《Beach Baby》chapter 34 | strip




That's how I felt when everyone agreed to strip dare.

We all gather around in a circle as Aulora goes and puts Laila in her crib to sleep for the night.

I quickly sit down in a spot and save a seat for Aulora.

Aulora comes back out in a new outfit.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

She's so gorgeous someone pinch me is she real?

Aulora moves and sits beside me as we wait for the game to start.

"I am going to ask first," Oliver says and we all nod our heads.

"Okay, Nalani I dare you to eat oil and milk mixed together," Oliver says.

Her eyes widen before she removed her shirt from her head.

"I'm not doing that shit," she said.

She is left in jeans and a bra now with socks on.

When I said I'm 'Aulorasexual' I meant that shit. Looking at other people does nothing for me.

Aulora is sitting there nervously twiddling her fingers in her lap.

I wrap my arms around her waist and set her in my lap to calm her.

When I do she smiles at me.

"Alright, Elias I dare you to kiss someone in this room that you would have sex with besides your girlfriend," she says and my eyes widen.

He gets up and walks over to Nalani before he grabs her face and smashes their lips together.

It's a quick kiss before he's scampering back to his girlfriend.

"Aulora, I dare you to flip off someone you are mad at or annoyed with right now," he says and her eyes widen.

I keep my arms around her waist and comfortingly rub my thumb on her side.

She looks around and lifts up her hand and flips off Nalani who just frowns.

"Why?," I whisper in her ear.

"She played with my brothers feelings," she says.

I hum in response and turn back to the game.

"Lorenzo, I dare you to eat a spoonful of flour with mustard on it," she says.

He rolls his eyes and removes his shirt.

Damn he has a lot of tattoos.

"Kai, I-I dare y-you to l-l-let one of t-the girl to s-s-switch spots w-with A-Aulora," he says.

Another girl sitting in my lap that isn't Aulora?


I move my hands from her waist to the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head.

"You could have let someone sit here it's okay," Aulora says and I shake my head.

"The seat is reserved for my girl only," I say and she smiles before leaning back into my chest.

"Amelia, I dare you to give someone your attracted to beside your girlfriend a lap dance," I say and she sighs.

She gets up and walks to Delilah.

She grabs her hands and sets her on the couch.

After their sat Amelia starts to seductively dance in front of Delilah and grabs Delilah's hands to move them around her body.

She then straddles Delilah and starts to grind on her and dance at the same time while Delilah sits there.

She doesn't look like she hates it.

Delilah's hands rest on her waist or her ass as Amelia dances on her.


After a while they break apart and Amelia goes and sits back down next to Nalani.

Delilah goes back to Elias.

"Alright, Sam I dare you to give someone your attracted to a peck on their lips. It can't be Greyson," Amelia says.

He slowly gets up and walks over to Lorenzo before pecking him on the lips.

He sits down again and looks away shyly.

"Aulora, I dare you to lick the toilet," Sam says and Aulora gags.

She removes her flannel from her arms and puts it on the floor.

"Oliver, I dare you to read the last text you received," Aulora says and I smile.

"It's from my friend back home. It says 'Can someone bite off your dick? This girl threatened to do it and I'm kinda scared'," Oliver reads and I try not to laugh.

"Okay, Kai I dare you to call your mom and say that you gave Aulora a STD," he says and I roll my eyes.

I pull out my phone and call my mom.

"What do you need now?," she says annoyed.

"I have a STD and I gave it to Aulora what do I do?," I say pretending to be scared.


"I'm sorry Ma," I say pretending to be upset.

"You should be sorry for that poor girl and her baby not me. I'm beyond disappointed in you," she says.

"It's okay mom it was a joke," I say.

"I'm blocking you don't ever contact me again. Give the phone to Aulora right now," she says and I hand Aulora the phone.

"Hi charlotte," Aulora says happily.

"Smack that boy upside the head for me. Also, put him in the doghouse for me," my mom says with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Okay I will," she says and my eyes widen.

"Bye hun," she says to Aulora and hangs up.

"Don't worry baby your not in the dog house," she says and smiles at me.


Everyone looks like their gonna laugh so hard.

"Okay, Greyson I dare you to make out with the person you would date," I say and he nods.

He stands up and walks to Nalani.

I'm playing that didn't happen.

He turns his head and grabs the back of Sams neck before smashing his lips on his.

They kiss for a while before separating and siting back in their spots.

"Nalani, I dare you to sit on someone's lap that isn't your girlfriend," he says and she told her eyes

"I hate touching people that aren't my girlfriend," she says and removes her pants.

