《Beach Baby》chapter 49 | bump




I'm about 12 weeks today and I have a little bump.

I'm showing a lot sooner then I was with Laila but this baby bump is so cute.

Kai and Laila are obsessed with it.

I can't even sit by myself for a minute because they both have to be touching my stomach.

It's very cute though.

I just got out of the shower and we are getting ready to go to the beach with everyone.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish! PANTS ARE LOW WAISTED.

I wore a cropped top and low waisted pants so that my belly can be shown and Kai and Laila don't have to put their hands up my shirt.

I'm brushing my hair when I feel to baby hands on my stomach.

And so it begins.

"Mommy, brother in there," she says as she rubs my belly.

"Yes, the baby is in there. I don't know if it's a brother or sister," I say to her and she smiles.

"It's a brother," she says and I roll my eyes.

I pick her up and rest her on my hip as she stares at herself in the mirror.

"You is pretty," she looks at me as she talks and i smile at her.

"You're pretty too," she smiles as I speak to her.

Kai walks in and just leans against the wall and smiles at us.

Everyone knows that I am pregnant and they were all very happy for us.

A lot of people try to touch my belly and I'm not even showing much but it does annoy me.

I only like when Laila and Kai do it.

Kai walks in the bathroom and takes Laila out of my hands.

"Is it okay to have her sitting on your belly and holding heavy weights?," he asks me and I laugh.

"I can hold her it's okay I just shouldn't," I say to him and he nods.

"No more," he says and sassily walks away with Laila in his hands.

"But my mommy," Laila says and I laugh knowing that he gets to deal with this issue.

I finish up my hair and rub my hands on my belly as I look at it in the mirror.


I walk back into my bedroom to get out of the house.

We all gather our things and go to the door so we can leave.

I walk out and get into the car as I let Kai strap Laila into her car seat.

I turn the AC on blast because it's very hot.

Kai gets into the car and starts to car so we can drive to the beach to meet everyone.

While he drives he holds my hand and rubs circles on the back of my hand.

It doesn't take long for us to reach the beach as we all get out as I hold Lailas hand.


Kai holds her other hand as we swing her while we walk.

We make it to the beach and everyone is sitting on their towels while Delilah feeds baby Eli.


Everyone is cuddling and it's so adorable.

I sit my towel down and put one for Laila.

Laila sits on her towel and eat a little sandwich.

Kai sits on my towel and I sit in-front of him and lean into his chest.

My back is against his chest as he circles his arms around me and puts his hands on my belly.

He rubs his thumb up and down my bump.

"How are you feeling?," Delilah asks and I turn to her.

Kai starts to lightly rock us back and fourth slowly and lightly as I melt into him.

"I'm good, the sickness still hasn't let up but overall I'm feeling great," I say to her with a smile and she nods her head.

"How are you feeling, being a mom is hard work," she smile at my words and looks at Elias who is now cradling baby Eli.

"It's been pretty good. Having help with the baby is always amazing so you don't have to do everything by yourself," she says and I nod my head.

"I agree," I nod at her and she smiles.

"You're gorgeous," Kai whispers in my ear as he pecks my cheek.

"Thank you," I smile as he starts to trace 'I love you' on my belly.

"I love you," I whisper.

Sam is sitting by Laila as he helps her dig in the sand with her bucket.

"Sammy I'm gonna have brother," she says as she looks up at him.

"Thats amazing, I have a little brother and I love him a lot," Sam smile at her and she smiles back.

"How are you, Sam?," I ask him and he looks up to me.

"I'm good just been busy," he says politely.

"Busy with what?," I smirk at him and he blushes.

"Not that type of busy, oh my god," he puts his head in his hands as Greyson comes up to us.

"You okay, babe?," he asks sam and sam looks up to him and nods his head.

"Why are you teasing my boyfriend, baby sister," Greyson accuses and I just laugh.

"I'm not I'm just asking him what he has been busy with," I smirk and Greyson shakes his head.

"Mommy?," Laila says and stands next to me.

"Yes, baby sunshine?," I reply.

"What if I get boyfriend. Like you and daddy. I be good can I have one?," she asks and Kai chuckles.

"Absolutely not," he says and she pouts.

"But I want one like mommy," she huffs and he shakes his head.

