《falling for MR.knight(completed)✔》chapter 25


scarlet's pov:

after spending three hours at my grandma's place we finally decided to go , but before that we went to visit donna who totally ignored me when she saw Noah , after spending another hour or so at donna's and me telling her everything that happened through these days and her screaming like a high schooler we finally decided to go home , it was already 5 pm and i was working the nigh shift at the club , so i get Noah to his room and played with him a bit and after that i made sure he ate a good meal but for a reason I wasn't hungry at all , at 7 o'clock i left Noah with Camelia and went to change I wore a simple jeans and a white shirt , since i was gonna change when i reached the club I didn't really care how i looked like i just fixed my makeup and took my bag so I can leave , the moment i reached the door , i saw kristian standing there

"where are you going?"

"work , i have a shift today " i smiled as i stood in front of him , i felt him lean on me as he hugged me closer and he laid his head on the croak of my neck

" i love your smell " he said in quit mumble making me blush and chuckle

"well mister clingy , you have to let go , i have a shift and i can't be late "

"then don't go" I pushed him away and smiled

" come one Kris , i can't be late i will see you tomorrow morning alright " i left a small kiss on his cheeks before running outside

"let the driver take you " i heard him scream behind me , i smiled and waved before i rode the car .

the moment i reached the club , donna was already there and she was basically screaming everything that i told her today to ben , when I saw him looking at me i knew i was in trouble ,so I just smiled at him and ran to the changing room , wearing my new uniform which was so mush more comfortable but at the same time sexy , i felt a bit more relaxed , i went towards the bar and said hi to everyone


" don't even talk to me " ben said as he glanced at me and turned away to serve a customer , i let out a sigh and walked towards him , i hugged from behind , as he looked down at me i gave him the best puppy face i can do

"i am sorry" i said with while blinking my eyes

"don't give me those eyes, i am supposed to be mad at you , i can't believe you told donna first , i am supposed to be your brother " ben said as he continued to fill up another cup of beer

"i wanted to tell you at the beginning of the shift but donna just said first, i swear , you know i don't keep secrets from you , you're my big bro " i stood in front of him as i spoke , i saw his face break into a small smile as he left the cup on the bar and turned to me to hug me i heard him whisper in my ear

"i am so happy for you sis , you deserve it , make sure to live your dream and let everyone see the little diva you are " i nodded my head as i hugged him back , until we heard a cough behind us as i turned around i saw jack staring at us with a smirk

"kristian is so not gonna like that , he is a very possessive man " i felt my cheeks blush as i ignored him , but ben beside me said

"well i haven't given my approval of him dating my sis yet , so i don't care" i smacked his shoulder while glaring at him

"what? don't look at me like that ! he will have to prove himself first young lady"

"don't act like your that much older "

"three years are older"

"yes i forgot , your an old men already "

"hey... don't call me that...."

and that's how the whole night was spent and with a lot of drunk customers just the usual , at two am i decided to end my shift and leave first , since i left earlier than usual the driver wasn't outside so i just took the first cab i saw and went to Kristian's house


at almost 3 am i finally reached the house , the whole mansion was dark with only the parking garage was lit , i saw the driver getting ready to leave so i went towards him and told him that i am already home , which ended up in him panicking because he didn't pick me up and how dangerous that would have been , after a couple of minutes i walked into the house and went straight to the kitchen so i can drink a cup of water , for a second i contemplated if i should eat something since i skipped dinner and lunch , but i just wasn't hungry i only wanted to sleep , or cuddle with Noah and kristian again but the thought alone made me blush , i drank the cup of water and went towards the staircase but the moment i took the first step i saw kristian leaning on the rails with a small frown on his face

'oh he's mad' was my first thought

"hey why are you up?" i said with a smile

"i was waiting for you , i planned to come and pick you up , but then the driver called and told me that your already home and came in a taxi , would you explain why *principessa ?" kristian said as he came down and walked towards me

" I... I finished the shift earlier than usual , and i didn't have the driver's number to call him and i didn't want to wake you up that's why...." all of a sudden i felt him smack his cold lips on mine , but unlike this morning this kiss wasn't gentle , it was full of emotion , possessiveness, and anger , i gave myself and swinged my hands to tug on his hair as he kissed me more making me shiver in pleasure as he bit my bottom lip asking for permission to enter , i gave up and opened up a bit for him which made him groan in my mouth as he discovered every inch of my mouth

after a couple of minutes he finally pushed away slightly leaving me breathing against his mouth as he whispered huskily

"this is the last time you so something like this , never ever put yourself in danger again do you hear me *principessa ?" i groaned a bit at his comment

"i wasn't in danger , it's not the first time...."

"its a simple answer *il gattino ... i don't want to hear it " he said with a voice of authority, usually i would have snapped at him , after all i am not the type of the girls who would take orders from anyone , but this time around he had a point , so i just swallowed my complaints and nodded my head , i pushed him a way slightly

"i want to go take a shower and change , i want to sleep with Noah tonight , I miss him "

"okay you take a shower while i heat up dinner for you " i stopped moving and looked at him

"no need i am not hungry " i saw the frown come back on his face

"you have to eat scar , you only eat breakfast today " i looked at him with confusion , how did he know?

"Noah told me , that he eat lunch with his aunt donna but you didn't and neither did you eat dinner , why would you skip meals scar ??"

"i don't skip them , that's how i am some days i just don't feel like eating " for a reason his frown just got even more deep which made me wonder what's wrong with him

"that's not healthy scar , starting now you have to eat three meals a day , no matter what , do you hear me !!!" i nodded my head with resignation

" take a shower first , i will get something simple for you to eat , so you wont push yourself okay *principessa " i smiled at how cute he was acting and nodded my head as i ran towards my room and in my mine the only thing i can think of was

'i can get used to this ...'

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