom are hanging out tonight and it would be extremely rude to interrupt their hangout with loud noises now wouldn't it? Well I've got to go now, bye!"
Luke pushes me towards my locker.
"You're Lucky nobody was listening because you made me sound like one of your little thots." I say through clenched teeth.
"But...I saved it at the end didn't I?"
"Yeah you did, now go to your locker and leave me alone!" I shoo him away.
When Mason and I both walked into Physics to find that we had a sub, I dropped my head into my arms as soon as I sat down.
I feel a tap on my shoulder. I snap my head up glaring at Mason.
"What do you want?" I place my head back down still looking at him.
"You and Luke?" He smirks.
"There's nothing! Nothing!" I defend.
"I didn't even ask about you're relationship with him!" He smiles.
"Well I knew you were going to! I have to catch up on sleep, goodnight!" I put my head back down dramatically.
"Luke's inviting people over today. Are you going to be there?" Mason asks.
"Duh, I'm going to be there." I mean, I've been there the past few days.
Soon after I heard Masons snores and I chuckle.
I walk into lunch with Bella. We were talking about how our Physics teacher literally gives us tests and quizzes every week, sometimes both in the same week!
I stop in my tracks as I reach the lunch table to see the boys sitting there.
"What the heck?" I tilt my head.
"Hey Summer!" Mason said. Mason usually always sits here so I don't mind him but then there's the other five.
It's whatever there's still enough seats for all of us. I take a seat next to Mason and Bella on the other side of me.
"Nobody told me we were supposed to be twinning with our girlfriends!" Eric says. Luke and I both glare at him. He holds his hands up in defense. "Whoa whoa whoa, you two are only offended cause it's true." He winks at me.
"Eric, Luke's a player! I'd never go for that." I motion towards Luke.
"We'll see about that tonight." Grant says.
"Whatever!" I say a little louder than talking then I turn to talk to Bella.
I hear the clicking of heels, oh my gosh here she comes. I groan out loud causing some of my friends to look at me.
Bella and I both roll our eyes and turn towards Satan on earth. Christina gives me an evil smirk before turning towards Luke. She plops her petty little butt on Luke's lap. Fire rises in my stomach and I feel a weird pain in my heart. I roll my eyes at the two and turn before I get sick.
"Who invited her?" I ask Bella.
"Nobody. She thinks because she's the HBIC that she can just stomp all over the place. That sounded stupid, but you know what I mean." Bella replies.
[A/N HBIC means head bitch in charge.]
I nod my head in agreement and turn around to see that the two were gone. Probably making out somewhere, I could care less, I think.
"Are you gonna go get your man?" Grant asks.
"He's yours!" I gesture to Grant.
"Yeah I know, but just because it's you I'm letting him go." He smiles.
"Whoa whoa whoa! He's not mine!" I wish he is.
"Yeah cause the hickey he gave you doesn't mean anything." Grant smirks.
Everyone at the table gasps. Some widen their eyes and some smile at me some can't shut their mouths.
I clench my jaw and glare at Grant. I pull my hoodie a little further up my neck.
"Um, he didn't give me one!" I attempt to cover up for myself.
"Just because you cover it up with make up, really well. Doesn't mean Luke didn't tell me. He has a mouth and vocal chords you know."
"Grant!" He laughs at me. "Maybe, Luke lied!" I stand up and place my hands on the table.
"Maybe he did. I won't believe it till I see it! Tonight." Grant says.
I give him one last glare before speed walking out of the cafeteria.
I speed walk down the empty halls and to my locker. I open my locker and check out my neck in the mirror I have hung up.
I sigh in relief when I see that the makeup has held up and I only have two more periods to go.
"Hey babe, you're early again." I jump and drop my chapstick that I was applying.
Luke smoothly catches it and hands it back to me. I cringe at his appearance.
He has swollen lips which are slightly more pink. His hair is extremely messy. His hoodie is all wrinkled and his hood is resting on a shoulder. I meet his eyes and he obviously noticed that I was judging him.
"Yeah, I am early again. Grant was getting on my nerves." I grab my English stuff out of my locker. "You told him."
"Yeah I did. I didn't think you would care." Luke puts his hands in his pants pocket.
"Luke! You're a man-whore, a fuck boy, a literal walking STD! Yeah, I'd totally want people to know that you gave me a hickey."
