《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 9- "Smile"
The following morning, Liliana was a nervous wreck.
Her mind kept thinking of different scenarios where anything could go wrong on the trip, and that could land her in a lot of trouble. Her heart was racing even before she was ready to leave from her house.
As Liliana did her hair, she received a call from none other than Chamille.
"Hello?" Liliana greeted softly, and Chamille replied with a chirpy "hello!"
"Chamille? I am so happy to hear from you, I'm glad that you're doing okay, but It's like five in the morning, why are you up so early? Shouldn't you be resting?" Liliana found her mouth running off before she could stop herself.
"I am resting, but I just wanted to call to see how you're feeling. I am so sorry you have to face him by yourself on your first solo shift, but I know you're going to be fine." Chamille encouraged, and Liliana replied "thank you, but if by any chance he complains that I tried to murder him with a wine bottle, it won't be my fault."
"Oh stop it. I know you're going to enjoy your private time alone with him, just play it cool." Chamille instructed, and Liliana face palmed herself as she asked "are you really forgetting the part where he's my boss?"
"Yeah so? Its not like it would be the first time someone got involved with their boss." Chamille remarked in a matter of fact tone, and Liliana laughed as she said "Chamille I love you, but I am going to hang up now."
"Yeah, yeah. If you guys kiss I want all the dirty details!" Chamille added quickly, just as Liliana said "bye Chamille."
Shaking her head as she cut off the call, Liliana looked at her reflection, while she absentmindedly began to wonder if anything was going to happen between her and the man she calls her boss. Then she shook her head some more and laughed at she said "not happening."
After her unexpected call, Liliana finished preparing herself, and just as she brought her small luggage to the front door, the driver called and let her know that he was outside.
Liliana frowned when she opened the door to reveal a younger Caucasian male with blond hair and boyish smile, and she almost forgot that Carlos was not going to be here this morning.
Apparently his injuries were a bit more serious, and he'd have to be out of work for at least a month.
Liliana wanted to reach out to him to see how he was holding up, but she didn't have his number, and if she asked Chamille it would just be a string of endless questions and speculations. Something Lili didn't need this early morning.
After grabbing her bag and entering the vehicle, Liliana leaned against the back of her seat and tried to give herself a pep talk. When that didn't ease her nerves, she went over her training with Chamille, as well as the dos and don'ts of flying with Mr. Cavalier.
After going through the entire list, thrice, and her heart was still racing in her chest, she decided to call her mom.
"Hello." Her mom answered groggily, and Liliana almost felt bad for disturbing her.
"Mom..." Liliana called out.
"Lili? Are you okay?" Her mom asked, sounding a bit more awake.
"Not really. You know when the office called me last night?" Liliana asked.
"Yeah." The mom replied, as if waiting for Liliana to continue.
"Well my solo shift has been moved up to today." Liliana blurted.
"Oh well that's great honey, but you already told me that." Her mom supported.
"No mom it's not great. I'm flying with my boss! By myself." Liliana whisper-yelled into the phone, trying to avoid the driver hearing her conversation.
"By yourself? Well what happened to Chamille?" Her mom asked, and Liliana explained "well she got into an accident while going home last night. She's fine, just a few bumps and bruises, but she is not yet cleared to fly."
"Oh, I see. Well if anything at least he's a hot client." The mom noted, and Liliana face palmed herself as she said "ma really? You're supposed to help ease my nerves because I am freaking out!"
"Well Lili what can I say? You've flown with him before, you already know how to handle the flight and what you're supposed to do. Just don't stress yourself out. I'm sure he won't bite you. Now go in there, and be the best damn hostess you can be." Her mom pepped, and Liliana breathed out, though a little shaky, she felt much better.
"Thanks mom. I'll let you know when we land." Liliana stated sincerely.
"Make sure you do. Have a good shift love." With those words Liliana ended the call just as the driver pulled into the tarmac where Mr. Cavalier's plane waited.
The quiet driver handed Liliana her bag with a simple "have a good flight."
"Thank you." Liliana replied kindly, then she turned and headed up to the plane.
The first thing she did was place her bag down, then she headed straight to the cockpit to let the pilots know that she was on board.
"Morning Paul, Juan." Liliana greeted with a bright smile. She couldn't help it, she loved to smile.
"He hey newbie! Spreading your wings I see." Paul greeted, and Liliana giggled as she said "no pun intended right?"
"Right." Paul greeted, and with a smile, Liliana let them be.
Liliana followed through with the routine of making sure everything was in place. Mr. Cavalier's lunch and dinner were in the fridge. There was ice on board. His room and bathroom were clean, and so was the sitting area. Once Liliana made sure she had everything set, she looked out the window just in time to notice his car approaching.
