《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 46
A week later things are still going good. Tony hasn't bothered me since Mason hit him and Gage found out. He's been benched for the rest of the season and the only reason he's not off the team is because I begged Gage not to do that. I struggle to understand Tony, but what I truly believe is that he has his own issues he needs to deal with.
My parents have been incredibly overbearing now that they know about Mason and I and I try to avoid having them around when Masons over as much as possible. Unfortunately tonight is not one of those cases and we're currently sitting on the couch while my dad explains the documentary he's watching.
"So it's really interesting because bees are so important to pollination and without them we would simply die"
Mason blinks at my dad "without bees we'd die?"
Hank laughs from where he's sat on the floor.
"No way! Mason hates bees"
Mason glares "I don't hate bees"
Hank rolls his eyes.
"is that why you run away whenever you see one??"
I laugh and turn to Mason
"You're scared of bees?"
He glares "no"
I bite my lip and mumble.
"That's kind of cute"
Of course Gage just happened to be walking back to his chair and makes a face.
"Ew! No flirting in the living room Will! I thought we agreed this was a common space and you guys had to respect my boundaries, mom!"
I glare at him and the stupid smirk on his face. While Mason grunts next to me shaking his head.
"Your an ass"
Gage laughs "I live to annoy Will, he loves it"
My dad sighs.
"Would you boys stop already? This is the best part, a real shot of pollination happening!"
We all reluctantly turn our attention back to the tv just in time to see a bee land on a flower with its feet covered in pollen.
The doorbell rings a minute later and I stand making Mason glare, but I only roll my eyes.
"It's Jenna"
I pull open the door and she grins at me.
I chuckle "what's up?"
She shrugs "nothing is that what you're wearing to the game tonight?"
I look down at my outfit and nod.
"Yeah...we're just waiting for my mom to finish getting ready"
Jenna shrugs "okay, where is everyone?"
I lead her toward the living room.
"My dads watching a..."
At that moment my dad looks up and grins.
"Jenna! Come here and watch this truly amazing stuff, bees are beautiful creatures did you know?"
Jenna gives me a look before smiling at me dad.
"Hey Adam, that's awesome"
Jenna sinks down onto the floor next to Hank and I sit back down next to Mason who lets his arm drop behind me right away causally rubbing his thumb along my shoulder.
Of course two seconds later Hank points.
"Hey! No touching!! Common space!"
I roll my eyes and Gage laughs high-fiving Hank.
"Hank fuck of.."
My mom comes out of her room at that moment and gasps.
"Mason! None of that language in my house!"
Mason rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Sorry Sandy"
She nods and smiles at Jenna.
"Hi Jenna I hope you weren't stuck with all these boys too long?"
Jenna shakes her head "no I just got here"
My mom smiles "perfect you boys ready to go?"
Everyone stands except my dad who is still staring at the tv, while feeding popcorn to himself.
My mom tsks "honey, the bees will have to wait we need to get going!"
My dad doesn't move and she rolls her eyes sighing before grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.
"Adam, the boys game starts soon we need to go"
He pouts gesturing to the tv "but the bees?!"
She pinches her nose and sighs.
"The bees will be here when we get back"
He nods "I sure hope so, otherwise we'd all die!"
Hank laughs at that and finally we all head out to the door. My mom and dad drive by themselves while the rest of us pile into Gage's car.
Mason sits in the front seat while I sit in the back with Jenna and Hank who bicker about who has to sit in the middle for a whole two minutes before I finally just sigh.
"I'll sit in the middle, can you guys just get in?!"
Immediately they both shrug and climb in on either side of me, Hank grinning.
"Thanks catboy"
I roll my eyes "whatever"
Jenna grins "you have a better view of Mason from the middle so stop complaining"
Gage whines "no don't tell him that, these two already act like I don't exist"
Mason slaps his arm "we do not you idiot"
Gage of course gasps "did you just slap me while I'm driving?! Mason do you want to make it to the game?! The team can't win without me!"
