《Only Sleeping ✔️》Epilogue
3 Years Later
Will started at the message biting his lip. He'd already gone back and fourth for the last week debating if he should just delete it or open it and see what it says.
His thumb hovers over the email ready to click it and see what Tony could possibly want from him three years after he tormented Will and Mason beat him up.
Speaking of Mason the door to Will's room opens and he walks in before Will can decide. He quickly shuts off his phone and drops it on his bed.
Mason grins and walks over leaning down for a kiss.
"Hey baby"
Will accepts the kiss and smiles lightly.
"How was work?"
Mason shrugs "work"
Will only rolls his eyes by now he's used to how dry Mason can be sometimes.
"Did you get the new sign put up?"
Mason flops down on the bed next to Will.
"Yeah, was a fucking shit show though"
Moves to lay beside Mason cuddling into his side as Mason lifts his arm to wrap it around him.
Mason sighs "Hank can't hold a fucking sign straight and Gary pissed off so I had to do it myself"
Will chuckles lightly "that's how you like it anyway"
Mason rolls his eyes "people piss me off and get in my way, plus Hanks been fucking annoying as hell recently"
Will lifts himself up and looking down at Mason.
"He has not! He's just going through something"
Mason rolls his eyes "yeah fucking puberty, I thought only chicks got mood swings"
Will simply sighs, Masons right. Hank hasn't been himself pretty much since he started high school. Unfortunately with Shawn in prison he's taken on a lot more responsibility and it seems to have take a toll on him.
"He said Pope's coming tonight so maybe that will cheer him up"
Mason's eyes are closed and he barely mumbles a "maybe"
Will smiles lightly staring at his sleeping boyfriend. This has been their routine lately, Mason comes home from work tired from being busy all day and they end up napping in Will's bed until he has to leave for his evening class.
Will wakes up to Mason groaning "shut off your fucking alarm"
Will chuckles turning off his alarm and turning back towards Mason, kissing his cheek.
"Go back to sleep babe"
Mason nods "I am"
Will gets up from the bed and grabs his bag tucking a few textbooks in it before moving to the door. Before he steps out Mason grunts, but still doesn't bother to open his eyes.
"Seven o'clock Will"
Will smiles lightly "I'll be there, promise"
He shuts the door quietly behind him a smile still on his face. He knows Mason's nervous about tonight. The grand reopening of Gary's bar now renamed Hendricks Masons moms maiden name. Becoming co owners with Gary was an exciting venture for Mason and despite his reluctance to show it Will knows he's proud.
Will gets in his car, happy to no longer have to share with Gage and drives the 15 minutes to their community college. As soon as he gets out of the car Kade is yelling his name.
"Yo Will!"
He rolls his eyes and is already handing Kade the homework before he can ask.
Kade grins "you're a life saver"
Will rolls his eyes "and you're a shitty student"
Kade laughs shrugging "I have more important things to do then homework"
Will pins him with an annoyed look "single-handedly fucking your way through the entire student body is more important then passing your classes?"
Kade only grins widely at him "wouldn't be the entire student body won't fuck you will I?"
Will rolls his eyes at Kade's teasing, making Kade smirk.
"Alright let's go to class I gotta copy these answers down before Professor Finch calls on me again...I swear that man wants to see me fail in life"
Will tilts his head "more then you already are?"
Kade slaps his arm playfully "shut up"
The rest of the class is uneventful and only reminds Will further how excited he is to graduate next year. Will and Kade walk to the parking lot together and Kade nods.
"see you tonight?"
Will smiles "of course, make sure you bring some friends. Masons worried no one will show up"
Kade chuckles "tell him to chill, place is going to be packed!"
Kade was right. Will almost couldn't find parking and was thankful his little car was small enough to squeeze in next to Masons truck.
When he gets inside the bar it's loud and it seems most of the town has started to enjoy the $6 pitchers and 2 for 1 shots already.
His eyes scan the room until they land on Mason behind the bar working quickly, Gary beside him handing out just as many drinks. Just as it seems like they may be overwhelmed Gloria glides out from the back and saves the day handing out beers and shots quicker then Mason or Gary.
