《Nicknames》Chapter 8 ~ Different



The bright sun rises over and through the buildings and skyscrapers outside of our window. I like waking up like this, it feels natural and warming. Plus when the sun shines perfectly on your favorite guys smooth tan skin, how can you hate it?

Carter's so cute when he's asleep. Probably because he doesn't look as intimidating and his mouth is closed. Laughing to myself, I run my fingers through his dark brown, slightly curly hair. His nose scrunches and his large hand moves down my side and back up underneath my shirt, resting on my hip. He's so cute.

"Carter, Honey?" I whisper softly, playing with the hairs at the nape of his neck. "You need to wake up so I can go to the bathroom."

The man is pure muscle, and trying to push him off when he's holding onto you like a kid holds a teddy bear is a workout in itself. One night we fell asleep on the couch together and I woke up to go to my bedroom. Carter just held me closer and grunted for me to stop moving. Usually I give in, but today I am not going to.

This time Carter doesn't give me as hard of a time as he opens his eyes and crawls over me. I look up into his eyes that I love so much. Slowly Carter leans in and brushes his nose against mine before placing a kiss to my neck, just below my ear. I like morning kisses.

"You smell good," I hum, dragging my fingers over his chest and to the waistband of his boxer briefs.

He shakes his head and pulls back with a low groan, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking back at me with endearment. I can't help but smile as I sit up and crawl over to him, resting my head on his shoulder and looking out to the city cast in an orange glow from the rising sun.

Only when the sun has fully risen do I move away from Carter to go to the bathroom to relieve myself and shower. After my shower, I order breakfast and put on one of the hoodies hanging up in Carter's closet until I can go to my bedroom and put on clothes.

I head downstairs in search of Carter and find him working out in the gym. Leaning against the door I watch him do hip thrusts while thinking some very, very naughty things. Two years later and my attraction to him hasn't died. But now we have a bond that's too strong to break if a more intimate relationship goes bad. Right now, I don't have to worry about Carter leaving me for another girl or cheating on me because we aren't together which means he can do whatever he wants. And so can I.


Carter stops, putting up the bar and glancing at me as he lays out his blue mat on the floor and sits down. Then he pats the empty spot between his legs as a way of telling me to come to him. With feigned reluctance, I walk over to Carter and sit down in between his legs with my back to him. He smells like sweat and usually, I don't mind it, but I've already showered this morning.

"Stretch with me."

Slowly he lifts my right arm and wraps it behind his neck holding it in place while placing the other one on his thigh and beginning to place soft kisses along my ear. "Deep breath," he whispers. I listen, paying no mind to his actions seeing as on more occasions than none Carter and I have worked out, done yoga, pilates, or other forms of exercise and meditation many times together.

"Does that feel good?" He whispers lifting up his hoodie that I have.

I nod and drop my head back as his hand continues to lift up my hoodie. My body relaxes into him, and I close my eyes as his fingers drift lower. I'm enjoying this very much. Too much.

Carter's voice meets my ear again. "Spread your legs." As if in a trance, I listen, spreading my legs wide and paying no mind to the command or the fact that I'm bare underneath. He instructs me to take another deep breath and tells me that he is going to touch me now just before his fingers come in contact with my sensitive nub.

I freeze for a minute holding in the moan that tries to slip through then instantly shuffle out of Carter's arms, glaring at him as he looks up at me with a hard on.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I bark, adjusting the hoodie and forcing my legs to stand up.

"Luna, I..."

The bad part is that second of doubt that I had right before pushing away from him. The worst part is I'm not as mad as I should be. That doesn't mean I'm not still angry though. Without a word, I storm out of the gym and into the living room when the doorbell rings. I hope the food is here.

I open the door to a large bag containing a delicious meal that I am so excited to eat. Food is a spirit lifter. Sadly my idiot friend ruins it by stepping into the kitchen for a gatorade and watching me bring the food over. I avoid eye contact which he hates.


In a second I'm pinned against the fridge and Carter is staring down at me. The close proximity sends my heart racing. "Luna I'm sorry."

"Let's put it behind us," I try, really not wanting to think about the type of reaction my body has to him. But Carter doesn't want to. He wants me to know how sorry he is for treating me the way he did and getting lost in the lusty haze that filled the room.

I felt that haze too as we locked eyes while he was doing hip thrusts and I could see the same thoughts in Carter's eyes that I had in mine.

What would happen if I just walk over and climbed onto his lap? Would he put down the weights and thrust into me like that?

Sighing, I wrap my arms around him and hold him in a hug. Our anger towards each other usually never lasts long. Some of them I felt like should've but Carter makes me weak and vice versa. Last year I wrecked his truck and Carter was pissed as hell, then that night he apologized and said he was glad I didn't get hurt because he wouldn't know what to do without me. I apologized for the billionth time and Carter said screw the truck. The next day we went to get a new one that he let me pick out.

Three months after I met Carter he brought a girl home and didn't make it to the bed. I found them half-naked on the couch with my favorite blanket. Murder came into my mind, but I concealed my anger and went to my room, despite Carter's call and his dumb girl asking if I was his girlfriend. I wanted to yell that I was the roommate but that would've been stupid. Plus if I was the girlfriend, I would've done a lot more than walk off after finding them about to have sex on my blanket. I would've attacked Carter for putting me in that position again when he knew what I went through with Anthony.

But Carter wasn't my boyfriend, so I let my frustrations out in my room. Fifteen minutes later Carter came in and crawled into bed with me, smelling freshly cleaned. He said he kicked the girl out and took a shower because he knew that I wouldn't want him in bed with me smelling like another woman. He was right.

Then he apologized for the blanket and promised to make it up to me. Afterward, he held me in his arms, even though I didn't speak to him, but when I woke up the next day he was still by my side and I wasn't mad anymore. He also promised not to bring any more girls over. I don't think he's been with a girl since, I know this because we spend pretty much 24/7 together.

"You're a jerk," I sighed looking up at him and resting my chin against his chest. "And I'm even madder because I wanted it." His brow lifts and I quickly clarify. "It was just horniness. I haven't had satisfaction in a very, very, very long time and you're a hot male, with a hot body, and a very noticeable male sex organ that I can testify is kind of large because of your... Regardless I was horny and I'm mad because I nearly gave in when you are my best friend and I really want to keep things that way."

He nods and cups the sides of my neck. "I'm sorry, sugarplum."

Footsteps sound on the hardwood floors, but Carter doesn't pull away from me. His eyes search mine as his own try to tell me something. I don't understand it, and it's frustrating. What's more frustrating will be the answers I have to give to my sister and brother-in-law's questioning gaze.

"Good morning," Caleb greets as I finally manage to shove Carter off.

Distractedly I move around Carter to the bag of food I have yet to unpack. "Good morning guys. So here's breakfast and drinks --"

"So are y'all a thing?" Leelah blurts, interrupting me.

Vehemently I shake my head. "Carter and I are just friends."

I notice Carter's short nod as he mouths "just friends". Then he looks at me and tells me that he will be taking a shower before walking off.

Leelah stares at me waiting for an answer. I ignore her, not really having one.

What am I doing with Carter?

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