《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 26
I watch Will from the other side of the bar, his head is back to being buried in his notes and he looks ridiculous sat like that in a place like this.
I hand the guy in front of me a beer before wiping the counter and tossing the towel over my shoulder, crossing my arms, and leaning against the bar to watch Will.
Gary chuckles next to me making me roll my eyes "what?"
He shrugs "nothing"
I give him a look annoyed "tell me"
He shakes his head "whose Will?"
I blink looking at the other end of the bar and nod in Will's direction "that's Will"
Gary rolls his eyes "I know that idiot, I mean to you who is he?"
I grunt not wanting to talk about it.
"Gage's brother"
He lifts a brow looking genuinely surprised "that's Gages brother?" I nod "yeah"
He makes a face "wow they're nothing alike"
I shrug not bothering to respond and he continues.
"So why is Gage's brother here?" I scoff "do you want me to kick him out?"
Gary rolls his eyes "don't be an ass, he's fine I'm just wondering why you have Gage's brother here at the bar when he's clearly not here to have a good time and 15 minutes ago you told him not to leave"
I grunt at that, Gary was obviously paying more attention then I thought.
"There's an asshole at his house and his best friend was busy"
Gary doesn't look convinced "an asshole? The kids never been around someone with an attitude before?"
I huff getting tired of this stupid game of 20 questions.
"An asshole who slapped him because he gets his rocks off treating Will like he's his bitch"
I turn away from Gary after the words leave my mouth and focus on stacking glasses instead.
Gary sucks in a breath "Gage is friends with someone who treats his brother like that?"
I groan "He doesn't know, Will won't tell him"
Gary nods looking at Will.
"You don't do anything?" I scoff annoyed he thinks I wouldn't.
"Trust me it's a hard fucking battle everyday"
Gary lifts a brow as if not understanding and I roll my eyes "Will doesn't want me to"
Gary chuckles "ahhhh"
I think he's done with this conversation, but instead he smirks nodding toward Will "you ever keep his bed warm?"
I glare and don't bother responding. Instead I just walk to the back room; annoyed.
Gary of course follows me and I roll my eyes "piss off"
He sighs "I was just riling you up Mase I don't really care"
I grunt "neither do I, doesn't mean I want to talk about it" he chuckles "okay so we're good?"
I roll my eyes "your my boss Gary" he glares "and your friend" I shake my head "whatever"
He sighs "why don't you head out early and take Will home" I nod "yeah thanks"
We both head back out to the bar. Gary pauses nodding toward Will "looks like that guys persistent"
I follow his gaze and my eyes narrow on the same guy hitting on Will before.
I stalk over and slam my hand down on the bar "can you piss off you fucking creep he's not interested!"
Will eyes widen and he looks at the guy biting his lip "s sorry"
The guy only looks surprised for a second before he grins chuckling
"that's okay baby not your fault some asshole wants to cockblock..." before he can finish I reach across the bar punching him in the face.
I don't care what he says about me, but when he calls Will baby I snap.
I come around the bar before he can react and grab him hitting him again. The guy groans and hits me back, but it's weak and uncoordinated.
I'm pulled off him only seconds later and Gary grunts "oh c'mon Mason!"
I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand my lip bleeding from the one shot he got in. Gary tells the guy he has to leave despite him arguing that I hit him first.
Most people turn back to their own drinks and I sit down on the stool next to Will who mumbles "why did you do that?"
I roll my eyes "why do you think?"
He bites his lip "he just called you an asshole Mason.."
I scoff "not what pissed me off baby"
His eyes widen with realization and his cheeks darker "oh"
I turn around on my stool and lean my elbows on the counter grunting "you attract shitty men Will Jackson" myself included although I don't say that.
Will looks confused before he finally figures it out and bites his lip "I don't...he he was probably drunk"
I chuckle darkly "you don't think he was attracted to you?"
Will shrugs "I don't know...maybe he just seems.." I glare "he's not better then you"
Will drops his gaze and I know that's what he was thinking "no ones better then you Will and he was attracted"
Will nods slowly "ok" I raise a brow "okay?"
He shrugs "I don't..I'm not interested"
I nod "better not be that guys fucking 2 times your age and an asshole"
Will makes a face and I'm thankful it's one of disgust.
