《Beach Baby》chapter 30 | mother




I'm pretty excited for my mom to meet Aulora today.

We are currently getting ready as Greyson walks into Aulora's room with Laila.

"Mama, dada," Laila screams as she sees us.

Aulora puts down her make up brush and limps over to Laila.

Not a subtle limp a full on noticeable one.

"Why are you limping like that?," he asks her and I try not to laugh.

"No reason," she says as she picks up Laila and kisses her everywhere.

I just sit there with a smirk.

Greyson turns to me and his eyes widen.

"You nasty mother fuckers I didn't need to figure that out right now," he says as he shakes his head.

"I didn't even say anything but your probably thinking right," I say with a laugh.

"I do not need to know about my sisters sex life thank you Kai. Im going home," he says and rushes out.

"Kai!," she says as she smacks my arm.

"I didn't even say anything," I say to her defensively.

"Yes you did you ass," she says and I roll my eyes.

"Hand me my baby," I say.

She hands me Laila and I hold her up in the air as she smiles down at me.

I pull her down and kiss her face everywhere as she laughs.

"DADA," she screams so loud it's ear shattering.

"I see you baby," I say to her as she buries her face in my neck shyly.

I sit with Laila and after a while I see Aulora come out with her hair and makeup done.

"My girlfriend is so beautiful," I say with a smile.

She smiles at me before wal-limping to the closet.

"You okay?," I ask her and she laughs.

"Yes I'm fine," she says and ruffles through clothes.

She comes out dressed.

Her outfit:

(Choose whatever you want!)

She looks so gorgeous.

Anytime I see her I swear I get instantly hard and it's her fault.

"You look so pretty baby," I say to her and she smiles.

I stand up and put Laila on my hip.

She looks in the mirror and adjust the clothes.

"Are you sure it okay to meet your mom?," she asks me with uncertainty written on her face.

I walk over to her with Laila still on my hip.

I grab under her chin and lift her face to her.

"You look beautiful it's perfect," I say and she smiles.

I peck her lips and Laila screams happily.

This girl.

"I think Laila is happy for us to be together," she says and I smile and tuck her hair behind her face.

"Mhm," I say.

We separate and I get ready.

My outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

We quickly finish getting ready and make our way out to the car.

We strap Laila in and then get ourselves in before we start driving.

I hold Auloras hand the whole time we make our way there because I know she's nervous.

We pull up to the house quickly and Aulora gets out and unbuckles Laila and holds her on her hip.

"I could have got her," I say with a smile.

"I don't want your mom to think I'm a bad mom or I push her off on everyone else. I already have enough people who think that," she says with a laugh but I know she's not joking.


"She wouldn't think that, Sunshine. If she did I would tell her your a amazing mother because you are " I say to her and hug her from behind.

She relaxes into me and sighs before turning around and wrapping her free arm around my neck.

I hug her around her waist.

We sit in eachothers comfortable embrace before letting go and walking to the front door.

I ring the doorbell as I wait for my mom to answer.

Suddenly my beautiful mother swings the door open.

"Oh my god," she says excitedly.

She quickly hugs Aulora and Laila tightly as Aulora hugs her back.

"You girls are so gorgeous, come in," she says happily and we walk inside.

"Ma, you didn't even say hi to me," I say to her as I stand there.

"We talk all the time but if you must be this way here," she walks up to me and hugs me.

I hug her back and then she drags me inside.

We all sit on the couch

Aulora holding Laila and me sitting next to her.

My mom is opposite to us on the other couch.

"So tell me about yourself sweetie," she says to Aulora.

"Okay but can I feed Laila?," she asks nervously.

"Of course, you don't have to ask," my mom says and Aulora sighs happily.

My mom breastfed me so she doesn't mind that.

I'm gonna play a joke on her though.

"Ew, don't do that here it gross," I say to Aulora and she stares at me shocked but I wink so she knows it a joke.


"Oh my god stop. I was joking Ma," I say quickly as I fix the pillows.

"Honey, does he treat you right?," she asks Aulora and I roll my eyes.

"Yes he treats me really good," she says as she pushes Laila under her sweater and lets her latch.

By the sound of it Laila starts eating quickly.

"Okay, tell me about you," she says as she sips her tea.

"Uhm I'm 18 years old, I'm a mother to 7 month old Laila, I go to college, I have one brother," she says and smiles politely.

"You sound like a lovely girl, where is the babies dad?," she asks not knowing.

"Ma don't a-," I get cut off.

"No it's fine. Um, I went to a party and had non-consensual sex. He goes to prison for life and he got me pregnant," she says as she looks down at Laila feeding.

I sit next to her and grab her free hand and intertwine our fingers.

"I'm sorry I brought it up dear. You are very strong to raise a child when you are one yourself," she says and I smile.

"Thank you," Aulora says happily as she squeezes my hand.

"So Ma how are you today? Any boyfriend?," I ask her in a teasing tone.

