《Loving Mr. Cavalier》Chapter 5- "When in Rome" Part 1
Upon arrival at the Suite Reale Hotel, Mr. Cavalier's car stopped in front the Valet. When the Valet noticed who's car it was, he hurried to open the door, given that this hotel was owned by Mr. Cavalier.
A few moments later, the car which escorted Liliana and Chamille pulled up behind them.
When Liliana spotted Mr. Cavalier's car, confused, she turned to Chamille as she asked, "he's staying at the same hotel?"
"Yeah, he owns it." Chamille explained as if it was old news.
"Oh." Was all Liliana could mutter as she caught a glimpse of Mr. Cavalier when he stepped out of his car.
When he was fully out of the car, Mr. Cavalier's eyes flashed to the tinted window where Liliana sat, as if he could sense her eyes on him, then he simply turned and entered the building, once again not bothering to thank his driver.
When the driver opened the door for Chamille and Liliana, he helped them out of the vehicle, handed them their belongings, then bid them good day with a slight bow of his head.
Liliana returned the gesture with a small thanks, which earned her a smile from the driver.
Liliana took a deep breath and looked around with a smile. The fresh air blowing over the lake which was across the street from the hotel entered her nostrils, and filled her lungs with a refreshing breath. The warm sun kissed her skin as the foreign chatter registered in her ears.
She was in Rome.
Chamille allowed Liliana a moment to enjoy the scenery, then once Liliana seemed satisfied, Chamille tapped her shoulder and said "Come on."
Grabbing the handle on her suitcase, Liliana followed Chamille into the hotel, and there she stopped in her tracks.
Liliana couldn't stop herself as her eyes widened while her neck directed her head from left to right, her brain trying to snap a mental picture of every single detail of the hotel lobby.
Shiny ceramic floors reflected the rainbow like sparkles emitting from the grand chandeliers that lit up the entire lobby. The white walls with gold additions were well complimented by the various natural green plants used for the indoor decoration. A gorgeous red carpet runner welcomed the guests from the revolving doors and led them straight to the concierge desk. Coffee tables and comfy sitting areas were perfectly positioned all throughout the lobby.
The lovely chatter of guests and staff filled the atmosphere, and Liliana was at a loss for words.
"I had the exact reaction when I first came here." Chamille spoke next to Liliana, who blushed embarrassed at her gawking, then she replied shyly "sorry, it's just beautiful, I mean you only see places like these in movies and pictures."
"I know, but come on, we have to get to our rooms, there are a few post trip procedures we have to follow. Then once we're settled I can show you around and you'll be able to enjoy all the sceneries." Chamille explained as she began leading Liliana towards the front desk.
After checking in with the concierge, both women were given key cards to their room upstairs, then they headed up. As they rode the elevator, Liliana was suddenly reminded of something very important.
"Hey, where did you say I could find the phone and make the long distance call? I have to let my parents know that I'm alright or else they'll start freaking out." Liliana asked Chamille, who in turn smiled and said "don't worry, we have a phone in the room, and once you're done with the call come meet me in the dining area we have a few things to discuss." Chamille stated, which caused Liliana to gulp nervously as she asked, "am I in trouble?"
"What? No. Why would you think that?" Chamille laughed as she shook her head at Liliana, who as a result simply shrugged and replied, "No reason, just wanted to make sure you know?" Liliana chuckled then sighed as the elevator dinged, indicated that they had arrived on their designated floor.
The building overall had twenty floors. The women had stopped on floor 15, and Liliana could only guess who resided at the top floor.
The hallways were carpeted and decorated with various paintings and decorations, all which caught Liliana's attention.
When they entered their room, Liliana's mouth dropped to the floor.
"Sweet." Liliana muttered quietly and Chamille opened her arms as she said "welcome to our suite."
There was an entire wall made of large floor to ceiling windows which allowed them to look out onto the city below. The dining area and kitchen were in one corner. A few feet away from the door was a sitting area, then a hallway followed a few steps further, which led to two bedrooms and a bathroom.
"This is..." Liliana started then trailed off as her eyes greedily took in the sight.
"Not what you expected right?" Chamille finished Liliana's sentence, to which Liliana shook her head.
"No it is not. I mean I figured the company would handle our expenses, and cover our lodging overseas, but this, this is a whole other level." Liliana pointed, and Chamille shrugged as she said "Well, I guess our bosses know how to keep us interested in the job. Anyways, there is a phone in your room. Once you're done with the phone call, I have to show you the routine we as hostesses have to follow once the client has arrived at his or her destination."
"Okay thanks." Liliana replied, then she grabbed her bag and suitcase and chose the room on the right.