This makes Will laugh, he knows how much Gary hates that his new girlfriend is a better bartender then himself. Not that he'll ever admit it.
Will finally reaches the counter and leans over waving his hand.
"I'll take a beer please!"
Mason turns his glare onto him before recognition sets in and he rolls his eyes. Will grins because Masons face says it all, even overwhelmed behind the bar he's happy.
"Hey baby"
He leans down kissing Will and placing a beer in front of him.
"bit busy around here"
Will chuckles "looks that way, pretty busy for someone who thought no one would show up"
Mason rolls his eyes "I didn't say no one"
Will leans up kissing Mason again before nodding.
"Alright, get back to work, can't let Gloria run the show"
Mason only shakes his head and tosses the bar cloth over his shoulder moving back to the crowd of people waiting to be served.
Will barely stands up from his seat when his name is called.
He jumps turning around, finding Gage coming out from the back with a box in his hands.
"Good, get over here and help I came to drink not to get out to work"
Will chuckles and takes the box from Gage putting it under the bar next to the other boxes of extra cups.
"Where's Hank?"
Gage jerks his thumb towards the door he just came out of, but is barely paying attention to Will.
"Can you help him? It's your boyfriends bar after all, I'm gonna grab a beer"
With that he walks past Will and grabs Will's beer off the bar and is lost in the crowd. Will sighs and heads into the back almost walking into Hank who nearly drops the box he's caring.
"Fuck catboy!"
Will groans "Hank! We've talked about this"
Hank only rolls his eyes "there's two more boxes, where the hell Gage go?"
Will shakes his head "he's gone, I'll grab the last box"
Hank chuckles "can you even carry it?"
Will crosses his arms "I think Hanky Panky needs to be nice"
Hank groans "fine, follow me"
They both go to the back and each grab a box closing up Gary's truck and closing the outside door.
"So is Pope still coming?"
Hank grunts "maybe"
Will lifts a brow "I thought you asked him"
Hank only rolls his eyes "I told him he could come if he wanted, so maybe he'll show up maybe he won't"
Will bites his lip and briefly considers trying to talk to Hank about Pope before just going for it.
"Did you guys get in a fight?"
Hank huffs putting the box down "no Will can you piss off now?"
Masons head snaps up at that and he glares.
"Hank! Watch your mouth don't talk to Will like that"
Hank only rolls his eyes before storming away. Mason walks over taking the box from Will and sliding it under the bar.
"I told you he's fucking moody"
Gloria comes up beside Mason and smiles lightly.
"I told you he's a teenager, it'll pass"
Will nods "Hanks a good kid, I'm sure whatever it is he'll work it out"
Mason huffs "whatever, he shouldn't be so fucking mouthy all the time"
Will only shakes his head smiling "like you weren't? Or should I say aren't?"
Mason huffs "that's different"
Will is about to explain why it is in fact not different when his phone starts to ring.
"It's Jenna!"
He answers immediately and Jenna's face fills the screen.
"Hey Will! Mason!"
Mason nods "hey jenna"
She grins "so how's the opening going?"
Mason shrugs "good"
Will rolls his eyes and turns the camera panning over the room full of people.
"Better then good, wish you were here"
Jenna smiles "me too, I wish you would have come to UCLA with me"
Will sticks his tongue out.
"I wish you would have stayed here"
Jenna grins before gasping.
"Oh wait I have a surprise for you!"
Will's eyes widen "you do?"
Jenna grins "yeah hold on I wanted to show you..."
Suddenly her camera turns around and Will's brain fumbles for a second before his eyes widen and he turns to Mason who is grinning.
"No way!"
Suddenly Jenna's voice rings out "surprise!"
Will looks up finding Jenna standing in the doorway and runs over pulling her into a hug.
"What are you doing here?!"
Jenna smiles "you think I would miss Mason's important day?!"
Mason grunts behind them.
