《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 7- "Good Morning"
After the encounter with Mr. Cavalier, Liliana wouldn't see him for the rest of the weekend, until it was time for them to return to the states.
Over their weekend, Chamille played tourist guide and helped Liliana enjoy a mini vacation. Of course during their time, Chamille did try to teach Liliana as much as she could about working for Mr. Cavalier.
After Liliana had agreed to help Chamille, Chamille did alert Jenna, who was ecstatic about the news, but she still advised Chamille to train Liliana with other clients as well.
Liliana and Chamille both had moments where they spent some alone time, and usually it meant they were on the phone with their loved ones.
Liliana had been dodging her mother's pestering questions for the entire weekend, and the more her mom badgered, the more annoyed Liliana became.
"Mom for the last time nothing happened between me and the client. This is a business with a good reputation. The relationship between Hosts and Clients is strictly professional." Liliana found herself explaining for the hundredth time.
"Right, right." The mom replied, though Liliana could tell that she wasn't convinced, and as much as Liliana wanted to continue to enforce the idea that there was nothing between her and Mr. Cavalier, she decided to drop it.
"Okay, so we'll be heading back tomorrow. The flight leaves at 7:00 AM, so we should hopefully land around 11:00 PM, and I'll probably get home around 12:00 ish..." Liliana explained her schedule, and her mom simply said "okay. Did you get what I asked for?" The mom then asked in a hushed tone.
"Yes mom, but frankly I don't think I'll bring it to you until you stop thinking about me marrying my boss." Liliana threatened and her mom gasped dramatically as she said "you wouldn't dare." And Liliana smiled as she shrugged and said "we'll see. Mom I have to go, we have a long day tomorrow."
"Alright love. Get some rest, be safe and call me as soon as you land." Her mother replied lovingly, and Liliana smiled as she said "of course. Good night mom. Tell dad I said hi."
"Good night." The mom replied lovingly, then Liliana ended the call.
After getting ready for bed, Liliana headed out to bid Chamille goodnight, but found her already resting, so Liliana headed back to her room quietly.
While Liliana laid in bed and patiently waited for sleep to come, she absentmindedly found her mind drifting to Mr. Cavalier. The way he pronounced her name echoed in her ear, and that caused a smile to creep on her face.
When Liliana figured out what she was doing, she shook her head and tried to stop her absurd thoughts, but her brain had a different plan.
Liliana turned on her side, cuddling the pillow underneath her head, as she began to imagine what Mr. Cavalier could possibly be doing at this time.
Meanwhile, Mr. Cavalier sat behind his desk, as his eyes looked out the large window and onto his beloved city below.
Having a French father and a roman mother, the city of Rome always held a special spot in his heart. Mr. Cavalier saw that the quiet city below brought peace to his constantly working mind, as he leaned back in his chair, his hands behind his head, his tie loose.
He closed his eyes and sighed as he found images of Liliana flashing before his eyes.
He smiled while he reminisced on their memorable encounters, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that she believed she could resist him for long. The fact that she had enough courage to say no to him made Mr. Cavalier believe that Liliana would be tougher to seduce, but Frantz was sure that he would eventually have Liliana's complete attention and submission.
At the thought of Liliana in his arms, Frantz found his hand itching to touch her again. He could only imagine just how soft her skin was, and her lips, how he yearned to taste her lips.
Shaking his head, Frantz knew that the only reason he was so excited was because of the chase, but he was confident that once she gave in to him, he would get her in his bed, then probably do away with her like all the other women that came before her.
Mr. Cavalier was not too keen on the idea of settling down. Yes, he grew up in a family home and loved every second of it. But the idea of coming home to only one woman for the rest of his life was not the way he planned on living his best years.
As far as he was concerned, Liliana was nothing but a challenge. A challenge once he overcame, would no longer require his attention.
After a yawn disrupted his thoughts, Mr. Cavalier finally decided on calling it a day, and he turned in for the night.
