《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 6- "When in Rome" Part 2
"Did I dismiss you?" Mr. Cavalier repeated when he received no response from Liliana.
Liliana who was currently as still as a statue.
Her heart thumped in her chest. The sound resonating in echoes in her ears.
Liliana could feel a heat wrap around her neck and head as she figured that she was once again in trouble.
She could hear the authority in his tone and that sent a shiver down her spine.
She was definitely in trouble.
Liliana heard some shuffling behind her, and turned sharply to find Mr. Cavalier standing from the couch, and facing her with his hands in his pockets.
He kept his gaze cool, but Liliana felt as if his scrutinizing eyes were burning her alive. She hated the fact that he was so in his zone, so calm and collected, which was the total opposite to her chaotic thoughts.
"Well did I?" Mr. Cavalier pushed, and Liliana looked away as she replied "Well no."
"But you decided to leave anyway?" Frantz spoke, his tone nonchalant, his gaze and tone both becoming a bit more firm.
"Well you didn't say anything, so I just assumed that you wanted me gone." Liliana replied truthfully as she tried to hold eye contact for as long as possible, but eventually she looked away, her nervous fingers playing with one another.
Liliana felt her throat run dry. The entire situation was just too intense. This would be the second time she has gotten in trouble for not waiting on Mr. Cavalier's dismissal, and he didn't seem pleased with her. Not too long ago, Liliana remembered reassuring him that she would work hard, and it seem she was already breaking that promise.
"Didn't your mother ever teach you not to assume?" Frantz demanded in a scolding tone, which in turn caused Liliana to frown.
"Did your mother ever teach you better manners?" Liliana found herself pushing back, unable to control her mouth or stop herself before the words flew out of her lips.
"Liliana-" Frantz began as if to reprimand her.
"Mr. Cavalier." Liliana replied as she hardened her eyes against his glare, she didn't plan on letting him intimidate her. Well at least not too much.
Mr. Cavalier slightly cocked his head to the right and scoffed at Liliana's sudden bravado, then he smirked as he rose up to her challenge.
If she wanted to play... then he would play.
Mr. Cavalier removed his hands from his pockets, and began undoing his cuff links in order to pull the sleeves of his dress shirt back. As he did so, he kept his dark gaze on Liliana and began taking measured steps towards her.
Unsure of what to do, Liliana looked around hoping for a way out.
The closer Frantz got, the shallower Liliana's breaths became.
So much for not letting him intimidate her.
Liliana tried avoiding his gaze, but the second they fell back on his eyes, her breath hitched in her throat, just as Mr. Cavalier he stopped only a few inches away from her.
Liliana's eyes were once again set the base of Mr. Cavalier's neck. Her palms were sweaty as she continued to play with her intertwined fingers. And while Liliana found it easier to breathe when she kept her eyes away from his, Mr. Cavalier saw it as a sign of defiance.
"There is something called personal space you know." Liliana blurted out before she could stop herself, after she felt that the room had been way too quiet.
"I know, but I figured we've been close before, didn't think you would mind it." He observed keeping his tone low, and that note rang through Liliana's body, and she drew in a breath getting a whiff of his very manly, very expensive cologne.
Frantz knew the close proximity was making Liliana uneasy, but he wanted her to get used to the idea of having him close. In his mind, the instance he decided that Liliana was in his sights, he wanted to make it known to her.
"That was an accident," Liliana explained, though the way her voice sounded was not very convincing, then she added "So if you could um..." trailing off after a blush had burned it's way to her face.
Frantz took a deep breath, admiring her strength, then he lifted his head and said "Okay, fair enough." then he backed away a few steps, and asked "better?"
A question which Liliana chose not to respond.
As Mr. Cavalier's eyes studied Liliana, he figured he'd rather not beat around the bush. He was a man of power, and he didn't make it to where he was today by sugarcoating or mincing his words.
If he wanted something, he made it known, and because of his reputation, he always got what he wanted.
He figured this would be the same with Liliana. He had to admit, he was shocked that she hadn't already thrown herself at him, especially since he received that treatment from women wherever he went.
So after taking a moment, he spoke "Look at me." And a few moments later, with an audible sigh, Liliana complied with his request, though she felt as if she was on the chopping block.
