《Beach Baby》chapter 32 | cabin




I'm currently in Aulora's room, like always, helping her pack early in the morning because she didn't do it last night.

We leave to the cabin in an hour.

She's packing for baby sunshine and I'm packing for her.

I grabbed a few outfits for her. Now it's time for underwear.

"Baby," I say trying to get her attention.

"Yes," she says as she lacks Laila diapers.

"What underwear do you want?," I ask her and she turns to me.

"I don't care it's up to you since I wear them for you," she says and I smirk.

I grab a bunch of lace panties and bras and throw it in there.

"Can you also grab me some underwear that aren't thongs because I'm supposed to starts my period tomorrow," she says and I nod.

I grab some other shit she wants before moving to the bathroom.

I grab her makeup and hair stuff I then move to her drawers.

I grab some of her tampons and pads.

"Anything else you need?," I ask her and she thinks.

"You need to bring some condoms because we're gonna be there for a week and my period lasts 4 days so-," she says with a blush and I just smirk.

"You know you want me as much as I want you," I say to her and she blushes again.

"You gonna take care of me when I have cramps?," she asks me jokingly.

"Of course I will, I can take care of you and watch baby sunshine for you," I say to her and she smiles.

"You're very sweet," she says to me and I smile.

"I would do anything to you," I say to her.

I'm very whipped and proud of it.

"Okay now that I know that can you wake up Laila and get her ready?," she asks me.

"Yes I love my baby," I say and happily walk over to her crib.

I see her asleep in the crib.

I rub my hand on her stomach while I whisper for her to wake up.

Her eyes slowly open and when she sees me she smiles tiredly.

"Hi baby," I say to her and put my hands out for me to pick her up.

She moves her arms forward reaching for me and i pick her up.

I let her rest her head on my shoulder as she slowly wakes up.

"Hi sweet girl," Aulora says to her.

She smiles against my shoulder before cuddling against me again.

I walk to her closet and see her outfits.

I pick something cute and simple.

Her outfit:

(Choose whatever you want!)

I chose this because it's gonna be really cold where we are going.

She looks so adorable I just want to squish her.

I put her on my hip and walk to Aulora.

"Look at her," I say happily.

"Oh my goodness, look at you," she says as she kisses Laila all on her face.

"I dressed her all by myself," I say proudly.

I'm leaving in my sweats and a shirt.

Aulora is wearing shorts and my hoodie.

So pretty.

Her hair is all messy to but I still think she looks so beautiful.


"Are you ready?," I ask her as I hear the car horn.

"Yes I am, are you?," she asks me and I nod my head.

"Yes," I say and grab the bags and hand Aulora the baby.

We walk to the car and see the car seat strapped on the right side and a 2 open seats on the left.

In the car is Nalani and Amelia driving and Lorenzo and Oliver behind us.

Greyson, Sam and Elias and Delilah are in another car.

I sit down on the left side and Aulora sits in the middle.

"I need to feed her," Aulora says and I nod.

She puts Laila under her hoodie and I hear the noise of her eating.

"She always is loud," I say to Aulora and she nods.

"It's her specialty and lets me know it tastes good," she says to me and I laugh.

I sit back as the car starts to go as Aulora feeds Laila.

I move my hand to her thigh and hold onto it tightly because I like to be touching her for my own comfort.

It doesn't take long for Laila to stop feeding as she gets full and Aulora straps her back into her seat.

"Hi baby," she says to me and I smile.

"Hi gorgeous," I say back.

I look behind me to see what Lorenzo and Oliver are doing but I don't think I should have because Oliver's hand is under a blanket on top of Lorenzo's lap and Lorenzo's head is thrown back.

So that means a car hand job.

So nice.

This is why we can't have nice things.

I turn back to Aulora to see her looking at me curiously.

"Oliver is giving Lorenzo a hand job right now," I whisper in her ear and her eyes widen.

A few minutes go by and I want to see if there done to tease them.

I turn around and look to see they have switched places as Lorenzo's hand is in Oliver's pants under the blanket as I see the movement and Oliver biting his lip.

So apparently mediocre things are off the table.

So we can't have nice or mediocre things.

I turn back around and back to Aulora.

"So they switched and Oliver is getting the royal treatment," I say and she shakes her head.

"Shame? Is it off the table?," she asks me and I shake my head.

"Yes it is off the table. It wasn't even on the table to begin with," I say to her and she laughs.

Laila is staring at me so I stare at her back.

She won't blink as we have a stare down.

It takes so long before I blink and she smiles.

This baby is smarter then she lets on and I'm not here for it.

I just had a staring contest with a baby and lost.

I'm feeling hurt.

I turn back and see Lorenzo and Oliver are done.

