《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 30- "And Then What?"



"And then what?" He whispered again when I refused to respond, his thumb caressing the back of my hand, causing me to blush uncontrollably, my heart beating in tremors, as I attempted to calm the heat which had my face glowing red like a bloody red moon.

"And then you caressed my thighs, and, and, well, I- I just- I can't tell you, I'm sorry." I stuttered out, as I struggled to breathe. My lungs were just not cooperating. My throat and face felt so hot, I thought I would soon melt like candle wax.

"Okay, " Frantz nodded, then he leaned in and kissed my cheeks as he whispered, "whenever you're ready, let's make that dream come true alright?" And my eyes widened as if they had landed on a piece of red velvet cake, my heartbeat quavering faintly, a shallow gasp drying my throat. I gulped, a heated sensation rolling from my head to my toes, which caused me to curl them, as I pressed my knees together, while my lower abdomen trembled, and my private area tightened.

"I-I Um- I, I need to go to the bathroom!" I blurted out dumbly, knowing I ruined the mood. He chuckled, pulling away, as he said, "down the hall and to your left."

I barely waited for him to finish talking. I sprang to my feet and all but ran away. When I noticed my face in the mirror, it was obvious that I was flustered. My forehead and cheeks were flushed red, and even though the bathroom was cool in temperature, I was sweating bullets. I wanted to curse, I wanted to scream. It wasn't fair that Frantz was all hot, cool and collected, always laid back, and always looking as delicious as piece of chocolate cake, meanwhile I was always a mumbling mess, yet he played it so well whenever he attempted to seduce me. I was fighting a losing battle. The more I told myself I had to resist the urges I felt towards Frantz, the more my mind and body undermined my resolution.

Every fiber and womanly cell in my body was telling to march right up to him and do stuff, but another part of me attempted to remind me of the promise I made to myself. I wouldn't sleep with someone until it was my wedding night.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I opted on splashing some cold water against my face, and I was shocked when the water didn't sizzle and simmer. When I was ready to walk out, my head felt a lot cooler, and I felt a lot more composed, so I placed my hand on the silver handle and turned it. I was determined to make it clear to Frantz that I wouldn't be getting involved with him anytime soon. If he stuck around till marriage, then yes, God yes, we would get down.

When I headed back to the sitting area, Frantz was casually sitting on the couch, and when he heard me, he stood up as he asked, "are you alright?"

"Yes. Thank you." I smiled, then I took in a deep breath, bringing my hands together as I wrestled my thumbs against each other, and I looked him in the eye and explained, "Frantz, I have to be honest with you. I don't plan on doing the deed before I get married,"

"I know." He said.

"I just feel like if anyone should go to bed with me, it definitely has to be with the man willing to stick around until we're married,"


"I know." He stated again, but I continued to ramble, "so please don't take me as a priss or stuck up, or whatever, it's just a promise I made myself, and, and I would appreciate it if you respected that."

"I know." He tried again, but I was still going on with my speech, "so just to be clear, we should avoid certain conversations and..." I trailed off, my brow furrowing as I noticed Frantz smiling and holding back his laughter, "You know...?" I stated and asked at the same time.

Frantz approached me with his hands in his pocket as he nodded and confirmed, "I know. I fell for you, not for what you have to give me or offer. If you want to wait, then we'll wait. If you don't think I'll stick around for that long, then I'm ready to prove you wrong." He challenged when I raised a questionable eyebrow, "now, I would love it if you joined me for a movie before you go home for the evening." He invited, and I couldn't help but chuckle in amazement.

I sent him a skeptical gaze as I said, "alright, but as long as I choose the movie, oh! And can we get popcorn, and ice cream, and gummy bears, and-"

"Lili babe," Frantz cut off my imaginary sugar rush, "you pick the movie, I'll get the snacks." He offered, and I smiled and shrugged as I brushed past him and plopped on the couch, uncaring that I was acting very laid back with him.

If he wanted Liliana as a girlfriend, I'd have to get him used to me quite early on.


