《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 28- "Meet my Mom" Part- 1
The next morning was bittersweet for Liliana. Her parents were ready to head back home, and she had to get back to Florida, hoping to cancel the resignation she had placed sent to HR. Liliana loved her job, and she had gotten accustomed to her usual clients, and she didn't want to have to start over from scratch with another company. Whether she would fly and serve Frantz was something she would have to discuss with him on her own time, but right now, her main focus was trying to not cry while hugging her parents goodbye.
Frantz had headed down to their parents' suite early morning, inviting them to breakfast before they departed. When Liliana had come face to face with Frantz, he greeted her respectfully with a "good morning," and a soft kiss on the cheek, which caused Liliana to blush more than she should have. Liliana had spent the rest of her night in a restless fit. Every time she attempted to dose off, all she could picture was Frantz, and that made her more than excited throughout the remainder of the night. Now it was only the matter of keeping her desires a secret.
At breakfast, her parents once again indulged in casual conversations with Frantz, meanwhile, Frantz didn't miss it when Liliana purposely avoided his eyes. Whenever he looked her way, if she had been staring at him, she looked away quickly, and as a result, he barely caught her eye during breakfast. Frantz had to admit, he found her actions doubtful, and he couldn't help it when he began to wonder whether she was having cold feet about agreeing to be in a relationship with him.
Meanwhile, as Frantz conversed with her parents, Liliana couldn't help it when her eyes studied his lips so carefully, that she could almost feel them against her body. At some point, Frantz licked his lips unintentionally, and Liliana shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Her timid actions had Frantz on edge, but he wouldn't confront her until they were alone. If she was having second thoughts, Frantz wanted know sooner rather than later.
After breakfast, Frantz arranged to have Lili's parents escorted home, while he and Liliana would be taken to the airport.
Liliana stood in an embrace with her mother, as they spoke softly between them. All the while, Frantz studied Lili from afar, while he sat in the car waiting for her. As he studied her smile, and the way she looked at her mother adoringly, Frantz found himself falling deeper and deeper in love with her with every passing second, though he knew his actions were foolish, especially if Liliana was having doubts. Nevertheless, the way Liliana showed her love and respect for her parents, reminded Frantz of his relationship with his parents, and he was confident that Liliana would never mistreat his parents.
Unaware of Frantz's eyes, Lili's mom pet her cheek, with glistening eyes of her own as she reminded Liliana, "at least one call a day, that's all I ask." Her mother pointed firmly, and Liliana understood.
"I know ma," Liliana giggled and sobbed all at once, then her mom leaned in, kissing her cheek, while adding in a whisper, "and hopefully a grandbaby with that gorgeous man over there soon."
"MOM!" Liliana exclaimed before she could stop herself, causing Mr. Cavalier to look her way with a curious gaze, and in turn Liliana's face flushed, her mother chuckling as if she did nothing wrong. Her father shook his head and said "would you leave her alone," then he pulled Liliana in for a hug as he said, "be good kid."
Then with an "I love you," to both her parents, Liliana let them go, and entered the car where Frantz was waiting for her.
As soon as they pulled away, Liliana hid her face into her hands, as she tried to keep her tears at bay, except the effort was futile. She was already crying. She always hated separating from her parents, yet because she had been so sheltered, they encouraged that whenever she was ready to step away, they would allow her the space. Nevertheless, their compliance never made the separation easier, and that's why her visits were few. And once again, Liliana found herself tearing up in her hands, hoping that Frantz wouldn't notice her silent tears.
Frantz knew that Liliana was crying, so taking out his handkerchief, he placed it softly on her knee, and his actions caused Liliana to giggle as she attempted to dry her tears.
"Thank you." Liliana spoke sincerely, and Frantz nodded silently, a small smile playing on his lips. The last time he gave her a handkerchief, they were not on the best of terms, yet almost twenty four hours later, Liliana called Frantz her boyfriend.
For a while they sat in silence, but Liliana could feel Frantz studying her. His gaze was subtle, but his silent analysis made her edgy.
