《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 27- "Will You be my Girlfriend?"
He did it again, Liliana thought.
The son of a burger did it again.
He played her for a fool, and she allowed him to do so.
Liliana blinked, her mouth dry as she tried to understand how it is that Frantz continued to have this continuous effect on her. And the fact that he called her immature actually struck a nerve. Lili frowned, and shook her head once more.
She wasn't immature. A little indecisive maybe. But definitely not immature!
And she would definitely show him just how mature she was!
Liliana sprung to her feet and followed after the departing man as she declared, "You can't do that."
"Do what?" Frantz threw over his shoulder, as he continued his casual stroll to his room, pleased to hear Liliana's rushing steps following him.
"That!" Lili exclaimed, before elaborating, "Tease me and then walk away like nothing happened." Liliana pointed, as she followed after Frantz blindly. The tempo of her step almost doubling just so to keep up with his long strides.
Frantz chose to not reply until he reached his room. When he did, he stood at the doorway, causing Liliana to halt just breaths away from his naked upper body as Frantz drew in a sigh, his dark eyes pulling Liliana in. He leaned in, allowing the scent of his spicy man cologne to enter Lili's nostrils, while his lips brushing past her ears as he hissed softly before adding, "I just did."
Then he backed away with a devious smirk and a wink. Then he headed towards his bed, where he plopped down as he laid on his back, with a hand behind his head, leaving Liliana once again speechless and still. For a moment she forgot how to think.
Frantz looked over at her expression, and chuckled softly. He could get used to catching her off guard. She had the adorable wide eyed expression, while she blinked as if trying to figure out what transpired between them.
When Liliana came to the realization that he once again played her, she crossed her arms defensively as she got right back into the argument, "You think you can just pull a stunt like that? Then walk away leaving me without a care in the world?" She demanded, still standing at the doorway, being somewhat conscious that this was her limit.
"Now you know how I feel." Frantz declared, and Liliana scoffed, appalled, as she asked "was this some kind of payback?"
"No, this was me telling you to stop playing games and figure out what you want. I may be a man Liliana, but I do have feelings, and when you pull me in just to push me back out again, eventually, I get tired, and unless you want something stable, I don't think I'll stick around much longer." Frantz revealed, knowing that it would get Liliana's attention.
"So what is this an ultimatum?" Liliana demanded with a shrug and a frown, though her heart thudded harshly against her ribcage as she anticipated his response. It seem Frantz was getting ready to move on, and that did not sit well with Liliana.
"No," Frantz replied, and Liliana prepared to breathe a sigh a relief, but the Frantz wasn't done, "consider it more like, a friendly warning." Frantz shrugged, and Liliana felt her heart screech to a stop.
After his declaration, Frantz yawned, and stretched, before getting comfortable in bed once again, then he added in afterthought, "nothing more".
In that moment, it was as if Liliana was hit with a bucket of cold water. Her eyes widened, her face draining of blood, before slowly, an embarrassed blush sneaked onto her face. Her heart was once again beating dramatically in her chest, each beat drumming through her entire body, as her brain began to decipher the meaning in Frantz's so called "warning".
Frantz noticed the change in Liliana's demeanor, but he did not apologize. He had reached his breaking point, and he was being honest about his patience running thin. He didn't want Liliana to think that she could continue to toy with him, an he would just lean back and allow it. Falling in love with Liliana, only to see her get hurt by another man disturbed Frantz. He almost felt it his duty to protect her, except she never put him in a position to do so. Now that Liliana was free, Frantz decided to give it one more shot. He was willing to take it as slow as possible with Liliana, but also he wanted her to belong to him. He wanted her to be with him. He wanted to be with her.
When Frantz noticed that they had been quiet for too long, he decided to have some fun. He made a show of yawning again then he smiled deviously as he questioned while cocking his head to the side, "Are you just going to stand there all night or are you going to join me?" Frantz invited, and Lili's heart dropped once again. It seem to be doing that a lot lately.