"You guys giving out hand jobs like candy," I say and Oliver's eyes widen as he flushed red.

"H-how did y-y-you see I-it? We c-covered I-it," he says to me and I laugh.

"Well when a blanket on someone's lap looks like it has a heartbeat you figure it out," i says and Oliver try's not to laugh.


"Oh my god I'm going to die," Oliver says as he hides his face in Lorenzo's neck.

"We're stopping at the gas station do you want anything?," Aulora asks me and I nod.

"Can you get me a drink and some chips?," I ask her and she nods her head.

She leaves to go get the food.

It doesn't take long before she comes back with a ice cold water and some hot Cheetos.

I'm going to bust.

"Thank you it's just what I wanted," I say happily and she smiles before she pecks me on the lips.

"Your welcome," she says as she sits back down and puts Laila's pacifier in her mouth so she doesn't wake up.

She tries to stay sitting on the chair but I move her and sit her on my lap sideways so her legs can rest on the middle seat.

"What's this for?," she asks me and I smile.

"I just wanted you closer to me," I say and she smiles.

She attaches her lips to mine as our lips move feverishly.

I move my right hand to her cheek and my face to her face as I deepen the kiss and put my tongue into her mouth.

We separate after a few minutes as I peck her lips one last time.

I let her rest her head on me as her body slumps into mine.

It's doesn't take long until we make it to the cabin.

Well it did take long because the snow is far but Aulora and I were asleep like the whole time.

The cabin is beautiful when the car stops.

I want to keep Aulora and Laila asleep so I carry Aulora bridal style into the house.

"Where can I set her down?," I whisper to Oliver and he points to a hallways.

I walk into the the hallway and pick the room with the baby crib and set Aulora down on the bed.

I tuck her into the bed and kiss her forhead before walking back out.

I walk back to the car and see Laila sleeping.

I pick up her car seat and take the whole thing to the room and gently set it down on the floor so she can stay asleep.

I walk back into the living room and go to talk to Greyson.

He told me he wanted to talk so we go into his room.

"Hey I just wanted to talk to you about Sam," he says to me and I nod my head at him.

"What about him?," I ask him and he lets out a shaky breath.

He sits there for a second before talking.

"Am I doing the right thing?," he asks.

"Like I think I like him but what if I'm not over Nalani?" He asks and I look at him.

"If you truly like him then go for it. But if you still like Nalani then don't do that to Sam he doesn't deserve it," I say to him and he nods his head.

"I know I do think I really like him but then in the back of my head I can't help but think about Nalani and what if we were together," he says and I shake my head.

"All I'm gonna say is if you like him don't play with his feelings," I say to him and he nods his head.

"I know that I like him a lot I just don't want any feelings left for her," he says and I shake my head.

"I love you like a brother and will always look out for you but I will give you some shit if you break his heart for someone who doesn't love you," I say quite harshly.

"I know she doesn't love me and I've come to terms with it. I won't hurt him," he says and smiles softly.

"Good," I say.

"You treating my sister good?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"Yes I've been treating her amazing you don't have to ask me twice," I say and he nods his head.

"Thanks for letting me talk now go back to my sister before she wakes up and starts screaming your not next to her," he says and I laugh.

I walk into the room and Laila is still asleep adorably along with Aulora.

Aulora is laying on her side with her hair splayed out and in fetal position.

While she's laying there I notice a red spot on the sheets.

Her period.

I hate to wake her up though when she is asleep and looks so comfortable.

I walk over to her and lightly shake her back and fourth on the mattress.

"Baby," I say quietly trying not to wake up Laila.

She slowly wakes up and looks up at me.

"You should change you got your period while you were sleeping," I say and her eyes widen before she looks down.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry I ruined the sheets I didn't mean to," she says and I shake my head.

"Don't apologize baby, just get cleaned up and you get changed and I'll take car of the bed," I say.

She nods her head and goes to the bathroom.

I change the sheets and after a while she comes back.

"Come on lets take a nap," i say and she nods.

We get into the bed and cuddle eachother to sleep before we go ice skating.

We fall asleep quickly.


Here's chapter 32!

IMPORTANT PSA: LORENZO IS BISEXUAL. Just because he is a bisexual man dating a man does not mean anyone can label him as gay. I've had WAYYY to many comments saying he's gay when that's not what his sexuality is so please don't come in my comments saying he is gay! That includes the comments that say "I don't have a chance with him cause he is gay" I know you mean it in a joking way but your still mislabeling him. Thanks for reading. <33

Anyways I just had to say that bc I get some weird comments.

Not posting a tik tok because I'm to busy celebrating my bday that's actually on the 22nd!

Also I think I'm gonna add some drama soon don't come for me.

Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time thanks for the support! I love you -addyson <33

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