When sleep had finally paid Liliana a visit, she found herself slipping into a dream, a dream she hoped did not come true.
"You got what you wanted Mr. Cavalier. You've pursued me and played a good game. You won. You got me in your bed. But before it happened, you promised one night. Just one. I gave up, and I gave in, and you got what you wanted." Liliana stated in her dream as she looked up into his dark eyes, her teary gaze doing nothing but causing his anger to rise.
"Yes I did. So what?" He replied, though Liliana could hear the edge in his voice.
"But now you're telling me that you're not holding up your end of the bargain. You told me you would stop pursuing me after this. That I'd be free to do whatever I wanted. That I could be with anyone I wanted but-"
"And now I've changed my mind. I seem to have developed an interest to you Ms. Chavez, and until my hunger is sated, you belong to me. No one else can have you, and if you even think of getting involved with someone else, I will make sure that my face is the last thing he sees!" Frantz roared just as he grabbed Liliana's face and kissed her harshly, as her broken tears rolled down her cheeks.
Liliana quickly sat up with a loud gasp. Her body bathed in sweat, her heart thrumming in her chest.
Liliana placed an open palm on her forehead, gulping as she breathed heavily and tried to calm her hyper lungs. After a moment, she plopped down on her bed with a groan, her body suddenly alive with arousal as she remembered the possessiveness Mr. Cavalier portrayed in her dream.
Her very strange and very wrong dream.
Liliana blew out a puff of air from her mouth and gulped as her heart continued beating at a fast pace.
This would be the first time she dreamed of a man in said situation, and if that wasn't embarrassing enough, it had to be her boss .
When Liliana finally managed to calm her breathing, and her eyes began feeling heavy once again, she prepared herself to go back to sleep, only to jump from her bed again when Chamille burst into her room with a perky "Wakey! Wakey!"
"What?" Liliana groaned, dizzy and sleepy.
"We have to get ready. We're leaving in thirty minutes." Chamille announced, then hurried to the bathroom for a quick shower.
Groaning and grumbling while dragging herself out of bed, Liliana waited for Chamille to exit the bathroom before she went in for her own shower.
As the hot water washed over Liliana's skin, she couldn't help it when her mind began picturing having a shower with Mr. Cavalier.
Liliana wanted to slap herself in hope of getting a grip, and getting over these antics, but a jolt of excitement burned to her lower abdomen when she imagined Mr. Cavalier's possessive nature towards her.
"Oh come on girl it was only a dream." Liliana found herself snapping out loud, before she ended the shower and headed to her room to get dressed.
After getting ready, Liliana headed out with her personal belongings, and there she found Chamille with two cups of coffee and peanut butter sandwiches.
"We can have them in the car. Come on." Chamille stated as they each grabbed their coffee and sandwich, then headed out of the room.
Liliana and Chamille made their way to the airport, making small conversation as they nibbled on their sandwiches, and drank their coffee.
"Okay, so this is going to count as your second training shift. This time I want you to be the one to greet the pilots, and do all the flight pre-checks that we discussed over the weekend. If you can do that without my help, then you will be my best trainee yet." Chamille pepped, and Liliana nodded excitedly as she said "yeah no problem."
"Good." Chamille nodded, then a few minutes later, the driver pulled up to the private Jet.
Thanking the driver and grabbing their bags, the hostesses made their way into the jet.
Chamille said nothing and simply followed Liliana around. The first thing Liliana did was place her bags down, then she headed straight to the cockpit and greeted "Good Morning Paul."
"Good morning newbie." Paul smiled as he suddenly reminded Liliana of Santa Claus.
"Good morning Juan." Liliana then turned to Juan, who simply smiled and replied with a "hello."
"I just wanted to let you know that Chamille and me are on board. We're gonna be moving around a bit to prepare for Mr. Cavalier, and then when we're ready for take off, I'll let you know." Liliana explained, hoping she didn't ramble too much.
"You got it." nodded Paul, and with one last smile, Liliana turned around and headed to the kitchenette with a silent Chamille.
