《Only Sleeping ✔️》Chapter 25
Jenna takes me to quickly grab my stuff and go out to the parking lot. The whole time I'm barely paying any attention to her, instead my mind is whirling at Mason's news. That Tony told Mason I...I gave him a blowjob.
I cringe at the thought and pull my jacket tighter around me. It's not cold, but I could use the comfort.
Jenna bites her lip "you okay?"
I shrug "I don't...I don't know" she tilts her head "what's on your mind?"
I look down kicking a stone near my shoe "why..why me? Why this?! He doesn't even know I'm gay so why tell Mason I did...that with him?"
Jenna bites her lip as if considering it "I don't..maybe he..the guys crazy okay. I seriously think you should tell Gage maybe he needs professional help!"
I chuckle at that, but it's not actually funny. It's just too scarily true.
"I'm sure he does, but I can't tell Gage" Jenna shakes her head "why not?"
I shrug "what would it change? He'll tell Tony to back off, beat him up, but Tony is Tony he'll just come back at me harder"
Jenna doesn't look happy with my answer but nods toward the school "here comes Mason"
I look to where she's gestured and sure enough Mason is stalking towards us determinedly; Gage's key's in hand.
He grunts once he reaches us "ready?" I nod "y yeah"
The idea of not having to face Tony seemed good before, but now realizing I'll be alone in a car with Mason it seems less appealing.
Jenna gives me a hug and tells me she'll get the work before heading into the school and I turn to the car opening my door and getting in.
Mason joins me and immediately sighs "listen"
I tense not wanting to talk about it, but I let him talk.
"I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to get so upset I didn't believe you would actually do it. I was just angry. I didn't want to imagine you with him."
I cringe "you imagined it?" He grunts "yeah. Wasn't good and it just became like a constant loop in my head"
I bite my lip feeling bad "oh..sorry" he turns and glares "why the fuck are you apologizing?"
I glance down at my lap "I don't know" he scoffs "just don't apologize for something that piece of shit did"
I nod slowly "okay"
He nods and turns back, watching the road. I stare out my window and we stay quiet for the rest of the ride.
When we pull up to my house Mason gets out making me lift a brow "your coming in?"
He looks at me and scoffs "yeah you thought I was just going to drop you off and leave you here?"
I bite my lip because that is what I had thought. I shrug and let him follow me to the door.
When we get inside I turn to him "um..I just I.." He rolls his eyes "spit it out Will"
I wince at that, I'm annoying him and he's trying to do something nice for me.
"S sorry uh" he grunts "shit stop apologizing I didn't..what do you want to do Will?"
I take a breath to calm myself and shrug "I don't..I just don't want to think about it, any of it"
He nods "okay you want to watch a movie or something?"
I nod slowly that's a good idea. Distract myself.
He grunts "okay your room or downstairs?" I shake my head "my room"
He follows me to my room and I turn on my tv before reaching to undo my pants. My eyes widen realizing Mason is in my room and I look up finding him watching me smirking.
My cheeks flood "uh they're uncomfortable!"
He chuckles "it's fine Will not like I don't drop my pants every time I'm in here"
I blush at how sexual that sounds and shove my pants down before quickly climbing in bed. Mason follows suit, but he leaves his pants on and I turn facing the tv.
"W what do you watch?" Mason shrugs "whatever"
I bite my lip at that because watching The 100 with Mason seems so uncool. He probably watches Sons of Anarchy or something wild like Shameless!
My hand fidgets with the remote and Mason groans "Will just pick something"
I bite my lip harder before I hit play on The 100 waiting for Mason's response.
He leans back and nods "what season?" I bite my lip "t three"
He hums "when you make it to 5 let me know" my eyes widen "you watch The 100?"
He shrugs "yeah when I have time"
I'm surprised and sink lower into the bed turning my attention to the screen. We sit like that in a content silence for half hour, but I can't get into the show. I just keep thinking about Tony and the fear of him telling the whole school I did what he told Mason.
I bite my lip and fiddle with the blanket anxiously at the thought until eventually Mason grabs the remote and pauses the show.
I look up at him confused and he sighs "what's wrong?" I cringe "um..noth.." he glares "Will don't lie to me"
I sigh "I'm just worried about Tony..what if he tells the whole school I did that! They'll think I'm a..t twink"
Mason growls "don't fucking say that!" He grunts "your not a twink"
I blush "I I know..but what if people believe him what if they think I do that!"
Suddenly another thought plagues me "what if they ask me to do that?!"