Liliana felt her face heat up with a darkening blush, and she looked down just to avoid his eyes. She couldn't get in bed with Frantz. That would just be weird... and wrong. So wrong. Liliana had a promise to keep to herself, which meant that she had to avoid any instance that could potentially to her falling into temptation and giving in to Frantz.
Liliana shook her head, ready to decline, "Frantz..." but she trailed off right after saying his name, her eyes taking the lead as she studied his naked torso, downwards to his defined abdomen, and then the waist of his black joggers, and then...
Liliana turned her eyes sharply towards the ceiling, shaking her head, as she mentally scolded herself. She was already going down the wrong path, except a very naughty part of her told her to pump the gas and just go for it.
"Well?" Frantz coaxed, and Liliana shook her head rubbing her lips together to stop the shy smile that stretched on her face, and when she could finally control her facial muscles, she says, "I don't think so."
"What?" Frantz questioned casually, then he added, "it wouldn't be the first time you've slept in my bed." At his declaration Liliana face palmed herself, feeling a flutter in her lower abdomen, as she shook her head again, and looked away as she frowned and added softly, "it's not the same thing."
"What is the difference?" Frantz asked curiously, as he sat up.
"Well for one, you're in the bed... and you're shirtless, and we're not even in an official relationship yet so..." Lili trailed off as she ran out of words, meanwhile Frantz nodded to everything she said, and when he realized that she wasn't going to say anything more, he asked, "so what exactly would make us official? I mean I met your parents, we've kissed, you can't look at me without blushing, and I have more than once confessed my love to you... what's missing?"
"Um maybe the fact that you never actually asked me to be your girlfriend?" Liliana pointed, and Frantz couldn't believe his ears. Shaking his head, Frantz began to question whether Liliana was worth the energy, then with a short chuckle while scratching the back of his head, Frantz decided to humor Liliana.
He stood up without a word, and headed towards a door a few steps from where Liliana stood. He disappeared into a small room which Lili assumed was a closet, and when he came out, he had a simple white shirt on. He approached Liliana, making sure to stand far enough that she could still control her breathing, then sighing confidently, he smiled a boyish grin as he asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
Liliana blinked in shock. Not expecting those words to spill from Frantz's lips. His words made her heart feel lighter than air, as her stomach filled with a swarm of butterflies. Meanwhile, Frantz waited silently for her response. And though he looked calm and collected on the outside, on the inside he was a frantic mess. Frantz knew that if Liliana said no, his heart would be broken once again. But this time, Frantz would be ready. If she said no, there was no way she was walking out of the door.
Liliana's eyes looked over Frantz's face, and she opened her mouth to speak, only to stop when she felt as though her subconscious was threatening her with a knife, daring her to say no.
It was a strange imagery, but Liliana felt that Frantz did not deserve the run around. Not only that, he made it known to her that his patience was running out, and she figured that maybe, just maybe, it was time to finally give him a chance.
So without wasting any more time, Liliana took a deep breath and declared, "Yes Mr. Cavalier, I will be your girlfriend."
Frantz genuinely appeared shocked, before he laughed and pulled her into an embrace, as he kissed her neck, and she giggled, her body flushed against his.
When they pulled away from their tight embrace, Frantz gave a her a quick kiss before he invited once again, "Will you join me in bed tonight?"
And Liliana drew in a breath as she said proudly, "no", and Frantz shook his head in understanding as he said "alright, I'll walk you out."
With a soft smile, Liliana allowed Frantz to escort her to the door, there he turned her around then pulled her in for a mind blowing kiss, before he released her and opened the door.
Liliana still in a daze walked out as Frantz spoke in a seductive tone, "good night Ms. Chavez", and in return Liliana giggled as she replied, "good night Mr. Cavalier".
With that exchange, Liliana walked towards the elevator, and Frantz closed the door, as he knocked his fist in the air in sign of victory. With a wide smile on his lips, Frantz returned to bed and sat down as he called his mom.
