《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 29- "Meet my Mom" Part- 2
By the time the plane landed, I was shocked that I hadn't passed out already. From the moment I agreed to meet Frantz's mom, I felt as if my brain was lacking oxygen. I was a nervous wreck. My palms wouldn't stop sweating, and my stomach felt so uneasy, I couldn't even blame it on the plane ride. My heart was thumping in my ribcage harder than a fist pounding against a wooden door. My breathing was a bit unsteady, and as a result, my entire body was on edge. Through the entire ride, I pretended to read my book so Frantz wouldn't worry, but my eyes often stared blankly at the page, barely understanding a simple sentence.
When Paul announced that we were landing, I almost screamed.
Frantz was being a gentleman. He led me out of the plane, and waited for me to get in the car before he got in. When we sat, the closer we drove towards the city, the more nervous I became. Frantz was preoccupied with work, and I kept playing with my fingers, and pretending to be busy by looking out the window. My throat was so dry, yet I didn't want to drink too much water, only for my bladder to act up while having lunch with his mom. It didn't even occur to me to call my parents until now, but I decided to leave that for later.
Unable to stand the bothersome silence much longer, I took in a deep breath before speaking.
"So are we having lunch at a restaurant or...?" I trailed off, as I decided to create conversation just to take the focus off my nerves.
"Well mom initially was going to have food prepared, but then she realized that she didn't know what you like to eat, so, yeah we're meeting at a restaurant." Frantz clarified, then he frowned and asked carefully, "are you sure you're okay?"
And with a quick nod and a, "Mmh hmm," I looked away.
Frantz smiled, and said, "I'm telling you, there's no need to worry, my mom is going to love you." And I simply smiled, breathing shakily, because nothing was going to ease my nerves at this point.
It didn't take long for us to pull up to the restaurant, and when I saw the name, my jaw fell to the floor. Angel's Palate. How ironic.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This was the exact same place that Carlos brought me for our first date, and now just being here, caused my nerves to melt away, only for a sense of unwelcomed Deja vu to fill my body. I could feel the blood drain from my face when the car pulled up to the valet, and the door opened.
This was all too much. There was the stress of the dream I had about Frantz, then the nerves of meeting his mom, and now, I was to have lunch in a place that did not hold the best of memories. The thought that I was once brought here by a maniac caused my mouth to turn sour, and I felt nauseous and cringed at just how naïve and vulnerable I allowed myself to be.
I gulped.
Frantz exited the car after me, and he placed a hand on the small of my back, causing my face to flush with a blush as I looked down nervously. His warm palm against my skin sent a shiver up and down my spine, as a sensation heated my body from head to toe, and the memory from my dream powered through my brain like a flying bullet.
Oh I was in trouble.
Frantz kissed my temple as he asked softly, "Are you ready?", and with a shy nod, I said "ready." I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye, and all I could think about was his warmth against my back. However, as soon as he took a step towards the door, I exclaimed, "wait!"
He turned and looked my way quizzically, and I sighed as I decided to do something riskier than dating my boss. I pulled him close as I brought my lips towards his ear and I whispered, "the reason I've been acting strange is because I had a certain dream about you last night." Then I pulled away, feeling a certain amount of weight lift off my shoulders. Now it was Frantz's turn to feel uneasy. Call me evil, but I suddenly felt much better.
Frantz blinked in surprise as he looked away then asked quizzically, "what kind of dream?" But I didn't reply, instead I simply shrugged then smiled as I began making my way inside, and he had no other choice but to follow after me.
As soon as the Maître D noticed Frantz, he smiled widely as he said, "Ah Mr. Cavalier, right this way, please."
The slim man, walked in a tall yet stiff manner, as he led us through a first dining room, where Carlos and I had our first date, towards a second side of the restaurant, which was more secluded, and had less guests.
As soon as we entered the room, I saw his mom. The resemblance between mother an son was unquestionable.
