《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 10- "One Kiss"
After an hour of silence, and many shared glances, Liliana closed her book, and stood up. The moment she did so, Mr. Cavalier's eyes snapped to hers.
Liliana couldn't get too comfortable. She was till a hostess after all, and sitting in the same area as the boss did not change that.
She stood before Mr. Cavalier, clasping her hands together, and she smiled and stated professionally "Mr. Cavalier I hope the trip is going well for you so far. Would you like anything to eat or drink at this time?"
Frantz examined the woman before him, who continuously surprised him, and he had to hand it to her, she was brave and strong.
After staring at her long enough to make her blush, he smiled, "Yes, a glass of red wine please." He decided to play along, and with a brighter smile Liliana replied "right away sir."
Frantz watched Liliana walk away, and he couldn't stop himself from admiring the way she carried herself tall and proud. He also loved the way her hips swayed naturally, she didn't force her walk, she had the natural sexy stride, that told you to watch her as she walked by.
Before he knew it, Frantz stood to his feet and followed after.
Liliana had opened a small cabinet above her head, when she felt Mr. Cavalier behind her.
Instantly tensing up, Liliana gulped, her cheeks flushing with a dark blush. She felt her nerves awaken the butterflies in her stomach, and that started the chain reaction which led to goosebumps, a heat that enveloped her body from head to toe, and a stir in her lower abdomen.
Unsure of what to do, Liliana believed she would feel much safer if she faced him, given that his shadowed covered bed body, she could practically feel the heat from his hips on her backside, even though he was not touching her.
She could only imagine what was going through his head, but Lili knew that if she didn't turn around, she would be tempted to push her body against his, just so his warmth could touch her completely.
Liliana turned, and drew in a sharp breath. It seems that facing him did not make her feel any better. In fact, it made the situation a lot more real.
Lili kept her eyes down cast, her parted lips allowing nervous breaths to escape her very excited stomach. She could feel his heavy gaze burning on her face. His expensive manly cologne entering her nostrils, tempting her to take a daring step and do something that no employee should do with their boss.
"Oh? And what is that?" She heard Frantz state in a very low, seductive tone, and Liliana shut her eyes tightly out of embarrassment.
She was thinking out loud again.
"Mr. Cavalier I would really appreciate it if you backed up." Liliana spoke, though her words couldn't hurt a fly. She was not sounding too confident in her demand. Her voice was wavering, and she couldn't bring herself to look at him.
"Mmh..." Frantz sighed, as he placed his hands on either sides of Liliana's body, bringing his face to her level.
"Why do you continue to refuse me? Why do you resist the pull between us?" Frantz questioned with genuine curiosity. as he tried to catch her eyes, which purposely avoided his.
"There is nothing between us." Liliana bit out bitterly. Unable to stop herself. She was way out of her comfort zone, and she could tell that that's exactly what Mr. Cavalier's aim was.
"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Frantz demanded, then he said, "okay tell me this: why are you trying so hard to deny that you're attracted to me? Do I intimidate you?"
"No." Liliana snapped, and Frantz raised an eyebrow out of curiosity.
He lifted his right pointer finger, and softly feathered it against Liliana's face, and as a result, she almost suffered a heart failure.
Lily's heart thrummed against her chest, as she closed her eyes and sighed. Her head was hot, her heart was running, she wasn't sure how she was still breathing, and her stomach was performing in the Olympics.
Her mind was trying to communicate with her body, but her body was too focused on communicating with Mr. Cavalier's body.
Frantz noticed it when Liliana tightened her hold on the counter behind her, and he could see her face red with unspoken emotions.
He knew he was pushing her out of her comfort zone, but he needed her vulnerable, and of course, he wanted her body used to having him close by. He felt the need to make sure she identified herself with him, so that she wouldn't be able to resist him.
"Frantz please..." he suddenly heard her soft plea.
Shocked at the way she said his name, he wanted to hear it again.
"What do you want Liliana?" He asked, keeping his voice low, as he spoke above her ear, his lips brushing with her temple.
"I-I, please just give me some space." Liliana asked, keeping her eyes downcast, her fingers holding on even tighter to the counter.
Amazed and shocked to the core once again, Frantz backed away slowly, until he was a few feet away from Liliana. She met his eyes for a quick second, then she looked away again.
"What is it? Is it because of my wealth? My reputation? Why do you continue to turn me down?" Frantz asked seriously, his ego dented, causing a flare in his anger.