When Liliana stepped away to the bathroom, I almost rammed my head into the nearest wall. My junior twitched and ached as I thought over the details of her dream. I pressed my fists in between my thighs, and closed my legs, hoping the pressure would calm the straining in my pants. I had sweat rolling down the back of my neck in anticipation that she would give me all the gritty dirty details of her dream, but once again, Liliana left me high and dry. No pun intended.

Something about her, drove me insane. I don't know if its the way she looks when she's blushing, or if its the way she often bites the inside of her lips when she's lost in thought. Her mannerisms are different. Her smile is hypnotizing... and those lips... God I would kiss them all day if I could. I could lay my hand against her chest and live off the beating of her heart. I watched her often. It's creepy I know, but I can't help myself.

Something about Liliana, whenever she's aware that I may be paying attention to her, she's always so careful and clammed up, but when she is distracted, whether its by reading or anything else, her wall melts away, and I see the beauty within. And I loved the beauty within.

I couldn't rush into this with Liliana. I can tell she's very conservative, and her virtue is of great importance to her. She's very careful to avoid certain intimate situations, and that's understandable. But that only pushes me to be patient, because in the end, I want to be the one to bring her into that. I want to be her first.

There is something special about Liliana Chavez and I'll be damned if I allow another man to get his hands on her. After I almost lost her to that maniac, I promised myself to never let her out of my sight.


A bonus of dating Liliana would definitely have to be pushing her out of her comfort zone, just to ease her into getting comfortable with me. But that was proving to be a challenge alone. Whenever we were close, her soft tone, the heat from her body, it drove me crazy. It's a shocker I haven't lost control yet. And by the looks of it, I had a lot of cold showers in my future.

Just thinking about her, my lips tingled at the thought of kissing her olive skin. But good things come to those who wait... and I had a lot of waiting to do.

I noticed Liliana was in the bathroom for a while. I just hoped I didn't scare her.

When she returned, I could tell she had a speech ready. She had a tell.

Whenever she was getting ready to put me in my place, her shoulders were always down, her spine straight, and her hands were busy.

Before she opened her mouth, I knew what she was going to say. Her resolution was obvious. A beautiful girl like Liliana, at 24, if she hadn't given herself up to someone, it meant she was saving herself for marriage.

She began speaking, well, rambling, and I loved her for it. When she finally realized that I had agreed to everything she said, her reaction was priceless. And when I told her I was in it for the long haul, she hid her expression of surprise well.

After she brushed past me and sat on the couch, I headed to the kitchen to gather a few snacks. I looked over my shoulder towards Liliana, she did not notice my gaze. She was so focused on the screen, she was nibbling the inside of her cheek again, and I smiled. I sighed as well. Oh yeah, I definitely had a lot of cold showers in my future. But I know they will be worth it in the end.

When I returned to the living room with the bowl of popcorn and her gummy bears, she welcomed the bag of sweets with opened arms, and almost paid me no mind. It seems I was now envious of the colorful chewy bears which kissed her lips, instead of me. Was it weird to be jealous towards candy?

She settled for "The Mummy" and I hated to think that she had a crush on young Brandon Frasier. She started the movie then suddenly stopped it.

I looked at her quizzically as she turned to me and said, "I just realized something, we're going to be working together."

"Yes..." I said, waiting for her to continue, "you know we still have to act professional towards each other right? So you can't like do weird things to distract me." She warned.

"Me?" I pointed innocently towards my chest, "I don't do anything weird..."

"Uh yeah you do. Like that weird thing with your eyes when you're checking me out." She explained further.

"What weird thing with my eyes?" I asked with a genuine curious frown, and she sighed as she moved her hand and said, "you know... like this," then made a facial expression where she leveled her eyes at me, and squinted them just slightly. Damn, she was hot.

She did it again, then pursed her lips, and before I knew it, my fingers had clasped her chin, and I pulled her for a kiss. I had been dying for one since this morning. I held her close, her hand landing against my chest, my hand still holding her chin, her mouth opened for my pleasure. When I moved my hand from her chin, and landed it against her neck, she gasped softly against my lips, her hand fisting my shirt. Then I pulled away, taking her breath away.