She was a beautiful woman, with neck length dark brown almost black hair, dark eyes, a straight nose like that of her son's, and the flowery short sleeve dress she wore with white heels, instantly made me feel underdressed.
I hesitated a step upon seeing her, and Frantz ran into me. His hand landed around me as he smiled encouragingly, and kindly pushed me forward. I almost wanted to shake my head stubbornly and run the other way when his mother looked up and smiled, but I had no choice but to move forward.
By the time we reached the table, Mr. Cavalier's mother was already standing to greet us. She opened her arms as she greeted, "Darling!" but to my surprise, I was pulled into her arms, instantly getting a whiff of her sweet perfume, as she cuddled me in her arms. I chuckled shyly and slightly awkwardly, as I patted her back softly, and unintentionally wiping my palm sweat on her expensive dress.
When she pulled away, her smile did not falter as she said, "now let me get a good look at you," as she spoke, her grip fell on my chin as she turned my face from side to side, then she held me at arm's length, examining me, while I uncomfortably stared back her, with a very tight smile.
"My, my," she hummed, then added as she looked back in my eyes, "how did Frantz land a beauty like you?"
"Mamma that's enough," Frantz groaned, then he added, "stop abusing my girlfriend", and she looked his way disapprovingly as she scolded, "I just asked a simple question. She's beautiful, and I'm not sure why she would settle for you," this caused me to smile and feel a bit more comfortable, then her eyes turned to me as she leaned in and asked, "seriously did he pay you so that he could impress me?" And I could only imagine Frantz rolling his eyes at her question.
"No ma'am," I giggled shaking my head, and her smile widened as she brushed off, "darling none of that 'ma'am' stuff, call me Mariella."
Then she released me and turned to her son who had already sat down as she asked, "now that your girlfriend's here, you're to embarrassed to greet me properly?" And she feigned in expression between hurt and disappointment.
Frantz groaned as he stood up and pulled her in his arms as he mustered, "ciao mamma," then he kissed her on both cheeks, and I smiled as I appreciated the picture of Frantz with flushed cheeks, and not so well composed around his mother.
She laughed, then she pulled away, as she said "alright, alright, that's enough. I'm not here for you, I'm here for Liliana." She explained as Frantz pulled her chair back and allowed her to sit, before he pulled my chair out for me.
"Thank you." I stated quietly, and he smiled my way, and I felt my heart flutter, as I blushed and looked away. The exchange did not go unnoticed by Mariella, because in the corner of my eyes, I saw her beam as she looked between me and Frantz.
Frantz cleared his throat when he remembered that his mom was there.
"So Liliana tell me everything, how old are you? Where are you from? How long have you been working for my son?" Mariella asked in curiosity.
"Ma please," Frantz begged, and Mariella looked towards her son as she questioned, "what? Liliana doesn't mind, right honey?" She asked me.
"No, it's fine," I nodded and looked towards Frantz reassuringly, before I replied, "I am 24 years old, I was born and raised in Georgia, and I've been working for your son for just a few months."
"Was he nice to you?" Mariella asked sending a sharp glare towards her son, who simply shook his head, though a soft smile lingered on his lips, "yes, for the most part." I stated, and Mariella nodded her head as she said, "good."
Mariella prepared to say something else, when her phone rang. She picked it up and noticed the caller ID as she said "Oh it's your father," then she looked my way as she said, "I'm sorry darling, I have to take this, I'll be back in a jiff." Then with a nod from me, she excused herself from the table as Frantz stood up.
When his mother had departed, he groaned and looked my way as I giggled and said, "I like your mom. Why didn't you tell me she was so nice?"
"Well I did, but you were too busy freaking out about meeting her that you didn't hear me." Frantz explained with a shrug, as he sipped his water.
"Sure, blame it on my nerves." I rolled my eyes, as I looked away and smiled.