I can see Luke clench his jaw.
"I didn't think you'd care because I told you that I don't just give anyone hickey's."
He's right. I don't want to admit it because of how stubborn I am.
"If people hear about it, they'd think I'm disgusting." It's my turn to clench my jaw.
"Why? Why do you think I'm so disgusting? You didn't even have to use those words. I can just tell by the way you look at me and talk to me sometimes." He says.
"I'm not sure if you heard the words I use-"
"Yes, I heard them. I don't ever want to hear them again." He growls. His face inches closer to mine as we glare at each other.
"The words I used were just facts. You earned them by sleeping around with a bunch of poor girls who thought you actually liked them. I have to get to class now..." I look into his eyes. "Man-whore...don't bang another girl on your way to class."
I slam my locker shut and walk to class. I hear another locker slam and I flinch. I slightly turn my head as I turn a corner to see Luke walking in the direction of the cafeteria with clench fists.
He looks a mess. I cant embarrass him, even though it's probably happened multiple times.
"Luke wait!" I yell walking towards him.
He turns, his jaw still clenched and anger in his eyes.
I walk up to him and he looks into my eyes as I fix his hair. His tense body softens as I touch him, the anger in his eyes slowly going away. But as soon as it went away it came back. I quickly fix his hoodie and nod before walking off.
Once I'm completely turned around the corner. I can hear Luke's annoyed sigh.
I'm not sorry for calling him those names. Maybe if he didn't sleep around with girls then he wouldn't be called those. I admit it was harsh, but who else is going to tell him that?
I walk into English and take my seat towards the back.
"Early again Miss Rich?" My English teacher says.
"Trouble with friends?" He asks.
I don't know.
"I guess..."
"Mmm. Certain guy maybe?"
Two guys. Grant getting on my nerves, Luke is angry at me, and one girl. Bella teasing me and also getting on my nerves.
"Not just one guy. All my friends." I say.
"I assumed that it was Luke." My teacher looks up at me from his work.
"He's one of them."
My teacher nods as he decided to drop the conversation. I put my head down and wait for the bell.
I gather my things from my locker which was literally nothing since it's Friday. I didn't want to wait for Luke since he's still ticked so I just walk out to my car and wait there.
I sit in my car and lean back in my seat and let out a long sigh. Today was good. Except for the words I can't take back.
I tap on my steering wheel listening to the music playing on the radio as I wait for Luke.
My phone goes off and I see it's a text from Luke.
Luke😈: Where the hell are you?
Me: I'm waiting in my car.
Luke😈: Why didn't you tell me you weren't waiting for me?
Me: I made a last minute decision.
Luke😈: okay, see you soon.
Me: Kay.
I exit out of messages and connect my phone to the radio. I put on Fine China and jam while I wait for Luke. I lean back into my seat and sing along.
I hear a tap on my window and look and see that it's Luke. I unlock my car and he gets in. He's not alone. He brings an elephant with him.
I pull out of the parking lot and start the fifteen minute silent drive with music in the background road trip.
Luke doesn't pull his phone out and just looks out the window the whole time. It is a tension filled awkward silence.
"I'm sorry." Luke says.
Sorry for what? I should be sorry.
"No, Luke. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry about Christina and sleeping around."
"The hell would you be sorry about that for?"
"I was acting like a dick when you put me in my place."
"Yeah, you were." I tap the steering wheel. "I'm sorry for calling you names." It's like I'm back in kindergarten again.
"Yeah they were pretty hurtful." He sighs. "Nobody's ever said them to my face. It's like they're too scared."
"Why would they be scared?"
"I don't know? I'm not a bad boy!" He thinks. "Maybe it's because I'm a jock?"
"Or maybe girls are afraid you won't slam them on in a bed and do them."
"Summer! I get it! Now stop with the banging jokes!" He groans.
"Yeah it only took me and a few hurtful words." I scoff.
"Don't piss me off again little lady!"
"Okay okay, fine!" I let out a small laugh.
We are all sitting in Luke's living room. Everyone staring intently at Luke and I even though we're sitting on opposites side of the room.
I'm currently sharing a chair with Ally by the fireplace wrapped in a blanket. Luke is on the couch that is by the doorway. We are two seats and a coffee table away from each other.