"You've caught my attention Liliana," Frantz declared, and that shocked Liliana to the core. Those were not the words she expected to hear coming from Mr. Cavalier's mouth.
"Your boldness intrigues me," Frantz continued as he kept his tone steady enough to have her complete attention, "Would you fancy having dinner with me?" Frantz questioned confidently, as he placed his hands back in his pockets.
Liliana's eyes widened at Mr. Cavalier's boldness. She felt as if her train of thoughts stopped dead in its tracks due to his bravery. She looked away for a moment, a darker blush creeping on her cheeks.
Liliana had to admit, she felt flattered that he invited her to dinner, and for a moment she wanted to scream out 'take that blondie!' to the concierge who called her a wallflower.
But just as she reminisced on who's hotel the blonde concierge worked in, Liliana was quickly reminded of one thing.
He was her boss.
That realization was as if a bucket of cold water was dumped over her head, instantly freezing the idea that she could go on a date with Mr. Cavalier.
Taking a deep breath and clearing her throat, Liliana finally looked over at Mr. Cavalier and spoke softly "I am sorry Mr. Cavalier, but I can't. It just doesn't feel right." Liliana explained, feeling a little awkward.
"It doesn't feel right?" Mr. Cavalier repeated slowly as if trying to grasp what Liliana was saying.
"Yeah, I'm sorry." Liliana stated in a hurry then turned around and opened the door, exiting the floor without looking back.
Leaving a flabbergasted Mr. Cavalier behind.
This would be a first for him. Asking a woman on a date and hearing the word 'No'.
He barely ever made it to the date stage with his female companions. They were all usually so eager to please his physical needs that after a night in the bedroom, he'd lose interest quickly.
With Liliana, it was different. She spoke her mind. Maybe a little too outspoken for Mr. Cavalier's taste, but it was refreshing.
She was not as submissive as other women, and that intrigued Mr. Cavalier.
He figured he'd have to change up his routine, play his cards differently. But he would stop at nothing until Liliana stopped resisting him.
When Liliana walked back into the suite, she headed to the bathroom where she splashed some water into her face.
She looked over at her reflection, and smiled relieved.
She did good not getting involved with her boss. She was a newbie at the company, and the last thing she wanted was to have her name floating around the company with the worse rumors.
Though, Liliana had to admit, she felt her heart flutter at the thought that a man like Mr. Cavalier could actually be attracted to her. That boosted her confidence for the day, but it also made her proud that she could resist him. He played on her crush for him, but she came out on top.
Liliana felt victorious.
After wiping her face and shaking her head with a smile, Liliana completed her quiz, then headed to her room for a much needed nap.
She wouldn't wake up until a few hours later when Chamille knocked on her door.
Liliana opened the door and allowed Chamille to join her.
"Hey I saw your note on the door. Did everything work out okay?" Chamille asked her as they both sat down on the bed.
"Yeah, I just had to drop off his suit." Liliana explained, making sure to keep the details scarce.
"Alright, well I know it's late, but do you want to go grab a bite to eat? I know this little family owned business just a few minutes from here." Chamille explained, and Liliana eagerly agreed just as her stomach growled audibly, which caused both women to laugh.
Dressed in simple Jeans and a black blouse, Liliana followed out after Chamille.
While they rode the elevator down, Chamille faced her and said "so you aced your quiz, which I didn't doubt that you would. This means that the next training shift I will push you even harder. I'm sure Jenna told you that we're entering the busy season, which means if you continue at this pace, you'll go solo in no time, and that would be great because we need the helping hands." Chamille explained further.
"Awesome! I wouldn't mind, I'm enjoying the perks already right?" Liliana giggled, and Chamille nodded as they exit the building and began heading to the restaurant.
Even in the late night hour, the streets of Rome were alive with late night diners, couples, and a few entertainers hoping to strike a few more bucks from passerbys before calling it a night.
It only took about 10 minutes to walk to the small homey restaurant, with dim lights and comfortable booths.
The ladies ordered a large pizza to share between them, and while they waited for their food, they made small conversation.