"Ciao." His mother greeted.
"Ciao mamma." Frantz replied, and by the lightness in his tone, his mother sighed in relief as she guessed, "everything worked out well?"
"Yes, Liliana and her parents are safe, and..." Frantz trailed away to build suspense.
"And?" His mother pushed.
"Liliana is officially my girlfriend." Frantz announced with glee.
"Oh Hallelujah. Now you won't be sad and moody around my house." His mother cheered, and Frantz rolled his eyes as he asked "that's what your happy about?"
"Yes your father's coming home in a few days, and I'm excited to have him home. But I don't think you would've liked to witness his welcome home party." His mother remarked, and Frantz face palmed himself as he groaned, "mamma".
"What? I didn't say anything wrong." She feigned innocence in her tone, and Frantz simply shook his head as he said, "I'm gonna go now ma."
"Oh of course, now that you have a new girlfriend, your patience with me is already running thin." His mother complained dramatically, and Frantz sighed as he asked, "would you like for me to stay on the phone with you a little longer mamma?"
"Oh no, don't worry about little old me, I'll just head to bed, and lay there bored, in silence, alone... with no one to talk to." His mother replied, knowing exactly what to say to get Frantz to remain on the phone, and loving his mother for it, Frantz sighed and smiled as he asked, "How was your day mamma?"
Liliana had just entered the suite, when she found her mom standing in the kitchen, as if waiting for her.
Liliana felt like a teenager busted while trying to sneak in. Her face flushed, and she turned around nervously, as she closed the door. When she faced her mother, Liliana sent a silent prayer to the heavens, before she greeted, "hey mom."
"Hey yourself, where were you young lady?" Her mother questioned firmly, and Liliana gulped, forgetting just how scary her mom could be sometimes.
"I took your advice, and I decided to talk to Frantz." Liliana admitted, unsure whether she was going to get scolded or not.
"Oh?" Her mother questioned, before asking in a half intrigued tone, "and how did that turn out?"
"Well," Liliana sighed, "I guess you can say that I officially made a boyfriend out of my boss." Lili revealed, and her mother's strict façade instantly melted as she smiled and said "that's my girl. I'm happy for you honey."
"Thanks mom." Liliana smiled in return, knowing that this was the news her mom was waiting for, then her mother bid her good night, and headed to bed.
Liliana feeling too excited to sleep, decided on taking a shower. Once she was done, she dressed for bed, and decided to lay down, hoping that once she was comfortable and warm in her bed, she could lay down and rest, except it wasn't so easy.
While she laid in bed, her mind began to drift to Frantz. Liliana reminisced on how her eyes greedily memorized his naked skin, and she began to picture what it would feel like to be flushed against him. Liliana shook her head and turned on her right side, and closed her eyes. But as soon as she did so, she began to think about all those moment Frantz caught her in a kiss in the moments she least expected it. Liliana shifted to her left side, then her back, then her right side. No position provided enough comfort to distract her mind from Frantz, and Liliana shook her head, feeling hopeless.
Liliana suddenly felt an urge to see Frantz, but she knew that it was too late in the evening for that. Maybe he was already asleep. Liliana didn't think it would make sense to head to his room at this time. And what would she say to her parents the next day? That she went for an evening stroll and she crashed at Frantz's place because it was too late to return to her room?
Liliana scratched a hand through her hair as she shook her head, feeling bothered and restless. Why was she suddenly craving to be near Frantz so much? Lili tried to tell herself to get a grip, but every time she bit her bottom lip, her lower abdomen would tighten at the countless memories of when Frantz teased the life from her body just by having his lips on hers.
Feeling a sudden surge of energy, Liliana picked up her phone, to call Frantz. Then she felt her heart sink as she realized that all this time, she didn't have Frantz's number.
Groaning in desperation, Liliana took it as a sign that maybe she should just go to sleep.