"not that important"
Jenna rolls her eyes "says the one who insisted I come surprise Will"
Will turns looking up at Mason with disbelief.
"You did?"
Mason coughs awkwardly nodding shyly.
Will smiles huge and wraps his arms around Masons neck pulling him down to where he can kiss him.
"Thank you"
Mason smiles and rubs his thumb over Will's hip.
"Your welcome baby"
Jenna pretends to gag "okay enough of that, I didn't come to play the third wheel"
She nods behind her "also found this guy wandering around outside"
Austin steps forward rolling his eyes "I wasn't wandering around! I was looking for Jack, you know how he gets when he drinks too much!"
Mason chuckles at that "he was back at the bar a minute ago"
Austin nods smiling "thanks man"
They all dive into conversation after that, Will asking Jenna a hundred questions about UCLA despite knowing the answers from their daily FaceTime calls.
That is until someone's arm slings around his neck.
"Will...phone it's our parentals"
Will rolls his eyes at Gage who clearly has made up from his time spent helping and is already stumbling.
His moms voice fills the phone.
"Will! You didn't answer we wanted to call and say congratulations to Mason and Gary"
Will smiles and tilts the phone toward Mason who nods.
"Thank you Sandy"
Will puts the phone back on his ear as his mom continues.
"I feel so bad we couldn't be there, but you know your father. No way we we're missing the exotic creature convention!"
Will laughs knowing exactly what she means. His dad had practically screamed when Jenna had sent him the pamphlet.
"I know mom, Gary and Mason understand you guys can come by and check it out sometime next week when you're home"
His mom sighs "sounds good sweetie, anyway I'll let you get back to all that fun. Gage sounds like he could do for some water"
Will chuckles "I'll get him some, talk to you later okay?"
Sandy hums "yes, I love you have a good night and be safe"
Will hangs up the phone and hands it back to Gage.
"Mom said you need some water"
Gage's mouth drops open "moooom doesn't know what she's talking about I'm having a greaaaat time"
He sort of falls over as he says it and Mason catches him standing him back up straight.
"Damn Gage!"
Austin chuckles and steps forward "I got it"
He turns to Gage "how about another drink?"
Gage grins and Austin looks at everyone chuckling.
"how much water do we think he'll drink if I fill a beer bottle?"
We all laugh and Jenna grins "two for sure"
Austin takes Gage away and Will nods toward the table in the corner where Hank is sat.
"Popes here...but so are some of Hanks new friends"
Mason makes a face at that. He's had much to say about Hanks new friends. Not that their bad guys, but Mason worries that Hank will fall into the wrong crowd and feeling like he's not doing enough for him.
Will bites his lip "Pope looks uncomfortable"
Jenna nods "they all do"
Mason sighs "I can tell them to leave"
Will shakes his head "no! Don't do that, it'll only piss Hank off. They're his friends I'm sure he can handle having them all together"
That was proved wrong only an hour later when everyone started gasping and "fight" was being yelled out.
Mason and Gary of course ran over ready to break up the drunk men they expected to find, but instead had to pull Hank off of what was supposedly his friend.
Mason glares "Hank! What the fuck?!"
Hank wipes the blood dripping out of his mouth and scoffs.
"Piss off Tyler"
Gary gives the guy a hand to get up off the ground and he nods heading out of the bar with his friends in tow.
Mason pushes Hank into a chair and crosses his arms.
"What was that shit?! I said you could invite one friend and then all those shit heads show up, and you start a fight?!"
Hank rolls his eyes "I didn't fucking invite them, and I didn't start it. He deserved it"
Mason scoffs and walks away, just as Gloria comes over with a wet cloth and starts to dab at Hanks lip.
Will steps forward and nods at Pope whose sitting on his chair looking incredibly anxious. A feeling Will used to know all too well.
"Are you okay?"
Pope nods "fine...I should probably get going"
Hank pushes Gloria's hand away and stands at that.
"I'll take you"
Pope shakes his head, but Hank's face hardens.