"So tell me about yourself? What made you want to do this?" Chamille asked, and Liliana shrugged as she said "there's not much to tell. I am an only child, with two loving parents. I mean I used to fly commercial as you know, but one day one of the passengers became super aggressive in first class. He touched me inappropriately and I kindly asked him to stop. He did once again, and again I kindly asked him to stop. The third time I asked, he pretty much threw my plea back in my face, and I ended up throwing a glass of water in his face. He got angry, and demanded an apology. I refused, but because he was one of the sponsors for the company I worked for, I was forced to apologize by my boss. As soon as I submitted my apology statement, I sent in my resignation." Liliana explained as she frowned.
"Oh don't look so disheartened. You did the right thing. Not everyone would've stuck up for themselves. I'm proud of what you did, and now you're becoming a valuable asset to this team." Chamille supported as she tapped her hand over Liliana's as a sign of comfort.
Liliana smiled and shook her head as she said "Yeah, thank you. But enough about me, tell me about you."
"Well I am happily married, and the mother of two lovely twin boys." Chamille explained as she pulled out her phone and showed Liliana a few pictures.
"Oh my God look at those cutie pies!" Liliana squealed as she looked over Chamille's twin boys.
"Yeah, only if they could be as sweet as they look in that picture all the time." Chamille giggled, and Liliana noticed that her smile did not reach her eyes.
"Do you wish you could spend more time with them rather than work?" Liliana asked carefully, hoping she wasn't crossing any lines.
"Yeah, but I have to help my husband out with the bills you know, plus since we're short staffed, I have to cover all the Mr. Cavalier trips because no one else wants to work with him. But hopefully that will change after you've completed your training." Chamille declared, a mischievous smile working it's way on her lips.
"What?" Liliana exclaimed, almost choking on her saliva.
"You heard me. Trust me for the past 3 months, you're the only one who's managed to complete the first half of the trip without aggravating him, or him telling you to sit the rest of the trip out." Chamille stated, just as their pizza was delivered.
"Or the first to cry on the trip right?" Liliana questioned, though she felt Chamille's words were absolutely absurd. Liliana could barely keep it together around Mr. Cavalier, whenever he was around, she seem to turn into a babbling fool with no filter.
Liliana still couldn't believe that she called Mr. Cavalier a bastard... right in his face.
"See? You got it. But you know, he's not as intimidating to me compare to what others claim, I mean yeah he's a bit rusty on the manners, keeps conversations at a minimum, but that doesn't bother me much. Okay, so maybe he is a little strict with his routine, and wants everything done right, but once you learn his habits and system, its a piece of cake." Chamille spoke as if trying her best to convince Liliana.
"You really selling the Mr. Cavalier dream aren't you?" Liliana asked sarcastically, and Chamille rolled her eyes as she said "Come on Lili, I mean would you be cruel enough to not allot these cutie pies more time with their mommy?" Chamille questioned as she pulled out the twins' picture once more, and after staring at it long enough Liliana caved with an "all right, I won't leave you hanging. I'll try to stick around as long as I can."
"Yes!" Chamille cheered, and Liliana rolled her eyes laughing as she said "and how long have you been working on that speech for?"
"From the moment you began crushing on him." Chamille pointed.
"Wha- I am not crushing on him!" Liliana stated shocked.
"Mmh hmm, If you say so." Chamille pushed back, and Liliana simply chewed on her pizza avoiding the back and forth with Chamille.
After their dinner, the women returned to the hotel.
Chamille had her shower first, then bid Liliana good night.
While Liliana stood in the shower, she found herself thinking back to what she told Chamille about her previous job.
Just the thought of the pervert who touched her made her skin crawl. Liliana shook her head as a lump formed in her throat when she remembered how low she felt when she had to swallow her pride and apologize for defending herself. No one should ever be placed in that position, but Liliana knew the sad reality that incidents like that occur way more often that she would like to imagine.
But as far as she was concerned, Liliana never wanted to feel that low again.
Hey lovies!
Here is the second update!
Soooo, Mr. Cavalier got somewhat if a rude awakening right? He expected Liliana to go to dinner with him, but she said no.
Who expected her to decline?
And what do you think is going to happen next?
Let me know what you think by VOTING, COMMENTING, and SHARING!
Lots of ❤❤❤
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