Plugging her phone in for the night, Liliana once again tried to go to sleep. She decided on muttering a soft prayer between her lips, as she felt her limbs began to relax. When sleep had finally taken Liliana under, she found herself waking up to a similar environment, where Frantz stood facing her. The difference between her previous Frantz dreams, was the fact that for once she wasn't crying. In fact, she felt something other than sadness and fear.
I found myself lying on a large bed, with nothing but a white sheet flimsily tossed across my body. The white sheet laid and across my naked breasts, covering my heaving chest and abdomen, and finally ended right at my upper thigh. My hands were tied on each side of my head, to the bed posts, as well as my legs.
Panicked, I looked over at Frantz who stood facing me. His eyes were dark and hooded with lust. He stood, tall and strong, his upper body naked, and Liliana's curious eyes wasted no time in sliding down towards his manhood. But to her disappointment, a shadow was cast right above his V-line, and Liliana couldn't see any further than his lower abdomen.
I attempted to twist my hands free from the restraints, but the soft silky material which held my hands captive would not relent. Looking back towards Frantz, he smiled teasingly as he questioned "are you trying to get away from me Liliana?" and I found myself gulping, my heart jumping in my chest, as I felt a discomfort tingle between my legs. I attempted to close my knees, and Frantz looked down casually, before his warm palm landed against my thigh.
I jumped at his touch, and his lips parted as he said "shh, relax," he coaxed. Meanwhile his warm hand began running along the length of my upper and inner thigh, causing my legs to tremble slightly, whenever his hand inched close to my private area. While I anticipated his touch, the pain of his teasing caused an aching throb to form in between my legs.
"Relax Lili," Frantz continued deadly caress, meanwhile, my lungs had forgotten how to breathe properly. At times I drew in a large gulp of oxygen, only to release it in a faint and shallow moan. Frantz sighed as his eyes studied my face, then he drew in a deep breath, before lowering his face towards my area.
My eyes watched him carefully, my dry throat reminding me just how thirsty my body suddenly was, as Frantz held my gaze. He placed his hand on both of my thighs, then skillfully caressed his palms to my inner thighs, then downwards towards my knees. He pushed against the back of my knee, prompting me to bend them upwards. Once he was pleased with them, he then glided his hand back to my inner thighs, where he pushed against my skin. Gulping while a string of shuddering breaths escaped my parting lips, I once again complied with his silent demand, and parted my thighs further, revealing my body even more to his eyes.
He sighed softly, his eyes no longer on my face, as his breath tickled me like a cool wind against moist skin. Then with one smile, and a powerful gaze into my eyes, he declared "you're mine now."
His head dipped in between my legs, and just as I felt the shadow of his warm tongue against my pulsing bundle of nerves, I found myself sitting up from my bed, in a gasping, sweaty fit.
Liliana gasped and gulped as she placed against her hot forehead.
Her lower abdomen pulsed, while her inner walls throbbed with want. Shaking her head, Liliana laid back in bed, hoping to calm down. Liliana shut her eyes, a heat of shame covering her face as she realized the kind of dream she had. Liliana understood what the dream meant, and she knew she had to take more precautions to keep herself from falling into bed with Frantz. Though it was going to be a tough challenge. She was attracted to Frantz, no to mention she found herself already falling for him.
Liliana also had another worry in mind, and that was the question of how she would keep Frantz from finding out this dream which depicted her darkest desires.
Hey my loves!
As promised here is the update!
I know I ended it on an abrupt note, but hey, it's been a while since I left y'all at a cliffhanger. And of course you can definitely expect Frantz to find out about Lili's dream soon. Who wants that to happen?
So, Frantz and Lili are officially together. Only 27 chapters later, but it was worth the wait right? What did you think about Frantz's proposal? His actions before and after that? And what about his conversation with his mamma? What do you think is going to happen next?
Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, AND SHARING!
Lots of
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