《Beach Baby》chapter 50 | icecream




That's what we have to do today.

We have a 18 week ultrasound for Aulora to make sure that everything is okay with the baby and it is healthy.

We haven't found out the gender of the baby yet but we are going to do a gender reveal.

We are getting the gender today and having our friends plan a gender reveal.

We are also telling my mom that Aulora is pregnant today.

We haven't gotten to tell her because she went on this ritual for six months to better herself so we haven't talked to her for a while cause she had no service.

It's time to get ready for the ultrasound and I just put on a white shirt and some jeans with my airforces because I don't care how I dress.

Aulora wears some jeans and a cropped red shirt.

She matches that with red converse.

Laila just wears a little flower dress because she wants to be fancy.

I am in the bathroom doing Lailas hair into little pigtails so it's not in her face.

"Daddy it hurts," she says as I accidentally pull on her hair.

"I'm sorry baby sunshine," I say to her and she smiles happily before eating more candy.

Bad mistake.

She gets to hyped up on candy but it's the only way to keep her still.

I finish up with her hair and kneel down to her level to talk to her.

"You like it?," she nods as I ask her the question.

"Kith," she pouts and I kiss her and dramatically shout "mwah" because it makes her laugh so hard.

We've been doing this since she was really little and it's her way of showing love.

(A/N: had to clarify that for the ppl in the comments who sexualized it :) no hate to anyone I just didn't think I would need to clarify that.)

Aulora walks into the bathroom looking all gorgeous with her bump on display.

I'll never get over her and her bump.

"Don't you look so pretty," she says as she kisses Laila on the cheek.

"Daddy did hair," she mumbles.

"Yes, he did it very well. Are you ready to see your sibling?," Laila nods her head rapidly at Aulora's words.

"Get shoes," Laila runs out of the room to get her shoes.

"You look handsome," she tells me and I grab the belt loop on her jeans and pull her towards me.

"You look beautiful," I tell her as I press my lips to hers lightly.

She responds instantly and kisses me back with the same intensity as she pulls me closer by my shirt.

She pulls away after a few seconds.

"I feel ugly and fat today," she mumble.

I turn her around to face the mirror as I circle my hands around her stomach.

I rest my hands on her bump as I keep her close to me.

"You're so beautiful look at yourself and you're not fat your carrying our baby and your bump makes you so much more beautiful," I say to her and she smiles and slowly nods her head.

Her bump is still small but it's obvious she's pregnant.

Her bump:

(Her bump is so cute omg 🥹, she's not wearing this though!)


"Don't talk about yourself that way, do you understand?," I ask her and she nods.

"Yes," she mumbles and I kiss her cheek and smack her ass as I walk out the bathroom.

She follows behind me and puts her hand in mine as I smile to myself.

"Alright let's go," I say as I pull Aulora by her hand and I walk Laila to the front door.

We make it out and I strap Laila to her seat.

Aulora gets in the car and turns on the AC per usual and I get in once Laila is in.

I start the car and make my way to the doctor as my hand rests on Aulora's belly.

She puts her hand on top of mine and rubs circles on the back of my hand.

As we pull into the parking lot of the doctor I feel movement under my hands.

"What was that?," I ask Aulora as her face is in a huge grin.

"The baby," she says and my eyes widen.

I go to talk but I feel movement under my hands that makes me smile happily.

"Daddy, what's happen?," Laila says as she stares at my hands on Aulora.

"The baby was moving," I say to her and she kicks her feet.

"I want to feel. Mommy can I?," she asks and Aulora nods her head.

We walk get out of the car and unstrap Laila as we walk into the building.

I tell the receptionist why were here and they tell us to go sit in the waiting room.

We do and as I go to put Laila in a chair because their tall I see she is crying.

I rush over to her and pick her up as I hug her.

"What's wrong baby sunshine?," I ask her as she sniffles in my shirt.

"Mommy don't let me feel baby, she don't hold me too. She no love me?," she asks and Aulora doesn't hear as she's in the bathroom.

"No baby. You're mommy does love you. She just had to go potty then you can feel baby. She can't hold you because your to big and it might hurt the baby," I say to her and she just holds onto me tighter.

Aulora comes back and gives me a questioning look and I just mouth 'I'll tell you later' and she nods her head.

The doctor calls Aulora's name as I carry Laila inside and sit on the chair.

I sit Laila on my lap and let her keep her face buried in my neck.

I grab Aulora's hand as the doctor comes in.

"Alright. Time to see the baby," he says and I smile.

He starts to move around the wand on Aulora's belly as a image appears on the screen.

I smile breaks onto my face as I look at it.

It's so tiny...

"Do you want to know the gender?," he asks us and I shake my head.

"Can you put it in a envelope?," Aulora asks him and he nods his head.

