《Beach Baby》chapter 48 | surprise




That's how I've been feeling these few weeks.

It has led me to being in the bathroom right now as I wait for the test to tell me if I'm pregnant or not.

It's been five weeks since the day me and Kai had unprotected sex in the bathroom.

I've been nauseous, tired, my boobs hurt, my period is late, I'm moody.

All these signs lead me to pregnancy and I'm a little nervous and scared.

The timer on my phone goes off and I look at the test for a while before I walk over to it.

With shaky hands I flip it over.

My eyes widen and I start to tear up.

I'm pregnant again...

Im happy but I'm also nervous.

I don't know when to tell him or how to do it or even if he would be excited.

I rest my hand on my flat belly as I take the three tests and put them on the waist band of my pants to hide them in my purse.

I go into the living room and sit on the couch watching whatever is in the TV.

Not long after Laila comes running in and slams into my lap.

I get a little startled and block my stomach out of instinct as she looks at me curiously.

"Why do that?," she asks as she stares at me.

"Mommy's tummy just hurts," I say and sit her on my lap as Kai walks into the room.

He comes and sits next to me and kisses my forehead.

"You okay, baby," he asks me and I nod with a smile.

"I'm good, just tired," I smile as I rest my head on his shoulder, he takes his hand and rubs my hair making me more sleepy.

"Mommy no sweep," Laila mumbles and I just ignore her.

"Mommy," she says again and I open my eyes and look at her and she smiles at me.

"Mommy pway with me?," she asks and I nod tiredly.

"Sure," I mumble.

"Baby sunshine, mommy is tired how about daddy plays with you?," Kai mumbles and I close my eyes again.

"Okay," she shrugs and runs away.

He lays me down on the couch and puts a blanket on me as I start to tear up.

"What's wrong?," Kai sounds worried as he speaks and I just grab his hand.

"I want to cuddle with you," I sob.

"It's okay baby, we can cuddle tonight," he says and I just nod before turning over and closing my eyes.

I'm so emotional.




I'm shocked that Aulora started crying because of that.

She's currently passed out on the couch as Laila and I play on the floor by the couch.

She's been so tired these days so I'm glad she could catch up on some sleep.

"I want mommy," Laila frowns as she looks at Aulora's sleeping body.

"She'll be up soon baby," I whisper to her as I stroke her hair.

She nods and plays with the toys on the floor.

Aulora jumps up and runs to the bathroom and I quickly follow after her.

She is bent over the toilet as she throws up all the contents of her stomach.


I walk over to her and pull back her hair as I stroke her head lightly.

"I hate throwing up," she says and I laugh.

"Mommy are okay?," Laila says sadly as she stares at Aulora.

"Mhm," she mumbles and opens her arms for Laila.

Laila runs and puts her legs on either side of Aulora as she sits on her lap and hugs her arms around Aulora's neck.

"Mommy is sick?," she questions her and I just watch them interact.

"No baby, I'm okay," she says happily as she tries to put on a smile but you can tell she doesn't feel good.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen as I grab a glass and put some ice.

I add some water to it and go back to the bathroom and hand it to Aulora.

She smiles and takes the cup as she slowly sips on the water.

Aulora stands up and holds onto Laila as she walks into Laila's bedroom and puts her in her bed because she fell asleep.

It's night time anyways.

Aulora walks to our bedroom and pulls back the covers and gets in as I follow right behind her.

I pull her to me and spoon her as she lays there.

She falls asleep quickly and I do too.

We wake up all through the night as she throws up a lot...




I'm meeting up with Delilah for coffee today to talk about everything.

Since she's gotten pregnant already and her baby is about a week old she knows how I would feel.

I quickly change into some leggings and one of Kai's hoodies because I feel like shit.

I get the keys and get into my car before driving to Starbucks.

Kai is asleep with Laila in the bed and he said he would watch her when I left.

I drive to the Starbucks and park outside when I make it there.

I close my door and get out before walking inside and sitting at the table Delilah is at.

"Hey, you okay?," she asks me as she sees me.

I nod my head.

"Why do you look like you've seen death," she says as her eyes scan my body.

"Yesterday I found out that I'm pregnant," I say with a small smile as I rest my hand on my stomach.

"Ahh, congratulations," she says as she takes out her little baby boy Eli which is named after Elias but also it's funny because Kais middle name is Eli.

She starts to rock him as he gets fussy.

"Are you happy about it or are you upset," she asks me and I smile.

"Well I'm happy about it but I don't know how Kai will react. I'm in my third year of college and he's on his last one," I say as my thumb rubs back and fourth on my stomach.

"I'm sure he'll be happy. He loves Laila so much so why wouldn't he be happy?," she asks and I smile.