I took a sip of my water, just as the waiter arrived. Frantz placed in his order of himself as well as his mother, and I placed my order in as well. I had been dreaming about this food since the last time I was here, and now my mouth watered just in anticipation of the delicious meal I was about to enjoy.
Once the waiter left, I allowed my eyes to wander around the restaurant, but I could feel Frantz's eyes on my face, and I glanced his way as I asked, "what?" and he simply shrugged, as he turned his upper body and asked, "what was your dream about?" and I felt my stomach drop as I gulped and my breath faltered as I blinked quickly and said, "I don't think now is the time or place for this discussion."
"True," Frantz nodded, then he shrugged casually as he added, "but you had no problem catching me off guard earlier, I just figured it meant that you were ready to discuss it." Frantz explained coolly, and I shrugged as I said, "well no, I was feeling a little too nervous, and wanted to shake off some weight, so I gave you something to think about and keep you on edge."
"So what, you wanted to make me uneasy just so that you could feel better?" Frantz questioned, and I shrugged as I laughed and replied, "well when you put it like that..." Then I trailed off, unable to keep myself from smiling as Frantz kept an easy gaze on my face, his eyes shifting between my eyes and lips.
"Mmh hmm," Frantz nodded, then he eased towards me as he whispered, "you wanted to give me a reason to squirm huh?" and I could quickly feel the tide turning against me, as my confidence began to dwindle, but before Frantz could get the chance to taunt me any further, Mariella returned with a sigh as she sat own and said, "Sorry about that," then she placed her hands flat against the table as she asked, "so where were we?"
This question led to a casual conversation with Mariella. The more time we spent talking, I realized that Mariella reminded me a lot of my mom, and she was very carefree and laid back, which helped me feel at ease. I also enjoyed seeing Frantz interact with his mother. I could tell he loved her dearly, and I couldn't imagine anyone coming and souring their relationship.
A fair amount of our conversation included Mariella telling me tales of Frantz's crazy stunts as a child, to which he would try to get her to stop talking, and she would ignore his plea, and I enjoyed the stories more than the gazes Frantz sent my way.
Even though we spent more than an hour at the restaurant, it felt as though time went by too fast. We ate the amazing food in between conversations, jumping from one subject to the next, but soon enough, it almost felt like we had overstayed our welcome. Frantz escorted both Mariella and me out of the restaurant, where she kissed me on both cheeks, and invited me to dinner once Mr. Cavalier's father returned, to which I agreed without breaking a sweat. She also extended the invitation to my parents, which I appreciated.
Once her car pulled away, Armagio pulled up with out car, and as soon as we sat comfortably, Frantz said, "we're heading to the penthouse."
I looked towards him in shock as I said, "wait I need to go home."
"And you will," Frantz explained, then he added, "after you tell me what your dream was about."
"Why can't I tell you as he drives me home?" I asked curiously.
"Because I'd like to prolong my stay with you as much as possible." Frantz revealed, and of course my heart had to tremble in glee at his words, and I couldn't even hide my emotions from him.
I cleared my throat, my cheeks hot with a blush, and my facial muscles hurting because I couldn't stop smiling, as I looked away and questioned, "but I thought you had work to do?"
"That can wait." Frantz explained, and I simply nodded, unsure of what to say.
For a while Frantz didn't speak, in fact he simply kept studying me before he added, "she really likes you." At his statement I chuckled, relieved as I nodded and said "I like her too. I can tell she really loves you and you love her too. Are you an only child?"
"Yes, I had a little brother, who was two years younger than me, but he passed away when he was three." Frantz revealed, and my mouth ran dry as I said, "oh, I-I am so sorry, I-"
"It's okay, it was a long time ago. It led my mom to be a little more overprotective of me, but like I said, it was a long time ago." Frantz brushed, then I nodded, as I asked, "tell me about your father."
