《Nicknames》Chapter 25 ~ Found


Shit! I figured it out!

Hopping up from the piles of papers and photos around me, I pick up my laptop and move to the counter. It's 5 in the morning and I'm a little sleep-deprived, but I believe I fucking got it. Masbourian's clues may have actually been helpful. But I still have no idea why he would give me the clues in the first place.

Yesterday when I got home, I took the time to call Luna's family as I washed her clothes from the trip, folded them up then put them away in their respective places. They were hysterical, but I assured them that I would bring Luna back. Her mother said that we needed to take the first flight to North Carolina, the moment I found her. I didn't see it as necessary. Nevertheless, I promised that we would come knowing that Luna has been begging me forever.

After handling that, I dug into the clues and whatever I could find on Anthony that related to them. And I think I found it. Immediately I call the team and tell them to meet me at the office as soon as possible. We are going to find my girl.

"What have you found?" Emily asks as she and Derek come in, with the captain following behind them.

"Masbourian gave me clues," I inform them. "Dirty dancing and something about his grandmother. Little did I know these clues were telling me exactly where Luna was."

I pull up my findings on the screen and show them as I explain. "3 years ago, Anthony inherited a cabin from his grandmother. But 5 months ago it was foreclosed. It is located on Swayze lake in New Jersey."

"We need to go now," Derek says.

I agree. But Captain doesn't.


"Carter, I understand that you want to go out, but you are staying here. I can't have retrieving Luna and apprehending Anthony compromised because of your strong emotions."


"It's final, Carter!" He clips.

I stand there blood boiling, unable to do anything.

"We will bring her back," Derek says. "You need to confess your love for her."

I don't say anything, because he's right.

As the elevator doors close, my phone rings, and I pick it up without thought. Luna's soft voice meets my ear and I'm instantly on edge.


I fight back the tears threatening to come to my eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Just a little tied up," she laughs.

"That's not funny," I sigh.

How can she make jokes at a time like this? She's been taken by her crazy ex-boyfriend.

"You sound tired? You haven't eaten, have you?" She questions. "You need to—"

"I've found you."

"I miss you."

She's cute. "I miss you too, Honey Wiggles."

A soft laugh meets my ears along with the gruff, "Time up" coming from Anthony. I need to tell her how I feel right now.

"I lo—"

The phone cuts off.

Knowing my mind will explode if I continue to sit around, I stand to my feet and take the elevators to my car. From there I drive to the store and get Luna the newest phone that she's been saying she's going to get yet still hasn't.

When I get back to the office I go through photos and videos of Luna and me as I wait. One, in particular, catches my attention that I've never noticed before, Luna put it in the hidden folder. I click on it to find Luna's bright smile greeting me.


"Hey, green giant! You left your phone, big mistake. Plus I'm drunk. But I'm making this video because it is important that you know how much I love you. I know it's only been two years but you've made me the happiest girl ever. And I'm not oblivious. So I thought maybe this would make you happy."

I watch intently as she stands up from the bed and slowly begins to strip out of her clothes. Fuck me, she's perfect in every fucking way. I'm just starting to get to the good part when a phone call interrupts my video. It's Emily.

"We have Luna. Anthony is being transported and he'll arrive shortly after us."


"5 minutes. We'll see you soon."

I hang up and wait for the longest 5 minutes of my life. Then the elevator doors open and I stand up when I notice Emily step out with Luna following. Our eyes lock and I barely make it a step before Luna is rushing into my arms and throwing her arms around me. I grab her waist and hold her tightly in my arms until I can release her.

"I love you," I whisper against her neck.

"I love you too." I feel her tears fall against my neck.

I want to kiss her and when I cup her face between her fingers and try to, she backs away from me. And it hurts but I understand.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you."

She rolls her eyes. "You're an idiot. Just wait until we get home."

What does that mean? I don't get the chance to question it when David calls me and like usual Luna's stupid tech geek boyfriend approaches just when I need to go. I turn to the tech geek and glare at him causing him to falter in his stride, but he still approaches.

"I think David is ready for you, Carter."

I kiss Luna's nose and step away knowing that I need to leave. "I'll only be a few minutes. I have snacks in the bottom drawer. We will get whatever you want when we get home tonight."

She nods and gives me my favorite cute smile.

"I love you," I tell her one more time before walking away to the interrogation rooms.

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