《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 45





When we get back to Will and Gage's house Gage immediately starts to have a go at Will. His anger about the situation resurfacing.

"How long has this fucking shit been going on Will?"

I clench my fists at his tone, but don't intervene. I know Gage wouldn't ever do anything to hurt Will and he's just worried. He has a right to be, I told Will he should have let Gage know what was going on with Tony.

Will winces "a couple weeks...months maybe"

Gage gawks at him "months?!"

He shakes his head pacing angrily.

"You've been getting hurt for months?! By someone on my team, one of my friends and you didn't say anything?!"

Will bites his lip guiltily.

"I didn't...he didn't hurt me every time he just used to push me around and make comments...it wasn't a big deal"

Gage scoffs before pinning his gaze on me.

"You knew about this?!"

I swallow stiffly and nod once. Gage shakes his head.

"So I guess I had to fake friends then huh?"

I flinch, that one hurt. Will shakes his head.

"No Gage it wasn't masons fault I told him not to say anything"

Gage only sighs.

"Doesn't matter Will, Masons a big boy he knew he should have told me"

I nod because he's right and thinking about it now I don't know why I never did. I wanted Will to trust me, but I was letting him get hurt. I was an idiot.

Gage shakes his head again.

"If he bothers you again fucking tell me"

He turns and walks away heading toward the stairs and Will looks at me wide eyed.


Gage ignores him and closes the door to the basement hard making me cringe. All the times I've been here he's never closed that door, but I know it's a sign that he doesn't want us to follow him.

When I turn back to Will he looks guilty and scared.

"Baby...he just needs time to calm down"

Will shakes his head "he....he's hurt"

I nod "he'll get over it, give him time"

Will huffs standing "he shouldn't have to! I should have just...!"

I lift a brow "what? Told him and had him best Tony up, sure I've been telling you that this whole time because it would have been my preferred option, but Will. You did what you thought was right, he knows that"

Will only pouts "I don't want him to think I don't trust him"

I sigh and grab his shirt tugging him to me and wrapping my arms around him.

"he won't baby"

Suddenly the front door opens and Will pulls away only to practically fall over to create distance between us when he realizes it's Austin.

"Oh..hey guys"

Will's face is three shades darker and he stutters over his words.

"Uh h hey um a Austin"

He forces a very obviously fake smile and Austin nods.


"Um...Gage asked me to come over he's you know upset about Tony"

Will nods "yeah uh go ahead we're just uh...Mason was leaving!"

I glare at Will because like fuck I'm leaving, but Austin only smiles.

"Will you don't have to do that"

Will lifts a brow "do what?"

Austin shrugs "lie, I don't really think it's any of my buisness what you and Mason are doing"

Will blinks before suddenly blurting out.

"We're dating"

Austin's eyes widen for a half a second before he shrugs.

"Ok well...congratulations"

Will smiles "t thanks"

Austin nods at me and I give him a smile as he walks towards the basement. Once he's gone Will turns to me.

"Sorry I uh don't know why I told him"

I shrug "all good babe, in case of you haven't noticed I'm not really too worried about it"

Will blushes "ok"

I stand from where I was perched on the arm of the couch.

"You want to do something?"

Will tilts his head "like what?"

I shrug "hell if I know...I don't really have a lot of free time and when I do I spend it"

Will rolls his eyes "Fucking people"

I chuckles smirking "there's an idea"

Wills eyes widen and he squeaks "I didn't! I just meant!"

I laugh loudly "kidding...sort of"

I lick my lips and Will squirms.


I look at him innocently "what? I'm not doing anything"

He glares his cheeks flushed "your making me...uncomfortable"

I lift a brow and step toward him "really? How so? Are you feeling hot? I could help you with that"

I slide my finger up his stomach dragging his shirt with them. He hisses and jumps back away from me.

"Gage is downstairs! With Austin!"

I smirk "trying to tell me your not quiet? Cuz I could put something in your mouth"

Will glares "Mason! Stoppp"

I chuckle finally letting up and stepping toward him dropping a kiss on his head.

"Your cute when your flustered baby, and I would like to fill that mouth of yours"

Will kicks my shin lightly making me chuckle.

"Alright alright, want to go for a ride?"

Will looks up at me with a surprised look on his face.


I shrug "why not?"

He bites his lip "I just..I didn't think you liked people on your bike"

I nod "you don't count, I love having you on my bike...I feel more free"

Will smiles while his cheeks tint pink "oh"

I smirk "is that a yes?"

He nods slowly "mhmm"

I jerk my head towards the door.

"alright let's go"

We get outside and walk to my bike that I left in his driveway this morning. I hand Will a helmet and he tilts his head.

"You keep an extra?"

I nod "only since you've been in it...wishful thinking"

Will smiles taking the helmet gently from my hand.



