《Beach Baby》chapter 21 | carnival




Art is the only class that me and Aulora have together.

I have this weird feeling to want to be with her all the time.

I used to think it was just lust with us.

But now I think it's something more.

I love to be around her and I crave time with her. She's so beautiful, palatable, and mesmerizing.

What I feel for her is more then lust and that scares me.

With her I want more then just meaning less sex.

I want so much more then that.

But I don't know how to tell her and if she would even feel the same way.

I find myself doing little things to make her happy.

Whether it's pulling her chair out for her or complementing her in small things she does that she thinks no one notices.

I've been stuck in these feelings for a few days and told myself it was just lust and want.

I tried to convince myself it was.

I keep having these thoughts in art class as I try not to watch her paint.

She was true to her word with Delilah she did wear a skirt.

Her outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

She's so elegant and beautiful without even trying.

At the same time she looks so hot in that shirt skirt that can have any man at his knees.

She has a perfect balance between hot and gorgeous and I can't wrap my head around it.

She's currently sitting next to me painting a waterfall as I try to paint but I can't keep my eyes off of her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?," she asks me and I am shook out of my thoughts.

"Like what?," I ask her.

Her voice lowers a few octaves.

"Like you either want to fuck me or your in love with me," she mutters and my eyes widen.

I do want to fuck her but love?

I don't think I'm there yet.

"Definitely the first option but you haven't given me the time and place," I tell her teasingly.

"Well you do know where I live," she says as she bites onto the end of the paintbrush as she stares at the painting.

My little sunshine is not so innocent.

Fuck. Now I'm hard.

"That I do, Sunshine," I tell her and she smiles.

"All I ask is you take me on a date first before you get me into bed," she says as she looks at me.

"You read my mind, I was actually gonna ask you if you were free tonight," I say to her and she smiles.

"Mhm," she says as she tilts her head to the side slightly.


The head tilt.

"Do you want to go on a date with me to the Carnival after school?," I ask her as I smile.

"Oh my god your dimples are so cute," she says as she pokes my cheek.

I grab her chair and pull her closer to me.

"You didn't answer my questions," I say to her and she looks at me.

"Of course. I need to ask Greyson to watch Laila but yes I'll go with you," she says happily.

"Good girl," I say lowly to her.

She drops her head to look down at her lap.

I use my pointer finger and lift her chin up as I push our faces closer together.

"Don't get all shy now, baby. You were just talking about me fucking you," I say to her and she blushes.


She inches her face closer to mine before speaking.

"Because I want you to," she say as her lips hover right over mine.

I inhale a breath before I start to move my face to place my lips on her but before our lips can touch...

...the bell rings.

I groan before pulling back and standing up.

We both walk out of the class room to the cafeteria.

The hallways are really crowded and I see that Aulora has stopped walking and is standing looking for me as she got lost.

I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers before pulling her infront of me.

I hold her hand as she walks in front of me til we make it to the cafeteria.

Everyone is sat at the table as I pull Aulora with me and sit her down next to me.

She pulls out her phone and goes to make a group chat.

Laila's Faves 🥹:

Sunshine Grey.


Yes, baby sister.

Sunshine I need a favor.


And me too.



Sunshine Can you watch Laila tonight while I go on a date... please? 😊


Yes. All I ask from you Kai is you keep my sister safe.


Of course.

Sunshine Thank you Grey! I love you.


I love you too.

Kai Ik you love me don't deny it.




Just say it once. I'm doing you a favor.

Also I'm sorry for fighting you and being mean to you.


Past is the past and I'm not saying it.

Sunshine Kai please say it. He's doing us a favor.



Love you Greyson.


OMG. I'm gonna print and frame it.

Am I dreaming?

Sunshine No, we gtg, bye!

I close my phone and look up to Aulora as she smiles at me.

"Thank you for saying you love him," she says to me as she moves her face and kisses my cheek.

I blush a little bit and try to hide it.

"Oh my god. You call Elias a bitch boy but look at you blushing," Delilah says as she laughs at me and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah whatever. He's still a bitch boy," I say to her and she nods her head.

"Can you get me a fork, please?," Delilah ask Elias.

He looks up to her before he nods and leaves to get her a fork.



It is now 5pm and I'm getting ready for my date.

I'm nervous...

I'm currently doing the finishing touches which is my cologne.

I give myself a once over and nod at my outfit.

His outfit:

(Choose as you wish!)

I'm a simple guy so I just chose simple clothing.

I quickly leave my apartment and get inside my car to pick her up.

I drive for 10 minutes listening to Olivia Rodrigo.

I pull up to her house and text her that I'm here.

I see her walk out of the house and holy fuck she looks so good.

Instantly hard...

Her outfit hugs her body perfectly and all her curves are showing and I'm practically drooling out the mouth.

Her outfit:

(choose as you wish!)

She always wears high waisted stuff and things to cover her stomach which makes me mad because she is perfect.

I get out of the car before walking to her side and opening the door for her.

"Thank you," she says and I nod before I shut her door.

I get into the car before pressing play on the music.

She quietly starts to sing the music as I drive and her voice is beautiful and angelic.


She starts to fiddle with her fingers.

I quickly put my hand on her thigh and she puts her hand on mine and starts to play with my fingers.

Not long after we make it to the beach where the carnival is.

I get out of the car and open the door for her.

