《Clove baby》Four


Clove pov

I heard my name being yelled and I sat up trying to figure out what was happening. Jax then barges into my

room looking around then finding me on my bed almost in tears. "Clove darling it's ok Im not going to hurt you. Are you okay baby." I nod but why was he calling me all those things. He slowly walks over to the bed and I just run to him. He catches me and I burst into tears with my head in his shoulder and legs wrapped around his waist.

Really Clove you've been here not even 24 hours and your already a burden.

Jax pets my head and sits down on the bed with me tightly grabbing him almost afraid he is going to leave me. "What happened little one. I heard a scream and came running." Oh he heard me I must of yelled in my sleep. But why would he come upstairs and yell for me. "I-Im sorry" I whimper out and he grabs me tighter. "No it's ok it's ok shhh i'm not mad bella" Jax continues to calm me and I eventually stop crying. He grabs my wrists to move me slowly but stops. No he's seen them. No no no no I already took off my concealer. "Clove what is this." he asks and I freeze.

You did that to yourself

It's true I cut sometimes but those weren't the only scars there. I had marks from them. When they used to tie me up. Beat me...

No don't think about that

"Clove I will ask one more time, what is this" I turn away and mumble. "A story" It's true each one told a story. I remember when each of the scars occurred. What was happening that day. Why I gave myself one. I cover them with concealer to make sure no one finds out but Jax, Jax saw them. His breathe was heavy and he turned and looked away and ran a hand down his face. "I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. But baby please don't hurt yourself again. It would kill me to know you have been or do it again" I simply nod my head. "Words Clove" he tisks. "O-ok" he then kisses me on the fore head and leaves the room. Leaving me with my thoughts. And regrets


Jax pov

She cut herself. And some of them were fresh. My mind went to this as I was walking down the stairs to my bedroom. I would tell the boys in the morning and see what we could do. But she was ashamed by them so I don't know what will happen. Some of them weren't cuts though, some were large places where it looks like it was rubbed. Or extremely bruised at one point in time. No... there was no way. If someone touches my girl I would kill them. No one touches her. Whoever made her the way she is today, broken and bruised. Will wish they never wales the earth.

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