Liliana ensured that they had ice, just in case Mr. Cavalier wanted a drink. She made sure that his lunch and dinner were already in the fridge. Once she did that, Liliana then checked the sitting area to assess whether it was clean, then she had to check the bathrooms to make sure they were clean as well and had everything they would need for the flight. After checking Mr. Cavalier's bathroom, she then ensured that their parachutes were in place. She noted that the first aid kit had everything they needed in case of an emergency, and if anything was to happen, Liliana double checked that they had everything they would need.
After a thorough comb-through of the jet, and checking off all the important points on her mental checklist, Liliana turned to a very mute and observant Chamille as she said in a nervous tone "well?"
"Well I have bad news." Chamille declared with a shrug, and Liliana's heart dropped as she felt the blood drain from her face and she asked worried, "what? What is it? Is it something I did wrong? Or something I missed?"
"Well if you keep this up, you might just be the only hostess taking care of Mr. Cavalier cause girlfriend you aced it." Announced with a supportive smile, and Liliana let out a breath of relief as she placed her hand on her chest and said "Oh you scared me. But thank you, I mean you taught me well."
"Well then let's see how well you handle the next step, greeting Mr. Cavalier. He's arrived." Chamille stated just as Liliana looked out the window and noticed his car pull up to the jet.
Liliana gulped. Her throat suddenly dry.
Up until now, Liliana did not once think about how she planned on facing Mr. Cavalier after he had asked her out to dinner and she declined. And the closer he got to the plane, the faster her heart beat.
Chamille placed Liliana first, then she stood next to her.
Both ladies clasped their hands before their bodies and smiled as he began climbing the stairs.
"Good morning Mr. Cavalier." Liliana greeted, followed by Chamille who repeated the same thing.
"Chamille." Frantz acknowledged, then simply brushed by them as he entered the jet.
Liliana suddenly felt her heart screech to a stop as her stomach dropped along with her spirit.
He ignored her and it felt like a slap to the face.
What shocked Liliana the most was the fact that she did not expect that from Mr. Cavalier. His rude actions caused a lump to suddenly form in her throat as she pursed her lips in hope of keeping her tears at bay.
It was as if she was hit with a bucket of cold water. The pain hitting deep in her heart.
Chamille noticed the shock and hurt in Liliana's eyes and she placed a soft hand on her back as she whispered "It's okay. Pick yourself up. This happens way more often than you think. I'll handle him as he settles down, you have to accompany me and observe, but you don't have to say anything."
Liliana feared just how shaky her voice would be if she spoke up, so instead she simply nodded.
Turning her back on Chamille, Liliana closed the door, and she latched it, she let out a shaky breath, praying that her tears would dry up, instead of pouring out onto her cheeks. She didn't need any further embarrassment for today.
When she was sure she could face Mr. Cavalier without making a scene, Liliana turned back to Chamille and flashed her a smile, then the ladies made their way to Mr. Cavalier.
The closer Liliana got to Mr. Cavalier, the more she felt a sudden anger rumble in her chest.
She never expected him to be so immature and petty, but if he wanted to play a hard ass, she wouldn't stick around for long.
When the ladies arrived, Mr. Cavalier was already buckled in. He sat in a laid back posture, where he leaned onto his arm, his index finger resting on his lips.
Liliana held her chin up, her eyes looking just above his hair.
"Mr. Cavalier, we are getting ready for take off, are you ready?" Chamille asked with a smile, and in her moment of weakness, Liliana flashed her eyes in his direction, but he completely ignored her and simply smiled to Chamille and said kindly "yes, of course."
With a nod, Chamille made way to her chair, and Liliana followed suit, not sparing Mr. Cavalier another glance, who in turn simply smiled at her actions.
He gave Liliana attention, and she did not receive it, so now he would play it the hard way.
Mr. Cavalier would play this game until she was thirsty for him, and when she was most desperate, he would push a little more for good measure, then when she was at her breaking point, he'd give her what she yearned most. He would make sure she learned to never deny or resist him again.
