《Beach Baby》chapter 31 | food




It's been a few days since the first time with Aulora and I want her so bad.

She's currently in the shower.

Laila is asleep and I can't stop thinking of her in the shower.

I walk into the bathroom and rid myself of my clothes before stepping into the shower behind her.

When she sees me she gasps and places her hands on her stomach hiding it from me.

"Baby, why are you hiding from me?," I ask her.

"Because my stomach is ugly and has stretch marks and loose skin. You didn't see it the first time because it was dark and we rushed," she says as she looks at me sadly.

"This body made a beautiful human. All of you is perfect and it makes me so damn hard," I say to her and she looks down as her eyes widen.

She removes her hands from her stomach and I swear I could finish right there just looking at her.

I walk over to her and pin her against the wall with both my hands on her wrist.

"We're gonna skip the foreplay and your gonna take me just so I can show you how much I love this body," I say to her and her breathing picks up.

I pick her up and wrap her legs around my waist before I put my erection at her entrance.

I slam into her and she moans loudly.

"Fuck it's still to much," she moans out and I laugh before pulling my hips back and slamming into her.

She feels so much better without a condom I'm trying so hard not to finish already.

She wraps her arms around my neck and holds on as I pound into her quickly.

I move my mouth to her breast and take a nipple into my mouth and swirl my tongue around it as she moans loudly.

Suddenly I feel something drip into my mouth.

I pull my head back and stop my hips.

It was really sweet and didn't taste bad but I wouldn't drink it.

"I think you just drank some of my milk," she says.

"Yep. I don't like it but I don't hate it," I say as I pull my hips back and slam into her aggressively.

"Oh my god," she moans out as her eyes roll to the back of her head.

I move my hand down to her clit and rub it in circle as our hips snap against eachother.

I attach my mouth to hers muffling her moans as our lips move in a rhythm.

I thrust into her harder and faster trying to get her closer to her release.

She moves her hand to my throat and squeezes it lightly.


"I'm sorry," she says and quickly removes her hands from my neck.

"Do it again but harder," i say as I pound into her roughly.

She puts her hands on my neck and squeezes harder and I moan.

"Fuck," I scream as the feeling of her and her grabbing my neck is pushing me over the edge.

"God, I'm so close," she says and I smile into the kiss.

"Me too," i say breathlessly.

A few more thrusts later and she finishes and I do to all over her stomach.

Not getting her pregnant today.


Anyways we shower eachother and I kiss her stomach all over letting her know how much I love it.

Then we get out and dry off together.

By the time we are done getting dressed Laila has woken up screaming my name.

I quickly walk over to her and see she's laying there with her toe in her mouth as she stares at me with a smile.

Attention seeker.

"What are we doing today?," I ask her as I take Laila and lay her in the bed to change her diaper.

"Today we are going to try to give Laila some baby food because it's time for her to eat some real food," she says and I smile.

"So you done breatfeeding her or are you still going to?," I ask her and she laugh.

"No I'm not cutting her off cold turkey I'm just giving her some real food so she can transfer to solids," she says as she puts in her pajamas.

I finish changing her diaper and pick her up before taking her to the dining room.

I strap her into her chair with the tray and Aulora grabs the baby food.

Aulora sits infront of her and opens the food before putting a little bite on it.

She puts it in Laila's waiting mouth.

"Mmm is it yummy?," she asks her happily and Laila eats the whole bite.

When she's done she growls and balls her fists for more.

She smacks her hand on the tray over and over as Aulora gives her another bite.

"I think she likes it," she says over Laila smacking her hand on the tray and growling.

"Maybe, I cant really tell," I say as Laila starts to whine more.

Apparently Aulora is feeding her to slowly because she keeps screeching the word mama over and over.

"Laila calm down," she scolds her before giving her another bite.

After a while Laila eats the whole thing and is sitting messy but happy looking.

"She definitely enjoyed that," I say as she gets cleaned off by Aulora.

"Very much," she says and picks her up.

"Oh, I invited Lorenzo and Oliver to come over for a few hours is that okay?," she asks me and I nod.


