《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 27
I wake up wrapped in Mason's arms and can't help, but nuzzle myself deeper. My face is tucked into the crook of his neck and my lips brush against his neck unintentionally.
Mason groans "fuck Will what are you doing?"
I blush and pull back lightly staring up at his confused was he angry? He didn't sound angry and he hadn't bothered to open his eyes and glare down at me so he must not be mad. Surprised maybe?
I'm feeling confident this morning so I decide to try my luck and move back to his neck brushing my lips against it again.
He swallows stiffly "Will."
It comes out like a warning, but for some reason my brain decides it's best to ignore it. He still doesn't sound mad.
The third time I brush my lips against his neck Mason grunts and before I know it he's flipped us over staring down at me.
"Don't tease me Will" he growls the words and I can't help the way I blink at him my skin heating up.
"I..uh I wasn't t trying to"
He tilts his head "weren't trying to?"
I shake my head lightly and he lifts a brow before moving his own mouth to my neck and placing open mouthed kisses in a path down to my collar bone. My eyes widen, but as he goes I gasp and moan slightly beneath him.
Mason grins against my neck before pulling away making me whimper.
He chuckles "you started this baby" he starts to move off of me, but instinctively I reach up gripping his shoulders.
His eyes drift to my hands and his gaze darkens. Without hesitation he dives back down to my neck, but this time he sucks his mark onto my skin and eventually causes my body to jolt when he nips at my skin.
I yelp thrusting up against him making him groan and grab my hips grinding down against me.
I'm almost convinced this is a dream when suddenly my mom knocks on the door.
"Will are you okay honey? Sounded like you hurt yourself"
My eyes widen and Mason pauses his movements dropping his face into my neck and groaning.
I bite my lip trying to compose myself "um uh...yeah just uh...stubbed my toe!"
I cringe and wait to for her response. To find out if she believes me.
She hums "okay honey, you better get up for school Gage is already ahead of you!"
I turn my gaze to my alarm clock and my eyes widen I'm going to be late again! I attempt to get up the moment I hear her descend the stairs, but Mason grunts as I struggle against him.
"Will Jackson if you move like that one more time I swear I'll take you right fucking here"
My eyes widen and I freeze. Suddenly aware of Mason's bulge pressing against me. His words ring in my ears and without much thought I watch him as I shift my hips just slightly rubbing my bulge with his own.
Mason growls at that his entire body going ridged before he jumps off of me "fuck!"
He storms out of my room and into the bathroom slamming the door making my eyes widen. I shouldn't have done that.
My eyes dart to the stairs and I jump up from my bed. Mason obviously didn't think about my family and him being out of my room is risky.
I grab some clothes and close my bedroom door changing quickly. When I finish I open my door back up and find the bathroom door open and Mason no where in sight. I cringe I hope he's okay.
I take my turn in the bathroom brushing my teeth and releasing my bladder before walking downstairs. I find my mom in the kitchen with waffles freshly popped in the toaster. I walk over grabbing one and taking a bite out of it.
Gage pauses at the door "those are my waffles"
I roll my eyes dropping it back into the toaster and moving to the door to grab my shoes instead.
Gage walks over handing me the waffle I bit and puffing the other in his mouth mumbling "let's go" around it.
I follow him to the car and tilt my head when he nods fo the passenger door "what about mason?"
He shrugs "said he's driving himself today"
My eyes widen he left?
I cringe I hadn't meant to make Mason angry...I was testing my limits and maybe I shouldn't have.
I sigh and mumble a quiet "oh"
Gage doesn't pick up on my mood and talks animatedly about camping this weekend "only today and tomorrow and we're home free!!"
I chuckle, but it's not as genuine as it could be.
"Yeah having Friday off is going to be nice"
Gage nods and dives into a recount of everything he plans to do while we're there; Hiking, fishing, swimming.
I bite my lip because my only plan is to not get eaten alive by misquotes.
We get Jenna and arrive at school shortly after. I tell Gage I'll see him later and head to my locker quickly grabbing my books and turning to meet Jenna.
"I think I messed up"
She lifts a brow closing her locker and turning to me "you? Will Jackson messed up? How?"
I roll my eyes "I don't..I'm not sure, but I definitely pissed Mason off"
Jenna looks behind me at that moment and winces "dang you definitely did"
I turn following her gaze just in time to see Mason's back as he rounds the corner. Did he glare at me?
