《Clove baby》Seven


They get to the mall and as they all walk inside Clove stays with Four. She's never liked malls. Too many people, too high of a risk. But she knew with these men she would be safe. They walk from store to store. They pay for everything she gets and she's over joyed. Tyson doesn't like shopping but if he gets to be with his girl then he will do it all day. Four and Jax get several new items as well. As they reach the final store Clove goes inside by herself because it's victoria's secret and she doesn't know the boys that well yet. They tell her to be careful and call them when she's done as she walks into the store. She picks out several pairs of under wear and bras. As well as new sleepwear. As she heads to the back to get changed someone grabs her waist and mouth pulling her backwards. Her eyes filled with tears and she couldn't move. The rough hands pinned her against the wall and she was met with a rough handsome face. He looked to be around 25 and his scruffle made him look intimidating. She cowered and he smiled towering over her. "If you scream I will kill you" she could speak. Memories rushed back to Cloves mind and she went limp passing out in his arms...

When she finally wakes up she chokes on something. His dick was down her throat as she was laying on the bench in the fitting room. She cried and hit his stomach but he punched her gut making her silent. She remembered the late nights. The beating. The abuse. And she just layed still taking his thrusts into her mouth knowing if she resists it will only end worse. After he finally pulls out she gags and he grabs her by her hair bing her face to his. "If you tell anyone I will make sure to kill you and all you love little one."

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