Mason leans his head back and closes his eyes "I'm getting a headache"
The rest of the ride is uneventful and thankfully doesn't take long. When we get to the school Mason walks around to where I'm standing and grabs my side pulling me forward and kissing the top of my head.
"I'll see you after"
I can't help the smile that takes over my face and nod "good luck"
He squeezes my side and nods heading over to Gage who sticks his tongue out at me.
"Where's my good luck kiss?!"
I roll eyes and Mason shoves him forward, but by the time they make it to the doors of the school they're shoving each other back and forth having moved on to other topics.
Hank claps his hands "alright catboy, lead me to the best seats in the house"
I roll my eyes "there isn't any, were sitting on cold hard bleachers"
He makes a face "well you could have pretended"
Jenna laughs "don't act like you don't enjoy coming to support your brother you're the one that insists we come to every game"
I smile sheepishly, but Hank rolls his eyes.
"That was probably just for Mason"
I blush while Jenna's eyes widen "you're so right!"
I shake my head "that's not true! I wanted to support Gage...and"
Hank finishes the sentence for me "stare at my brother"
I walk faster "let's just get a seat"
Hank and Jenna follow me to a spot on the bleachers large enough for the three of us and we get ourselves settled.
Hank makes a face looking at the people around us distastefully.
"You'd think we'd at least get better seats knowing people on the team"
I chuckle and Jenna laughs.
"This is high school football everyone knows someone on the team"
Hank rolls his eyes "catboy is the captains brother, that's gotta mean something"
I chuckle "it does, it means the after party is always at my house"
Hank makes a face "I'd say come to ours...but"
I shake my head. No need for him to say more we both remember the night I slept at his house, and I'll probably never forget.
Jenna grins "I'm excited for the party tonight! The last one was fun and you actually let loose!"
I chuckle "yeah, not doing that again"
My mind swirls with the memory of me jacking off in front of Mason and I blush. Trying to focus on anything else besides the embarrassment I feel from that moment.
Thankfully the game starts and I'm able to distract myself from thinking about what is most certainly my most embarrassing moment.
"Dang catboy, Gage came to play tonight!"
I chuckle "when he gets in the zone he gets serious"
Jenna nods "looks like we'll win this one fairly easily"
She was wrong, and the game quickly became a nail bitter, but ultimately we won by two points and the whole bleachers become ecstatic.
I cringe as people walk by so much talk about "the party at Gages" I know it's going to be a long night.
When we get out of the parking lot my parents are waiting to congratulate Gage and Mason, as well as say their goodbyes the rest of us promising they'll see us tomorrow and reminding us to behave.
That makes Hank smirk and I have to elbow him to keep him from snickering. Gage and Mason are both freshly showered thankfully and I'm not stuck in a crowded car with two stinky football players.
Mason nods at Gage "can we drop Hank at Pope's he's staying there tonight"
Gage nods "sure thing, your gonna miss a killer party"
Hank nods "that's why Mason's making me go to Pope's"
I roll my eyes "making you? Your always there anyway"
Hank sticks his tongue out at me "mind your buisness catboy"
I roll my eyes and turn to Jenna whose laughing.
"You've met your match Will Jackson"
I huff "your my friend don't side with him"
Jenna only high-fives Hank whose smirking at me. We pull up outside Pope's and I shove Hank lightly.
Hank rolls his eyes at me "don't pretend you won't miss me catboy"
I smile and shake my head "have fun"
Hank chuckles "you too, avoid common spaces"
Gage and Jenna laugh while Mason grunts "fuck off you idiot"
Hank walks away chucking to himself and once he's inside we head back to our house. There's already kids parked outside and I cringe.
"Let's try and have everyone leave by midnight tonight"
Gage gives me a look "I can't control where the night takes us Will"
I roll my eyes and look at Jenna who shrugs "if it's too loud and you're over it you can come to mine"
I smile "thank you"
Mason however grunts next to me "I'll clear everyone out by twelve"
I roll my eyes and we head inside, Gage and I moving the few items we don't left out before allowing everyone to start filing in. Someone gets music started and Gage directs the rest of the football team to put the alcohol on the kitchen table while Jenna and I head up to my room.
