《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 8- "The Life Saver"
Throughout the remainder of the flight, Liliana stayed in Chamille's shadow. Chamille noticed the tension between Liliana and Mr. Cavalier, and to avoid a possible crash landing, she took over the entire trip.
During the times of interaction between the hostesses and Mr. Cavalier, Liliana kept her head up, and avoided eye contact with the insufferable man, and during their time away she dodged every question Chamille sent her way.
In between the hourly checks on the client, and immersing her mind in the fictional world of her favorite authors, Liliana saw that the time went by a lot quicker than she initially expected, and soon enough, they were preparing to land.
After ensuring that Mr. Cavalier was buckled in, the hostesses buckled themselves in as the plane got lower in altitude.
When they landed safely, Liliana let out a relieved breath then she turned to Chamille as she proposed "I'll go open the door, and you check to see how the landing was for him."
"Okay." Chamille simply shrugged because she knew that Liliana was avoiding Mr. Cavalier at all costs.
All the while Mr. Cavalier waited to see how the final moments of the trip would play out.
He noticed that Liliana caught on quickly to his game, and she played it cool, as if she wasn't bothered by the fact that he ignored her. He knew that his actions earlier were a bit harsh, but he just wanted her to beg for his attention. However, it seemed that his actions so far had been futile.
He noticed when Liliana waltzed passed him, and he couldn't help it when his eyes glided towards her shapely legs, then he brought his eyes back up as he studied her swaying hips and backside. Frantz could only imagine the pleasure he would receive when he handled her backside, and he found that he would rather have that pleasure sooner rather than later.
Frantz kept his eyes on Liliana as he unbuckled himself from the chair. Then, something came to him.
Rather than just ignoring her, he would confuse her. Play with her mind until she couldn't figure out his angle. He knew it was cruel of him, but she hurt his ego, and no one got away with hurting his ego.
Chamille approached him with a smile, and after a small exchange, he began following her out of the jet.
Liliana noted Chamille and Frantz approaching in her peripheral vision. As they got closer, Liliana fixated her eyes straight ahead, but she could feel his eyes on her. Liliana tried to keep her breathing calm. She avoided moving or doing anything that could hint just how nervous she felt.
But on the inside, she was a mess. Her heart was thumping in her chest. She could feel the sweat forming in her armpits, her intertwined fingers also drowning in sweat.
Liliana was silently preparing herself for whatever rude act he prepared to send her way, but the moment Chamille stood next to her, Liliana felt her heart leap out of unwelcomed excitement.
"Have a good evening Mr. Cavalier." Chamille stated, and with a "thank you." Frantz replied to Chamille.
Liliana drew in a breath, ready to be ignored by Frantz once again, when he did the last thing she expected from him for the day.
As Mr. Cavalier passed her by, with a simple "Liliana." He exited the plane.
Liliana was struck dumb.
She looked after the departing man and frowned out of confusion, her jaw slightly parting out of surprise and bewilderment. She did not expect him to address her. Especially since he had been giving her the cold shoulder all throughout the flight.
Liliana turned to Chamille who simply shrugged and said "come on, let's grab our stuff and head out. So tomorrow you have a day off, then Wednesday we will be flying with the Dunns to New York. We will spend the night, and early morning fly back with Mr. Marin. Those two shift will be counted as shifts 3 and 4. If you manage to improve throughout those two shifts, then shift 5 will be considered your solo shift. And before you start freaking out, yes I will be there but only as your shadow. I will not say a word." Chamille explained as they grabbed their personal belongings, and headed out of the plane.
Of course as they went down the stairs, Liliana stated "wait, we forgot to alert the pilot that we're no longer on board."
Chamille turned to Liliana and smiled as she said "good, that was a test. I wanted to see your state of mind after that crazy trip, and it shows that you've kept your composure, and a clear mind. If you keep this up, I won't be worried about your solo shift. It'll be a breeze."
Liliana smiled proudly, feeling as if she won a gold star. She always loved doing the best that she could in her performances, and she loved succeeding as well. She was an overachiever, and she was very proud of it.
Liliana returned on the plane and alerted the pilots, then when she exit, Carlos had already arrived.
"Good evening ladies, I do pray that your trip was as smooth as possible." Carlos greeted, and Chamille laughed as she said "hi Carlos. Our trip was amazing, but it'll be even better when you take us home."
"That I can do." Carlos confirmed, then he turned to a very quiet Liliana as he said with a smile "does this mean you'll stick around for a few?"
And Liliana shrugged as she said "yeah, I don't see why not? I mean I haven't met the wrong kind of interesting people."
And Carlos smiled even wider as he said "that's great. Well I look forward to driving you in the early mornings."