"He didn't even glance your way...that's not a good sign"
I cringe my heart sinking and my nerves settling in. I finally felt like Mason was letting me in did I fuck it all up? How could responding to his touch fuck things up?
I sigh as the bell rings "I know we always talk about me, but lunch..can I get some advice?"
She laughs "of course Will you're my best friend and the only one of us who has any semblance of a love life"
I chuckle at least I can talk to Jenna about Mason's weird behaviour this morning.
My classes go by quickly considering I spend majority of them thinking about Mason and what I did to upset him.
I find Jenna at her locker.
"Time for your free therapy session"
I grimace despite knowing it's a joke "your not my therapist I don't mean..."
She rolls her eyes "oh hush! I was kidding"
We sit down on the bleachers and she leans against the railing "so what happened?"
I shrug "I um...sort of kind of kissed Mason's neck this morning.."
She gasps "Will! Look at you taking the lead"
I cringe "I said sort of, but either way that's not what made him mad...he responded"
Jenna lifts a brow and I shrug "he just uh...returned the favour, but then my mom knocked on my door and..."
Jennas eyes widen "she caught you?!"
I shake my head quickly "no, no! She left and I was trying to get up and Mason said if I kept moving he was going to...uh...."
She rolls her eyes "fuck you?"
My eyes widen and my cheeks blush, but I nod sheepishly "basically...so I moved...again"
Jenna laughs "Will! I can't believe you!"
I bite my lip because despite Jenna's excitement I couldn't feeel the same.
"He got mad Jenna."
That shuts her up, well it quiets her down at least "he what? Got mad? Why?"
I shrug "he just got up and swore before slamming the bathroom door"
Jenna shakes her head "no that's ridiculous you'd think the almighty sex god Mason would want to get it on, but he gets mad?!"
I cringe at her words, Mason has no problem sleeping with other people. This realization makes me angry. He sleeps with everyone, anyone! He comes back to my bed like it's a pit stop between his sexual endeavours and he won't sleep with me?! That's only fair!
I shake my head "he left after and didn't come back"
Jenna sighs packing up her lunch "Will. I know you'll ignore my advice, but give up on him. He's not good for you he clearly doesn't even know what he wants!"
I trail my finger along the bleacher below me "yeah maybe"
She shakes her head "it's hurting you Will"
I nod slowly because she's right. It is hurting me. Having Mason and then not having him, having him, but not all of him. It's all hurting me. I know what I want, and I want him so bad, but he doesn't want me. At least not all of me.
I stand and reluctantly follow Jenna inside wishing I could just turn off my feelings for Mason.
When we get to class I can't help and look at Mason, but he just looks away he looks tense and I bite my lip feeling bad. I sit in my seat and keep my eyes facing forward not wanting to bother him more then I have.
Tony isn't in class today so thankfully I don't have to worry about him, and Mason can brood in peace. The rest of the day I avoid Mason wanting to give him space in hopes he comes around. I even convince Jenna to take the bus home so we don't have to ride with him and Gage.
I don't bother doing much after school and tell Jenna to just leave me alone for the night. I want to be alone. It's not until my mom calls me for dinner that I get out of bed.
"Will honey! Dinner!"
I descend the stairs slowly and by the time I get to the table everyone is already there. My parents both give me odd looks considering I'm usually at the table age's before Gage bothers to pause his game and come up for dinner.
The minute I pick up my fork my mom smiles "so how was everyone's day?"
I inwardly groan and mumble out a "fine"
Gage gives me a look, but doesn't say anything. Instead he nods to my mom "good"
She swallows before speaking again "are you boys ready to go camping"
I only nod while Gage grins "oh yeah Hank can't wait!"
I wince at that, won't be much fun if Mason is mad at me all weekend.
My mom turns her attention to me "Will honey are you feeling okay?"
I purse my lips "I'm good mom, just tired"
She doesn't look convinced and shoots my father a worried look that makes me cringe, I didn't mean to worry them.
Dinner wraps up shortly after and I'm surprised when Gage follows me upstairs.
Turning once I'm in my room I lift a brow "yes?"
He rolls his eyes "can't I just want to spend time with my baby bro?"
I cross my arms "Gage what is it?"
He shrugs "you just seem off"
I shake my head smiling lightly I am off, off my rocker for letting Mason jerk me around like this.