"You and Mason seem good"
I nod blushing awkwardly "we are"
Jenna smiles "I'm happy for you"
I bite my lip "thanks Jenna"
She rolls her eyes "he's lucky to have you Will"
I only give her a small smile because I disagree, I'm lucky to have him. Jenna and I decide to watch an episode of The 100 before heading downstairs. Giving the party enough time to liven up.
When we finally go downstairs it's in full swing and there's people everywhere making me thankful I locked my door.
Jenna leads me to the kitchen getting herself a drink and offering me one, but I shake my head deciding to just have a coke instead. We wander into the living room and Gage grins coming up to me.
"Will! Give me a hug"
I make a face and try to push his large body away from me, but he's arms wrap around me anyway. Mason comes up and pushes him off me, but Gage just grins.
"You're such a good brother Will, and I just love you....I mean you did steal my best friend and that one hurt a little..."
He pouts "a lot, but it's okay because you two are soooooo great and I don't even feel lonely"
I blink at him and Mason chuckles "he's had a lot"
Jenna nods laughing "clearly"
Gage grins suddenly over his previous monologue and claps his hands.
"I need another drink, anyone else?"
I shake my head and Mason holds up his own drink as a way of answer well Jenna shrugs.
"Do a shot?"
Gage grins "fuck yeah, shots in the kitchen!!"
A bunch of the guys from the team cheer and everyone is heading toward the kitchen. I turn to Mason who gives me a small smile.
"You good?"
I nod "yeah, I'm not drinking though"
He lifts a brow "why not?"
I bite my lip my cheeks flaming "uh...don't want a repeat of last time"
Mason scrunches up his face confused before his eyes darken and he licks his lips.
"I wouldn't complain"
I swallow stiffly "you did last time"
He grunts "that was different"
I feel brave and stand up leaning forward and planting a quick kiss on his lips, but his hand quickly finds my hip and keeps me in place just long enough for him to deepen it further.
Suddenly Gage is back and whining "heyyy not in common spaces!"
Mason looks annoyed and rolls his eyes, but someone else speaks.
"Wait what the fuck? Did Mason just kiss baby Jackson?"
I look up and see some guys from the team looking at us Austin and Jack amongst them. I feel anxiety wash over me, but Mason only holds onto my side tighter.
Jack tilts his head "nah I think baby Jackson kissed him"
The guys chuckle and I'm panicked. Is it a good chuckle..?!
One of the other guys looks at Gage "you're not..mad?"
Gage swings his arm around my shoulders and laughs "no I love these guys"
Austin nods "not that big of a deal"
The rest of the guys end up shrugging and nodding along with him.
"Yeah man just wasn't expecting it"
Jack gives us a smile "good for you"
I return his smile and duck my face into Mason's chest. We hangout and mingle around the party for the next hour or two, but I quickly become tired and want to just go upstairs.
Mason had already had Gage sobering up and helps him to gently encourage people to leave. I drive Jenna home since I didn't have anything to drink and when I get back the house is actually empty aside from Jack and Austin downstairs with Gage and Mason waiting upstairs for me.
When I get upstairs I bite my lip because the way Mason is sprawled out in my bed reminds me of the first night. When he stumbled in here and fell flat on my bed as he is now.
He lifts his head and smiles at me lazily "you getting in?"
I bite my lip and blush slightly nodding before pulling off my pants and shirt and heading toward my side. Mason lifts his arm just long enough for me to slide under the covers beside him.
His hand wraps around me and he pulls me into him before kissing my head and grumbling
"goodnight Will"
I let out a soft breath content, comfortable, and happy. This is the spot I'll never get tired of, wrapped in Mason's arms, laying next time him, doing nothing but Only Sleeping.
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