《Nicknames》Chapter 10 ~ First Assignment



It's been a week since my family left and Carter and I are back to our normal routine. Well, sort of. The events that happened in the gym still hang in the air along with other forbidden feelings that get harder and harder to suppress with every passing day.

Carter has asked me to sleep in bed with him almost every night. I declined even though, I liked falling asleep in his warm arms. He too said he sleeps better with me next to him. But now is not the time to think about those things. We have a case.

The second we step off the elevators Carter and I are confronted with a new case. Captain is the first to blurt, "You guys are going to Miami."

I just brush it off and go to Cater's desk, sitting in the corner and taking a sip from his thermos. I forgot mine. Carter going on another mission means I can have time to clear my head, which is exactly what I need right now. But captain keeps talking.

"Luna your Aunt has agreed to let us use her beach house. I thought you would be more comfortable in a well known place seeing as this would be your first time out in the field."

For a moment, I pause. He's making it sound like I'm going on this trip as well. Carter confirms it as he comes around his desk, sits in front of me and says, "It sounds like you'll be going out with me, Sugar Bear."

I groan at his stupid nickname and go back to stealing the gatorade from his thermos. Captain continues to give us the details.

"You guys will be a newly wed couple."

I laugh at the absurdity. "Carter and I would never pass as a married couple."


I feel the incredulous gazes directed towards me as if what I said is ridiculous. Being married involves kissing and more affection and...Why is Carter not more concerned about this?

"You and Carter will figure it out," Captain dismisses aimlessly. "Get caught up on the info, Derek and Emily will help you guys with that and the surveillance gear. Then go home and pack. Your plane leaves in an hour."

Sighing, I hop off the desk and turn to Derek and Emily. "Let's get this over with."

"Luna?" Carter asks, placing his hand on my waist and looking up at me. "Do you not want to go to Miami with me?"

Well when he puts it like that it sounds bad. I tell him I do want to before taking his hand and lifting him to his feet so we can get everything done before our flight. It usually takes me two days to pack, now I have to do it in less than 30 minutes.

Carter stops me by wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling me against his chest. His stupid grey eyes turn soft and penetrate mine. He can see right through me, but I am not going to let him know that.

"If you're nervous, I got you, Honey crisp. I'll be with you the whole time and trust me, I'm never letting you out of my sight."

I nod and pull him along again for the debriefing.

Saturday we will be going to a gala where we will be retrieving a chip called GHOST. It's a scrambling device that can interfere with signals all over the world and override and control the system without a trace. The only reason we know about it is because of underground chatter that we monitor. And they believe this chip has a link to Masbourian. Carter's personal enemy, but that's a story for him to tell.


They give us monitoring devices so they can see and hear everything we do. Simple eye contacts with active cameras and an earpiece that allows us to communicate with them. The feed will also be shared with the Miami division. Now we go home and prepare for our flight.

What was captain thinking, giving us only an hour to get ready?

The whole car ride I remain silent, while Carter goes over more details on the phone. The second he parks I climb out of the car and go to the elevator pressing the button and waiting for the shaft to come along with Carter who takes his sweet precious time to approach.

When he finally climbs on, I hit the button to our floor and wait for the elevator to ascend. Carter glances at me questionably but doesn't say anything. Neither do I and the moment we get to our floor I am off the elevator and heading for the stairs so I can pack.

For 10 minutes I shove clothes into my bags making sure I have enough. Tops, shorts, pants, bikinis, sandals. Then I remember we are going to Miami for a gala and throw in some formal dresses along with heels.

Once all my bags are packed, I drag them downstairs where I find Carter already packed and ready. I choose not to question how he packed so fast. Instead I just head for the elevator and leave Carter to follow.

"Are you nervous?" He questions coming up behind me and waiting for the elevator as well.

I shrug. Carter hates when I shrug and soon the belt loop of my jeans are being tugged and I'm being spun around to come face to face with Carter. "You have nothing to worry about, Luna, I got you. If it's about Masbourian he will never touch you."

The look in his eyes is genuine. I know he would never let anything happen to me. With a nod of assurance, he kisses my forehead and guides me into the elevator that has opened up.

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