"Me too." Liliana smiled, her cheeks warm with a friendly blush.
Chamille's eyes darted between the duo, then she said "sorry to break up this social call, but I got two chubby babies waiting for me at home."
"Of course." Carlos stated then he cleared his throat as he opened the door, and the women slid inside the car.
During the car ride, Chamille turned to Liliana and spoke in a hushed tone "I think Carlos has eyes for you."
"Oh? And what makes you say that?" Liliana asked.
"Well for one, I've never seen him this happy when picking someone up this late. And I think this is the first time I've seen him smile and interact like this." Chamille explained, and Liliana rolled her eyes as she tried to reason "well maybe its because I'm a newbie and he wants to make me feel welcomed, unlike some people." Liliana added the last part before she could stop herself.
"Oh? Care to elaborate?" Chamille poked, and Liliana felt her face heat up as she said quickly "nope."
Chamille laughed and a few seconds later, Liliana joined her.
The ladies made small talk until Carlos pulled up to Liliana's two bedroom house. Liliana happily bid Chamille and Carlos good night, then she headed in and called her parents as soon as she locked the door.
"Hello." Her mom greeted.
"Mom, I'm home. I just walked through the door." Liliana explained, and she could hear the relief in her mother's voice as she said "okay, okay good. I'm glad."
"Mom were you worried?" Liliana asked, and the mom replied "of course I was worried. You know I was never really a fan of flying, so of course I'm always glad when you let me know that you're okay."
"And I will never forget that." Liliana stated, then she let out a prolonged yawn, and once she could catch her breath she said "mom, I gotta go. I'm really sleepy. I will call you tomorrow morning okay? Bye, love you."
"Love you too Lili." Her mom stated, then they ended their call. Not bothering to do anything else for the night, Liliana headed to bed, only to dream of the dark eyes and deep voice.
Meanwhile, Mr. Cavalier had just turned off his laptop, finally done with his work for the day.
He rubbed his eyes feeling tired, as his tense shoulder burned with an aching sensation. Frantz sighed as he gulped back the last of his liquor, then he headed to his room for some much needed sleep.
As Liliana was finally taken over by sleep, she found herself once again victim to a terrorizing dream.
"You got what you wanted Mr. Cavalier. You've pursued me and played a good game. You won. You got me in your bed. But before it happened, you promised one night. Just one. I gave up, and I gave in, and you got what you wanted." Liliana stated in her dream as she looked up into his dark eyes, her teary gaze doing nothing but causing his anger to rise.
"Yes I did. So what?" He replied, though Liliana could hear the edge in his voice.
"But now you're telling me that you're not holding up your end of the bargain. You told me you would stop pursuing me after this. That I'd be free to do whatever I wanted. That I could be with anyone I wanted but-"
"And now I've changed my mind. I seem to have developed an interest to you Ms. Chavez, and until my hunger is sated, you belong to me. No one else can have you, and if you even think of getting involved with someone else, I will make sure that my face is the last thing he sees!" Frantz roared just as he grabbed Liliana's face and kissed her harshly, as her broken tears rolled down her cheeks.
Once again Liliana found herself sitting up in bed, panting, her throat dry as she gulped. She looked at her phone and noticed it was only 4:00 AM. Her heaving chest was doused in sweat, her head feeling hot once again.
Liliana grabbed the bottle of water next to her bed, and gulped back the last amount, emptying the bottle. Then catching her breath, she laid back down hoping to sleep and dream of anything but her boss.
Except now, her mind was wide awake, and so was her body.
Liliana groaned and placed a hand on her forehead as she tried to determine the cause of her sudden crush on Frantz. Then not wanting for this infatuation to go further, she decided to figure out a way to get over her crush.
She figured that maybe admitting it out loud could ease the havoc that was going on in her mind, and hopefully after saying it, it would seem irrelevant, if not ridiculous. Lili believed that avoiding this was like having a secret which was too good to be true. A secret, if held in too long, could cause you to explode at some point.
So taking a deep breath, Lili laid on her back and cleared her throat.
She shook her head and giggled at the fact that she was actually going to admit her feelings out loud, with only her bedroom furniture as witnesses.
The thought itself was insane, and Liliana wondered if she was turning into a basket case.
Liliana opened her mouth, but paused as she remembered the folk tale of the king with donkey ears. His wife had tried to keep it a secret, and when she couldn't help it anymore, she spoke the secret to a lake, only for someone she had not noticed to hear it and spread it out amongst the king's subjects.
Liliana shook her head as she figured that her nightstand couldn't possibly reveal her secret to anyone, and so after another breath she whispered "I have a crush on my boss."