I give him a smile and climb on my bike starting it up and making sure I'm steady before gesturing for Will to get on.

Once we're both settled his arms around my waist I pull out of the driveway and up the street. One we get on a main road and I can speed up Will's hands tighten slightly and I smirk taking my own hand off the handle bars to place over his for a moment.

We ride around for a while before I realize where I've subconsciously taken us. I chew the inside of my cheek the closer we get and debate on driving by. I didn't mean to come here and now I'm not so sure I want to.

Will take a breath and I feel his chest moving against my back. That's all I need. I pull past the gates and up the lane slowing my bike to a stop.

I tap Will's leg and gesture for him to get off. Once he does he pulls off his helmet and blinks at me.

"Mason. Im conceded, why did you just bring me to a cemetery"

I shrug "I don't know..it happened naturally"

He makes a face and I laugh out loud before smiling lightly.

"My moms buried here Will"

His eyes widen and he looks around as if he'll know her grave on first glance.

"She's down there, do you want to..."

I trail off worried he'll say no, but he only nods.

"Of course Mason"

I smile and grab and his hand walking up the lane heading for my moms row. We're almost there when Will tugs my hand stopping me I look down at him and he has a confused friend on his face.

"Is that..Hank?"

I lift a brow and follow his gaze my eyes widening when in fact I do see Hank walking along the lane across from us. I tug Will in that direction and stalk toward him surprised when a second later another boy appears at his side.

Will mumbles "Pope" and I vaguely remember the kid from the front door the time I dropped Hank off at his friends.


He stops and turns his face scrunching into one of confusion.

"Mason? Catboy?"

Will harrumphs next to me, but I just roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here?...your bring Pope to visit mom?"

Hank pauses and glances at Pope awkwardly "I wasn't bringing him to see mom specifically...we're just going for a walk"

I lift a brow "in a cemetery Hank?"

He shrugs "it's quiet okay? Besides....I like to spend time near her"

I feel my chest tightens at his words and I nod I shouldn't question why Hanks here, she's his mom too and he can visit her whenever he wants.


Hank sighs "so why are you here? Introducing Will?"

I blink "um...Wills met her"

Hank turns to Will "Catboy? You've met my mom?"

Wills eyes widen as if caught of guard "um...yeah, she..I used to go to the library she was um really nice"

Hank smiles "she was"

I squeeze Will's hand reassuringly and nod at Hank.

"You been by the house?"

He nods "Shawn's out, place was trashed through"

I curse "fuck, I'll take Will home and go clean up"

Hank shrugs "I'm staying at Popes tonight"

I lift a brow "really? I don't remember saying you could"

Pope speaks for the first time mumbling "you didn't ask?!"

He seems scared and Hank rolls his eyes "he's not my dad"

I scoff "thank fuck Hank, but you know I need to know where you are"

Hank sighs "fine, can I stay at Popes?"

I pretend to think really hard before humming.

"mmm do you have homework?"

He rolls his eyes "no" as the same time Pope whispers "history"

Hank turns and gives him a look, before turning back to me.

"We're working on history tonight"

I lift a brow and look at Pope "is that true?"

Popes eyes widen and he shifts nervously.

Hank huffs and crosses his arms "leave him alone Mason"

I roll my eyes "it's just a question Hank, I was kidding anyway if you want to sleep over go for it. Are you going they're right from here?"

Hank shrugs "I don't plan going home again so yeah"

I sigh tired of the teenage attitude and nudge Will to start walking away.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow, text me and I'll pick you up. Don't walk home"

Hank rolls his eyes, but Pope elbows him and he sighs.

"Yeah yeah"

I chuckle and turn to Will "I think I like that kid"

Will nods "he seems nice"

I turn back and watch as Hank and Pope leave before tugging Will's hand.

"You still want to see my mom"

He smiles "of course"

When we get to her grave Will immediately bends down and starts dusting it off.

"It's a nice spot under this tree"

I nod "Hank and I picked it...Shawn drank himself stupid and fell in a freshly dug plot two minutes after we got here"

Will winces "I'm sorry"

I shrug "don't be"

He goes quiet for a second before mumbling to himself and I lift a brow.

"Are you praying?"

He shakes his head making me scrunch up my face in confusion.

"So what the fuck are you doing?"

He glares "Mason! I'm talking to your mother"

I blink "talking to her?"

He nods "don't you?"

I rub the back of my neck awkwardly "I mean yeah...I just didn't"

He tilts his head and starts to stand up.

"Oh I don't if you don't want me to"

I shake my head and take a couple steps back to not intimidate him.

"No go for it...I mean I'm sure she'd love to listen to another book nerd"

Will gives me a look for that one, but I only chuckle and give him some space. Not being able to help the small smile pulling on my lips, he wants to talk to my mom.



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