Mason's face is angry and he glares "no ones going to fucking proposition you, I'll break their fucking face if they do"
I blink "b but.." he shakes his head "enough Will, Tony isn't going to say anything he wasn't trying to get to you he was trying to get to me"
I blink confused "w what? But how does telling you I..um..did that get to you?" Mason suddenly leans forward so he's close to me, very close.
"Do you think I like the idea of your pretty lips wrapped around another guys cock?"
My mouth falls open at that and he groans moving his thumb to rub my bottom lip.
I snap them closed at his touch "m Mason?" He groans lowly "Tony thinks I'm protective of you because your Gage's little brother.."
I blink at him watching him wide eyed confused and aroused at the same time.
"But, I'm protective of you because your mine"
I swallow at that, his eyes zero in on my lips and I lean towards him unintentionally my body yearning for his. He swallows and watches me as if having an internal debate before he finally meets my lips with his own.
His kiss is hard and demanding, determined. He groans against me as he shifts so he's over top of me his hands find my sides and I gasp lightly. He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth and I moan surprised.
I kiss him back feverishly if I needed something to take my mind off Tony this was definitely doing the trick.
He pulls back slightly sucking in ragged breaths "fuck Will"
I lick my lips "m Mason" he groans "don't"
I'm confused "s sor.." he groans even louder and places his lips back on my own for a second before pulling back "don't, definitely don't do that"
I'm confused and he pulls back moving off of me making me want to protest "wha.." it dies on my lips because I don't want to sound needy, but Mason cringes.
"I..we can't do this Will" I blink at him confused, a little hurt.
Why does he say this every time?
He grunts "Gage will be home soon"
He gets up off my bed and walks to my door opening it and heading into the bathroom across the hall. I stand from my bed and pull my pants back on confused.
I stand there like an idiot just looking at the bathroom door as if Mason will open it and give me all the answers, but instead it's the front door that opens.
"Will get down here!" I cringe it's Gage and from the sound of it he brought a friend.
I walk downstairs and pause at the bottom "uh yeah?" He nods toward me "you good?"
I nod again and he grunts as if he doesn't believe me "we'll talk later, I brought Tony by"
My eyes widen and my heart sinks at his words Tony? Gage rarely has Tony over why today of all days?!
Just as I'm thinking this Mason steps down off the steps behind me and Tony waltzes into the room.
Gage smiles "Oh Mason your sti..." Mason cuts Gage off "what the fuck is this shit?!"
Gage looks behind himself at Tony and back to Mason before sighing.
"Listen I know you guys had some kind of shit going on the other day, but he's here to help me with our assignment and he even got the work for you Will since you missed class" he says the last words pointedly, but I'm too focused on Tony approaching me.
I step backward slightly feeling trapped. Tony grins at me holding out a sheet of paper. I almost bump into Mason as I back up, but he reaches around me and rips the paper from Tony's hand.
"Yeah thanks"
Tony looks annoyed at that, but gives me a cheeky grin "I could help you with.."
Mason grunts "he's good"
Tony laughs lightly as if enjoying annoying Mason and I bite my lip nervously.
Gage looks confused "what's going on?"
My eyes widen and I'm worried someone is going to tell him right here in our foyer and all hell will break loose. Instead Mason scoffs still glaring at Tony.
"Nothing. Will is going to Jenna's and dropping me at work, cool?"
He doesn't let his gaze waiver from Tony as he speaks and Gage looks incredibly confused, but he shrugs "yeah sure dude"
Mason gives me a push toward the door and I move toward it avoiding Tony. Mason finally turns his attention to Gage and nods "I'll see you later"
Gage nods but he doesn't seem to really process Mason's words still focused on trying to figure out what the heck is going on.
When we get in the car Mason grunts "you good?"
I bite my lip "fine...um I can't go to Jenna's"
Mason looks annoyed "why? Your not staying here with him!"
I cringe because Gage wouldn't let anything happen, but he is a bit oblivious and I don't want to be around Tony.
"She has dance class...um I can see if Kade wants to hangout?"
I don't necessarily want to hangout with Kade, but he's nice enough and he's been coming around recently so he wouldn't think it's weird for me to ask. He might just read into it to much.
Mason grunts "no. You can just come with me until Tony leaves" I blink at him "t to your work?"
He nods and I bite my lip "w where do you?" He rolls his eyes "a bar. Downtown"
I bite my lip "I can't...I can't get into a bar Mason" he scoffs "you can with me"
I turn looking in the backseat and see my backpack is still there..I could just do my homework I guess and it beats being near Tony.
"I guess" he nods and heads downtown.
It isn't long before we pull up in front of a small bar. It's nothing special, if anything I'm a little freaked out. Although I've never been to a bar before so this whole thing freaks me out.
