《Letters to Inmate 29901》Chapter 21


It was Tuesday night. Today was strange and filled me with mixed emotions. The quartet practice went off without a hitch earlier. However, I couldn't say so about Arthur. I wasn't sure where I stood with him. I texted him after our date to say it was the best date ever! But he only replied with, 'my pleasure'.

That was it! No call, no message, no nothing.

Today was the first time I had seen him. He was cordial, just greeted me like everyone else. He kept his eyes glued to the music notes as he played his cello. I kept on glancing at him but received none in return. I wanted to talk to him after practice, but as Kenny dismissed us, Arthur disappeared in a flash. I couldn't help but think he was avoiding me!

I had to get to the bottom of this, I promised myself.

But for now, I was ready to just unwind and have some fun with Sassi tonight. I looked over my closet. Unable to decide what to wear. I frowned. To be honest my confidence level wasn't at its peak again. I just grabbed a green top, paired it with a pencil grey skirt. I looked a bit of a librarian. I'll brighten it up with some red pumps, to finish the look.

I met Sassi at an Asian fusion restaurant downtown. I never been at this restaurant before. But as usual Sassi wanted to check it out and asked me to tag along. I got out of the taxi and crossed the road, where I saw Sassi waiting for me at the entrance. We hugged and were greeted by the hostess. This place seemed popular, I was glad Sassi had made reservations.

The hostess led us to our table in the middle of a bustling crowd of people. The restaurant wasn't that large, cozier than what I expected. It was dimly lit with gold and blue exterior on the walls. We took our seats at a small table and I felt squashed amongst all these people seated at theirs.

I pushed my chair further in trying to create some privacy. Sassi sat across me and made herself comfortable by slipping off her leather jacket and placed it at the back of her chair.

She wore a gold shimmering shoulder bare top, exposing her cleavage and tight skinny jeans with gold peep toe heels. Her blonde hair flowing down. She looked great!

The waiter came around and we ordered our drinks. I looked over the menu, and each meal looked delicious. I settled on California Roll sushi.


"So, what kind of picture did you send your inmate?" Sassi asked as she folded her arms on the table.

"Just a head and shoulder shot," I replied with a shrug.

"Aaawh Lil, you should've given him a bikini shot or something. A bit more sexy. For crying out loud." She said rolling her eyes. I sighed, determined to ignore her.

"That's so boring," she continued.

"It's what I'm comfortable with. I'm not sending someone I never met SEXY PICS!" I shouted the last two words. Luckily, the restaurant was abuzz with talk, so the people seated nearby couldn't hear me.

"Whatever," she said with her hands up. "How's the pen palling going?"

Before I could answer, the waiter came with our drinks. I took a swig of my cosmopolitan. It felt smooth going down. The taste of sweetness lingered on my lips.

I took a deep breath.

"I'm not sure what's going with that honestly." I said, playing with the stem of my cocktail glass.

"What do you mean?" she said, her eyebrows raised up.

"Dimitri hadn't written back yet since my last two letters. And the one including my picture. So, I don't know what's up with that." I felt guilty for feeling this petty. But I couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Sassi took a big gulp of her wine. She narrowed her eyes at me before she spoke.

"I hope you not getting too into this guy and catching feelings or anything?" she said in a serious tone. I opened my eyes wide, not expecting that response.

"Of course not. Are you insane? You know me better than that. Dimitri is a complete stranger... From prison... That makes him a criminal." I don't know who I was convincing. Me or Sassi.

"Uh huh," she said, looking at me like she believed nothing I had just said. "You better not. This is purely for fun. I don't want you to get your heartbroken again."

As she said the last two words. My mind flashed to Mason's engagement and the date with Arthur. I looked down at my cocktail as disappointment washed over me.

"What's wrong?" Sassi said, concerned. She probably saw my face drop suddenly. "Maybe you should stop-"

"It's not Dimitri. It's Mason." I said, cutting her off before she jumped to conclusions. I filled in information about Mason and his engagement to Melissa, which was delivered by my dear mother. And I touched on my date with Arthur and how he, too, was ignoring me.


"What a fucking jerk, Lillie!" Sassi scowled. I saw the anger brew in her eyes. That's what I liked about Sassi. She got angry for the both of us. Where I lacked, she more than enough filled the gap. She was a girl you would want in your corner.

"If I ever see Mason again," she seethed. "I'll rip his balls off and slap it in Melissa's face!"

I laughed. "It's okay Sass, really. I'm okay." Even though I wasn't.

I was grateful when our food arrived, distracting us from talking about the men in my life. Which to come to think of it, I had none technically.

The food was scrumptious, and the evening went well. At least the conversation didn't steer back to Dimitri, Mason or Arthur again. We stayed a while longer at the restaurant. After a few cocktails. We called it a night. I was too tired to do anything else. We said our goodbyes. I took an Uber home. Her last words echoed in my mind.

'It's no big deal if he doesn't write back.'

With that, I eventually ended up in bed. My mind lingered on Dimitri and finally drifted off to sleep.


The morning sun streamed idly through the bedroom curtains, accompanied by a cool and refreshing breeze. The previous night I left the window open to cool off. I stretched my limbs out on the bed and lazily got up. I yawned and relaxed, since I had nothing planned today. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I slipped on my silky gown since I was only wearing my shorts and top.

I sauntered downstairs to the kitchen. And looked through the fridge. I was hungry. Eggs and bacon with toast, it is. I poured a glass of orange juice. Took a gulp and set it on the table. I walked to the front door and headed outside. I jogged to the post boxes opposite the street and checked for mail, my routine every morning.

To my surprise, I saw a letter from Dimitri. My heart fluttered slightly. But I shook it off, willing myself not to think too much of it. I jogged back to my house. Set the letter on my desk. He will just have to wait till after breakfast. I was in no rush, as if hypothetically I was showing him no interest.

After cooking my breakfast and guzzling down my eggs and bacon. I walked to my desk. I was too restless to read his letter, so much for showing no interest. I failed horribly. As I neatly opened the envelope, I scolwed at myself. I took the letter out and read out loud.

Dear Lillie,

Sorry, I took so long to write back to you. I ran into some trouble that kept me away for some time. But don't worry, it's sorted out now. I don't plan on having further trouble. I can promise you that.

Thank you for sending me your pictures. I really like them. You better than what I imagined, a real pretty girl with hazel eyes. I must confess you have the most beautiful eyes.

We've been exchanging letters for some time now and we know each other more, thanks to Pen Pal Prisoner. So, what I'm about to say may sound slightly strange. I dreamt about you last night! But don't be scared, it was a good dream.

You were standing with your back towards me, near a lake, overlooking its waters. There was a light breeze that moved through your brown hair and white dress. The sun was setting, giving a golden halo that surrounded you. You had a serenity about you and looked breath taking.

It was one of the best dreams I had in a long time. Your letters mean more to me than you know.



Dimitri's letter brought me almost to tears. My eyes stung at each word describing his dream about me. I hadn't realized I had an impact on him. Honestly, it scared me. Relief washed over me after he had a valid reason for not writing back. I smiled. He did like my pictures. And he said I was pretty. I blushed as heat rushed to my face. I was such a nerd sometimes.

It felt so good to be valued by someone and to feel so appreciated for your efforts. It made me giddy, but nervous at the same time. It was a breath of fresh air. It warmed my heart. And I couldn't help but think fondly of Dimitri. He was being so sweet. So tender with me compared to our first letters. We came a long way since then.

I wrote to him immediately back. As I wrote, a dull ache formed inside me.

I confess, I wanted more.

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