《Beach Baby》chapter 22 | sick




I can't believe I asked Kai to stay over even thought it's late at night.

I stare up at him waiting to gauge his reaction.

He just looks at me before smiling a little bit.

"Okay," he says as he grab the side of my neck and pulls my face to his before smashing his lips on mine.

I respond quickly and move my lips with his.

It's a quick kiss before he lets go and pecks my lips once more.

"What was that for?," I ask him as I use my keys to unlock the door.

"I'm addicted to kissing you now. So get used to it," he says to me and I smile.

"I will," I say before unlocking the door.

When I open the door Greyson is in the living room holding her as he try's to rock her but she's just crying.

"Mama," she whimpers when she sees me before crying louder.

I rush over to her before quickly scooping her up.

"Mommy's here don't worry," I whisper to her and she quiets down before snuggling up to me.

"I tried to get her to calm down but she kept screaming for you," Greyson mumbles and I look up to him.

"It's okay," I say and he smiles.

"Do you need to sleep here?," I ask him and he shakes his head.

"I don't want to be a burden," he says as he gathers his stuff.

"You're not! If you need somewhere to sleep the guest bedroom is open to you," I say to him and he nods.

I turn and look back to Kai as he leans against the wall.

"Come on," I say to him as I nod towards my room.

"Oh my god. This could be my dad moment where I say. 'Keep that door open young lady' but your an adult do I don't care. Just don't make another one of those," Greyson says as he points to Laila.

"Thanks old man," Kai says as he pats him on the back.

I just laugh at them.

We walk to my room and Kai puts his hand on my lower back as I walk.

When we make it inside I sit on my bed and lay Laila on her back.

She stares up at me with a straight face.

"Hi bossy pants," i say as I look down at her.

Kai sits down next to me on the bed and looks down at Laila.

"Hi baby sunshine," he says to her and she smiles at him.

"Dada," she mumbles at him and I freeze.


Kai is frozen too as Laila chews on her fingers.

"Laila that is Kai," I try to say to her and she stares at me before turning back to Kai.

"Dada," she mumbles and I shake my head as I look down to my lap.

Kai moves his hand and grabs my chin before turning my head to look at him.

"It's okay, I'm sure she doesn't understand what she's saying and I don't mind. Does it bother you?," he asks me and I shake my head.

"Okay then we're good," he says to me as he pecks my lips before turning back to Laila.


I just sit there and blush like a idiot.

This man is gonna kill me.

He starts to tickle her stomach and she laughs uncontrollably as her body flails.

"Little sunshine is ticklish," he says and I just laugh as I listen to her baby laugh.

"Is big sunshine ticklish?," he asks me and I shake my head.

I am.

"Hmm. I think your lying," he says to me and I shake my head.

"No I'm serious," I say as I try not to laugh.

"Let me test that," he says as he starts tickling my stomach as I lay on my back.

I start to laugh loudly as I thrash around trying to get him to stop.

"I can't breath," I wheeze out and he lets go.

"Okay sunshine I'll stop," he says to me and I let out a breath.

"DADA," Laila yells as Kai looks back to her.

"Yes, my baby?," he asks her and I smile at their bond.

She starts to babble about random things and he nods along with her and I shake my head.

"Can you watch her as I change?," I ask him and he nods his head.

I walk to my dresser and pull out some pajamas.

Her pajama:

(Choose what you want! Shirt is longer and doesn't show much of her stomach.)

I grab my clothes and walk to the bathroom.

I quickly undress myself before throwing my clothes in the basket.

"Let's go bother your mama," I hear outside the door.

"MAMA," Laila screams for me and I shake my head at them.

I hear a little fist knocking on the door and I quickly take off my bra and leave my panties on before I pull my shorts and top on.

I open the door for them and see Kai holding Laila as her hand is in the air from hitting the door.

"Hi," kai says and I roll my eyes before walking away from the door and letting them in.

He sets Laila on the floor as she moves around.

She can't crawl yet.

She continues to babble as Kai stands there.

"Can I help you?," I ask with a straight face as I grab my makeup wipes.

"Don't be mad at me," he pouts as he comes behind me and wraps his hands around my waist.

I roll my eyes at him.

He moves his hands up to my boobs before he cups them firmly.

My body moved back into him as my head rolls back.

"Fine," I roll my eyes as I try to wipe my face as his hands are still holding my boobs.

"Are you gonna let go?," I ask him and he laughs.

"Nope," he says as he squeezes them. I'm really trying hard to fight back moans cause that's embarrassing.

I wipe all my makeup off and throw the wipes in the trash as I grab my tooth brush.

"Beautiful," he whispers in my ear and I smile.