"When your older," he says and she sighs.

"Fine, kith now," she says as she walks over to him and pushes her lips out.


He pecks her on the lips and she smiles before walking away and back to play in the sand.

"You spoiled her to much and now she's to sassy," I say to him and he shakes his head.

"It's okay," he continues to rub my belly as he sits here and I swear I could fall asleep.

"Why don't you go swim with your friends?," I ask him and he shrugs.

"I would rather be with you and baby," he says as he points to my stomach.

"I'll still be here but you can have fun with your friends," he shakes his head.

"This is more fun," he says.

"Whipped," Oliver yells from the towel he lays on.

I shake my head knowing he is as whipped as Kai is and would do anything for Lorenzo.

As I stare at the ocean I start to think about a lot of things.

I truly believe that Kai is my soulmate and knows me better then anyone in my life.

I've had boyfriends before but I've never loved anyone as much as I love this boy.

I wholeheartedly love this man and would die without him.

The way he loves Laila and treats her is more then I could ever ask for in a partner.

When I think of him I just write invisible love letters to him and thank god that he is mine.

I'm snapped from my thoughts as Laila sits infront of me and puts her little back to my chest.

I start to braid her hair to get it out of the way as she leans back into me.

"I hurt baby?," she asks me as she lays on me.

"No you won't hurt the baby," I smile and continue to do her hair.

I finish her hair and let her lay her head back into my chest so she can relax.

"Hey Aulora," Amelia greets me and I smile.

"Hey," I say back and she smiles.

"How's it going?," I ask her and she smiles.

"I don't think I'm gonna pass this year of college because all I do is stare at my teacher or think of Nalani," she says and I just laugh at her.

"Please pass your classes. You have after school to do whatever you please with Nalani," I say to her and she nods her head.

"But what if I like to do it at school," she smirks and I shake my head at her.

"You need help," I say to her teasingly and she laughs.

"Hi Lorenzo," I say to him and he smiles a little.

"Hi, 2 b-babies mom," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Am I ever going to outgrow the nickname?," he shakes his head as I talk.

"You a-are babies m-m-mom. I d-don't like t-them," he glared at Laila as she's asleep against me.

"Why do you have drama with my 2 year old?," I ask him and he shrugs his shoulder.

"She's m-mean and t-threw up i-in my a-a-apartment when s-she was l-little," he says as he lays down on the towel and I shake my head at him.

That was like 2 and a half years ago...

"I think it's a boy," Kai whispers to me as he rests his head on my shoulder from behind.

"Maybe," I shrug and kiss his nose.

Laila starts to move around.

She turns to the side and rests her head on my belly on top of Kai's hands as she snores again.

These people and my bump...

I hear snoring in my ear and see Kai has fell asleep resting his head on my shoulder.

I run my fingers through his hair and stroke Lailas head to keep them asleep.

"You're a human pillow," Elias says and I nod my head.

"It's kind of uncomfortable but I don't mind as long as their happy then I'm happy," I smile and he smiles back at me.

Eli is now asleep on the towel as Delilah lays her head on Elias's lap and is asleep.

Sam and Greyson along with Amelia and Nalani are all in the water.

Lorenzo is currently spooning Oliver as Oliver sleeps and he just plays with his hair.

They're all so cute it makes me cry.

All I can hear is snoring from the big babies laying on top of me.

It's late in the afternoon so at least the sun isn't beating on me and it's just golden hour.

I'm getting pretty tired so I lean into Kai and he lays flat on the towel as I lay on top of him.

We spend the rest of the day talking and having fun.


Here's chapter 49!

Kai and Laila loving Aulora's bump has to be the cutest thing I've ever written.

I really appreciate and love you guys even though not a lot of people don't say it back I hope you feel the same.

To my silent readers ily guys too! <33

I made a tik tok about most characters in this book and how they can relate to a song it's so buss.

Anyways I don't know when to end this book and I don't want to. I'm gonna post more pregnancy chapters and then I few with Aulora and Kai and Laila with the new baby.

Then a epilogue and then we're done. :(

Might add some bonus chapters 😉.

But I still am writing Oliver and Lorenzo's book so that's fun.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for reading see you next time! I love you -addyson <33

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