Gary comes back around the counter and gives me a stern look "what the fuck Mason?!"
I sigh "I'm sorry. He was being an ass"
Gary chuckles but I can tell he's annoyed.
"An ass? He was hitting on a guy in a bar that's what people do in bars Mason!"
I grunt "I already told him to piss off he didn't listen"
Gary shakes his head "he was leaving." I clench my jaw "not fast enough"
Gary rolls his eyes "whatever, get out of here I'll see you tomorrow"
I nod and Will turns looking at me "we're leaving?" I nod "yeah pack your shit we'll go see if I have to fuck up another douche bag"
Will shakes his head "no don't.." I roll my eyes "kidding, let's just go"
He doesn't look convinced, but he quickly packs his bag and follows me to his car. When we get in Will looks at me for a few seconds as if considering saying what he wants to.
"Your boss is nice" I lift a brow "yeah, Gary's a good guy"
Will bites his lip and nods "he was worried he made you mad when he said Tony was my boyfriend" I scoff "he did make me mad"
Will tilts his head and I can't help the way I want to kiss his soft lips when he looks at me like that; with a little pout of confusion on his face.
"Why?" I sigh "Will. Tony's a fucking asshole I don't want to hear any kind of shit about him let alone about him fucking dating you"
Will pauses "oh"
I nod changing the subject "I have to stop at home and check on Hank...Shawn shouldn't be home, you can wait in the car"
I watch his reaction and he seems nervous at the idea, but nods anyway making me feel bad, but I haven't checked on Hank all day.
We pull up to my house and I can't tell if anyone is home, but as I'm getting out of the car and heading toward the door I hear Hank.
"Hey cat boy!" I turn and cross my arms "whT the fuck?! where we're you?"
He looks up and holds his hands in the air as if surrendering "woah chill I went to Popes"
I narrow my eyes "did you tell me?" He rolls his "I left a note, not my fault you didn't get home until now"
I grunt "it's late Hank. And a school night. If you want to go camping this weekend behave"
His eyes brighten at that "camping?!" I roll my eyes momentarily forgetting I hadn't told him yet.
"Yeah we're going camping with Gage and Will's family this weekend" Hank looks to Will who has since opened his door and smiles.
"Awesome!" I chuckle at his excitement "c'mon I'll make sure Shawn's not here and you can get to bed"
Hank shrugs "whatever. You staying home tonight or..?" I shift my jaw "going out"
Hank chuckles "should have guessed!" I smack him lightly "let's go you asshat"
We walk up to the house and I open the door walking into the foyer and looking around, no sign of Shawn. No snoring either.
I gesture to Hank "you sure you'll be okay tonight?" He shrugs "it's fine Mason"
I still feel bad and sigh "You'll have to skip Friday" Hank grins "I won't complain"
I chuckle at that "alright get to bed, I'll swing by in the morning before I go to school"
Hank just nods already heading to the stairs "okay goodnight, tell Catboy I said goodnight"
I nod "sounds good, goodnight Hank"
I get back to the car and Will is on his phone, but puts it away as I get in.
"I can drive myself home...I'm sure Tony's gone" I roll my eyes "doesn't make a lot of sense if I'm sure going to come over later"
Will blushes as if forgetting I sleep in his bed "oh"
I smirk and start the car heading to Will's house. We head inside and I'm thankful when we don't hear Gage or Tony. Will decides to head downstairs and see if Tony is still here, I wait at the top of the stairs so I can hear if Tony has left or not.
I listen as Will steps off the bottom step and Gage speaks "hey your home"
"Yeah..just got here, Tony gone?" I wait eagerly for Gage's response "yeah he left shortly after you guys did, helped me write my essay though!"
Will sighs "why didn't you answer my text then!?" Gage chuckles "oh shit! I was playing Determinator"
Will scoffs "for three hours?!" Gage laughs "yeah I guess...so you good?"
Will pauses before responding "yeah?" Gage sighs and I can tell he's getting serious.
"Why did you leave today? You've been skipping and late a lot recently it's not normal for you" Will sucks in a breath and I can tell he's caught off guard.