"You're not fucking walking that far"
Will turns to Hank "I could bring him"
Hank only glares "I said I'll take him"
With that he turns to Mason.
"Can I take the truck?"
Mason glares "with that attitude? Hell no"
Will grimaces and steps forward between the two putting his hand on Masons arm.
"You can take my car, just get it back in one piece please"
Hank's glare falters and he looks at Will guiltily.
He nods towards Pope and they leave Mason grunting as they go.
"Why do you always side with him?"
Will sighs "someone has to, besides we're being good cop bad cop and you're obviously the bad cop"
Mason rolls his eyes "whatever, he shouldn't talk to you like that"
Will shakes his head "he shouldn't, but I'd rather that then he not talk to us at all"
Mason scoffs "I hate that you listened to the shit that therapist said"
Will rolls his eyes "she wasn't completely crazy!"
Mason chuckles of course not, she was nice, but the idea of taking a 14 year old boy to a therapist to discuss his feelings two days after his drunk of a father was sentenced to 5 years in prison was crazy. Of course at the time Mason thought the courts suggestion was a good one, and it ended up backfiring because she felt like family sessions would be beneficial and Mason most certainly did not sign up for therapy.
It ended shortly after.
Jenna laughs "we'll that was eventful...whose ready for a drink?!"
Will grins "yes please"
A few drinks later Will finds himself in the bathroom and after washing his hands pulls out his phone glaring at the one red notification on the messenger app.
Without much thought he clicks the app and opens Tony's message glaring at it, but knowing he has to read it now.
His eyes skim the message.
I wanted to reach out and apologize. I was awful to you in school and the problem wasn't you it was me. I allowed you to tempt me and I know the way I felt for you was wrong, but that wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have hurt you or picked on you the way I did. I'm sorry. I'm thankful now to see you're happy, even if it is within a sinful relationship. I praise you for being strong enough to follow your heart, unfortunately I lead a different path. I'm weak in that way, but I've have found a way to punish myself. After all I deserve it. Again I'm sorry. I don't expect you to respond, but I hope you can forgive me for my actions.
Will stares at the phone and reads the message again twice to make sure that the few drinks he had aren't making this something it's not. Tony is apologizing? He's punishing himself? Will's mind is a whirlwind and he focuses on Tony's last words.
I hope you can forgive me.
Will's confused because it's in that moment he realizes he already has. Nothing Tony did bothers him anyway, he's happy. He's moved on. Tony hurt him in that moment, but Will came out on the other side.
It makes Will feel good to realize that even after everything awful Tony did Will can allow himself the freedom of letting go and moving on. So in one final message he lets Tony know that..
I've forgiven you. I hope you overcome what is holding you back from living your life.
The bathroom door opens just as he pushes send and Will nearly falls over.
"Mason! I almost had a heart attack"
Mason chuckles and nods.
"what are you doing in here I was worried you passed out"
Will bites his lip worried Mason will be mad.
"I read Tony's message"
Mason face sours, but he just rolls his eyes.
"What'd he want?"
Will smiles lightly.
"he apologized, asked for my forgiveness"
Mason grunts "I hope you didn't give it to him"
Will sighs "if felt good to forgive him, besides I forgave him a long time ago"
Mason sighs "you're a better person then me"
Will chuckles and walks over grabbing Masons hand and squeezing it.
"We already knew that though"
Mason rolls his eyes, but tugs Will forward planting a kiss on his lips.
"Ready to get back out there?"
Will smiles nodding and allowing Mason to lead him back to their friends hand in hand.
The rest of evening was spent together drinking and having a good time. Celebrating the food things in all their lives and it ended how it usually did with Will in Masons arms. Curled together, them against the world Will remembering a time similar to this. A time when Mason had inquired about his happiness.
Mason grunts "trying to sleep baby"
Will bites his lip and rolls over so he's facing Mason.
"Are you happy?"
Mason peeks his eyes open and looks at Will before leaning down and kissing his lips.
Pulling back he smiles "yeah baby, I'm happy"
So they fell asleep, both content, both happy, both Only Sleeping.
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