She blinked my way like a deer in headlights, and I chuckled and said, "I'll try to be good at work." To that she didn't reply. She simply blushed, and looked away, using the movie as a distraction.

This was going to be an interesting adventure to say the least.


When the couple settled for "The Mummy", and Frantz casually wrapped his arm around Lili's shoulder and pulled her close to him, while he held the large bowl of popcorn and she nibbled on her gummy bears, it was their first date as an official couple.

For a while Liliana was stiff against him. The way he caught her by surprise, if he kept it up, Liliana felt that she would always be on her toes. She couldn't trust him to behave at work, and she wasn't sure she wanted him to. Eventually, she told herself to breathe, and snuggle against him, their eyes glued to the television.

Around the early evening, near the ending of the movie, Liliana wasn't sure when it happened, but between listening to his heartbeat, and blinking slowly, and taking in the smell of his cologne, she dosed off.

When she woke up in Frantz's bed the next morning, she was alone. Her clothes from the day before were still on, and Frantz was nowhere to be seen, but what caught Lili's attention was the smell of freshly cooked bacon and pancakes.

Liliana hopped off the bed, and headed to the bathroom below, where she found a new toothbrush, still in the wrapper with some toothpaste. Liliana smiled, then proceeded to brush her teeth, and wash her face before she made her way to the kitchen.

There she found Frantz, wearing a white undershirt, with loose black joggers. His muscles flexed as he worked around the kitchen unaware that Liliana was watching him. Liliana looked around while thinking of a way to sneak up on him, when her eyes landed on a set of pillows and a blanket on the couch. It didn't take much for her to realize what he had done.

With a sigh, and feeling somewhat confident and comfortable, Liliana walked up to Frantz, and wrapped her arms around his waist as she laid her head against his back.


He chuckled, as he said, "good morning, did you sleep well?"

"Mmh hmm." I hummed with a smile, my eyes closed while my nose took in the delicious smell of bacon which made my stomach growl with greedy hunger.

"Did you sleep on the couch last night?" I asked even though it was obvious.

"Yes. Did you know that you snore?" He questioned, and I gasped appalled as I denied, "I do not."

"Yes you do." He nodded his gorgeous head, while I was still glued to his back like a koala.

"Is that the only reason why you slept away?" I questioned, knowing very well that I was playing with fire.

"Mmh." He simply hummed but added no further details.


Frantz was very aware that Liliana loved testing the waters. She had a vixen like attitude hidden somewhere in her mind. Frantz realized it when he noticed that Liliana enjoyed it when he chased after her. And last night when she performed his sultry gaze perfectly, he knew that she would often push him. She was adventurous to a degree, but she made it clear she didn't want to have sexual intercourse until they had tied the knot.

Shaking his head, Frantz removed her hand from around his waist as he turned and faced her. He leaned down, not wasting anytime, and kissed her. She smiled and pushed herself into the kiss, and when Frantz pulled away and murmured a soft "good morning again", Liliana giggled and answered as well, "good morning again."

"Would you like to join me for breakfast?" Frantz invited, and Liliana nodded with a smile.

As she set the table for two, Frantz began plating the pancakes and bacon while explaining, "after breakfast, I'll have Armagio escort you home. I have to go see my lawyer about the incident a few days ago, but I'll come by to take you to dinner later."

"Frantz I thought we agreed that you wouldn't spoil me?" Liliana noted as she looked his way, and he clarified, "no, we never actually reached that conclusion, and it's just dinner. And so what if I spoil you? You're my girl, let me take care of you."

At his words, Liliana couldn't help but giggle and look away. Frantz was something else. And when she tasted the breakfast he had prepared, she knew he was the whole package.

From there, Liliana would find herself quickly falling in love with Mr. Cavalier. Months of working together and dating, Liliana would never get over the way he would get jealous if another man was 'too friendly' towards her. When they first returned to work, Liliana was shocked that Mr. Cavalier actually remained professional. She greeted him as usual, and got him his drink, and served him lunch, without him making her feel weird. The first few months following the Carlos incident, he was often buried in paperwork, and somewhat stressed, so Lili did her best to appease him. She sat with him during the flights, and the weekends they spent in Rome, he enjoyed it when he laid his head on her lap, and she would run her hands through his black hair, and massage his scalp. Eventually Lili did begin to miss the occasional flirting he did with her on the plane, but she should've known that Mr. Cavalier had something up his sleeves, and sooner or later, she would find out what it was.