"Um. I just didn't feel good Gage...I know I've been weird, but I'm seriously okay" Gage makes a sound as if not convinced but responds "okay, if you ever want to talk about stuff like even gay stuff I will"
Will laughs loudly at that "gay stuff?!"
Gage grunts "I just mean..it's not like Mason hasn't shared stories with me"
At that I pause not necessarily wanting Gage to tell Will about my sexual endeavours.
Will however squeaks "what?!" Gage chuckles "you know about guys who give good head or are a good fuck or whatever"
Will pauses "oh."
I cringe he's upset.
Gage continues "not saying you have to talk to me about like what you and Kade did or do, but anything you want to talk about"
I clench my jaw at that what did Kade and Will do?
I listen as Will chuckles awkwardly and tells Gage he appreciates the offer, but currently is going to go to his room.
He comes back upstairs pausing when he sees me "oh...hey" I bite my lip "hey"
He looks around quickly "we should go upstairs" he turns and heads toward his room.
Once we're inside he bites his lip "um..." I roll my eyes "I'm going to bed"
I pull my shirt over my head and drop my pants walking to Will's bed climbing into the spot thats become all too familiar.
Will watches me before moving to his dresser and pulling out a clean shirt. He changes quietly and moves toward the bathroom pausing at the door "I'll be right back"
I only grunt in response and he slips out of the room without another word. It's not fair for me to be jealous, but I am. I want to demand Will tell me everything that happened with Kade the minute he comes back into the room, but he could demand the same if he wanted and lord knows I don't care to share my history of topping men with Will.
I won't admit it, but most of the guys I got with looked like cheap versions of Will, but that's all they were; cheap. I had slept with a total of 5 guys and 3 of them I met at a bar. The other two were from the two surrounding schools football teams. None of them meant anything, like all my sexual partners they were a good fuck and that's all. Some not even that.
Will comes back in the room and I erase the thought of my previous male partners instead I focus on him.
"Did you like that guy in the bar?" Will pauses his movements to get into bed and tilts his head "what?"
I sigh "I didn't mean to cockblock you..." I don't know why I'm saying it. It's a lie.
I sure as fuck did mean to cockblock him and I'd do it again, but perhaps the jealousy from hearing about Kade is making me fish for reassurance.
Will shakes his head slowly "I already...you didn't...I wouldn't sleep with him" I shift my jaw his words only barely curing my jealously.
"Why not?"
I know I'm pushing and I shouldn't be, but I'm feeling selfish. I need this; to hear Will tell me nothing about that guy attracts him. That I don't have to worry he'll fall into someone else's arms. Someone better then me.
Will slowly lowers himself down sitting in his bed "I don't..I don't know"
That wasn't the answer I wanted.
"How do you not know Will?" He bites his lip "uh what? I don't Mason I'm not..interested in doing that...with anyone..." he's sentence dies as if he has more to say, but he doesn't continue.
I swallow "good." I quickly follow up "guys like that will give you something for sure" Will only lays down slowly "oh...okay"
I sigh lowly and turn my face smashing it into the pillow. I'm only making things worse. I can't even just sleep here without fucking things up.
I groan and punish myself by staring at the door when I so desperately want to turn and look at Will.
I don't stay like that for long.
Will mumbles "um Mason?" I grunt "what Will?"
He makes a sound as if he's nervous "c can I...Um.."
I flinch when his hand touches me lightly, but quickly relax into his touch as he tugs my arm letting me know he wants me to roll over.
I do and he bites his lip quickly looking away sheepishly "d do you..uh do you not want to um.." I lift a brow "do I not want to.??" He fishers nervously "I just...do you not want to lay um with me?"
I shake my head lightly confused "I am laying with you" he bites his lip looking disappointed mumbling "no..."
He slides closer to me before barely whispering "do you not want to t touch?"
I blink at him his words making me think about his skin and my hands on his skin, but the way he's staring at me as if I'll say no and crush his dreams makes me think more clearly and I shake my head
"I always want to touch you Will"
He gasps slightly and I can't help, but chuckle "what do you want baby?"
He blushes, but wastes no time moving himself to my side and ducking his head into my neck.
I sigh content, this is what he wanted? For me to hold him? I cringe because for even a moment he thought I didn't want him near me like this. With that thought I wrap my arm around him tighter. I'll always want Will like this.
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