"Do you have a extra?," he asks me as he looks at my toothbrush.

I nod.

"Second drawer with the tampons," I say to him and he nods.


He lets go of me before smacking my ass hard and then opens the drawer.

He grabs the toothbrush before putting the pack back.

He wets the brush and adds toothpaste.

He acts like he didn't just feel me up a second ago.

He's so weird.

But it makes me like him even more.

It didn't take me long to realize I had feelings for him.

Not love but feelings.

I obviously want something more then being friends but I'm gonna wait for him to reciprocate.

I brush my teeth as Laila babbles and starts shaking a wrapper.

I look down and see her holding a tampon as Kai left the drawer open.

She puts it in her mouth and I shake my head.

"No, Laila," I say to her as I grab it from her hand and put it on the counter.

To be honest I'm not embarrassed of my period so I just find this funny.

"See what you did?," I say as I laugh.

"She wanted to taste the tampon," he says and I roll my eyes.

"They have a toxin on the wrapper that could kill babies and animals," I say with a serious face to fuck with him.

(A/N: this is not true it's a joke Aulora made.)

His face pales as he looks worried.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know," he says and I laugh.

"I'm fucking with you. That's what you get for smacking my ass," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"You deserve to get another smack for that," he says to me and I laugh.

"Yes sir," I say nonchalantly.

Did I enjoy it? Yes.

Am I ashamed? A little.

"Don't play with me, Sunshine," he says and I laugh.

I turn around and pick up Laila I rest her on my hip and as I walk out the door I feel another sharp smack to my ass that makes me jump.

I smile to myself before walking to the kitchen.

I see Greyson standing there on his phone.

"I was about to go into your room but I'm buying McDonald's do you want anything?," he asks me and I laugh.

"Can you get 2 hot and spicies, 2 ten piece nuggets, 2 fries and 2 cokes? I can pay you back it's for me and Kai," I say to him and he nods.

"You don't need to pay me back," he says and I nod my head.

I walk over to the medicine cabinet and grab some baby Tylenol.

I put some in a syringe and feed it to her.

She starts to cough and then cry.

I shush her before walking back into the room.

Kai changed into the sweatpants I gave him with no shirt on.


"Why is baby sunshine crying?," he asks me and I laugh.

"Um, she had some medicine. But, I'm gonna give her some milk to make her sleep," I say to him and he nods.

"Oh! Greyson is getting us McDonald's," I say and tell him what I got him.

"How did you know my exact order?," he asks me and I shake my head

"I just got my order," I say to him and he laughs.

I sit on the left side and pull one strap of my shirt down before letting her latch onto me.

She starts to suckle quickly.

"Do you mind feeding me?," I ask him as Greyson walks inside with the food.

"I don't mind," he says as he sits on the bed.

We both sit with our backs against the headboard with the McDonalds on the bed.

I let Laila feed while he feeds me some nuggets and fries.

"How is your school going?," Kai asks me as he puts ranch on a nuggets and puts it into my mouth.

"Really good. I'm on top of my work most of the time and I have good grades. Can you give me a bite of my Hot and spicy with a lot of ranch please?," I ask him and he nods.

He goes heavy on the ranch!!!

I take the bite and chew it and it is orgasmic. I finish the bite before looking at him.

"Come here," I say as I tilt his head to the side.

I press my lips to his before pulling back and pecking his lips a bunch of times.

"What was that for?," he asks me and I laugh.

"For giving me a lot of ranch," I say and he nods.

"I'm about to flash you and I don't even care," I say to him.

Laila has dried out my left breast so I pull her off and pull my right strap down and let her latch on.

Her head and body pretty much cover my boobs.

"I don't mind you flashing me," he says to me and I shake my head with a laugh.

"We know," I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

We continue to eat our food as Laila finishes up and she's out like a light.

We clean up the mess and put on glee to fall asleep.

I lay on my left side with Laila right infront of my chest.

Kai lays on the right on his left side and pulls me against him so my back is against his chest.

I make sure Laila has a barrier so she doesn't fall.

I get comfortable and make sure she is okay before I feel Kai nuzzle his nose into my neck and sigh.

"Goodnight Sunshine and baby sunshine," he says to me and I smile.

"Goodnight grumpy," I say to him and he laughs.

Not long after we fall asleep.


Here's chapter 22!

I definitely think that there will be smut in your near future.

Stomach ache from food + period cramps = death and a lot of tears. I did pull through with a chapter for you guys though!


BTW if you want to see more in-depth aesthetics of the characters look at my tik tok the username is: darkromancelol <3

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for reading see you next time! I love you -addyson <333

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