《Beach Baby》chapter 47 | bathroom



2 years later...


That's what I am.

I'm very tired because everyone has come over to our house today to hang out.

Aulora and I got a house together about a year ago and it's been the best decision ever.

Laila is a very happy girl.

She talks a lot for a two year old and it's very funny because she says funny things.

I'm currently sitting at the couch with Aulora next to me as Laila runs around the house.

Everyone in our friend group is here and we are all sitting in the living room talking.

Everyone is the same they were two years ago expect for Delilah.

Delilah is actually eight months pregnant and Elias is very happy about it.

She's pregnant with a little boy.

She's a very grumpy pregnant woman.

Aulora is literally falling asleep on my shoulder as people talk.

I tap her forehead.

"Why did you do that?," she says curiously.

"You can't fall asleep when we have company. What will keep you awake?," I ask her and she smirks.

"What's in you're pants," she says and turns away from me.


Laila comes running to the couch and smiles at Aulora.

"Mommy, I hungwy," she smiles innocently.

"What do you want to eat?," Aulora asks her and she thinks.

"Daddy make me food?," she asks as she looks at me curiously.

How can you say no to that face...

"Yes, what would you like baby sunshine," I ask her and she smiles.

"Baby sunshine want pizza,". She says and jumps onto my lap.

"We ordered pizza it's on the stove," I say as I roll my eyes at her.

"Stop," she says and glares are me.

"Stop what?," I ask her as I glare at her.

"Stop be mean," she says and I laugh at her.

"I'm not being mean. Go ask uncle Grey if he can get you a pizza," she jumps off my lap and runs to Greyson.

"Hi Laila," he smiles.

"I'm baby sunshine. No Laila," she puts in her sassy face as she puts her hands on her hips.

"Okay," he says.

"Me need pizza. Daddy's says ask you," she says and I smile as I try not to laugh at her.

"Okay lets go," he says and grabs her hand to walk with her.

She skips away.

Aulora looks at me.

"Why did you send her to Greyson?," she asks me.

"Because I have something else I want to do," I put my hand on her thigh and inch it higher.

"Bathroom, now," she says as she gets up and walks away.

Everyone is in conversation so they don't notice.

I follow right after her and get into the bathroom before locking the door.

When I turn around she quickly attaches her lips to mine and kisses me frantically.

I respond instantly and kiss her back with the same intensity.


"We have to be quick," I mumble between sloppy kisses as she nods.

I move my hands to her pants and quickly unbutton them and pull them off her.

I flip her over and have her hands pressed against the counter as she faces the mirror.

I pull down my pants and free myself from my boxers as I slide off her panties.

I look down and see she's already dripping as I rub my tip against her slit a few times.

"Please," she whispers.

I slam into her as I throw my head back feeling the aching go away as I bury myself deep inside of her.

"Fuck," she moans as I start to slam myself in and out of her quickly from the back.

I grab a hold of her hips to help drive myself inside of her.

Her grip on the counter tightens and her head rolls back when I speed up with no warning.

I thrust into her roughly as I move my hand infront of her and start to rub circles on her clit.

"Shit," she mumbles while her head drops to the counter.

"Fuck, you're so god damn tight," I grunt as her muscles clamp around me tightly making me whimper.

I roughly pound into her as I continue to press on her clit.

I'm so deep inside of her. My piercing starts to hit her g-spot as she whimpers.

"God, right there. Fuck it's so good," she whispers as I slam into her g-spot repeatedly.

I continue my pace trying to go quickly before someone catches us.

"Kai," she moan and I shake my head.

"That's not my name," I smack her ass while I speak and she moans.

Hmm she likes that...

"Sorry sir," she moans as I smack her ass again.

"Fuck, I'm gonna-," she starts to speak but is interrupted by a moan as I slam into her even harder.

"Something is coming," she says as she holds onto the counter even tighter.

I start to rub her clit even faster as I slam into her even rougher.

I'm tipping over the edge when I feel a gush of liquid spill out of her.

"Did you just squirt?," I ask her and she nods slowly.

"That was so hot," I thrust into her a few more times before I spill over.

I finish all inside of her as she catches her breath.

I clean her off before helping her pull her pants up then I clean myself off and pull my pants up.

She goes to walk out the door but I pull her back and attach my lips to hers in a gentle kiss that makes her smile.

I let her go and she walks out of the bathroom.

I walk out after her and go back to the living room as Laila runs up to me.

"Hi daddy. I ate pizza," she says and i picks her up and rest her on my hip.


"Did it taste yummy?," I ask her and she nods her head quickly.

