《Clove baby》Five


Jax pov

"Guys get up" I am in Tyson and Fours room. Four fell asleep on Tyson's couch last night so their in the same room. "Mother fucker if this isn't important i will end you". Tyson says as it is 7 am and they both had early morning classes the day before.

"It is, its about Clove". They both sat up immediately and turned to me. "What happened is she alright. Did you kiss her? What the fuck happened". Four asks and I shake my head. "She-She cuts". They both stared at me in shock them their faces changed into ones of sadness, confusion, and anger. "Why and where are the scars." Four asks as Tyson just stares straight ahead. "She has some on her wrists but I suspect more other places she covers them with concealer...There pretty bad but that is not all. Some of the scars were almost rubbed off and bruised as if-"

"As if she was bound or abused" Tyson cuts me off but still stared straight ahead. "I think we know why she is the way she is then. I will kill whoever touched her." Four says as he stands up. We had that thought in common. Tyson was a closed book, but after knowing him for years I have learned to read him. His face is one of pure anger but at the same time pity and sadness. Most likely for whatever our little one had to endure.

Tyson pov

My baby. My little one. I couldn't stand to see her in pain and to know she purposely put herself through that makes me so sad. The sadness is replaced with anger at the realization someone must of touched her, and she could harm herself here. The boys and I agree to not let her near any knifes or scissors until we know that she will value her beautiful body and not harm herself.


I walk down the hall out of my room to see Clove downstairs asleep on the couch. Her small body is curled in a ball and her hair flows over her face and lashes. The sun is hitting her skin and making her glow. God the things I would do to her. Make her mine, make her beg. How would she look moaning my name. My thoughts are pushed away when Jax and Four come walking down the steps. "We're taking Clove shopping, she doesn't have any classes till next week and it'll be a good way to show her the city. You coming?" Obviously dumb asses. "Yes, just carry her to the car she's already dressed anyway."

Four nodded and lifted her into his arms careful not to wake her. Jax grabbed her phone and her purse and we walked out to my car. It was a black lambo with two seats in the back. Four placed her in the back seat as he gets in laying her head on his lap. I get in the drivers seat and Jax in passenger. Then we head off, hopefully she won't be to distraught about waking up in a strange car. Even if she does we are going to be her doms eventually. She won't be complaining then.

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