Mason gets out and I grab my backpack following him quickly. He looks at my backpack and rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything.
When we get inside he heads right to the bar and the guy behind it lifts a brow "Mason?"
Mason grunts "can I start early, end early?"
The guy shrugs "your already here"
Mason rolls his eyes "I'm asking Gary" the guy, Gary rolls his eyes "whatever, whose the kid you brought into my bar?"
My eyes widen and cheeks blush should I leave? Is he going to kick me out?
Mason grunts "this is Will" he moves behind the counter and I stand awkwardly unsure what to do.
Mason points to the seat at the end of the bar "sit" I bite my lip but nod slowly and move toward the seat.
Mason nods "text Gage in an hour and see if Tony's left yet then you can go" I nod slowly looking around the bar "o okay"
Mason nods and moves away from me and starting work. I take out my books and the paper Tony gave me for our new assignment, but I can't help looking up and watching Mason.
He moves swiftly behind the bar making drinks and taking orders. He jokes around with a few of the patrons and when he wipes the counters I can't help, but watch his arms flexing. When he glances over at my I duck my head focusing on my books. I force myself to actually get some work done for the next half an hour until someone leans against the bar in front of me.
I look up expecting Mason, but I blink when it's his boss "oh..." he chuckles "don't worry I'm not kicking you out, yet"
Mason grunts from across the bar at that and the guy chuckles "I'm Gary" I nod "Will"
He looks at my work "you didn't ask to come to come here I take it?"
I shake my head looking around the bar again and cringing at how crowded it's becoming.
The guy chuckles at my reaction "don't let Mason boss you around, he's an ass most of the time. Is he forcing you to do his homework?"
I crack a small smile at that "no"
The guy lifts a brow looking intrigued and Mason comes over grunting.
"Leave him alone Gary. He's not doing my homework he's doing his own homework he couldn't give a shit if my ass failed"
I blink tilting my head slightly because that's not true. I've always just assumed Mason had barely passing grades like Gage.
"You're failing?" Mason rolls his eyes at me "no Will, do your work"
My cheeks tinge pink and I turn my face back down to my books. No one bothers me again for a little while and I text Gage to see if Tony has left yet, but I don't get a response.
A little while later someone sits down next to me and I glance up surprised to see a guy looking at me. He's older then me, by a lot. Probably 30 or so.
I quickly look away feeling awkward, but he chuckles "your a bit young to be here aren't you?"
I blink confused why is he talking to me?
"Um..y yeah" he licks his lips "I'm Eric, can I buy you a drink?"
My cheeks heat on their own and I can't seem to say anything, but I don't have to.
Mason's voice washes over me direct and angry "no."
Eric turns to him blinking before glancing back at me "oh, just a beer for myself then"
Mason looks like he's going to tell the guy to fuck off when Gary comes up and holds a beer out for him.
Thankfully he takes the beer looking at Mason again before standing and turning to me smiling "it was nice to meet you"
I blink at him blushing and give him a small nod to which he smirks and walks back to the other side of the bar.
Mason scoffs angrily and Gary chuckles "oh c'mon Mason you can't take a kid like him to a bar and not expect him to get hit on"
I turn my attention to Gary, a kid like me? Hit on?
I splutter "h hit on?" My gaze travels back to the crowd looking for the guy was he hitting on me?
Mason grunts "he's fucking old as shit and hitting on a fucking minor"
I cringe at Mason's words because he's right that guy was old and here I am star struck.
Gary rolls his eyes and turns to me "it's okay to be flattered Will"
I bite my lip "I don't..I didn't"
Gary laughs lightly and Mason huffs crossing his arms "Tony gone yet?"
I bite my lip and look down at my phone as Gary smirks "Tony another boyfriend?"
My eyes widen and Mason growls "no. Tony's a fucking douche bag" with that he heads to the other end of the bar where a small group has gathered waiting to be served.
Gary lifts a brow and turns to me "I was joking, did I offend you? I just like to rile Mason up"
I shake my head "no you didn't" he nods "good wouldn't want to piss Mason off too much"
I'm confused at his words he's worried he'll piss Mason off by offending me? I shake my head trying not to think to much into it and instead I turn to Mason who has made his way back to us.
"Gage isn't answering" he scowls and I wince he wants me to leave.
"I can just go, it's been a couple hours I'm sure he's gone" Mason grunts at that "if he's not?"
I bite my lip not wanting to think about seeing Tony.
"I'll just stay in my room"
Mason grunts "I don't trust him, just stay"
I sigh but nod slowly not wanting to argue with him while he's at work.
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Book of TLC (Poem Book)
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