That's how he planned on winning this game. And he was going to win.
When Liliana reached her seat, she felt the lump begin to diminish in her throat, and when both she and Chamille had buckled themselves, Liliana picked up the phone and alerted the pilot that they were ready to go.
During take off, Liliana closed her eyes tightly, but instantly regretted that action when she remembered her dream, followed by Mr. Cavalier's actions a few moments ago.
The moment the plane was leveled, Liliana excused herself and headed to the bathroom. She leaned over the sink and sighed shakily. The tears once again prickling her eyes, just as her nose burned.
She wasn't crying because of him, but rather the shock of his unexpected actions.
Chamille told her that he had good and bad days, but the fact that he was so pleasant towards Chamille and completely ignorant towards her, told Liliana that he did it on purpose.
Shaking off her disgruntled mood, Liliana took a deep breath and headed back to her seat.
"You okay hon?" Chamille asked softly, and Liliana nodded as she replied "yeah. Just had to breathe for a moment."
"Please tell me that I can still count on you to work with him." Chamille begged as she gave Liliana the puppy eyes, and she simply laughed and warned "for now yes, but if he pushes, he might just find himself without a hostess one day."
"I'll take it." Chamille cheered and Liliana laughed. Then Chamille checked on Mr. Cavalier, making sure that the take off was well, and that he didn't need anything for the next hour.
When Chamille returned to her seat, as the silence fell onto the two hostesses, Chamille immersed her brain in a word search puzzle, while Liliana continued reading "The Immortal Rules".
The next hour passed in a flash, and soon Chamille asked Liliana to go check on Mr. Cavalier.
Reluctantly, Liliana made her way to him, all the while preparing herself for another rejection she knew was coming from him.
"Mr. Cavalier, I do hope the flight has been comfortable so far. Is there anything you need at this moment? Maybe something to eat or drink?" Liliana spoke keeping her tone warm and pleasant. She was a professional after all.
But she received no response. Mr. Cavalier kept his eyes on his computer screen, his fingers typing away.
Liliana looked over at Chamille who was attentively watching their interaction.
Liliana took in a breath as she spoke "Mr. Cavalier-"
"Chamille?" He suddenly called out cutting her off, and Liliana gulped once again, the surprise causing her heart to jump and lodge in her throat.
"Chamille!" Mr. Cavalier called a bit more urgently, and Chamille jumped to her feet as she hurried to Mr. Cavalier and said "Yes sir?"
"May I have a shot of Hennessy please?" He asked in a kind tone.
"Of course sir." Chamille nodded, though the curiosity was not masked in her face while she headed to the kitchen, and Liliana didn't even wait for his dismissal, she turned sharply and followed after Chamille.
"Girl what did you do to him?" Chamille asked in a hushed tone.
"I don't know." Liliana replied, and Chamille simply hummed as she said "well he has it out for you. I mean we haven't seen him all weekend, and our first trip was fine." Chamille began to analyze as she poured his drink, and that's when she realized Liliana was nervously biting her lip.
"Wait, you brought him his suit." Chamille pointed.
"Wh-what?" Liliana replied, suddenly out of breath.
"Oh my God, did something happen between you?" Chamille whisper-yelled.
"WHAT? NO!" Liliana replied a little hysterically, though in a whisperingvoice.
"Oh My God, something did happen! Your face is as red as a tomato!" Chamille pointed, then she added "I'm going to bring him his drink, and when I come back, you have to spill the tea."
"I will do no such thing because there is no tea to spill. Nothing happened." Liliana stated firmly.
"Mmh." Was Chamille's simple reply, as she grabbed the glass and made her way to Mr. Cavalier, who received her with a smile.
Liliana found herself rolling her eyes and huffing at Mr. Cavalier's actions.
She hated the bitter feeling she felt in the pit of her stomach as she looked at the way Frantz smiled at Chamille, and when they were both seated, Chamille turned to Liliana and said "Alright, spill."
And Liliana gulped.
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