I tap Lailas shoulder and she looks back at the screen with a small smile on her face.

They give us some pictures of the baby as we make our way out.


I'm still holding Laila.

I set her down on the ground so she can walk and she looks at me with the most heartbreaking face I've ever seen.

"You no hold. You no love me too?," she says as she starts to cry again.

I think she's having trouble dealing with the fact that their will be a new baby and she'll have to share her parents with another baby.

She walks to the car by herself as I try to catch up to her.

Aulora looks at me sadly.

I get to the car and strap Laila in as she continues to cry and I don't know how else to soothe her.

"We love you Laila," I say and she just sniffs.

We get into the car and I start to drive.

She cried silently in the back but I wish I could take her out and hug her but it's unsafe when I'm driving.

Eventually she cries herself to sleep.

"Why is she so sad I don't understand," Aulora says as she holds onto Lailas foot from the passenger seat.

"She thinks that you don't love her anymore because you don't hold her and you don't let her feel the baby kicking," I say to her and she sighs.

"I do love her more then anything in this world. I just can't hold her because it's to heavy and it's dangerous for me. I also was going to let her feel the kicking but the baby pressed on my bladder and I had to go to the bathroom," she says as she stares at Laila sadly.

We make it to my moms house as I hand Aulora a hoodie to hide her bump.

I go to the back and pick up Laila out of her seat as she sleeps.

She wakes up from the movement and looks up at me and I smile at her.

I take her to Aulora as Aulora picks her up and holds her.

She will be fine pregnant women hold babies all the time I need to stop worrying.

"No, I hurt baby," she says as she tries to get down.

"No you won't the baby its okay. Do you know how much I love you?," Aulora asks her.

"Not very many," she mumbles and Aulora starts to tear up.

"No mommy loves you so much. You're my everything I will never stop loving you," she says as her voice shakes a little.

Laila just hugs her tightly as Aulora wipes her tears.

"We'll do better at showing you everyday that we love you," Aulora says as she walks to my moms door.

She wipes her face as my mom answers and we smile at her.

I love my mom.

She smiles when she sees us.

"I've missed you guys," she says as we all hugs her in a group hug.

"We missed you," I say and she lets us in.

We sit on her couch as Laila sits in Aulora's lap and still hugs her tightly.

"So, what's new with you guys?," she asks us and I smile.

"Nothing much, I'm just a father of two, we tried new restaura-," I get cut off by Charlotte.



(A/N: sorry for POV switch I accidentally started typing in Aulora's POV and I didn't know til I was editing so I had to add the pic, sorry.)

"Father of what?," she asks with wide eyes as she stares at me and him.

"Father of 2," he says and I laugh silently.

"You're pregnant?," she asks me shocked and I nod my head.

I set Laila on the couch and she whines as I pull off my hoodie.

She gasps when she sees my bump.

"Oh my gosh, can I touch it?," she asks and I nod my head.

She stands up and caresses my belly as the baby kicks and she smiles as tears blur her vision.

"Thank you for giving my son happiness," she says as she hugs me.

We're broken apart by Laila whining as she looks at me and I sigh.

I feels so bad.

I sit back down on the couch and she crawls back onto my lap and hugs me tightly.

"Laila, you want to feel the baby kick?," I ask her and she nods.

I pull back and let her put her baby hands on my belly and when they baby kicks she smiles happily.


It's late at night when we get home so we get inside and I quickly put Laila to bed.

She's been clingy but I don't mind, I love her so much and her cuddles.

I walk into the kitchen to see Kai standing there.

"Want to eat icecream?," I ask him as I go to the freezer and take out icecream and two spoons.

We sit on the counter as I start to play music.

We start to eat the icecream as I shimmy to the music.

"I feel really bad for Laila she looked so upset," I say to him as I eat a big spoonful of icecream.

"She'll be okay, it's hard for her to come to terms that she's not gonna be the only baby but I'm sure she'll be fine. She'll love her sibling a lot," he says to me as he kisses my forehead.

I smile at him.

A upbeat song plays and I set my spoon down I grab Kai's hands and lead him to the couch.

We jump on the couch and dance as we jump around.

We have the biggest smiles on our faces as we dance around to the music and laugh.

I love him so much.


Here's chapter 50! I think I'm in love with SophWritess1 because the message she left on me message board so yeah...

They're so cute and I hated writing sad Laila...

Not the silly little tik tok i posted getting a lot of likes like what. 😭

Anyways thank you for almost 550k it means so much to me honestly and I can't thank y'all enough.

I'm about to start the shatter me series after I finish the little bit I have left of the love hypothesis I can't wait I'm so excited.

Omg everyone wants me to make it twins and I'm scared bc what if I don't then everyone gets upset 😭😭.

Anyways thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time, I love you -addyson <333

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