《Clove baby》Six


Clove pov

When I wake up I realize that i'm in the lap of someone. And we're moving. I stir and sit up to realize I'm in a car with Jax, Four, and Tyson. Tyson is driving Jax is in the front seat and I'm in Fours lap. His hand on my head playing with my hair gently. "Well hello there our sleepy one how did you rest" Four asks as he pulls me into him and I flinch then realize I feel safe.

For the first time in years I actually feel safe and secure. His large arms and presence fill me with peace. I close my eyes and eventually give in and lean into his chest.

(just position)

I wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle my head into his neck and he chuckled tightening his grip. "Are you okay baby" Four asks and I nod my head. "Words little one" He says. "Yes-s I'm ok" I say. To busy to say anything about the names or why he was holding me.

Four pov

Fuck she felt so good in my arms. Her arms around my waist. Her face in my neck. I loved it, and I was fucked. I wanted to protect her but at the same time pin her down and rail her. What is wrong with me.

Tyson pov

I look back to see our girl pressed into Four. There body's intwined. His large body made hers look innocent and small. Just what I liked. I wanted her. And what I want I always find a way to get.

Jax pov

I look over to Tyson and his body and face show he wants to pull over the car and pin her to the backseat. She is so gorgeous and cute. Fours rough and dark demeanor just balances the two. Yin and Yang so to say. Tyson is just all dark. Four is dark yet sweet. His soft side only coming out for select few. Hell we've only known Clove for a little over a day and she's already in his arms. This was going to be a long day.

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