"Why is it so important to you? I mean you're my boss, this is highly inappropriate." Liliana snapped, trying to avoid his question. Knowing very well that she was lying to herself and to him.
"Answer my question." Frantz demanded with a stern tone, and Liliana frowned as she said "don't tell me what to do."
"Answer the question Liliana." Frantz pushed, and Liliana sucked her teeth and looked away in defiance.
"Alright," Frantz shrugged and took a step towards Liliana, who quickly held her hand out as she said "alright, alright. It's not about your wealth Mr. Cavalier, but it's as simple as the fact that You are my boss, I am an employee. It's not great work ethic. I know a man like you doesn't really do relationships, or else you would've been married already. So it only means that you're interested in me until you get me in your bed, then after that I'll be nothing but the girl who screwed her boss. Powerful men like you are only in it for the chase. Once the chase is done, you look for your next prey." Liliana blurted out before she could stop herself.
"Huh." Frantz replied, then he placed his hands in his pockets as he studied the brave girl facing him.
She pretty much hit it on the money. He was simply in it for the chase, and even though she figured it out, it didn't deter him from wanting to have her, even for a little while.
"Okay so what would it take for me to get you to accept to go out with me?" Frantz asked, and Liliana's mouth dropped.
The man was absurd.
"Mr. Cavalier this is-"
"Highly inappropriate I know. What would it take to get you to go on a date with me?" Frantz pushed, and Liliana rolled her eyes and looked away as she said "nothing. I don't want to go on a date with you."
"Alright then, just sleep with me." He shrugged bluntly, and Liliana looked back at him appalled, her heart jumping to her throat. A shock travelling through her body, and straight to that pit in her lower abdomen.
So Mr. Cavalier was as bold as he was arrogant.
"Wh- I think I'm going to quit." Liliana shook her head, and that did not seem to phase Frantz, in fact he simply shrugged as he said "so that should make it easier for you to go out with me." He wanted her to know that he wasn't planning on giving up.
"You are unbelievable. If you keep pushing I will quit." Liliana threatened, though she really didn't want to quit. She just wanted him to stop.
These feelings she had developed for this man, they were confusing her. And the more Lili tried to deny them, the more suffocating they felt. And he, playing all these mind games, was not helping her situation.
"Alright, let's make a deal-" Frantz started.
"No." Liliana cut in.
"Just hear me out." Frantz replied, then he smirked as he said "kiss me, here and now, and after that I will leave you alone. I will respect your wishes, and never speak of a relationship between us ever again. In fact, if you kiss me, I won't even force you to sit with me. I will treat you like any other employee. I will respect your personal space, and you won't ever have to worry about me invading your space ever again." Frantz bargained, and that seem to catch Liliana's attention.
"You're lying." Lili accused without giving it a second thought, and Frantz raised his hands in surrender as he said "I swear to you on everything that is holy. One kiss, that's all I ask, then its strictly business between us."
"You shouldn't swear." Liliana pointed, then she frowned as she bit her lip and debated on what to do.
"Anything to get you to believe me." Frantz explained. But Liliana ignored his comment.
For one, if she kissed him, and he held true to his words, she wouldn't have to worry about being alone with him again. Liliana was mature enough to not mix business with pleasure, and if this one kiss would seize all discomfort between her and Mr. Cavalier, then she should do it.
On the other hand, Liliana didn't want to kiss him only to regret her decision later. What if after she kissed him he decided to not keep his words? What If after kiss, she didn't want him to keep his words?
Now Liliana was confused.
Frantz, meanwhile calmly stood and studied Liliana. He knew she was debating his offer, and he smiled internally because whether she chose to kiss him or not, he wasn't planning on letting her off the hook. Her decision would only set off which plan he would use.
Plan A, if she kissed him, he would pretend not to care for her. He would shift his attention away from her until she practically begged for him to pay her some mind, but he would make sure that she only worked his shifts. He would make sure that she saw so much of him, that it would be impossible to resist him for long.
Plan B, if chose to not kiss him, then he would show her exactly why he was the boss. He didn't want to intimidate her into submission, but he would do it If push came to shove... well who knows what might happen.
Today would be the second time Liliana has turned him down, and Frantz was ready to bring her to her breaking point. Who was she to think that she could turn him down?
The one woman who did not drool over him, and she was the one he currently wanted.
Liliana came to a resolution, and said a silent prayer in hopes of forgiveness for what she was about to do.
Sighing and looking up into Frantz expectant gaze, she declared "alright, I'll kiss you. But you have to promise that you will keep your word. No more teasing me after this. Strictly business."