Shaking off any last nerves, Liliana plastered a smile on her face and made her way towards the door. She had to admit, she was a bit excited about her first solo shift, this would mean that she was officially a hostess, instead of a probationary hostess, and if all went well, Chamille wouldn't have to rush back to work, she could take her time and fully recuperate.
All things said, it would only happen if Liliana managed to make it through the shift without stabbing Mr. Cavalier with a plastic fork.
When Mr. Cavalier stepped out of the car, and noticed only Liliana standing there, he smirked softly, before placing the neutral mask back on his face.
As he made his way towards the jet, he studied Liliana from head to toe.
Her outfit sat comfortably on her body. Her top was not too tight around the chest, and her skirt was at her knees. The modest outfit made Mr. Cavalier all the more excited for when he would rip it off just to see what she hid under there. He wanted to kiss those round lips or hers, and taste her mouth who always seem to have a mind of it's own. He could only imagine the amount of pleasure he would have just by watching her squirm under his gaze.
He wanted to know her every thought. He wanted to know her like the back of is hand.
As Mr. Cavalier got closer, he saw Liliana quickly wipe her hands down her skirt, and he could tell that she was nervous.
He grinned internally. This was going to be his best flight yet. And he was determined to have her attention by the end of the trip.
As Liliana watched Mr. Cavalier coolly stride towards the plane, she found herself wiping her sweaty hands down her skirt, while her eyes began admiring the way his well fitted suit enveloped his body. She could tell he was fit and could only imagine what he did to keep himself healthy. Then Liliana mentally scolded herself when she imagined Mr. Cavalier sweaty and panting during a hot and heavy intimate session.
Liliana shot her eyes up to the heavens, hoping a bucket of Holy water would drench her mind, and clear it of all the vile thoughts that filled her head, and suddenly made her body very aware of the handsome man making his way towards her.
When Mr. Cavalier climbed the stairs, Liliana cleared her throat softly and greeted "Good morning Mr. Cavalier, I am sorry to inform you that Chamille will not be joining us this morning, and I will be your hostess for this trip."
"Mmh." Was all Frantz said as he brushed past her.
Liliana blinked but kept the smile on her face, though it eventually felt fake.
Trying to not let him get to her this early in the morning, Liliana turned around and closed the door. She took her time, just trying to keep her composure, then she headed towards Mr. Cavalier.
He was already seated and buckled, and with a smile Liliana stated "if you're all set, we'll be departing soon." Then Liliana stood, waiting for him to dismiss her.
He took his sweet time while he leaned back in his chair, his eyes landing on her face. His playboy posture irking Liliana to the bone.
He flashed her smile when Liliana pursed her lips, in attempt to keep the annoyance from slipping and showing on her face, then he shrugged and said "I'm ready."
With a tight lipped smile, Liliana nodded, and made her way to her chair.
She buckled in then dialed to the cockpit, letting the pilot know that they were ready to go.
As the plane began to accelerate, Liliana closed her eyes once again, and gulped as she breathed deeply. Her fingers dug into the chair as she muttered a silent prayer under her breath, until the plane was no longer on the ground.
Liliana waited for for the plane to stabilize before she removed her seat belt, and headed towards Mr. Cavalier.
As she approached him, she sighed deeply and pulled on her jacket, in attempt to shed some of her nerves.
When she reached Mr. Cavalier, he was already typing away at his computer.
"Mr. Cavalier, I do hope that our take off was comfortable enough. At this time would you like anything to drink?" Liliana spelled out, just as she had practiced many times before in her mind.
"No thank you." He replied curtly, and Liliana blinked and said "okay."
When she returned to her seat, Lili blinked once again, feeling slightly confused at his sudden change in mood, then she was instantly reminded of the way he had treated her during their last trip, and Liliana sighed. It seemed Mr. Cavalier was forced to play nice with her since he was literally stuck with her.
Liliana frowned.
She hated the thought of feeling like a burden or an obligation to Mr. Cavalier. It wasn't her fault that so far there were only two people that could tolerate him enough to work with him.
Rolling her eyes, suddenly in a sour mood, Liliana turned to her current book in hopes of lifting her spirits.
She kept checking her phone in order to ensure that she would check on him in an hour.
When the hour had passed, Liliana sighed as she stood up and made her way to him.
For some reason, she had forgotten to place her book down, so when she reached him, she clasped her hands behind her back, hiding the book from his view.
"Mr. Cavalier, I am just checking in to make sure you are doing okay. Would you like anything to drink at this time?" Liliana asked, feeling proud of her professional tone, but that pride was suddenly halted when Mr. Cavalier said nothing.
Liliana avoided rolling her eyes because she knew that if she earned a random punishment from him, Chamille wasn't here to save her, so she waited. And waited.
And when she was getting tired of waiting, she waited some more.
When Liliana opened her mouth to speak once again, she was stopped in her tracks when his dark eyes flashed to hers.