"I don't know I guess I'm just nervous," I say as I stare at her and her son.

He's trying to eat her shirt.

She puts him under her shirt and then I hear him start feeding and I laugh at the reminders of Laila.


Soon that will be me with my baby.

"I'm sure it will all work out just fine. How do you plan to tell Kai," she asks me and I shrug.

"I still haven't figured it out," I laugh.

"How did you tell Elias you were pregnant?," I ask her and she smiles.

"I just showed him the test and he just smiled and that was that," Eli unlatches from her and starts to cry.

"Why are you crying?," she asks him and I smile.

"I think he emptied it out and needs to switch sides," I laugh and she nods her head and switches side and he stops crying and sucks happily.

"I told you," laughter comes out of my mouth before I could stop it.

I'm so grateful to have friends and a boyfriend and even a daughter in my life that are so loving and amazing.

They make living on this earth a hell of a lot easier.

"Well I got to get going, thank you for meeting me here," I tell her and gather my things to leave.

I kiss Eli on the cheek and hug Delilah before making my way out to the car.

I scheduled a appointment to confirm the pregnancy and to get a ultrasound so they're going to do that today.

I drive there and get out and walk inside.

I tell them what I'm here for before I go and sit in the waiting room.

It takes a while before my doctor calls my name and I walk back there.

"So what are you here for?," he curiously asks me and I smile.

"I'm here to confirm a pregnancy," I say and he smiles before nodding.

"Let's do a quick blood test," he says as he takes some of my blood and takes it to the nurse.

"The results should be here in a few minutes. So, what made you think you were pregnant?," he asks me and I smile.

"I had the same symptoms I had when I was pregnant with my first child and I took a at home test and they came home positive," I say and he nods his head.

The nurse comes back and he reads the paper.

"Alright, you are about 5 weeks pregnant so please lay down and lift your shirt so we can get a good look at baby," he says and I smile before laying down.

I do what he says and he squirts the cold jelly on my belly and moves the stick around.

"So here is your baby," he says and I smile at the little dot on the screen it's so surreal.

"Alright here are your pictures you are all set to get going," he says and I smile.

I walk out of the building and walk to my car.

I get in and run to the store to grab some things to surprise Kai with and announce the baby to him.

I look around and grab a onesie that says "Daddy of 2!" and grab that.

I then grab a shirt for Laila that says "big sister," and then I go to check out.

I grab all my things and get in the car to make it back home to them.

Once I get there I take the bag to my room and put it in my closet.

I walk to the kitchen and see them sharing some gold fish as they sit on the counter.

"Hi babies," I smile at them and Laila squeals before jumping onto me.

I hug her back and then set her down.

I move to Kai and peck him on the lips and smiling at him.

"I was only gone for a little Laila," I say to her and she laughs.

"But I miss you," she smile and I laugh before taking some of their goldfish and eat it.

"Baby, can you run to the store i totally forgot some Parmesan to make dinner tonight," I pretend to be forgetful.

"Of course sunshine, give me a few minutes," he says and kisses my head as I smile.

He leaves and I take Laila to my room to set up the surprise and announcement.

"Laila, mommy has something to tell you," I say to her and she nods her head.

"Mommy has a baby in her tummy. So you will either get a brother or sister," I say to her and she smiles and bounces on her feet.

"Me want a boy," she says and I laugh.

"I need you to change into this shirt," I start to change her as I speak.

I put her shirt on along with Jean shorts and then I sit her on the bed.

I sit next to her I put the onesie on the bed with the positive test and the ultrasound pictures in my hand.

"Aulora, baby, I'm ba-," he says but cuts himself off when he sees us.

He looks at Lailas shirt and the onesie and the test and the ultrasound pictures as his mouth opens in shock.

He looks at me to see if it's true and I nod my head as he drops the bag he's holding.

A tear drops down his eye.

"You're pregnant?," he asks and I nod my head as I stand up and tears fill my eyes.

He rushes over to me and hugs me tightly as his body starts to shake as he cries.

"Are you happy about it?," I ask and he nods his head rapidly.

"I'm so happy about it," he says as Laila joins the hug.


Here's chapter 48!

I accidentally unpublished and publish my authors note about me moving but that's old so I'm NOT going on a break for those who are confused.

This is the thing I wasn't sure people would like bc not a lot of people like the pregnancy trope.


Wtf thank you for 3k followers on tik tok and 500k reads I'm so shocked right now.

The summer I turned pretty and the twilight series are comfort shows/movies for me and I need them to live.

Whenever my cousin goes home I get depressed bc I am so lonely lmfao I can't with myself.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter. See you next time I love you- addyson <33

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