《Beach Baby》chapter 33 | cramps




I love waking up to pain because my cramps hurt.

It's currently 5 am and I'm laying in fetal position as I try not to wake Kai up.

I made him cuddle a pillow because I keep moving and I didn't want to wake him.

Laila is asleep still.

I groan quietly as I push my hands onto my stomach trying to stop the pain.

I feel bile rise in my throat and I quickly get up and throw up the contents of my stomach.

This happens every month.

(A/N: just shining light on how bad some peoples periods can get but no she's not pregnant so don't worry. Idk if I'm the only one who gets multiple nose bleeds on my period...)

I feel someone grab my hair and pull it out of my face and rub my back.

My baby.

"You okay baby?," Kai asks me and I shake my head.

I wipe my mouth on the towel as Kai lifts me up.

He wraps my legs around his waist as I muzzle my face into his neck and sigh in comfort.

"I'm sorry you feel so bad baby," he says to me as he kisses my forehead.

"It's okay at least I'm not pregnant again," I say to him and he laughs.

"Wouldn't be a bad thing," he says to me and I shake my head.

"No more babies coming out of me for years," I say.

"As you wish," he says and puts me in the bed.

I lay with my head on the pillow on my back as my face contorts in pain.

"It hurt so bad," I mumble our as I try and press on my abdomen.

"I'll be back," Kai says and leaves.

A tear rolls down my face as the pain intensifies and I groan.

He comes back with a heating pad and some pain killers for me.

He pulls up my shirt and pulls down my shorts to put the heating pad on my lower stomach.

I take the pills quickly.

He lays next to me and cuddles me close to him.

"Better?," he asks me.

"Yes thank you," I say but it still hurts a little.

"I can watch Laila today if you don't feel good," he says and I shake my head.

"If I just take a nap and wake up I should be okay," I say.


I woke up again a few hours later and I feel refreshed and better.

I turn and see Kai is gone along with Laila.

I quickly go to the bathroom before walking into the kitchen and seeing Laila in her chair eating some baby food.

She keeps growling for more signaling for Kai to go faster.

I walk into the dining room and Laila sees me.

"Mama," she scream as she kicks her legs.

I walk to her and kiss her face and she smiles.

I walk over to Kai sitting across from her and I grab a hold of his face and kiss him on his lips and all over his face as he smiles.

I can't believe he would take care of Laila for me.

"God, I love you," I say to him and then I freeze.

He freezes too.

I take a few steps away from him because he looks shocked.

"You don't have to say it back don't worry," I say quickly and go into the kitchen to make myself something.


I'm so embarrassed.

I'm feeling degraded and not in the good way.

I grab the stuff to make a sandwich.

I start to make my sandwich and aggressively slap everything on the bread.

How could I be so stupid?

As I slap the cheese onto the sandwich i feel two arms snake around my waist and Kai nuzzles his face into my neck.

"Why are you being aggressive with the lunch meat?," he asks me and I laugh.

"Because I'm stupid," I say and drop my head forward.

"Your not," he say as he kisses my neck lightly.

"I didn't mean to blurt it out," I say.

"Well did you mean it. Do you love me?," he asks me and I laugh.

"Of course I do but-," I start but get cut off.

"I love you too. Your not stupid," he says and my face breaks out into a huge grin as I turn around and hug him.

"I love you more," I say happily and he pecks my face all over again.

"MAMA," Laila yells and i rush over to her.

"Hi baby," I say and pick her up and put her on my hip.

She just wants me to hold her.

"All of us are going ice skating do you want to go too?," Kai asks me and I nod my head.

"I need to put her down for a nap and then we can go, okay?," I say and he nods his head.

I walk back to the room and rock her back and fourth but she's restless and won't go down.

I pull down my shirt and let her feed so maybe she will pass out.

Kai walk into the room to get ready and he sees my shirt down.

"What a lovely 'welcome back to the room' gift this is," he says as his face holds amusement.

"Nope, strictly for feeding right now. Go get ready," I say to him and he nods before leaving to get ready.

I stay there and let Laila feeds and she slowly falls asleep.

I then put her in the crib and get myself ready.

Having to wear a lot of clothes to stay warm is so frustrating.

To be honest I'm just wearing straight leg jeans and one of Kais hoodies.

He copies me.

He comes out with a hoodie and jeans.

"Stop copying me," I say and he looks at me then his eyes scan my body and he rolls his eyes.

"Your wearing my clothes so your copying me," he says and I just stand there.

"Let's go," he says as he pats my butt twice.

We starts walking out and see everyone in the living room all dressed to go.

We all load up into cars and get ready to go ice skating.

Greyson is staying with Laila because he doesn't like to ice skate.

I sit in the car with Kai as I lay my head in his lap and we drive to the ice rink.

I'm gonna be real I suck at ice skating.