The bedroom was simple with a full bed, two nightstands, a dresser with a hanging television above the dresser.
White sheets, and a set of standard pillows. Simple yet comfortable.
When she entered the bedroom, Liliana wasted no time in following the prompts on the nightstand next to the phone in order to contact her parents.
"Hello?" Liliana heard her mother's skeptical greeting through the phone.
"Mom its me." Liliana spoke up with a smile.
"Hey, are you okay? We've been expecting your call since this morning, what happened? What happened to your phone? Why are you calling on a foreign number?" Her mother asked getting straight to the point and not missing a beat to bombard her daughter with the questions.
"I'm fine. When I arrived at the airport, there was a change in schedule, and one of our top clients had to travel to Rome. So, I'm in Rome." Liliana explained shortly.
"Ooh, Rome huh? Who's the client?" Her mom asked, Liliana sensing her relief.
"You wouldn't believe it if I told you." Liliana stated as she sat back on her bed, finally able to remove her feet from the close toed shoes she's had on for the past 15 hours.
"Try me." Her mom encouraged, and Liliana sighed as she said "he owns half of the company."
"The company you work for?" The mom questioned.
"Yep, and the hotel we're staying at." Liliana added, and her mom didn't miss a beat as she stated in awe "ooh, that's nice. Is he single?"
"Mom!" Liliana called a bit too quickly, as she felt her face flush.
"Oh wait, I know that tone. Did something happen between you and him already?" Her mom questioned, knowing her daughter too well.
"Wha- No! Mom stop it." Liliana replied, as she muffled her laughter.
"Aah Lily you're crushing on him." Her mom stated rather than asked.
"Okay ma, I just called to let you know that I am Okay. I have some work to do, I'll call you tomorrow, kay? Bye." Liliana all but rushed to end the call in attempt to dodge her mother's knowing questions.
After laughing and hanging up the phone, Liliana took off her vest, and slipped on her flip flops as she made her way out to Chamille.
Liliana found Chamille sitting at the small bar area by the kitchen and typing away on her laptop.
"Hey, did you reach your parents?" Chamille asked Liliana just as she sat down.
"Yeah I did, thank you." Liliana confirmed.
"Okay great. So the lessons continue. So as you can see on long distance trips such as these, we are escorted to and from the hotel. Here is Mr. Cavalier's schedule for how long he will be staying here. As you can see we are spending the next 3 days here, and departing Monday morning." Chamille began to explain as she handed Liliana a folder with all the information regarding their trip.
"So, after every flight, once you've landed and checked into the hotel, you have to log into the company's website and update your progress. So because this is your first day, you have to log in under my account as the trainee. What you will do is go on the website, and select where you are on the trip. Right now we are post departure, arrival overseas confirmed." Chamille continued to coach Liliana who followed attentively.
After logging onto the website and following Chamille's instructions, Liliana smiled and said "done."
"Good, now time for your quiz." Chamille announced, and Liliana suddenly exclaimed "Quiz?!"
"Relax." Chamille laughed and shook her head as she added "it's just a few questions to see what you've learned so far. Nothing crazy, this is all for me to see how much you've managed to retain in one trip. Depending on how well you do, I'll know how to pace your training, and you never know, maybe you might get a chance to go solo before the seven training shifts are up."
"Alright." Liliana answered, feeling a bit more confident.
"Okay, while you do that, I'm going to call my husband and check on them." Chamille explained as she handed Liliana the quiz and then headed to her room.
Liliana moved from the bar to the sitting area in order to sit a bit more comfortably.
As she started answering the questions, she found the quiz to be easy, simply reviewing procedural materials, which Liliana already had prior knowledge of given her experience as a flight attendant.
Before she knew it, Liliana was flying through the questions, and she only paused when a black phone rang in the kitchen.
Liliana looked over at the phone skeptically, unsure of whether she should let Chamille answer the call. Liliana had no idea who could be on the other side of the phone, and given that it was her first day, she would rather not overstep her boundaries.
Chamille peeked her head from the hall as she cradled a phone in her hand and she whispered to Liliana, "that's Mr. Cavalier, would you mind getting that please?" And before Liliana could comment, Chamille had retreated to her room.
Taking a small gulp as the phone rang once again, Liliana placed the laptop down and headed towards the kitchen.
She grabbed the phone just as one last ring resonated from the phone, and with a nervous jump of her heart, Liliana brought the phone up to her ear.
"Hello?" Liliana answered meekly, her heart thrumming as she heard his voice from across the phone.
"Liliana?" He called out, and Liliana replied "this is she."