She is currently in underwear and a bra that it.

I move my hand around Aulora's waist and rest them on her stomach.

I know she doesn't like to show her stomach much.


"Alright, Sam I dare you to put ketchup in your hair," Nalani says.

He shakes his head and pulls off his shirt.

"Okay last one and I'm going to my room. Aulora, give kai a lap dance," Sam says and her eyes widen.

She takes off her sweat pants and sits in my lap in only underwear and a bra.

"I would only do it to you in private," she says.

My eyes widen and I pull her closer to me.

"Are you don't playing I feel uncomfortable being practically naked," she says as she tries to cuddle closer to me.

"Yes, come on," I stand her up and put her pants onto her and then her flannel.

I grab her hand and pull her to the room.

I walk in the room and see Laila sleeping on her stomach with her butt sticking in the air.

"Baby, look at your specimen," I say and point to Laila.

She laughs silently as she looks at her sleeping baby.

"She has never done that before I don't know where she got it from," she says as she looks at her.

I shrug before flipping onto the bed.

"I'm tired," I say.

"Okay old man," she says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna order some food for only us because I'm not paying for everyone else so what do you want to eat?," she asks me and I think.

"Hmm. Chick-fil-A," I say to her and she nods.

"You want a chicken sandwich and fries and I want chicken nuggets, am I right?," she asks me and I nod my head.

"Don't forget to put a lot of ranch because I know you love it," I say to her and she nods.

"Can Laila eat this?," I ask her and she shakes her head.

"Laila has 2 small teeth coming in so she still eating baby food but will move to real food soon. But I still won't give her chicken from fast food right now because she wouldn't know how to eat it," she says and I laugh.

Aulora takes a quick shower and I get up and get her some pajamas, underwear and a towel. I also get her a pad.

When she comes out she's dressed and looks refreshed.

The food came the same time she got out of the shower so she goes and gets it.

She brings it into the room and flops onto the bed.

"I'm so tired and my body is tired from skating," she says and I laugh.

"Come here," I say as I lay my head on the head board.

She straddles my lap and lays her chest on mine and she lays her head on my chest.

I open the food and get her a nugget with ranch on it.

"Open," I say and she does.

I put the nugget into her mouth and she eats it with a hum.

"That's so good," she says and I smile.

I take out my sandwich and put some ranch on it and put it up to her mouth.

"Here, baby," i say and she opens her mouth as I push the sandwich further.

She eats it and practically moans at the taste of it.

"That's yours why are you feeding me it?," she asks me and I laugh.

"I don't mind sharing I'm just making sure you eat," I say as I grab a fry and put ranch on it before popping it into her mouth.

"Baby sunshine is staring at us," I say and she lifts her head to look at Laila.

Laila is sitting on her knees staring at us with a pout on her face.

Someone wants to be on the bed with us.

"I'll get her in a second," she says and lays her head down on my chest as she sighs.

"Mama," Laila whimpers quietly as she stares at her.

"Just a second baby. Mommy is tired," Aulora says and my chest shakes with laughter.

"Mama," Laila says again as she starts crying.

Tears roll down her face as she stares at us.

"Okay I'm coming," I say and I move Aulora off me and walk to Laila.

I pick her up and she cry's a little more as she holds onto me tightly.

We walk to the bed and I try to set her down but she starts crying again.

"Your okay baby. Daddy's got you," I say and sit in the bed with her.

"Baby is it okay if I gave her some she's staring at my food and practically drooling," I say and Aulora sits up on the bed.

"Yeah sure," she says.

I rip off a small piece of my fry and put it in her mouth.

She starts to chew it and she hums at the taste just like her mother.

She balls her hands in a fist and growls signaling for more. I take a little piece off my chicken and put it in her mouth as she starts bouncing happily.

I feed Aulora and Laila as I try to eat a little of it.

They finish eating and I finish my food.

Aulora is passed out asleep on the bed and Laila is laying on me fighting sleep.

I get up and throw away all the trash and go back to the bed.

I tuck Aulora in and scoot in besides her.

I have Laila to my left wrapped in my arm and Aulora to my right with her arm and leg thrown on my chest as her face is pressed into my chest too.

I love my girls.

Making sure that both of them are secure and can't fall off the bed.

I slowly fall asleep with them.


Here's chapter 34!




Your guys comments make me laugh on here and I'm very grateful for them and love them!

Also after the drama you get some smut that I've been planning since I started this book!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! See you next time and thank you for reading! I love you -addyson <333

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