She gets out and smiles at me.

I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers.

"Where do you want to go first?," I ask her as I look at her.

She looks around.

"Umm, it's all kind of overwhelming so can we see once we get in?," she asks me and I nod my head.

I hold her close to me by her hand as we walk inside.

"Right there is a cotton candy stand. Can we get some?," she asks looking up at me with so much excitement written on her face.

"Whatever you want," I tell her and she smiles before pulling me to it.

She gets pink and I don't get one because I don't like cotton candy.

She eats hers happily as we sit on a bench.

"Try a bite," she says as she takes a piece and holds it out for me.

I shake my head.

"Come on baby, it tastes good," she says and my eyes widen at the nickname but she doesn't notice.

I open my mouth and she sticks her finger inside that has the cotton candy on it.

It hits my tongue before I wrap my lips around her finger as she stares at me.

I playfully swirl my tongue around her finger before taking it out as her breath hitches.

"Mhm, it tastes pretty good," I say as she stares at me.

We finish up our cotton candy before I grab her hand again and we go to a game.

We have guns filled with water and targets in front of them that we have to hit.

"Whoever wins first gets to choose where we go next," she says as she laughs and I nod my head with a smile on my face.

The game begins.

I quickly knock down three targets and see that she knocked down two.

I aim and knock down one more and I have one left.

I look over and see she has one left too.

I aim horribly and miss so she can win.

She finishes and squeals.

I shoot the last one before backing away as she jumps at me.

She wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

"Did you see that?," she says excitedly.

"Yes, you kicked my ass," I say to her and she smiles before kissing my cheek and getting off me.

"Let's go to the Ferris wheel now," she says and I nod my head.

We walk to the Ferris wheel and wait in the line.

It starts to get crowded which causes my anxiety to spike.

I put my hands on Auloras waist and pull her infront of me.

I put her back to my chest and circle my arms around her waist and hug her tightly to me.

I needed the comfort of her.

She puts her arms onto of mine and relaxes into me.

She looks back up at me.

"You okay?," she asks me and I shake my head.

"I hate crowds of people it makes my anxiety go up. I needed to hold you," I say to her and she nods.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to," she says and I shake my head.

"I want to," I say and she nods her head.

The line moves quite quickly as I keep her against me the whole time.

Before we knew it, it's our turn.

We both sit down on the seat and wait for them to start the ride.

"I'm honestly not afraid of heights, mostly bugs," Aulora mumbles and I laugh.

"I'm not afraid of heights either," I say and she laughs.

We slowly start to go up as the seat rocks.

She grabs onto my hand as we go up and up.

A few minutes later we're at the top.

She's looking down at the floor and the view. I watch her as the lights illuminate her face.

Only highlighting and amplifying her beauty as she stares off in the distance.

She turns back to me and smiles.

"I really enjoy hanging out with you," she says to me and I smile.

"I do too," I say and she laughs.

"Thank you for taking me here I'm having a really good time," she says to me and I smile as her face moves closer to mine.

"I would do anything to make you happy. Thank you for coming with me," I say as I move my face closer to hers.

We continue to get closer until we're face to face.

Our breath is shared, our faces are close.

"I really want you to kiss me," she says in a whisper as my eyes flick from her eyes to her lips.

They look so soft and luscious I want to kiss her so bad.

"I want to kiss you too. Can I please kiss you?," I ask her and she nods her head.

I move my face closer and press our lips together.

You could swear there were fireworks because that's what I was seeing as butterflies swarm in my belly.

I move my lips with hers as we share a kiss full of passion and tenderness.

I move my hand to her chin and her waist pulling her close to me as her hand goes to my face and my chest.

Our lips caress eachother in a perfect rhythm you would think we have done this so many times.

It's like our mouths were made for eachother.

My tongue prods at the seem of her lips as she opens her lips allowing me entrance.

I push my tongue into her mouth as they fight for dominance.

Our tongues swirl each-others and our lips move against one another.

She starts to whine in the kiss as I bite her bottom lip.

We continue our movement before we have to pull away from the lack of oxygen.

I move my thumb and brush it against her bottom lip.

Her breathing is harsh as she collects her breath as I do too.

She looks very flustered as her face is beet red.

When the Ferris wheel drops us to the ground we get out and start walking.

As Aulora opens her mouth to talk her phone starts to ring.

She answers and I wait.

"Is she okay?," she asks worriedly.

Is who okay?

"Okay I'm coming home right now please watch out for her," she says and I raise my eyebrows.

"I'm so sorry. Laila has a fever and is sick I have to go home and be with her. I'm really sorry," she says hurriedly.

"Don't apologize at all. Let's go!," i says and we fast walk to the car and get in.

I drive us quickly to her apartment before we both get out.

We walk to the door and I stand there waiting for what she wants to do.

"I really enjoyed the night with you," she says and I nod with a smile.

"I hate that it has to end. I would have loved to see baby Sunshine and spend more time with you," I say and she smiles.

She stares for a second at me before she talks.



Here is chapter 21!


I got so much comments on last chapter I was so happy and grateful so thank you! 🥹

Thank you for 80k+ reads here on BB and 230k+ on RTY!

ALSO, I started the book 'People we meet on vacation' and it's pretty good so far!

Thank you so much for reading and supporting me. Hope you enjoyed the chapter see you next time! I love you!! -addyson <33

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