"What?" Liliana asked with a frown when Frantz kept staring her way and he simply shook his head and shrugged as he replied, "Nothing, I can tell that you really love your parents." Frantz noted, his signature hand resting against his chin, his index finder on his lips.
"I do." Liliana nodded with a soft smile, and Frantz became curious, "so why did you move away from home? I mean you guys seem to have a good relationship, and I can tell it's not the easiest thing for you to say goodbye." Frantz observed, and Liliana understood what he meant, so in turn she replied, "there weren't many flight attendant opportunities in my town after my last job, plus my mom feared that if I stayed home too long, I would never create a family of my own, and she wants grandbabies." Liliana chuckled shaking her head.
"Do you want to have children?" Frantz asked, since the subject came about, and Liliana felt her heart flutter at his easy and casual tone, yet interest in her future, and she blushed deeply while saying, "I do, eventually," she began playing with her sweaty fingers, then clarified, "but not for a while. I plan to enjoy my alone time with my husband for a while before adding kids to the mix."
Frantz nodded, but said nothing, and Liliana drew in a breath and asked, "what about you?"
"Me? Yes, I'd like to have children as well, or else my mother will never let me hear the end of it." He chuckled, and Liliana smiled, she could tell that Frantz had deep resect for his parents as well.
While the couple settled into a comfortable silence, Liliana leaned against the window, her mind flying to space for a bit, before she was suddenly reminded of her dream from the night before. Instantly feeling as though she was sitting directly beneath the sun, Liliana adjusted her posture, crossing her legs, as she cleared her throat softly, her neck and face warming up.
Frantz saw her change in demeanor, and he noticed just how flushed her face became as she looked out the window, but appeared very uncomfortable.
"Are you alright?" Frantz asked Liliana, and she nodded quicker than usual as she said "mmh hmm, just fine." She added for emphasis, though she could tell that Frantz didn't believe her.
"Are you hot? You're sweating a little." Frantz pointed, as he observed her red complexion, while raising an eyebrow.
"No, no, I'm just fine..." Liliana gulped, her throat dry, her heart accelerating. She was silently praying that they reached the airport soon, or else she would not survive the car ride. It was getting too hot, even though the AC was on.
Frantz lifted a curious eyebrow, but asked no further questions. He could tell something was up, but he didn't want to push her.
Thankful that Frantz didn't pry, Liliana cleared her throat again, and closed her eyes for a moment, as she felt the sweat roll down the back of her neck. Opening her eyes, and staring back out the window, Liliana felt a flutter in her lower abdomen as she remembered the last time Frantz kissed her in the back of his car. Rolling her eyes and muttering a self scolding, Liliana blushed darker and darker, while she felt the heat prickle in her armpits.
Frantz couldn't seem to shake Liliana's odd behavior, and he began to notice that she appeared more flustered as time went on. Unable to focus on anything else, and feeling the need to know whether she was having second thoughts, he straightened his posture as he said, "alright be honest with me, what's going on?" His tone coming out firm and string, making Liliana even more fidgety.
Liliana avoided his eyes as she cleared her throat and said "nothing..."
"Oh its something." Frantz pushed, and Liliana closed her eyes and shook her head as she explained, "I can't tell you."
"Why can't you tell me?" Frantz asked carefully, not letting up.
"Well, because it's weird." Liliana explained awkwardly, as she wiped her palms on her jeans, yet the sensation of her hands running over her thighs instantly sparked a want deep in her loins, as she remembered the way his hand had caressed her skin in the dream. Liliana released a soft and shaky breath, while Frantz slowly began to piece the puzzle together.
Her flushed cheeks, the sweaty palms, the shift in position, they were all starting to point in one direction. However, before Frantz could really figure out what was wrong with Liliana, Armagio pulled into the airport, and drove up to the private jet.
As soon as the door opened, Liliana jumped out and ran into the plane, not bothering the wait for Frantz, just to earn a few seconds to control her raging thoughts. Her brain was playing tricks on her body, and Liliana wasn't faring well with the overwhelming arousal it caused. Plus, the fact that Frantz was catching on to her actions made Liliana even more nervous. She wasn't sure how long she could go on before telling Frantz the truth. But Liliana tried to not dwell on that, instead she saw to it that she sat down, and tried to clear her mind.