"He is a very quiet man. Very focused, but I think he's going to like you. He might come of as super serious when you first meet him, but if he and Mr. Chavez start discussing soccer, he will be a whole new person." Frantz revealed, and I chuckled as I said, "well, It's great to know where your soccer fanatic genes come from."
Just as I finished my sentence, Armagio pulled up tp the building where Mr. Cavalier resided. The valet once again opened the door, and I exited first, followed by Mr. Cavalier.
He led me to his penthouse, and the moment he closed the door, I was suddenly well aware that we were alone.
I gulped as I made a show of looking around, just to appear occupied, as he casually removed his jack, and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. He undid his cuff links, and rolled his sleeves up, as he headed to the kitchen and asked, "would you like anything to drink?"
"No thank you." I declined with a smile, as I headed to the glass wall, and looked down on the city below. I smiled as I noted the cars which travelled below, and the people who went in and out of the building. Frantz approached me, and I looked towards him as I asked, "why do you like living so high up?"
"The same reason why you're smiling right now. There is something peaceful about being able to stand on a balcony high off the ground, and look down to watch the activity below, and at night, the city lights are absolutely beautiful. The perfect setting to come home to after a busy day."
"And in Rome?" I questioned, loving his genuine smile and pearly white teeth.
"I fell in love with the city because of my mother. She often traveled there with me when I was younger, and the more I grew up, the more I fell in love with the language and the culture." He explained and I nodded in understanding as I looked back over the city, feeling a sense of serenity wash over me.
"By the way, I still haven't forgotten my main purpose for bringing you here," Frantz disturbed my peace as he continued, "what was your dream about?"
With a sigh as I closed my eyes, I decided to head to the sitting area, placing some space between him and I as I explained, "I had a dream that you and I were getting... physically involved with each other."
"You mean sex?" He questioned bluntly, and I blushed darker than a tomato as I looked away in embarrassment. That three letter word always threw me off my game.
"You had a sex dream about me?" Frantz questioned, and I gulped as I said, "yes, but can you not say that." I requested, avoiding his eyes.
"What? Sex?" he said it again, and I almost cringed as the word entered my ears.
"You don't like the word." He observed rather than stated, and instead of replying, I simply sat down and played with my fingers.
Frantz finished his drink, then sat across from me as he quizzed, "so what exactly were we doing in this dream?" and I gulped, feeling a sudden heat flash over my body, and I looked towards the ceiling, shaking my head, feeling as though it was a task to breathe.
Maybe it was too soon for this conversation.
"Come on, I don't bite..." Frantz encouraged, and I sighed breathed through puffed cheeks as I stated, "well, eh hem, Well, I um, I was lying, on, um, on my back, and you, well you were um, you were naked, and um, um..." I found myself trailing off, my cheeks hotter than a burning star, my heart racing faster than I my lungs could handle, as I licked my lips, my eyes flashing towards Frantz who patiently waited for me to gather my wits.
"Y-you were naked, and so um, you parted my legs, and then, you- you, um, well you, oh God..." I trailed off, as I placed my face in my hands, letting out a mixture of giggles and uncertain chuckles, as I placed my covered face against my knees, hoping the floor would open and swallow me whole.
This was a whole new level of telling your crush that you liked him, and I could barely handle the pressure.
It wasn't until I felt Frantz's hands on each of my shoulders as he peeled my upper body off my knees, then he proceeded to removed my hands from my face.
He looked deep into my eyes, and caressed my left cheek with the back of his hand, his eyes searching mine, as his thumbed traced my bottom lip.
He smile when I blinked away, then he ran his hand down my neck, shoulder, and arm until his fingers were intertwined with mine, then he proceeded to ask, "And then what?"
Hey guys!
Here is the update! A cliffhanger and a quick note. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Who liked the way Mariella interacted with Liliana? And how about Frantz's behavior throughout this chapter? How did you guys feel about the chapter being written in Lili's point of view? And Lili's reaction as she is telling Frantz her dream? And what do you think is going to happen next?
Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SHARING!
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