"It's your house," I say back and shrug.

"It's practically yours to," she says and my heart warms.

"You're cute. I don't mind if they come over," I say to her and kiss her cheek and kiss Laila's now clean cheek.

"Well I'm glad you agreed because they are here," she says and walks to the door and open it for them.

They walk in and immediately sit on the couch.

Me and Aulora sit on the couch and put Laila on the floor to play.

"A-are you g-g-guys dating y-yet?," Lorenzo asks us and I smile.

"I would say yes because she limps a lot," Oliver says and stares at Aulora while trying not to laugh.

"Yes, for your information we are dating," Aulora says and I turn and lay my head on her lap.

She starts to play with my hair and I swear I could fall asleep right here.

"Oh my god, we are all dating someone in this group," Oliver says and I smile.

"Also we invited Sam and Greyson over," Oliver says and I smirk.

I know by now they have either started flirting or fucked.

We'll see if Sam comes in limping then I'll now I'm right.

"Okay so Lorenzo and I wanted to talk to you guys about something," Oliver says and I don't react.

I'm trying to keep my eyes open.

Apparently I doze off because my eyes snap open when I hear the door open.

In walks Greyson first.

Right after him walks Sam.

He doesn't walk though he limps.

What did I say? I knew they fucked.

I continue to lay there as they sit down on the couch while same sits next to Greyson.

"Nice limp you have there," Oliver says and Sam nestles his face in Greys neck shyly.


"Leave him alone," Grey says as he glared at Oliver.

"I'm just saying it's cute and nice and we definitely don't know what happened to his legs," he says as he pretends to be clueless.

"Are y-you f-falling a-a-asleep Kai?," Lorenzo asks and I keep my eyes closed.

Aulora stops moving her hair in my hands and I grunt.

"Almost, Aulora keep going," I say to her and she continues to do it and I close my eyes with a hum.

"Okay so since winter is practically here. We want to go up to my cabin and have fun until he snow," Oliver says.

"That would be so fun and we could see who all wants to go," Greyson says and I just hum in my sleep.

"Yes, we can sled, snow board, ice skate and pretty much do anything in the snow," Oliver says as he lays his head on Lorenzo's shoulder.

"I want to go," I say and keep my eyes closed.

"Yeah me too and I can bring baby sunshine because I have to," Aulora says and Laila screams.

"Can I try to hold her?," Sam says and Aulora nods her head.

I open my eyes to see how Laila reacts.

Sam picks her up and she sits for a second.

She then starts to squirm and cry to get away from him.

"Dada," she screams as her face turns red from crying and trying to get away from him.

I sit up and grab her from him and she claws onto my shirt and holds me tightly.

"She calls you dad?," Oliver asks and I nod my head.

"It's a new thing," I say and sit done next to Aulora.

"I'm sorry Sam she doesn't that to a lot of people. She really just likes me and Kai," Aulora says to him as she pats Laila's butt.

Laila is laying with her stomach on my chest and her head resting on me as she starts to suck on her thumb.

She looks so adorable.

"It's okay really I didn't expect her to like me. But, I am shocked she reacted that horrible to me," he says and laughs.

I rub my hand on her back as Aulora pats her butt causing her to slowly fall asleep.

"She is a diva," I say as I watch her as she sleeps.

"Anyways back to the cabin conversation," Sam says and turns to Oliver.

"Oh yeah we would be going next week and there is enough rooms for everyone to be with one other person," Oliver says and I smile.

"Your staying in my room," I whisper to Aulora and she smiles.

"Good," she says with a smirk.

This girl is dirty minded not me.

She lays her head on my shoulder as I hold onto Laila.

"Well it was nice seeing y'all but we're all gonna go and go home," Oliver says and grabs Lorenzo's hand and walks out of my house.

Sam and Greyson walk out hand and hand to and I just sit here fighting sleep.

It doesn't take long before we really fall asleep.


Here's chapter 31!

Thank you so much for 1k followers I appreciate it so much and I love y'all.

If you didn't see what I posted on my message board yesterday please look at it!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time thank you for everything! I love you! -addyson <333

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