When Frantz entered the plane, he found Liliana already sitting down and strapped in.
Removing his jacket, Frantz sat opposite of Liliana, sending her a curious gaze as he sat down and strapped in as well. Just like before, Armagio saw to closing the door, and when he noticed that the couple was settled in and ready to go, he headed to the cockpit to join the pilot, leaving Frantz to deal with Liliana.
Frantz waited for the plane to take off, before he decided to speak to Liliana again, "so are you ready to talk to me or do I have to make you?" he demanded, and if only he knew the truth that when he spoke that way, Liliana had to stop her body from shaking, maybe he wouldn't speak that way.
Liliana felt her breath miss her lungs for a moment as she blinked quickly and denied, "it's nothing, really, I just..." she trailed off, while her thumbs battled one another, while she bit her bottom lip, while contemplating what to say next.
"You just...?" Frantz indicated her to continue, hating that he was riding her, but needing to get to the bottom of her strange behavior.
"It's just, it's private." Liliana declared, hoping that would slow Frantz down, and Frantz nodded as he analyzed out loud, "first its weird, and now its private," then he shook his head, and with a tone as though he was over her reaction he declared, "if you're having cold feet and want out Liliana, just say so."
Frowning Liliana quickly said, "of course not! I get that I'm not the easiest person to understand, but I keep my word." Liliana defended, and Frantz nodded wanting to believe her, then asked once more, "so what is it?"
Liliana closed her eyes and sighed. She knew that Frantz wanted a clearer response, but she wasn't ready to reveal anything to him yet. Liliana feared that if she opened that can of worms, she would find herself having intimate conversations that she, personally, wasn't ready for.
"I'll tell you another time, I promise, just not right now." Liliana attempted to stall, hoping her promise would appease the curious man, and with a devious plan in mind, Frantz said, "alright, I'll ask another time, as long as you promise that you will tell me when I ask."
"Fine." Liliana nodded, then she looked away, and he did the same. Liliana pulled out a book she had begun reading during her down time , and Frantz worked on his laptop for a bit.
For now, the air wasn't as tense as it used to be. The couple sat in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.
After a moment of silence, Frantz stood up and asked, "would you like something to drink?" and Liliana almost let her jaw drop in shock. Given that she was often used to being the one to wait on Frantz, she never thought it would change just because they were dating.
"I can do it," Liliana prepared to stand, and Frantz shook his head, stopping her halfway as he replied, "just tell me what you want," and with a surprised blink, Liliana said, "I'll have some orange juice please."
"Alright, orange juice it is." Then with a nod, Frantz headed to the small kitchenette. He poured himself a glass of scotch, and poured a cup of orange juice for Liliana, then he brought it back to her, as he sat down, and they both quietly sipped on their drinks.
When Liliana was satisfied with her drink, she cleared her throat as she said, "so I may have sent in a letter of resignation to HR a few days ago-"
"Which I instantly denied when Jenna notified me." Frantz cut her off, and Liliana frowned as she asked curiously, "why did you do that?"
"Well whether we ever saw each other again after what happened, I didn't want to lose a good employee. All the clients you've flown with have enjoyed their trips with you, I couldn't let you get away." Frantz replied strategically, and Liliana beamed at his words. She took pride in making sure that she performed her job well, and hearing the feedback made her proud. But now she wondered whether her professionalism was the only reason why Frantz denied her resignation.
"Oh so you kept me here solely because of my great work ethic." Liliana pointed and Frantz nodded as he added casually, "that... among other reasons."
"Do I want to know what those other reasons are?" Liliana quizzed, and Frantz simply chuckled as he said, "that is up to you."
Liliana blushed and decided to avoid that conversation. Frantz's mischievous gaze told her that she wasn't ready to have that conversation. Instead of allowing her curiosity to get the best of her, Liliana decided to sip on her orange juice, which probably wasn't the best time to drink, especially when Frantz declared out of the blue, "I want you to meet my mom."