"Boy you know I am not dating anyone. Recently I've been great, kind of lonely but oh well," she says with sadness in her tome.


"You could have told me I wouldn't have moved out," I say to her.

"No I wanted you out," she says and my eyes widen.

I go to reply but Laila starts humming loudly under Aulora's shirt.

"What is that noise?," my mom asks confused.

"It's Laila she's humming," Aulora says trying to to laugh.

"She thinks the milk is so good," I say and lean back against the couch.

"So, what are your parents like?," my mom asks.

"Their okay. They don't really talk to me only my daughter and they think I'm a incompetent mom," she says like it's nothing.

"I'm sorry hun. I'm sure your a great mom just telling by how loved your baby is," she says.

Aulora takes Laila out and adjusts her clothes as she burps Laila.

"Mama," Laila whispers staring at Aulora and I swear this girl melts my heart.

So does Aulora.

"Dada," she screams at me and I look to my mom to gouge her reaction.

She just smiles lovingly at us.

"Um? Ms. Brooks did you want to hold her?," Aulora asks her.

"Call me charlotte and of course," she says and stands up before picking Laila up.

She rests Laila on her hip and Laila just stares at her.

"Hi baby," my mom says and I smile at my mom with Laila.

Laila smiles before she squeals.

"She's such a happy baby," my mom notices.

"Yes, she rarely cries and I'm so thankful for that because I wouldn't know how to handle it," Aulora says nervously.

"She's a very cute little girl," my mom says.

"Thank you! Good thing she takes after me," Aulora says.

Laila starts to get fussy so Aulora gets up to get her.

She limps over to my mom and my mom notices and looks at her confused.

"What happens to your legs dear?," she asks.

"I hit my foot on the side of my bed," she says as she grabs Laila.

I try not to laugh.

Aulora sits next to me and lays Laila on her chest as I throw my arm behind her on the couch and let her cuddle into my side.

"What a lovely couple," my mother says as she looks at us dreamily.

She knows how to make something weird.

"You okay?," I ask my mother and she looks at me.

"I know your my kid and we shouldn't say these things around our kids but I really should get laid it's been years and it's making me mad," she says seriously and I stare at her.

"Okay well um you do that mother just don't tell me about it," I say awkwardly.

"I'm sorry son I just needed to say it," she says and wipes fake sweat off her forehead.


After visiting my mom when went back to Aulora's apartment.

Laila fell asleep on Aulora's chest and is currently still asleep in her bassinet.

Aulora and I are sitting on the bed watching TV.

"Okay I hear you can do the splits. Let me see it," I say to her and her eyes widen.

"I need to stretch first," she says.

After she says that she pulls out many stretches and does them on the floor.

"Okay I'm ready," she says and stand on the floor.

"Do it," I urge her on.

She's on the carpet so her legs starting sliding apart as her right leg goes in front.

She slides all the way into a split and sits there with her hands in the air.

"Tada," she mumbles as she stays in position.

Her ass looks so good in the splits.

Lemme stop.

"Wow," I say in awe.

She stand up and uses her right hand to pull her left foot in the air in a split.

"Does that not hurt?," I ask her confused.

"No it doesn't hurt me," she says as she just stands in the splits.

"How long can you stand there for?," I ask.

"How ever long I want but it starts to hurt after a while," she says and lets go of her leg.

"Was it everything you hoped for?," she asks me amused.

"Yes it was everything and more. Your ass looks so good in the splits," I say as I stare at her.

"Thanks I've been doing squats," she says and laughs.

"Come here," I tell her and she walks over to me.

I sit on the edge of the bed and have her straddle my lap.

"Not to brag but I think we're really cute together," I say as I hug her to me.

I wrap my arms firmly around her waist keeping her tightly hugged to me.

"Yeah me too like #1 best couple in the world," she laughs as she wraps her arms tightly around my neck.

"You want to take a nap with baby sunshine?," I ask her.

She pulls her head back from my neck and smiles widely.

"Yesss," she squeals.

I move my head and attach my lips to hers as we quickly find a rhythm.

She grabs the hair on the nape of my neck as I grab her ass keeping her in place.

Our lips attack eachothers as we lustfully kiss.

We pull apart breathlessly and then to lay onto her bed as Laila is in the bassinet.

"Have a good nap baby," I say to her and kiss her head while cuddling her.

"You too," she says tiredly.


Here is chapter 30!!

Some people were worried about Oliver during spin the bottle bc Lorenzo kissed someone and didn't hate it. Just wanted to remind y'all that Lorenzo is bisexual and the girls in this book are really pretty so he wasn't repulsed doesn't mean he wants to do it again. He loves Oliver only.

Anyways, Kais mom is everything to me and she needs to get laid. Pray for her! 💔

I'm literally 2 followers away from 1k and I'm so grateful for you all!

Check out my tik tok (@darkromancelol) for a video that describes Laila and Kai!

Thank you for reading and thank you for all the support! I hope you have a great day! I love you -addyson <33

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