The couple's parents hit it off right away, and the day they met was also the day Liliana met Frantz's father. He was an older version of Frantz. Salt and pepper hair, thick European accent, and absolutely charming. A total soccer fanatic, just like Lili's father. They had met at a family barbecue hosted by Mariella. She welcomed Mrs. Chavez with opened arms, and just a few minutes in, the mothers began chatting away until they had to part in the evening.

Six months on, and the couple was still going strong. Though Liliana hated to be spoiled, Frantz always had a surprise gift for her. At work, Liliana attempted to be as professional as possible, but soon it was all in vain when her client, who is also her boyfriend, made a show of admiring her outfit and figure while she spoke. She would often blush and ask him to stop, to which he'd tell her that if she kissed him, he would stop.

He never stopped.

In fact, Liliana soon realized that because he was no longer stressed, his focus during their flights were mainly on him. Chamille returned to work full time, so they split Mr. Cavalier's flights half and half. The weekends when Liliana did not accompany him to Rome, he'd call her saying he wanted to hear her voice before he went to bed, which always made Liliana smile from ear to ear.

Chamille was aware of Lili's relationship with Frantz, and her initial reaction was not what Lili had expected. Chamille literally said, "well it's about time." When Lili heard that, she simply laughed and looked away.

During the couple's flights together, for a while nothing changed except for a few shared glances here and there, and sometimes, a kiss in the car. Since the day Liliana told Frantz she wanted to wait, he did not attempt to touch her. Though Lili had to admit, she kind of missed the side of him which pushed her out of her comfort zone. She loved experimenting with Frantz, and she loved the way her body reacted to him. However, Liliana kept those thoughts to herself. She was the main one who wanted to keep professional at work, and she figured it was for the best.

Little did she know, Frantz was becoming restless as well.

One Monday morning, Liliana was getting the plane ready for their trip back to the states.

She was standing in the kitchenette, by the small sink, drying Mr. Cavalier's wine glass, and she didn't hear it when he came in the plane. She only realized he was on board when she noticed his arms land on each side of her body, against the counter. She smiled softly, when she felt him lean down, and kiss her neck. Liliana giggled, then sighed softly, closing her eyes when his arms laced around her waist, pulling her body against his.

"Good morning Mr. Cavalier." Liliana greeted, though her tone was no longer her usual voice.

He hummed against her skin, and Liliana felt it resonate in her lower abdomen. Her breath faltered, as she gulped, suddenly feeling hot and needy. Her palms were already drowning in sweat, and the back of her neck was also damp due to the physical heat from his body, and the figurative heat which enveloped their bodies in that moment.

"I-um- I will b-be your hostess f-for the um- for this flight." She stuttered out, unsure of what to say, as she blinked quickly when he hummed, "mmh hmm..."

His hands landed against her hips, and Liliana leaned her head back onto his shoulder, her knees weak, and lost in a sea of lust, she clasped her right fingers above his right hand, and slowly slid it above her skirt, over her area. Her other hand guided his left hand to land against her breast, and he squeezed it, as if pleased with her reaction, while Liliana hissed and bit her bottom lip at the painful sensation.

Frantz chuckled against her skin, nipping it as she hissed again, while pushing and rubbing her backside against him, and he asked, his tone low and dark, "is that what you're looking for this early morning?" Then his hand gripped her thigh, his fingers digging into her flesh through the material of her skirt, and Liliana grunted, hooking her finger into his belt loop, and pushing her backside once again, against the bulge in his black Italian slacks.

He pushed her body into the counter, his left hand hooking on her hip again to keep their bodies connected at the hip, while his right fingers reaching below the hem of her skirt, his warm palm finally feeling her skin beneath the skirt, as his hand rode past her knee, and upwards over her inner thigh, inching closer and closer to the pulsing area in between Liliana's legs.

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