《Nicknames》Chapter 9 ~ Just Friends



The words Luna said have played in my head on repeat. We're best friends. Just friends. You don't have these types of thoughts about a friend. But if that's what I have to be in order to have Luna, I will be the best friend she's ever had. No matter how much I hate it.

Once I've showered and changed into fresh clothes, I head back downstairs to where Luna and her family currently reside.

"Why are you dressed so nice?" Luna asks, approaching me as if what happened 30 minutes ago wasn't real. I kind of hate when she does this shit as well. Get fucking mad for more than five minutes, Luna. I nearly had sex with a girl on our couch on the blanket I knew was your favorite because I wanted to piss you off. I wanted to know if any type of emotion would show to reveal that you felt the same way I did about you.

Why won't she get angry with me?

I know I should be happy she hasn't but I know for a fact every healthy relationship has arguments and I don't want her to hold it in and have it compound over a period of time until it blows up and everything we have shatters. But I don't say anything and I guess that's my problem as well. I don't say shit.

Pulling Luna into my arms, I play with the strings of my hoodie that she's wearing. "I have a date with this girl from the coffee shop," I tease.

Her lips curl into a pout. "So you aren't coming with us?"

That look makes me weak and I can't keep the teasing up with her looking at me like that. I tell her that I'm just teasing her as I play with her messy curls. Her nose scrunches and my heart skips.


Before Luna there was no light in my life. Now she shines in my darkness. Her name is befitting. "Luna" the latin word for moon or the Roman Mythology's Moon Goddess. Luna Grayson a juxtaposing name that seems perfect for her.

Cupping her face, I kiss her forehead before walking around her to get my own breakfast. She stands in the same spot for a few seconds before heading upstairs, probably to get dressed.

When Luna comes back down we take her family out again. The zoo, museums, then her favorite place for street art. I love coming here, mostly because of Luna's childlike excitement at seeing the dancing and art while listening to the music. There's nothing better than the glow in her eyes.

After sightseeing we go out to eat at the River Cafe where I managed to get reservations. We ate and I paid for everyone after arguing on and off with Luna during dessert. It's $160 per person and I wasn't going to let Luna pay a dime. Obviously she gave in, but only because I agreed to let her pay for dessert after. It was a small feat.

That night when we got home everyone went to their respective rooms, worn out from todays activities. Luna just sits on the couch and looks back at me as I pour us two glasses of water. When I sit down next to her she downs her glass of water in gulps. I offer her mine, that she gladly takes. Someone was thirsty.

I start to get up to refill our glasses when Luna places her hand on my arm and stops me, wrapping her fingers around the back of my neck. Eyes steady on mine, she runs her thumb along the back of my ear then says. "Meet me in bed."


Her wish was my command. When I got upstairs she was waiting in bed, in nothing but my shirt, per usual. I pass her the glass of water before stripping out of my own clothes and climbing in with her. This time her sips were slower, but I was still curious as to why she was so thirsty. Instead, I just waited for her to set the glass down and lay down next to me.

"Good night, honey bunches," I whisper against the back of her neck as I hold her in my arms.

She chuckles and pushes back into me causing my dick to come to life. This woman has to know what she's doing, yet she pretends she doesn't. I try to think of anything but this girl's ass pressed right against me. Luna must feel how tense I am because she takes my hand and squeezes it then holds it against her heart allowing me to feel the steady rhythm.

I relax and close my eyes. I'm so glad I stole this woman from the bar.

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