《Beach Baby》chapter 46 | grateful




I'm so bored today.

Kai is here with Laila and I and we have nothing to do.

I'm still very nervous for this custody battle and I don't want to go to it.

Kai walks into the living room with Laila on his hip and a envelope in his hands.

"This is for you," he says and I take it from him.

It's from the same person the custody letter was from.

I open it nervously before starting to read.

Aulora Madden,

Due to many reasons the court case that was made to grant your mother custody of Laila has now been canceled. You're mother has forfeited the lawsuit. Take care.



I sit here stunned.

I get to keep my baby...

My eyes start to blur with happy tears as I stare at the letter Kai gave me.

"What's wrong baby?," he asks me and I just put my head in my hands and cry.

I instantly feel his arms wrap around me and him pulling me into him tightly.

"I can keep my baby," I whisper and he pulls away looking at me shocked.

"You're serious?," he asks me as his eyes well up with tears too.

I nod my head and hand him the letter.

He grabs it and reads it thoroughly before a tear drops down his face and he smiles at me.

He quickly hugs me as we both cry.

"Our baby isn't going anywhere," I whisper in disbelief.

Laila is sitting on the floor chewing on her feet as me and Kai cry.

She looks up at us and sees us crying and her lip starts to wobble before she breaks into sobs.

I quickly get up and go pick her up.

"No baby, don't cry we're okay," I rock her back and fourth as I speak to her gently.


She continues sobbing as she clings onto me.

Kai comes behind her and puts his hands out for him to hold her.

When she sees him she stops crying and just whines sadly.

When he picks her up she starts sobbing again into his neck as she clings to him now.

I grab my phone and text the group the good news and tell them we're going out for dinner tonight to celebrate.

I turn back to Kai and see Laila has calmed down and is now sucking on his thumb.

"She's so weird," I mumble and fill him in on the plans we have later.


It's time for the dinner as me and Kai and Laila walk into the restaurant.

Everyone is sat at the table and making light conversation.

When we walk in they smile at us happily.

I sit at the table with Laila to my right and Kai to my left.

"Hi, baby's m-mom," Lorenzo says to me and I just smile.

He will never let go of this will he.

"Hi Lorenzo," I say.

"I'm h-happy you can k-keep the b-b-baby. But w-why would y-y-you want t-to?," he asks seriously and I just stare at him.

"Because I love her and she is my child," amusement is evident in my voice because I can't help but laugh at this question.

"C-couldn't be m-m-me," he says as he glares at Laila and she just blows raspberries at him.

Their relationship is definitely interesting.

"I'm so happy for you," Oliver says and I turn to him with a smile.

"Thank you. How are you and Lorenzo?," I ask him nicely and he smiles.

"We're good. Endless love and dick. Where can you go wrong?," he says and my eyes widen.


Lorenzo blushes and looks at his lap.

"Also he got his dick pierced and I must say it's amazing. We are some lucky bitches to have men with dick piercings," he smirks as he tells me this and my eyes widen.

Kai chockes on his water and Enzo continues to blush.

"Yes, I guess we are lucky," I mumble and Kai squeezes my thigh.

Oliver starts laughing before he turns and kisses Lorenzo lightly before looking at me.


I turn to Delilah and Elias and they smile at me.

"I'm so glad your mom isn't taking Laila I love her little smushy face," Delilah says as she smiles at Laila.

Elias nods with her.

"She is very cute. You didn't deserve what she did to you so I'm glad she gave up," Elias says happily.

I smile at them and thanks them before turning to Sam and my brother.

"I love you," my brother mouths with a heart and Sam just smiles at me.

I smile at them and tell them I love them before I turn to Nalani and Amelia.

"You're mother is a cunt, sorry," Nalani says to me and I just laugh at her.

Amelia laughs with Nalani before nodding her head.

Seems like everyone is happy for me!

Laila starts to cry and I turn my head back to her.

I pick her up out of her chair and sit her on my lap as she puts her hands down my shirt.

"Not right now baby, we're going to get you big girl food," I say to her as if she can understand.

"No," she grunts and pushes her hands further.

"Did she just tell you no?," kai laughs and I nod my head.

I sigh before grabbing Kais hoodie and putting it on I put Laila under my shirt and let her latch on.

She hums in satisfaction.

I roll my eyes at her for being dramatic.

She sucks loudly and gulps loudly as if I deprive her of milk every day when she's on my boob like 24/7.

We order our food and it comes quickly.

I eat my food as I feed Laila but when she hears the plates she comes out from under the hoodie with milk dripping down her face.

I pull the hoodie down and start to eat my food but she keeps opening her mouth for the bite.

I roll my eyes and feed her my pasta.

"MMMM" she yells and completes the embarrassment with a loud growl.

I can't help but laugh as people stare at me.

We finish up the dinner with light conversation and everyone loving on Laila.


Here's chapter 46!


Thank you for all the love on here and tik tok I appreciate it!

The thing I'm gonna do next I don't think a lot of people will like it. (Don't get scared it's nothing bad.)

I'm obsessed with the summer I turned pretty and I always have it playing on my TV.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time thank you for reading! I love you -addyson <333

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