《Nicknames》Chapter 26 ~ Home



I wanted to kiss Carter, I really did. But I haven't brushed my teeth or showered in two days. Just know the moment I get cleaned up, I will be all over that man like brown on rice. Carter prefers brown rice, but I really like white.

Rice isn't important, but I'm sure you understand my desire for Carter.

My thoughts are interrupted by Ryan stealing my attention. "I'm so happy you are okay, Luna."

"Yeah, me too," I reply sitting down at Carter's desk.

Ryan nods and takes a step closer to me telling me that I only live once and me getting taken has shown him that he can't pass up an opportunity with me. Once again he asks me on a date, but this time I don't say no because Carter asked me to. I say no because of Carter.

I try my best to break it to Ryan softly, letting him know as sweetly as possible that I love Carter and want to be with him, but we can remain friends. He asks me if there would've been a chance for us if I hadn't fallen for Carter first. I give him my honest answer that it probably would not have. I was falling for Carter the moment I met him. Ryan just nods and walks away.

"Way to hurt a man," Emily comments walking up to me. "You're in love with Carter!"

I roll my eyes. "Is it really that obvious?" I ask sarcastically.

"It's been obvious since day one," she says with a smile.

I was afraid then and I'm still afraid of losing the best man I've ever had in my life. Then again Carter and I have been through a lot and I can't imagine an intimate relationship with anyone but him.

Shooing Emily away, I open up Carter's drawer and pull out my favorite bag of kettle-cooked salt and vinegar chips. I slip off my sandals and cross my legs in the seat, hiking up my skirt so it's not restricting. I eat my snack and steal the Gatorade from Carter's thermos as I wait for him to come back.


After 15 minutes Carter finally comes back to me, his strides long and quick as he comes up to the desk, grabs his keys, and pulls me to my feet. I watch him pick up his bag and my shoes before dragging me to the elevator. He drags his fingers over his two-day-old stubble and pulls me into his chest as we ride down.

Carter helps me into his truck before getting in himself and pulling off. The ride home is filled with tense silence, except for the radio. Most of the tension coming off of Carter. I notice his hands as he grips the steering wheel and navigates us out. His knuckles are bruised.

"What happened to your hands?" I question, breaking the silence.


I don't push. I'm tired and I really need to get these clothes off and wash up. First I'm going to brush my teeth, then shower, and finally end it with a nice long bubble bath in Carter's tub. Mostly because he has a separate bathtub with jets and warmers.

"I love you," Carter says randomly.

I can't not say it back. "I love you too."

He smiles and pulls into the garage. When we get inside, I head straight for my room so I can get cleaned up. It's been a long two days and I have been aching to do this since we got off the plane. I notice how my bag is emptied out and all my things are away. I'm very thankful for Carter doing that.

When I get out of the shower, I wrap a towel around me and head to Carter's room where I find him sitting on the bed. He doesn't look up when I come in and walk to his bathroom to begin filling the bath up with water.

"Carter," I call out from the doorway. His eyes meet mine. I drop my towel and hold my hand out to him. He stands and approaches me slowly. "Do you want to take a bath with me?"

He smirks and I don't even know why I asked the question. With sure hands, I grip Carter's shirt and begin to undress him as he stands still and lets me. When his clothes are off I guide him into the bathroom and turn off the water flowing into the tub that is now filled up with water and bubbles.


Strangely he still hasn't said a word even as he steps into the bath and sits down then pulls me in next settling me between his legs. Why is he so quiet? It's unsettling. What is wrong?

Turning my head up to him, I find him already looking at me. I turn into him and finally do what I've wanted to do for so long. I kiss him again. Soft, warm lips glide against mine, moving slowly as his hands turn my body into him. His wet tongue traces my lips, his teeth teasing my bottom lip as he adjusts me even more so I'm straddling his waist. Eyes closed in pleasure, his large hand gripping my hair, I give into every sensation rushing through me. My heartbeat slows as everything settles within me. I love being held in his arms, our bodies as close as we can get them.

Minutes later I pull away and notice the way his eyes are glazed over. He smiles at me. "For a while, I thought you didn't want to kiss me. You pulled away from me at work."

"I hadn't brushed my teeth in two days," I reassure. "I didn't want to kiss like that."

He pulls me back into his arms and holds me tightly. "I don't know what I would do without you."

"I love you," is the only thing I can say to that. I can't promise him that he won't have to live without me and he can't promise me the same thing. Life is unpredictable, but one thing I do know is that I want to be with him and only him.

I place another kiss on his lips before turning back around in his arms and settling between his thighs as the jets make the water bubble in the tub. At this moment I am content, yet I'm still curious.

"Carter, what happened to your hand?"

I feel his teeth latch onto my earlobe and he tries to distract me, by slipping his fingers between his thighs. I shove his hands off and glare up at him. Finally, he gives in and gives me an answer.

"I punched a wall because I couldn't kill your ex. Masbourian contacted me giving me hints on where you are and even sending me a live feed of you, but Anthony claims to know nothing about him."

Carter and Masbourian. Their relationship is equivalent to Judy and Peralta from Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Carter gets mad when I say that because he would never be that friendly with Masbourian. But they have a game of cat and mouse.

"Screw Masbourian," I tell him. Right now it's just me and Carter, and I do not want to talk about Masbourian.

We stay in the tub until the water gets cold and our skin starts to prune. After a quick rinse we climb out the bath and Carter wraps a towel around me. Closing my eyes, I wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his chest. I feel his chest vibrate with a silent chuckle as his fingers slip through my wet hair, massaging my scalp.

"How about I order dinner? We can get Italian."

I yawn and take his hand guiding him to the bedroom where I immediately lay down on the bed and close my eyes. "Can I take a nap first and you can order when I wake up?

He smiles and gently pulls off my towel before pulling back the sheets of the bed and climbing in. He pats the spot next to him and I crawl in next to him, slipping under the sheets and almost instantly falling asleep in his arms.

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