"One hour. One hour. Summer and Luke has done nothing but talk and look at each other!" Grant says interrupting everyone's conversation about the best rom-coms to watch.
"You were expecting us to do something?" Luke asks. Grant nods his head. "Like What?"
"I don't know. Start making out on the floor? Summer gives you a hickey. Go to Luke's room and we hear loud moans and groans. Something that confirms you guys have a thing!"
I smile a little and tilt my head at Grant while Luke gets up and chuckles.
"Grant, we don't have a-" Luke cuts me off.
"You asked for it."
He grabs my hand and yanks me off the chair I was sitting in. I was surprised. What the hell is Luke doing?
He leans in towards my ear and whispers loud enough for my to hear, but quiet enough that nobody else in the room hears.
"Give me a hickey." He commands.
I look up at him with my surprised face. He looks back down at me. I take a deep breath and slightly nod.
I kiss his jaw as he picks me up. I warp my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
"Be back soon guys." Luke says. He leads us to the kitchen. He sets me down on the counter and I stop. He stands in between my legs with his arms on either side of me. "The hell are you stopping for?"
"Luke, I just need to-"
"Shut up." He bites my bottom lip lightly.
Our lips ever so slightly touch before I go back to giving him a hickey. His low groans and moans make me smile.
After a few seconds I pull away to reveal the mark I've left on Luke.
"Fuck, you're good at this." He breaths.
"Yeah...that was my first..." I play with my fingers.
"Well fuck! That's even better!" He tilts my chin up.
I purse my lips and hop off the counter. I spin Luke and I around then walk back into the living room.
"I see and heard you two had some fun." Grant says.
"It was good brotha!" Luke says plopping on the couch pulling me onto the couch next to him.
"You're something different Summer." Grant says studying us.
We are the third rom-com in. Luke is sound asleep on his back on the couch. I'm laying on top of him with my right arm dangling off the couch and my head turned towards the tv. Both of Luke's arms are wrapped around me, I placed a blanket over us a while ago when he was complaining about being cold.
I start to get drowsy about thirty minutes in. Some of my friends have went to guest rooms to sleep. Some are still here watching movies or Luke and I.
I then drift off to sleep after looking around the room.
"Oh my gosh, I should've slept down here!" A female voice says.
"They're so cute!" Another female voice says.
Luke groans and pulls the blanket further up and turning us sideways. My back is to the couch back and my leg is resting on Luke's hip. Luke has his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Guys be more quieter! You're waking them up!" A male voice says.
"Will all of you Shut up! Summer and I want to sleep please!" Luke mumbles.
"There's food." Someone says and I bolt up at those words.
Luke groans in protest and tries to pull me back down but I slap his hand away.
"Wake up, Luke!" I say.
"Summer! It's too early!" He whines.
"Luke, you've been waking me up early for the past week!" I argue.
"You guys have been sleeping together for the past week?" Grant asks. "Tell me again you guys are definitely not a thing."
"Um...he's been calling me?" That came out as a question.
"She's been hanging out with my mom?" Luke says.
Grants scoffs. "Okay, sure. I don't believe any of that."
I look around at all my friends staring intently at Luke and I.
"Yeah, we've been sleeping together. Except she made me sleep on the floor Thursday night!" Luke says.
"So...you guys have..." Ally starts to say.
"No,no,no! We haven't. We haven't even kissed!" I say.
"You haven't even kissed?" Everyone yells.
"Uh yeah guys! I'm not sure if you've heard but we have a bet! First person to fall in love has to twerk to a song of the other persons choice!"
Some drop their jaws and some throw their hands up.
"Are you serious!" Alyssa says.
Everyone then walks away going to sit on chairs or floors or into the kitchen.
"Good job, babe. You stopped people from interrogating us." He says sitting up.
He places me in his lap and kisses my jaw.
"Do you want food?" I ask.
"After we change." He says against my jaw.
"Okay." I get off his lap and pull him off the couch and drag him upstairs.
Once we reach his room we both go straight for his closet.
"Hey, whoa whao. One at a time!" I say before entering the closet. "And I'm going first."
"I live here so I should go first."
"I'm the guest!"
"This is my room!"
"I'm the woman in this relationship!"
"Okay, fine. I guess we'll just have to change together." He says making my jaw drop. "Come on it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before."
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