The same dark eyes who has haunted her dreams for the past few nights. The same dark eyes which had goosebumps growing above her skin. The same dark eyes which tempted her to tighten her legs because she could feel something stirring in the pit of her lower abdomen.
Liliana felt the sweat form between the pads of her fingers and the book she gripped onto for dear life.
She gulped when he cocked his head and squinted his eyes towards. And she suddenly found the idea of him working out on her to be quite appealing and attractive.
Liliana wanted to shake her head. She needed help.
Frantz, on the other hand, knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to keep her on her toes. He wanted to take so many turns, that Liliana would fall dizzy and get a whiplash. He knew the weight of his gaze on her body affected her, but he wanted to see just how affected she was.
So drawing in a deep breath, he parted his lips, and darted his tongue out. He used his teeth to trap his bottom lip before releasing it softly, and in that instant, Liliana looked away, her face flushing as she visibly gulped.
Frantz smile. He had her. But there was a lot more fun to be had. So clearing his throat and unbuttoning his jacket, Mr. Cavalier opened his legs and said "Have a seat."
Liliana's eyes snapped back to his, her mouth dropping to floor.
"Wh-what?" Liliana asked, her mouth and throat suddenly dry at his boldness and very suggestive actions.
"Have a seat. There are three open seats here, choose one." Frantz explained, knowing that his actions had thrown her off.
Catching herself, and feeling relieved that he didn't mean she sat on his lap, Liliana blinked then frowned as she replied "But I already have a seat."
Frantz shrugged and then sighed as he said in a final tone "Well suit yourself."
Liliana shook her head and suppressed a comment as she looked up and then back at the man before her as she asked "Are you going to make me stand here again?"
"Well that is up to you, because I offered you a seat." Frantz stated coolly, knowing very well her blood was boiling.
"So it's either I sit where you tell me to, or you make me stand here?" Liliana stated, feeling her voice getting louder, which meant her anger was only getting worse.
"If that's how you want to word it." Frantz replied in a business like tone, which Liliana found sent her up the wall.
Liliana nodded and poked her tongue against her cheek in hopes of calming down. When she realized that Mr. Cavalier was actually serious, she lost it.
"Okay, this is some kind of blackmail." Liliana pointed, and Frantz simply smiled.
"Plus you can't just think to tell me what to do. You can't make me do anything." Liliana huffed as she shifted her weight to her other leg, but still, Mr. Cavalier said nothing.
"Mr. Cavalier?" Lili called out, frowning softly when he continued to ignore her, "What th- This is ridiculous. Hello?" Liliana pestered, but it was like talking to a brick wall. He was good at this.
"Ugh fine." Liliana finally gave up and sat down on the seat further from him, facing him.
Frantz smiled subtly, pleased because he knew she would give up eventually.
Liliana wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face. She huffed and puffed at the idea that she actually gave in and sat down where he had told her to. It was either that or standing however how long he decided to keep her there for.
"Want to keep it a little quiet there?" Frantz asked, feeling a bit annoyed at her actions.
"Just who do you think you are-" Lili started wanting to have a go at him.
"Lili, please." Frantz suddenly snapped, his eyes meeting hers, and daring her to say another word.
Liliana gulped due to his heavy gaze and scolding tone, which sent tremors of want to ransack head body, then she looked away as she said "fine."
After a moment, Mr. Cavalier returned to his work, and Liliana couldn't help it when she muttered under her breath "I should totally kill you with a wine bottle."
"What was that?" Frantz asked in taunting manner.
"Nothing." Liliana replied quickly, a little too quickly.
"Mmh." Frantz simply hummed
"Bite me." Liliana murmured in an even lower tone, but she was shocked to the core when she heard him reply "keep pushing me and I will do it."
Liliana's mouth dropped, her face flushing.
She hated the fact that his words actually sent a jolt to the pit of her stomach. She hated the fact that she actually tempted to push him, just to see if he would follow on his words.
Lili wanted to groan. Maybe even scream. She couldn't possibly figure our why she was still affected by this man. She figured that after admitting her crush out loud, she wouldn't feel the same about him. Her feelings towards him would be irrelevant. But here she was, feeling even more affected by him.
After a moment, Liliana simply opened her book, and began drowning herself in the undeniable romance that blossomed between the clueless characters in the story.
Eventually, Liliana was so taken by the story, she almost missed it when Mr. Cavalier noted out loud "It seems you like to read as much as you like to smile."
Liliana looked over at him, but his eyes were still glued on his computer screen.
So turning her eyes back to the page in her book, Liliana replied "Well everyone likes to smile. How ever much, that is a different story."
"A different story indeed." Frantz added after a moment of silence, as he continued to brew up a plan in his mind.
Hey my loves!
Here is the update!
A little steam, a little comedy, and alot of sexual tension!
Who's ready for these two to get together already?
Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, and SHARING!
Lots of ❤❤❤
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