"Got it in my face," she sighs.

"I can see that," her face has sauce all over it and cheese is hanging in her hair.

"Can I get you cleaned up?," I ask her and she nods her head.

"If you give a kiss," she says as she crosses her arms.

I shake my head before giving her a kiss on her mouth as she kisses me back.

She's so adorable.

I quickly clean her off.

"Mommy," she yells and Aulora turns around and looks at her.

"Hi baby," she says and picks her up out of my hands.

"Not baby. I'm baby sunshine," she pouts.

"Okay Ms. Dramatic," Aulora says and Laila try's to get down and once she does she runs to me.

"You're mean mommy," she says as she glares at Aulora.

"How?," Aulora says.

"You call me mean words. I am baby sunshine," she huffs as she stares at Aulora.

"Okay, I won't call you anything but baby sunshine," she says and I really am trying not to laugh at this.

"I've created a monster," I mumbles as I set Laila on the floor and she runs away.

"You ruined her," Aulora sighs and i laugh at her.

"She's spoiled. As she should be. If she wants to be baby sunshine who am I to disagree?," I tell her teasingly and she just glares at me.

I grab Aulora's hand and pull her to sit on the couch and she does.

I sit her in my lap and Laila comes running back up to us and smile.

"You love my mommy?," she asks me and I nod my head.

"Very much," I smile.

"Then kith," she says. She can't really say two s's put together so she does 'th'.

I look to Aulora and turn her face and peck her lips and Laila squeals.

"I love you's," she says and she jumps on top of both of us and hugs us tightly.

"So cute," I say quietly and she just sits on top of Aulora as Aulora sits on top of me.

"Elias, I will kill you," Delilah is angry according to her tone as Elias just looks at her with wide eyes.

"I didn't do anything," he mumbles and she groans.

"That's the point. I'm not fragile just because I'm pregnant. If I ask you to fuck me and you tell me it will hurt the baby, it won't just do it and don't be a bitch," she yells and he stares at her nervously.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he says and I laugh.

She walks into the living room with a smile.

"Alright guys, we got to go home. Elias has some business to take care of," she says as she rubs her bump lovingly.

Oliver walks in with Lorenzo behind them.

I wish they never broke up it was so hard to see that they aren't together anymore and they won't get back together.

Just fucking with you their still going strong.

Oliver jumps on Lorenzo's lap.

Amelia is laying on the floor as Nalani lays beside her holding her hand.

Sam and Greyson are in the kitchen making out.

"If I could get pregnant I definitely wouldn't," Oliver says and I laugh.

"I w-wouldn't want y-y-you to," Lorenzo chuckles as he says that and Oliver smiles.

"I do want kids though," Oliver says and Lorenzo's eyes widen.

I-I do a-a-also. But n-not n-now," he says and smiles at Oliver.

Nalani and Amelia laugh.

"I'm team fuck them kids," Nalani says and Amelia high fives her.

They are like best friends who fuck. I know their in love but their not very affectionate.

Delilah and Elias aren't very affectionate either.

Oliver and Lorenzo can never not be touching.

Greyson and Sam are like half and half they touch but they like their space.

"No love me?," Laila stares at Nalani as she asks the question.

Laila's lip starts to wobble as she hugs Aulora and cries into her neck.

"I do love you Laila," Nalani tries to make it up to her but Laila doesn't understand.

"I love you not other kids," she says and Laila pulls back with a smile.

"Daddy, I special," she says and I smile at her and nod my head.

"Aunt Noli, I special?," she asks her to make sure she's correct.

Nalani nods her head and Laila smiles.

"Laila, can you tell us everyone's name?," Aulora asks Laila and she nods.

"Yes, mommy," she says and starts to say it.

"You're mommy and daddy," she points to us and then turns.

"Uncle Zoe," she points to Lorenzo.

"Uncle Loli," she points to Oliver.

"Uncle Eli and Aunt Deli not here," she shrugs.

"That's bubba and Uncle Sammy," she points to Sam and greyson who have joined the room.

"Then Aunt Noli and Aunt Lia," she points to Nalani and Amelia.

"AND IM BABY SUNSHINE," she tells and I have to plug my ears.

Laila and Aulora truly are the light of my life.


Here's chapter 47!

The book isn't over yet don't fret we still got a little more to go.

People copying me makes me just want to deactivate my accounts and not finish my books or write anymore books.

Thank you for 480k and close to 500k I really appreciate it and am so shocked I even got that far.

So close to 3k followers on tik tok and I'm shocked like wtf.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time, I love you! -addyson <333

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