Liliana waited for a moment, waiting for something to go wrong and make her regret saying that, but when nothing happened, she felt a bit braver as she spoke louder "I have a crush on my boss."
Liliana giggled at her words then shrugged as felt her heart leap, then slowly began to return to its regular pace. Then feeling much better, as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders, Liliana went back to sleep.
The next day Liliana took a moment to go over everything Chamille had taught her during their first trip. She created a mental routine which she felt much more comfortable with, then she prepared for the next two shifts that would follow.
Flying with the Dunns was a joy. They were an elderly couple. The wife spent the entire trip knitting and she enjoyed her morning tea, while the husband always kept busy with a crossword, and a cup of coffee.
Liliana almost handled the entire trip by herself. And enjoyed checking in on the Dunns though it was a short trip, and she looked forward to flying with them again.
Traveling with Ms. Marin was a bit more intense. She was a middle aged woman, had gone through three divorces, and was a successful business woman. She had just started a scandalous relationship with a younger man, and she had the self confidence of a queen. She wasn't rude towards the hostesses, but she could do without them constantly interrupting only to ask whether she was okay or wanted anything. Ms. Marin did enjoy her liquor however, and Liliana eventually lost track of how many times the client had asked for a refill.
When they landed, Ms. Marin thanked and bid the hostesses goodbye as she exit.
On the drive home, Chamille turned to Liliana and said "girl you make me so proud. You've handled the last two trips like a pro. Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"Thanks, and yeah I'm definitely ready." Liliana confirmed, and for once she actually looked forward to seeing Frantz Cavalier, because from the moment she admitted that she had a crush on him, she felt different.
He wasn't on her mind as often, nor did she dream about him anymore.
"Wow, loving the confidence. Does this mean he doesn't scare you anymore?" Chamille asked, and Liliana simply shrugged, keeping her thoughts to herself.
Once again Liliana was dropped home first, and as soon as she made it home, she kicked off her shoes and plopped on her couch as she dialed her mom's number.
"Hello." Her mom greeted warmly.
"Ma, I'm home." Liliana stated as she took her hair out of the low bun, and sighed feeling her scalp relax.
"That's great honey. How were the clients?" Her mom asked.
"Oh my God mom, the Dunns are by far my favorite. They are so warm and friendly and pleasant." Lili explained as she smiled from ear to ear.
"And the other client?"
"Well Ms. Marin is a bit more strict, has a lot of self confidence, but she seemed annoyed every time we checked on her." Liliana explained and the mom replied "well at least you enjoyed it. I can tell you're having fun, and I'm so happy for you because you're doing what you love."
"Thanks ma." Liliana felt her cheeks rise with a wide smile.
"So tomorrow you're back again flying with the big boss right?" Her mom asked.
"Yep, and it may be my solo flight. My trainer said I've been doing pretty well, and if anything tomorrow she will simply be my shadow, and I will be the main hostess." Liliana stated, feeling the excitement bubble in her chest.
"Well that's awesome honey." Liliana heard her mom state, just as her phone beeped, indicating she had another call.
When Liliana pulled the phone away from her ear, she noticed that it was Jenna calling her, so in haste she said "mom, let me call you back. The office is calling me."
"Okay. Bye." The mom stated, and Liliana quickly accepted the other call.
"Hello?" Liliana greeted.
"Hey Liliana, its Jenna. I am so sorry to call you like this but it seems tomorrow you will have to fly solo with Mr. Cavalier." Jenna noted, and Liliana replied "yes, Chamille told me that she would shadow me."
"No I mean, you will be by yourself. Chamille will not be able to make it." Jenna explained, and Liliana felt her heart drop.
"W-wait, why? What happened?" Liliana asked, her head heating up by the second.
"Chamille and the driver were involved in an accident. She's going to be fine. Just some minor cuts and bruises, but she is not cleared to fly. I'm sorry for dropping the news like this. But I wouldn't entrust this trip to you if I didn't know that you could handle it." Jenna said and Liliana's mouth ran dry.
"Lili? Are you still there?" Jenna called out and on instinct Liliana stated "yes, I am."
"Can you do this? Please?" Jenna almost begged, and Liliana gulped back a bit of saliva as she shook her head and said "yeah, yeah I can do it."
"Oh you are a life saver." Jenna cheered before thanking her again, and ending the call.
Liliana let the phone drop to her lap as her hand shook due to her nerves.
She, Liliana Chavez, the shy hostess with an unpredictable attitude and mouth, had to fly the infamous, arrogant, conceited Mr. Frantz Cavalier, solo.
Liliana gulped, her heart thudding audibly in her ears, which at the moment were buzzing, as many different thoughts began to invade her mind.
How was she supposed to survive this trip alone?
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