"Where is Chamille?" Mr. Cavalier demanded, causing Liliana to frown at his tone.
"She is currently on the phone, is there something I can help you with?" Liliana offered out of courtesy, a part of her hoping he would deny, while the other wanted him to say yes.
"Do you know how long she will be?" Mr. Cavalier asked, completely ignoring Liliana's offer.
"I cannot say sir." Liliana replied truthfully, and the phone went silent for a moment.
Liliana was tempted to ask if he was still there, but after a few seconds of silence, he simply stated "I need you to pick up a suit from the front desk downstairs, and bring it up to my room."
"And where is your room?" Liliana asked before she face palmed herself. She couldn't help the way her tone came out. His lack of manners was slowly getting under her skin.
There was another moment of silence before Mr. Cavalier spoke up once again and said "My room is on the 20th floor."
Before Liliana could respond, Mr. Cavalier had hung up the phone.
Sighing out a breath made up of nerves mixed with slight aggravation, Liliana made her way to Chamille's room.
She knocked on the door but received no response. Liliana knocked once more, and when she heard nothing, she opened the door just a crack to see if Chamille was okay.
When Liliana managed to catch a glimpse of Chamille, she was curled up on the bed, her eyes closed as she slept quietly.
Not wanting to disturb her, Liliana sighed and decided to get the suit herself.
Placing her close toed shoes back on, and putting her vest back on, Liliana exit the suite, making sure she left a note on Chamille's door to let her know where she had gone.
Then grabbing her key card, Liliana headed towards the elevator. She rode down to the lobby, and headed towards the front desk where a perky concierge stood with a trained smile on her face.
"Hello, I was told to pick up a suit for Mr. Cavalier?" Liliana said with a friendly smile as she approached the blonde with blue eyes.
"And you are?" The blonde questioned her tone slightly degrading.
"Liliana. I'm new to the company, its nice to meet you." Liliana introduced herself with a brighter smile which quickly faded when the blonde looked at her from head to toe then simply turned away to fetch the suit.
Taken aback, and slightly disheartened, Liliana tried to keep her composure.
The blonde returned with an expensive looking black suit zipped in a clear plastic bag, and she all but dumped it in Liliana's arms.
As Lili managed to get a comfortable hold on the hanger without dropping the suit on the floor, the rude blonde smiled none too kindly and added "you shouldn't seem too eager to please Mr. Cavalier sweetie, he doesn't go for wallflowers."
Frowning, Liliana tried to not take the blonde's words to heart.
As far as Liliana was concerned, the blonde didn't know her, and she had no intentions on pleasing Mr. Cavalier. All she wanted to do was her job.
"Um thanks." Liliana replied with a small smile, then she turned away awkwardly and headed back towards the elevator.
As Liliana rode up, she felt a lump form in her throat as the word 'wallflower' echoed in her mind.
It didn't take too much IQ for people to notice that she was not in Mr. Cavalier's league. Heck she wouldn't even dream of catching his attention.
All she wanted to do was her job.
Liliana shook her head as she tried to not dwell much on the blonde's unnecessary verbal attack, and when the elevator dinged, Liliana drew in a deep breath and headed out onto the floor.
Exiting the elevator, Liliana found herself in a hallway which led up to the only door on the floor.
When she reached it, she saw a small box which held a button that resembled a doorbell.
Pressing the button, Liliana waited.
She took in another breath when the door buzzed, and the sound of a lock clicked.
Liliana placed her hand on the cold door knob and turned it.
The door opened with a soft click, and Liliana pushed her way into Mr. Cavalier's suite.
Liliana tried her best not to gawk at the details of Mr. Cavalier's suite, but she couldn't stop her eyes from wandering.
"Place it on the chair over there." She heard Mr. Mr. Cavalier dictate with his back to her as he typed away on his laptop.
Nodding though he couldn't see her, Liliana walked around the living area, gulping when she came in his line of view, and placed the suit on the chair facing Mr. Cavalier.
Once she did so, she turned to Mr. Cavalier, but his eyes remained trained to the screen of his laptop.
Once he said nothing, clasping her hands before her body, Liliana debated on whether she should leave.
After figuring that she was no longer on the plane, Liliana decided to exit.
She flashed her eyes towards Mr. Cavalier who still had not said another word, then Liliana mentally shrugged and began to walk away.
She walked out of Mr. Cavalier's line of view, and headed for the door.
She sighed, grateful that she managed to deliver his suit without an issue, and she picked up her pace towards the door.
Liliana's hand had just reached the cold door knob when she heard his voice ring though her ears, "did I dismiss you Liliana?"
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