It doesn't take long before we make it there and we all get out of the car.

Me and Kai make our way to the shoes to get our sizes.

I grab our shoes and sit us down on the bench so we can put them on.

We quickly slip them on before trying to walk into the rink.


"Hold my hand baby," I say nervously and reach my arm our first Kai to take my hand.

He takes my hand and we both walk better to the rink.

Once we get our feet on the ice I start to slip but Kai grab my other hand and straightens me out.

"When we're you going to tell me that you suck ass at ice skating and I would have to help you the whole time," he says and I roll my eyes.

"I try my best and I didn't know you were good at it so leave me alone with your pro-ass?" I say and he nods.

"Okay," he says and he lets go.

I stand there not moving on the ice because I will fall.

"Baby, baby, don't leave me," I say as he starts to skate away.

He quickly turns around and comes back to me.

"I'm sorry I insulted you. I am very bad at ice skating and I will suck your dick if you help me," I say with a smile and he nods.

"Okay I'll be extra helpful," he says with a smirk and grabs my hands.

He helps me glide against the ice as I hold onto him for dear life.

"Sunshine, your hurting me with this grip you have on me," he says.

"I'm sorry. I'm very scared and I don't want you to let go of me!," I say and look up at him nervously.

His hair went from combed to falling into his brown eyes.

He looks at me like I'm some damsel in distress.

Because I am.

"Okay baby, wrap your arms around my neck and put your feet in between my legs," he says and I nod my head.

I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my feet between his.

He starts to skate on the ice as my legs drag.

He holds onto me and goes super face and it's kind of fun.

I don't have to do the work!

"Okay now that I did some laps with you holding onto me you need to start to do it by yourself," he says and my eyes widen.

"Uhm okay," I say as he grabs my hands.

He starts to move while holding my hands and I mirror his feet movements trying to get the hang of it.

After a while I start to skate better so he lets go of one of my hands.

We skate side by side as I slowly figure out how to do this.

"I love you," he says to me.

"I love you," I say back and realize that he's let go of my hands and I'm doing it all by myself.

"Baby do you see me, I'm doing it," I say happily.

"Yes, I see and I'm so proud of you," he says and I smile.

We continue to do lap and laps around the rink as I master this.

After a while I look around as I hear a sudden voice and I see Greyson holding Laila as she's in baby skates and warm clothes.

She so cute.

Kai skates to me and stands by me as Greyson comes over to me and hands me Laila.

"Hi my gorgeous girl," I say to her and she just sucks on her fingers and stares at me.

I grab one of her hands and give the other to Kai as we slowly set her down on the ground.

She starts to wobble a little and we make sure her feet are placed on the floor.

We slowly start to move and she comes with us as her skates scrape against the ice.

It takes a few more minutes before we go a little faster and pull Laila with us as she laughs.

My favorite people.

She screams all the time as she goes quickly on the ice.

Kai and I stop the skates and Kai picks her up and starts to kiss her face as she laughs.

"She did so good on the ice part of me thought she would cry and not want to do it," I say nervously.

"Yes she's very good. What a happy baby you are," he says to Laila and throws her over his shoulder.

He starts to skate away holding onto her.

The rink is filled with Laila's screams and giggles and ice scraping against the blades of our shoes.

No one else is here but us so Laila can be loud.

All of our friend group is here but no strangers.

Kai comes back around the rink coming closer to me.

"Let's get your Mama too," he says and he comes back around.

He grabs onto my hands and pulls me to him.

He hands me Laila and I hold her as he wraps his arms around my waist.

Our legs move in sync as I hold Laila and he holds me.

We all have the biggest smiles on our faces.

One of the best days with the best people.

We make it back to the entrance and get out.

We give our shoes back and I hold Laila.

"Thank you for helping me this was so fun," I say happily and kiss Kai on his lips.

He responds quickly and kisses me back as he wraps his arms around my waist.

We break away from the kiss after a few seconds.

He taps my butt again.

"Come on let go back to the cabin," he says and grabs my hand and leads me and Laila back.

Once we get to the cabin everyone gathers around in the living room.

"Who is up for a game of strip dare," Oliver yells.

"What's that?," I ask.

"It's a game of truth or dare. Except there is no truth. You are given a dare and if you don't want to complete it then you strip one article of clothing," Oliver says.

"Okay, so who's playing?," Elias asks.

"Me," all of us shout.


Here's chapter 33!

No one talk to me I got so many fucking books I can't cope I'm reading forever.

I also got squishmallows a lot of them and I have no space on my bed or anywhere in my room because I have so many LMFAO.

Started the Spanish love deception and it's pretty good so far!

I'm reading reminders of him because someone told me to read that next!



We're so close to 200k reads here and thank your for 190k reads.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for all the support and thank you for reading! I love you and see you next time! -addyson <33

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