In a sudden shock, Liliana drank too quickly, causing a bit of her juice to be inhale through her wind pipe, and as a result, she choked and coughed, causing Frantz to rush to her side, and pat her back. Frantz's timing was not the best, he had to admit. But from the moment he told his mom that he and Lili were dating, he wanted them to meet. What he hadn't told Liliana yet was that before coming down for breakfast, he had already called his mom and made plans to have the ladies meet today. But now that Liliana was having a coughing fit, he wondered whether he had acted too hastily. But who could blame him? From the moment his mother agreed, Frantz wanted to tell Lili, but between her crying when they left, and their back and forth earlier, the opportunity had only now presented itself.
Once she could no longer feel the juice droplet in her airway, Liliana shook her head, and tried to move Frantz's hand away to signal that she was fine, and Frantz commented, "well had I known you would be so excited to meet my mom, I would've told you the news sooner." He said this to ease the tension, but the line didn't pack the punch Frantz had aimed for.
Liliana didn't know whether to laugh or frown at his statement. Frantz caught her off guard with his declaration, and now she had something new to worry about. Meeting his mom.
Liliana took a moment to ensure that her throat was cleared before she asked, "when?" and Frantz smiled as he added in a guilty tone, "I kind of told her we would stop by for lunch, today" and Lili felt her heart drop.
Frantz noticed the blood drain from Liliana's face, and he asked carefully, "too soon?"
Liliana didn't know how to answer to that. Was it too soon to meet him mom? Wouldn't that take their new relationship to the next level?
Speaking of next level, Lili suddenly felt intimidated to meet his mother. She could bet that his mom was this grand woman, rich and proper, who may not like Liliana for her son. Liliana frowned, suddenly looking down in shame, and that didn't go unnoticed by Frantz.
He sat in the seat next to her as he asked attentively, "what is it?"
And Liliana shook her head, but Frantz stopped her as he said, "don't do that. I want you to be honest with me Liliana, and for that to happen, you have to be comfortable with me. Just talk to me." Frantz invited, and Liliana drew in a sigh as she explained shyly, "I just, I don't know, what if your mom doesn't like me?"
And Frantz shook his head as he said "that's not something you should worry about, she's going to love you. Should I tell her we're coming to lunch?" He asked afterwards, and Liliana still declined as she looked for another excuse, "I can't go to lunch wearing this," she tugged at her clothes, "Especially since its the first time I'm meeting your mom."
"Okay, we'll stop by a shop and pick out an outfit, even though I personally think you look great." Frantz complimented, and Liliana looked down at her dark dress pants and long sleeve cotton shirt, then she looked over at his grey slacks and white dress shirt as she sent him an exasperated gaze as she said "really? I can't meet your mom wearing this, and my hair is not even brushed-"
"Liliana, seriously babe, relax. You want to change, we'll get you another dress, my mom is not intimidating as you would think." Frantz rubbed her arm, as he noticed a flustered blush settle on her cheeks. But when he called her babe, her heart skipped an excited beat.
"Yeah easy for you to say." Liliana pointed, "You looked hot when you met my parents." Liliana blurted out before she could stop herself.
"Yeah, and you look hot now." Frantz replied, and Liliana rolled her eyes as she said, "you're trying to change to subject. Can we go to lunch another time? When I've mentally prepared, and I actually look presentable?" Liliana asked, not feeling up to the task of meeting his mom, though she knew she wasn't being fair towards Frantz, but now meeting his mom was not the only issue.
"I thought I told you we'd go buy a dress?" Frantz asked puzzled, and Liliana looked away shamefully as she bit her lip before adding, "I know you said that, but, like, I don't want you to buy anything, if I already have something I can wear at home, I mean if you don't mind taking me home, I can get ready then..."
Frantz studied Liliana as she avoided his eyes, and he realized something, "you don't want me to spend money on you?" But Liliana didn't reply, she didn't need to, he had figured it out, so instead she kept her eyes away from his, but Frantz wasn't having it.
He pulled her hands into his, and eventually, Liliana drew her eyes back to him, though she found it hard to hold eyes contact. His dark gaze was so intense, it made Liliana feel things that were not even relevant to the conversation they were currently having.
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