"Gage I honestly just don't want to talk about it, you're a good brother you know and I appreciate you"
Gage rubs the back of his neck awkwardly "oh uh thanks Will...you sure you don't.."
I nod "I'm sure"
He looks hesitant, but finally nods "okay well if you do I'm here, always"
I smile genuinely "I know Gage"
Once Gage leaves I decide to go to sleep, with the night comes Mason and despite not wanting to piss him off more if he comes to me I won't say no.
He doesn't come.
By 1:30am I'm upset Mason hasn't shown up and although normally I'd assume he's at work I remember Gage mentioning hanging out on his "free night"
I sit up in my bed angrily I can't sleep with Mason, he can't sleep without me and yet he's not here? I know my move this morning was a bit forward, but was it really something that wrong? Mason makes moves on me all the time, he's the one who kisses me!
I climb out of bed and without much thought decide I'm going to Mason's. I'm tired and pull on my plaid pyjama pants and a t-shirt, but I sneak downstairs and out the door undetected.
I walk to Mason's, but thankfully this time there's no rain. When I get to his house I rush up the driveway, but freeze the second the front door opens and Shawn steps out.
He's stumbling down the steps, but pauses swaying when he sees me "you again?!"
I bite my lip "I need to talk to Mason"
I watch him carefully as he dramatically rolls his eyes "whatever you little twink, he's got some fucking girl up there the neighbour's must think he's running a fucking brothel!"
He stumbles past me and down the street heading toward I'm sure whatever bar hasn't kicked him out yet.
I'm frozen in place his words ringing in my head a girl? My anger from before jumps and becomes mixed with a new feeling of dread and jealousy.
I rush inside and nearly collide with Hank at the top of the stairs his eyes widen "catboy?"
I'm too devastated to care about the stupid nickname and just squeeze my eyes shut before opening them again wishing they weren't already burning with unshed tears.
"Is he..is Mason home Hank?"
He looks at the ground awkwardly "uh yeah...but Will.."
I meet his eyes when he says my real name and he winces "he has someone over"
I bite my lip hard and force myself to seem what I hope is passive.
I shrug my shoulders, but they feel heavy as I do "o okay.."
A girls giggle rings out and I can't help the way I flinch rushing out a "bye Hank" before darting down the stairs and out the door.
I run down the street wildly wanting to be as far from Mason as possible. Tears are streaming down my face without me even noticing and yet I'm not mad at him I'm mad at myself. I knew who Mason was I know he's a man whore and he sleeps with more girls then guys. I knew all of this and yet I still let him in. I let him convince me he..felt something!
When I stop running I'm out of breath and I'm sure look crazy. I glance at the street in front of me and shake my head, I'm not going home.
I turn the opposite direction and head towards Jenna's, but at the last second I decide I don't want to explain everything tonight and go to Kade's.
I sneak my way into his back yard making sure I close the gate behind me and text him.
His sliding door opens moments later and Luna comes running at me. She almost knocks me over and I grin laughing "Luna!"
Kade shushes me "shh, shit sorry, Luna!"
She perks up at her name and runs over to Kade allowing me to straighten myself out.
Kade shakes his head "what are you..are you okay?"
I realize at that moment how much of a mess I probably look and cringe "uh can I sleep here?"
He nods without hesitation and jerks his head toward the door.
I follow him inside and we quietly walk up to his room. He gestures for me to go in his room when his moms voice floats into the hallway
"Kade? What are you doing?"
He clears his throat before speaking "just letting Luna out!"
His mom only hums a response and he quickly comes into his room closing the door behind him.
"What happened Will?"
I shake my head "nothing...I just had a hard night"
He purses his lips, but ultimately nods "I won't push"
I'm thankful for that.
He gestures to his bed and I walk over climbing into it. He shuts his light and joins me. Within minutes Kade's asleep and subconsciously pulls me to him. I blink my eyes hard because it's not the same and I don't want to think about Mason. I don't want to think about the girl in his bed. Does he think she feels the same when he has his arms around her?
A quiet cry makes it's way from my mouth and I move my hand biting down on my knuckles so I don't wake Kade.
I stay like that for some time and the sun has already started rising when my eyes finally feel heavy enough to sleep. I snuggle deeper into the bed and let my mind warp the feeling of Kade into a fantasy of Mason.
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