"I promise, it'll be strictly business." Frantz promised, and Liliana sighed shaking her head.
She hated herself for agreeing to this, but if it meant getting Mr. Cavalier off her back for good, then she would do it.
Sighing nervously, and nodding, Liliana consented to the kiss.
Frantz smiled, and took a few steps towards her.
When he was close enough, he could tell just how nervous she was. So grabbing her hand, he placed it on his chest above his heart. He held her eyes with his, and smiled softly when he saw her blush.
The feeling of Frantz's heartbeat under her palm made her feel a bit at ease.
Frantz grabbed her other hand, and kissed the pad of her fingers one by one. As he did so, he wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her to his body.
Liliana gasped at their intimate position, her cheeks on fire, her stomach performing a thousand somersaults. Her brain was telling her to back out of the deal, but her body was pushing her to go further.
Frantz allowed Lili to rest both her palms against his chest, as he pet her cheek and looked into her eyes.
He caressed her bottom lip with his thumb, and he smiled as he asked "so how many have had the pleasure of kissing you Ms. Chavez?"
"I think it's best if we don't get too personal don't you think Mr. Cavalier?" Liliana shot back, pretty much telling him to mind his business.
"Fair enough." Frantz smiled.
He loved that she had fire, it only made this all the more exciting.
Frantz leaned down, and hovered his lips above hers. He didn't want to kiss her, at least not yet. He needed to see just how strong her resistance was to him.
He feathered his lips above hers, and Liliana parted her lips expectantly, and Frantz smiled victoriously.
Finally ready, Mr. Cavalier sealed their lips with a kiss.
Liliana closed her eyes, as his lips laid softly against her. She found herself savoring the feeling of their interlocked lips.
Frantz's hold around Liliana's waist tightened, as he deepened the kiss. Lili found herself melting in his hold as her heart jumped out of her chest, when she felt his speed up under her open palm.
Liliana wrapped her arm around his neck, just as Frantz picked her up and placed her on top of the small counter.
Liliana let out a breath when Frantz kissed her jaw, and her neck.
She closed her eyes as his tongue and lips marked her skin. For a moment she was lost in a heat of bliss and want. When Frantz brought his lips back to hers, his hand began slipping under her skirt.
His finger started at her knee, then her upper thigh, and as he began inching towards her inner thigh, Liliana placed a hand above his and stopped him.
She pulled away from the kiss and pushed his hand away from her.
Frantz caught her actions, and figured he pushed her enough for one day, so with an understanding nod, he backed away.
They were both breathing slightly heavy, but after calming her rushing heart, Liliana straightened herself up and said "there, you got your kiss. Now Mr. Cavalier, I'd ask that you please return to your seat, and I will prepare your wine."
"Of course." Mr. Cavalier replied curtly, then he went back to his seat, a subtle smile on his face.
Breathing out, Liliana removed herself from the counter, and prepared herself to bring Mr. Cavalier's wine. When she arrived at the sitting area, Mr. Cavalier was already typing away on his laptop.
Lili successfully managed to pour his wine without spilling any, then she handed it to him.
Had he even said thank you, Liliana would've felt that she accomplished something. But then she remembered the bargain. This was how Mr. Cavalier treated his employees.
After cleaning up, Liliana grabbed her book, and faced Mr. Cavalier as she said "if that will be all."
"Mmh." Was all he said.
Taking that as her dismissal, Liliana returned to her seat at the back of the plane. When she opened her book, she felt her heart sink, as she stomach knotted, when realization hit her like a ton if bricks.
She kissed her boss.
Suddenly feeling very nauseous, Liliana made her way to the bathroom, and closed herself in.
She looked in the mirror and tried to figure out what the heck she was thinking.
Why did she accept his deal? And what did it mean moving forward?
Liliana knew that dwelling on the kiss would only add to her sudden misery and pity party. The damage was already done. The best she could hope for was that he would hold up to his end of the bargain. It seems as though he was already back to his cold ways... so that was a good thing.
At least, Liliana thought it was a good thing. But if only she knew just what her boss had to his sleeves, Lili would know that there was no escaping her boss's want.
Hey my loves!
I typed this chapter feeling super sleepy and tired so excuse the rushed work and the grammatical errors.
So their first kiss... who thought that Lili wouldn't have gone with it? And who agrees with her kissing him?
What do you think of Mr. Cavalier at this point? He's a bold, blunt one for sure.
Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, and SHARING!
Lots of ❤❤❤
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